Belle's brain vomit
Belle says: How do our brains process time?
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BeckyD: What do you mean?
Belle: You know when you wake up in the middle of the night and you can estimate what time it is pretty accurately. Or you can tell roughly how long it's been since something happened.
BeckyD: I guess so...
Belle: Is it measured in how many thoughts we process? That would make sense because when we sleep it doesn't feel like time is passing because we're not thinking. And if you spend a long time focused on one thing it doesn't feel like as long.
BeckyD: Unless you're waiting for something. Then you're focused on one thing and time seems to drag.
Belle: That's it! Maybe if we're thinking about time, it seems to go slower. But that doesn't work in a test situation, when you're acutely aware of time yet it seems to slip away at an increased rate.
Lorelai: Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with thinking.
Belle: What, like subtle observations? That would make sense. So your brain can estimate the passage of time based off for example how hungry or tired you are, or how much you need the loo. Or even subconsciously use the shade and brightness of the sky to reference a particular time or day and go from there.
Lorelai: Exactly.
BeckyD: That would make sense.
Jon: whaaaaa?
Claire: Athena children.
Belle says: Why is it Yikes? Why not just a singular yike?
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Clary: I'm not even gonna-
Belle says: Where does the expression 'slept like a baby' come from?
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Belle: I would understand if it meant, 'I stayed awake all night crying', but it doesn't, so...
Claire: Is today just the day you've chosen to vomit up all the random thoughts that have crossed your brain in the past year?
Belle: oh no, these were all from today. I just decided to share for once.
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