Been hacked - again again!
McShizzleMan_Supreme says: Is Claire on here?
4 likes, 3 dislikes.
Alex: LEO?!
Tori: *screeee*
Tori: *eeeeee*
McShizzleMan_Supreme: Hey babes ;)
McShizzleMan_Supreme: So is Claire online?
Alyx: How did you even get on here?
McShizzleMan_Supreme: I couldn't find Claire so I just hacked onto here to see if she was around.
Tori: *cough* Just *cough* casually *cough* hacked *cough*
McShizzleMan_Supreme: Claire? If you're hiding from me you better pray that when I find you-
Lorelai: Didn't Claire say the name files were encrypted?
McShizzleMan_Supreme: They were encrypted. I just blew them up with one of my file bombs.
Alyx; *spits out coffee*
Alyx: so you just casually blew up Claire's life work - with a file bomb?
McShizzleMan_Supreme: I rewrote the code! I left it unchanged!
That_Annoying_Naiad: Oh hey Leo!
Alyx: *chokes on biscuit*
McShizzleMan_Supreme: *ahem* mostly unchanged.
McShizzleMan_Supreme: Naiad?
That_Annoying_Naiad: My name is Becky D
McShizzleMan_Supreme: Do you know where Claire is?
That_Annoying_Naiad: If I tell you will you change my name back?
Alyx: Becky D Noooo!
McShizzleMan_Supreme: Sure. And I'll cure your sadness.
Lorelai: How does he know about-
That_Annoying_Naiad: Oh sure, she's in cabin 6 with Belle. They're trying to break into and destroy the curfew code.
McShizzleMan_Supreme: Thanks! Bye!
That_Annoying_Naiad: No, wait!
That_Annoying_Naiad: My username... D:
Alex: Serves you right.
That_Annoying_Naiad: But- but-
Belle: I'll fix it. Just give me a sec.
Lorelai: Did you fix the curfew?
Claire: Well.
Belle: We had nearly cracked it when Leo e-mailed me a gif of a bomb with a message to file it as close to the encrypted data as possible, and to clear all my important documents out of the area.
Claire: We managed to do it just before the gif file exploded and wiped out all the surrounding files, including the curfew.
Belle: There was an animated explosion and everything *rolls eyes*
Alyx: So the curfew's gone? We need to celebrate! Where are you Claire?
Claire: I'm hiding.
BeckyD: Yes, but where?
Claire: I can't say, because Leo is probably watching this to try to find me.
Leo: No I'm not!
Entire_World: *facepalms*
Tori: *cough*just kiss already*cough*
BeckyD: Yes Belle! thank you for fixing my name :D I don't think my username will ever make me sad again now that I know how bad it can be XD
Leo: Nooooooo my beautiful name! I must change it back!
Belle: You can't
Leo: watch me.
Claire: I blew up your version using a copy of the file bomb that Belle made when you sent it to her, and made a new one.
Leo: But- the bomb is not compatible with any copying clipboard software!
Belle: I wrote my own software.
BeckyD: English? Anybody?
Leo: I'll just hack into your version and change it
Claire: I encrypted it.
Leo: I'll blow it up.
Belle: I programmed a virtual wall that is entirely designed to protect against your bombs. It's around all of my files, and I sent a version to Claire to put around the rest of the code.
Leo: But how did you create the anticode without access to the original?-
Belle: It wasn't ideal, but I made do with stripping the code from the copy of the file bomb I made when you sent it to me.
Leo: ...
Leo: Well then.
BeckyD: I give up. This is not the English I know.
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