Jon says: I like bananas because they have no bones
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Alyx: ???????
Lorelai: so confused right now
Jon: it's a song
Alyx: sure
Jon: no, it is! Look it up, I dare you.
Lorelai: I can confirm it is a song, released in 1992
Alyx: That explains why I've never heard of it.
Alyx: I thought only Claire listened to songs that old
Lorelai: And Chiron
Alyx: Fair.
Claire: Hey! Don't insult my music taste!
Claire: Also, I listen to music waaaaaaaaaaay older than 1992
Claire: Also, Jon listens to old music to
Claire: *tome
Claire: ***timesee
Claire: Arrrreegh
Claire: Sienendjs
Jon: Oui
Claire: Grrrrrrrrrraaaag
Lorelai: What is this XD
Claire: Words cannot even assimilate my pure seething hatred for autocorrect
Claire: only fancy words ever come close
Alyx: Agreed
Jon: Yes
Lorelai: Don't you control this site though Claire? Can you not just turn off the autocorrect?
Claire: A camp full of dyslexic demigods?
Claire: And you want me to TURN OFF the autocorrect?
Lorelai: Fair
Claire: I may hate the autocorrect, but my remaining shreds of dignity overpower that ancient hatred
Claire: For nos
Claire: *nwoevsna
Claire: **FoR nOw
Claire: Forget what I said about dignity, imma go change it now.
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