2 kinds
Clary says: There are two kinds of people>>>
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Clary: It's been proven right there
Clary: Anyhoo, continue the statement
Claire: Those who listen to MEGALOVANIA ironically and those who bop to it just because it's a bangin tune
Jon: Damn this wasn't meant to be a callout post
Jon: There are two kinds of people: those who like Pepsi or those who like Coke
Claire: They're both foul. There's a third type: those who like neither
Jon: That's not a third type. That's just monsters who don't understand the joys of soft drinks.
Jon: Two types: potayto, potahto. Bath and bahth. Grass and grahss.
Clary: Those who eat Doritos the way they're supposed to be, and those who buy flavourless cheese ones.
Clary: oNlY bUy DoRiToS iF tHeY'rE hOt AnD sPiCy
Alyx: There are two kinds of people: those who eat kiwis with the skin, and those peel it off
Jon: Ew, why would you take it off?
Claire: It's DESIGNED to be peeled off
Jon: If it was designed to not have skin, why would it have skin in the first place?
Claire: To protect the tasty, EdIbLe part inside?!?!
Jon: Okay tbh can't argue with that.
Claire: Besides, you wouldn't eat an orange with the skin on
Jon: Wouldn't I? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
Alyx: omgs I'm going to change the subject
Alyx: um
Alyx: bye?
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