1.5K reads!
Claire:OMGs Guys we got 1K reads on Wattpad!
5 likes, 1 dislike.
Alyx: You realise that was about a
month ago right?
Claire: I know, I know, shhhhhh
Alyx: But-
Claire: I said SHHHHHHH
Claire: *ahem* To Commemorate this Momentous Occasion I have Commissioned a Celebratory Artwork from our Resident Artist Clary Wayward!
Clary: *bows* thank you, thank you.
Claire: Clary, would you like to reveal your work?
Clary: *ta da!*
Jon: *le gasp* I'm beautiful!
Jon: I mean... It's beautiful!
BeckyD: Hey, it's me!
Alyx: *chokes* Belle's FACE is priceless.
Belle: Welp
Belle: Lorelai looks dead inside
Alyx: Just me, or do I kinda look like a demon clawing it's way up from hell?
Clary: ....
Clary: That was NOT intentional...
BeckyD: This isn't everyone?
Belle: Yeah, Clary, you're not in it!
BeckyD: Neither is October
Claire: Or Leo
Alyx: What about Angie and Virginia?
Clary: Woah guys! I worked hard on this!
Clary: I thought you'd like it ;-;
Claire: nononono we love it really
BeckyD: It's lovely
Claire: We're just thinking... could I commission another piece?
Clary: Only if I'm paid the same again.
Claire: ....
Claire: You strike a hard bargain
BeckyD: ;-; pwees Claire
Claire: ..... deal.
Jon: I just showed it to Nate on IM and he says it's ginger phobia.
Alyx: ... there are no ginger people in the squad.
Jon: He says it's discrimination against red heads.
Claire: But he's not naturally a red head
Clary: Isn't he blonde?
Jon: pale brown, actually.
Jon: but I take your point. I'll tell him.
Jon: He says that's even more gingephobic
Clary: Tell him to shut up or he won't be in the next one
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