One - Settling In.
"Fadekemi, how come you're having an Igbo surname?" The woman asked before adjusting her cat-eyed glasses again, and Fadekemi rolled her eyes. She hated how all of these Nigerian universities clerks acted like assistant Jesus. Despite coming quite early, she had to queue under the hot sun for hours before she finally got a chance to go in after daddy called a friend of his.
The woman handed her a pass before directing her to the next office. Fade sighed again for the umpteenth time, and she wondered why the woman wouldn't just clear her at once so she could finally search for her hall and room.
"Nwokiorah Fadekemi," The woman shouted, and Fade hurriedly entered before she tossed her file aside to call another person. She curtsied to greet the woman who flashed her a wide grin. It seems like someone is in a good mood today.
"How come you have an Igbo surname ehn? Shey, you can speak Yoruba like this. All these Yoruba women and marrying rich Igbo men, would leave their oduduwa brothers and go for one fair Igbo boy that is selling spare parts in Onitsha. I know your mama go like money. Anyways, take. You are in Virtue hall, good luck, and welcome to Crownsfield. They don't play here oh." The woman ended her short speech by handing Fade her hall pass. She didn't know who gave the woman all the intel for all the rubbish she just spewed but Fade could care less. Fade almost went down in praise and she left the office in hurry. Daddy was waiting for her at the car park, parents weren't allowed in the signing office and She needed to hurry so he can help her drop her things in the hall.
Walking out of the office, she bumped into someone. She picked up her scattered files and she stood up to give the person a piece of her mind. Why would he bump into her and still act like he was a Yaba-Left patient. Before she could finish picking up her file content, he already walked into the office she just left. She decided she was going to wait for him to come outside, since they didn't train him from home, she will help them out. Daddy won't notice she got to him late.
Soon he was coming out of the office and he was on a call. "Yo bruh, I got assigned to knight hall. Who the eff names a hall Knight? I mean that's the only thing a whole board of administrator could come up with? That's sad brooo" He lamented and Fade almost laughed. She didn't know which was funnier, his complaints or his accent.
Fade waited for him to pass her before she dragged his file from him and she flinged it. He ended the call abruptly before turning to look at her. Fade smirked and he was confused as hell.
"Yooo, why would you do that babe? Now look at my effing documents are scattered around the whole place?" He sighed before running his hands through his hair in frustration.
"That's what you get for messing with me. When you were going in, you scattered my effing documents too around without an apology. I had to bend my effing back to pick it up" Fade replied making sure to imitate him whenever she pronounced his effing like him.
"Hol'up. You pulled my documents away because I bumped into you mistakenly. Oh no, I didn't scatter your documents intentionally. I wouldn't do that to you or anyone." He replied before picking up his documents and Fade felt bad so she joined him to pick it up too.
"I'm so sorry for scattering your documents and I don't speak like that. My name is Chubi, what's yours?" He said and Fade stifled her laughter. He probably didn't have anyone to tell him how he sounded but she wasn't going to burst his bubbles.
"My name is Fadekemi. See you around" She replied before trying to leave and he caught her hand. He brought out his phone and handed it over to her.
"Put your effing number, this school is quite big and I don't think we'd meet again if I let you go now" He replied making sure to add extra effects to the effing. Fade collected it before typing her WhatsApp number. She had made her first friend in Crownsfield University. He was definitely going to crack her up with his effing nonsense.
"Oh she's here already. Queen come and talk to your sister" Dad said as soon as Fade neared him and he handed over his phone to her. He was on a video call with Katerina. She was studying Medicine in London.
"Hi favorite human" She said before Kate waved her hands in excitement. Fade took a moment to read the inscriptions on her sweatshirt and she smiled. 'I'm not a nerd you idiot, just a girl who loves books' It read and Fade smiled.
"When are you sending the clothes to me and please add this sweatshirt too and any other one with sassy inscriptions" She said and Katrina nodded her head. She stepped away from Dad a bit and she ranted to Kate how stressful the whole signing process turned out to be. She regretted picking this stupid school over London in the first place, but she didn't want to leave dad and stepmom alone at home. Plus she loved here better.
"Where's that nonsense boy?" She whispered and Femi Martins raised his head from Kate's duvet. Apparently, he had been hiding under the duvet because of dad. He was going to shout if he knows anyone is visiting Kate in her apartment.
"Hezzzz, bush baby. How are you?" Femi asked and Fade gave him the middle finger. He knows she hates the nickname but he won't stop calling her that.
"You people should give each other belle before you collect degree, radarada." Fade hissed and Kate stuck out her tongue at her.
"Queen, let's go so we can settle on time. You can call your sister anytime after you've settled down but right now. Let's find how to get you to Virtue Hall." Dad called from beside the car and they said quick goodbyes with Fade promising to call after she has settled in.
They got into the car and they used the map to locate the hall, all grudges Gbemi had against the school flew out of the window because the whole hall looked dope as hell. She was definitely going to love it here.
They looked for her room and the porters sighting their car rushed towards them to help them pack the whole load. Fade rolled her eyes because someone already told her that all these helps is not free. If you brought your load on foot, they won't come near you.
Dad waited by his car and Fade and four porters carried her entire things upstairs. When she got to her room, she smiled. They were just four bunks and she was going to be sharing it with three other girls. Two of them were inside already so she just said good afternoon and they replied before showing her the only wardrobe left. She dropped her things there before turning back to meet Dad.
"Queen, I'm going already okay? I have an impromptu meeting with the deputy governor so I'm afraid I will have to leave you here by yourself. Don't be shy, make friends and you'd surely have fun. I won't tell you not to go outside the school to have fun, I will just be deceiving myself. But please Biko, face what brought you here. Take this money so you don't withdraw this week and watch over your things very well. Some children are thieves." He advised before pulling out an envelope and handing it over to her. She accepted it before hugging him. She wanted to cry but he pat her back. He paid the porters himself and he saw how they almost kneeled down to thank him, she knew he must have overpaid them.
"Omo daddy, when you need help come and find us shogbo?" One of them said and she nodded. Dad money is definitely speaking and she hoped when she needed their help genuinely they don't ghost her.She walked back to her room after watching dad drive out of the hall's parking lot. She headed back upstairs and she said a quick prayer before entering the room.
This time, all of the girls were inside already and when she entered, the previous two she met walked closer. One was dark and had a full virgin hair packed in two buns, she was kind of short but she compensated her height with thick thighs. The other one was slim, model like and she had this short buzz hair cut dyed wine.
"Hello, I'm Ibukun but you can call me IBK and this is Susanna, you can call her Suzy" The chubby one replied and Fadekemi smiled before introducing herself to them too.
"You know you could have let me say my own name. Arghhh girl you're really becoming a pest. Anyways Deke, I can call you that right?" Suzy asked and Fade nodded. The girls sat with her and they helped her arrange all her things while throwing around jokes and all of that. This was her new life now and she looked forward to it with so much fate.
For Omokehinde_ for being The first person to drop a comment in the last chapter. Thank you guys for checking out this book.
I'm not promising to update today but I will definitely update tomorrow.
Your favorite butterfly girl
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