Stephanie picked up her bag and she applied another thing layer of lipgloss while her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She was going to visit Tolu at home and she already lied to her aunt that she was going to visit Kimee. She hoped no one finds out.
She checked her dressing in the mirror again before walking out of the room and she closed the door gently because she didn't want to attract Demi's attention or answer his questions.
She walked down the stairs hurriedly and she bumped into Demi by the stairs, she groaned mentally. She smiled at him and he pinched her cheeks before walking past her to his room, she almost jumped for joy.
She entered the waiting Uber fast before her aunt comes to ask why she didn't let the driver take her. She closed her eyes while the driver sped off on the tarred road. She wanted nothing but to get there fast.
Not in a million years did she ever imagine herself sneaking off to visit a guy not to talk of her brother's ex best friend. How they got here was still a mystery to her because one minute they were talking like classmates and talking about life in general and the other minute, they are already visiting each other privately.
When she got to the gate of the estate she placed a call across do him and he called the security before they let her in. His house wasn't even far from the estate gate and she met him waiting outside. After battling on who will pay for the ride, she finally let him pay before leading her inside.
She looked around the place and she admired the architectural structure of the house, it was really obvious that his parents had a thing for the 90s. Everything there looked like it came out straight from a time machine and she loved it. She wanted to drop her bag on the chair but he picked it up and they went upstairs.
"What will you eat baby?" He asked as soon as he shut his room door after them and she sighed. Hunger was the least of what she's feeling, funny how the only thing she wanted to do was sleep. She sat on the bed before removing her heels and her wig revealing a neat set of cornrows she made yesterday.
"Funny how I love your natural hair way more than the wig sef" He said before sitting beside her and she shrugged. Most people loved her natural hair but she doesn't, it reminds of someone she wants to badly forget. He pulled her closer, she relaxed into his touch and he rubbed her hair.
"I'm not hungry, I just want to sleep" She yawned and he groaned. He wasn't expecting her to be feeling sleepy in just fee minutes of arriving here.
"Do you plan on sleeping over or you just came to nap here?" He asked and she laughed loud. He kept on staring at her because he didn't get what was funny about the question he asked.
"I can't even sleep over sef, Demi will kill me if he finds out i came here not to talk of sleeping over. If Kimee was a big fan of you now, she would have covered up for me but nah bro, I can't even sleep over" She replied amidst laughter and he looked down at his fingers with hurt clouding his emotions.
"Look Stephanie, I want to do more than hiding this thing between us. I apologized to Demi because you wanted me to, I've done a lot of things I wouldn't do on a normal day because you wanted me to, why won't you just do this one thing for me?" He asked sadly and Stephanie looked away. What he was asking her for was just too big for her to execute or how do you explain to your brother that you're in a situationship with someone that once hurt him. Not like the relationship between them is even defined, they are just going with the flow.
She put on her heels back and she picked up her bag from the bed, she was going to leave and probably think the whole thing through. She needed to be sure she wasn't making a mistake pursuing whatever she had with Tolu. She saw him clench his fingers in anger and she took a deep breath. She didn't plan for today to turn out like this despite the fact that she put in a lot of effort while dressing up. She stood up and she adjusted the part of her gown that rumpled and she walked to the door.
"You're doing your favorite thing again, running away from unsettled issues. Rather than clear them, you will leave them till they pileup and go above your power. I didn't even imagine that all I've planned was going to go down the drain like this. At least let me drop you off in Kimberly's place and I will know you're safe"
She didn't reply and he stood up from his sitting position and he walked to the nightstand to pick up his car keys. He walked slowly behind her as she walked out of the apartment. He looked over at the dining table sadly, where he had set a romantic dinner but there's no one to eat it with again. He only prayed whatever conclusion she made in her head favored him.
They pulled up in Kim Kiki's driveway and Stephanie attempted to get down but the door was locked, she turned to look at him and she felt horrible. He was looking so downcast and she wanted to cry too. It was too much for her because she knew she was part of the reason why his mood was like that. He turned to look at her before clasping his hand with hers.
She wanted to tell him to turn back and let them enjoy whatever he has planned for the evening but it was impossible. She looked at him gently before pulling down his face to her level, he didn't hesitate before kissing her. He wanted to pour all his feelings into the kiss.
They broke apart and they pressed their forehead together and he touched her cheeks gently. She wanted to frown but the fuzzy thing she was feeling in her stomach was preventing that. He pecked her forehead before she got down from the car and he watched her enter inside the house before he drove off with a smile on his face.
"Who was that person that dropped you off with a tinted car?" Kim Kiki asked as soon as Stephanie entered her room. Stephanie rolled eyes before throwing her bag on the bed. She wasn't going to answer Kim's questions.
"That was Tolu Fadeyi àbí? You were coming from his place right that's why you're dressed up? You people had sex ba?" Kim Kiki asked in one breath and Stephanie squeezed her face in disgust. It hurt her to see that her best friend actually think so little of her.
"Kimee, to think that you can actually say that I had sex with someone i didn't even spend up to thirty minutes in his place is so irritating. In Demi's birthday night, did you come home too? No. You went to sleepover in El-Perfecto's hotel because he was leaving for france the following afternoon and he was going to be gone for like two weeks. When you told me, was my first question about sex or did i question any intimacy you had with him ? Why can't you reciprocate same energy. Look I'm done having this conversation, goodnight" She replied before picking her bag up and she dusted her gown.
"That's what you do everytime we have a confrontation. You run away and make me feel like I'm not looking out for you. Man up for once Stephanie and stop hiding behind you insecurities. Are you the first person whose mother committed suicide or are you the first person to have a father that doesn't want her? Many people do on this earth so stop that stupid pity card you're always playing. If you're leaving, please go abeg" Kim Kiki replied before walking out of the room leaving Stephanie in shock.
Never in a million years had she expected Kim Kiki to throw her personal problems in her face. She didn't even understand how she played the pity card and Kim Kiki had to say those words to her. She walked out of the house slowly and she decided to walk home. That's the only way to cure this ache in her heart, walk home and cry on your way.
Omooooo 🦟🦟
That's the only thing I can say 🦜🦜
Please voooottttteeee and commmeeennnntttt 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hera ❤️❤️
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