Omooo😭😭 writer's block issa bas bitch 😭😭
Anyways, Please tell your friends about this book if you're enjoying it 🥺🥺❤️❤️
[PS Tutu is that Demi's friend from chapter nine, the one who doesn't like singing in public]
Sitting backstage with Femi and the remaining crew, Demi chew the gun slowly while the makeup artist dabbed some kind of talc on his face to prevent sweat from ruining his glow. He had a show today and he forgot about it, he wouldn't have bothered coming but he remembered that he was going to show Tutu off to the world and help gain her feet in the music industry.
Talking about Tutu, she was surrounded by six makeup artist who were doing a perfect job in making her look like a princess. She was obviously nervous with the way she sat stiff in the chair, she looked like she'd rather be anywhere than there but it was needed.
She stood up finally after they all moved back from her and she walked towards Demi, he beamed at her and she returned his smile before going to stand beside him. He knew she had a lot of questions to ask him but she didn't know how to start.
"Tutu, breathe in and follow my lead. Let the music flow through you and you won't have to worry about the audience's eyes on you. Just imagine me and you alone in the music lab and no one else singing out our heart contents" He advised and she turned to smile at him, he knew she appreciated the advice.
They walked to the stage together and they started singing. Tut closed her eyes and she tuned out the audience before starting her own verse.
My sugar bunny, I want you to be my king
Ruling the world with me by your side
I want to do you things that you will never forget
I want to show you how much of a baddie I can get
Allow me baby to show the world who owns my heart
Let them know sayyyy
Let them know sayyyy
Na you be my baby, my daddy and my hubby.
She stopped and Demi continued from where she stopped before holding her hand tight. He twisted her around and he looked at her like they were in love. The crowd was going wide with applause and Demi started his own verse.
If I wake up, na you i wan wake up to
I want to be many things but just for you
I want to be your baby, your daddy and your hubby
I want to show you round the world and let them know
Make dem know say na only you dey my heart oh.
History said we have seven wonders on earth
They forgot to mention you as the eight one
When I think about you, I get ideas.
I just want to be lost in your eyes forever.
Baby miiioooo
Babu miiioooo
When you take a step away from me, I lose it all
The thoughts of you being in another man's arm is torturous
They looked at each other before singing the chorus together.
No matter where you are in this world oh
No matter who you meet and see
No matter who smiles at you and laugh with you
No matter who tries to take my place in your heart
Baby you are my soulmate
I won't replace you with anyone
Nobody can separate me and you forever.
This our love no go end forever
Just me and you and our grey hair
Sitting by the beach and reliving memories
The whole crowd went wild when Demi and Tutu brought an end to their performance with a kiss on stage. The way Tutu wrapped her arm around his neck made it look like they were in a relationship to the audience and the energy was wild.
"I'm not crazy right and I'm not the only one who's seeing the way they are staring at each other affectionately. I've fucked up" Fade collapsed on the bed and Kate sighed deeply. She was tired of explaining to Fade how the kiss might be a publicity stunt.
"Fade, No you're not crazy and you didn't fuck up for liking him. People like each other all the time. This thing is probably just to help senior Tutu boost her music career. They will trend and senior Tutu might get a sponsor for herself" She explained for the umpteenth time and Fade just hummed.
"I knew I shouldn't have kissed him back. I shouldn't have followed him. Heck, I shouldn't have even thought that we could be an item. Who am I? I'm just a nobody" Fade lamented as she laid on her bed while trying hard to stop crying. Kate was dumbfounded so she let her be. She sat there and she was rubbing her back in a relaxing manner.
Fade's phone shrilled and when she looked at the caller ID, it was Demi. She hissed and she let it ring before sitting up. The phone started ringing again and she gritted her teeth in anger before turning the stupid device off.
"Fade, you could've pick the call yunno. He's probably calling you to clarify things and all. That boy likes you for real and deep down yourself you know it" Kate added and Fade ignored her. Kate picked up her phone and she walked out of the room.
Fade made sure she was gone before bursting into a fit of sobs. She leaned against the door and she cried hard. Heartbreak was a bitch and she's here feeling heartbroken without being in a relationship.
Another chapter will be up soon but I don't know when 😭😭
Voooottttteeee and commmeeennnntttt please 🥺🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️
Hera ❤️❤️
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