Kim Kiki pressed play on the video again and she watched the lomotif video that has been trending on every EC student's status all day. It was a video of Tolu and Stephanie and they looked so happy together. Apparently they went on a date and they picmixed different pictures and videos from the date into one lomotif video that they both posted, the video even made it to Ofofospot and Demi also reposted on his status. Almost everyone was happy for them at least everyone posting the video had something good to say about it even those who don't know them personally.
Funny how much she wanted to apologize for those hurtful things she said to Stephanie but her ego was larger than mountain everest and that wasn't the first time that Stephanie would actually act as if she's older than her age and trying to dish out advises she won't heed. To think that Stephanie would bring herself low to Tolu Fadeyi's level was irritating her and she needed to talk her so called best friend out of it.
"Babe, so you're dating Tolu now, mad oh." She typed and she cleared it again, at least she should greet her first so it won't sound rude or stupid. "Hey b, sorry about the other day. Are you dating that boy now or it's just some kind of publicity stunt?" She contemplated for a while before she hit the send button. She watched the chat show blue tick almost immediately and Stephanie was typing already. Five minutes later, Stephanie was still typing and Kim Kiki took a deep breath, she was going to hear it today. Stephanie was already writing epistle for her, she blamed herself for even asking in the first place.
"Kimberly, to think that you always place yourself as the final decision maker in my life is so interesting. I wonder why I never saw the kind of person you are, I wonder how we even became best friends in the first place. Well that phase is over now because I doubt if we are even friends anymore. I hate negative energy and i won't tolerate any. For the sake of the good memories we've made, I will not block you on WhatsApp or any Social Media but please refrain from messaging me if it's not business.
You know that boy's name and his name is Tolu Fadeyi, he's my boyfriend and I won't tolerate any form of disrespect from you to him. Know that and Know peace, I wish you best of luck in your life's journey" Kim Kiki blinked twice to make sure what she just read is true.
"Ahn ahn, Queen Stephanie is already growing wings, mad oh. You know what, I'm not surprised that you will actually pick a man over our friendship. What do I expect from a sly like you. You've always been selfish right from time and I can't even blame you sef, it's not kukuma your fault" She fired back and she felt immense satisfaction as Stephanie read the message almost immediately.
"As much as I would have loved to leave you to yourself, I want you to state the exact place where I ever placed myself above you. All I've ever done was for you. It's actually irritating that I made you that influencer that you think you are today. Please tell me which brand did you represent without my help or which solo job did you get hired for? Who the heck knew what Kim Kiki was if not for me or because you've managed to get to 200k followers, you think you're the king of the gram, abeggi" She took a deep breath before typing back another reply, she wasn't going to let Stephanie have the last word as usual.
"Talking about favors now are we. Thank God you're not even feeding me maybe you would've gone on Instagram and announce how you're feeding me. See abeg, I don't even want to say anything that i will apologise for tomorrow, goodnight"
She fired back and Stephanie read the message immediately.
"Kimberly, thank you for all you have done for me good or bad. I think this is the last bus stop for our friendship. I've forgiven you for everything you've done to me. Love and Light" Kim Kiki noticed that she could not longer see Stephanie's DP and when she went on Instagram, all their pictures have been deleted and she has unfollowed her. That was when it dawned on her that she has truly lost her best friend.
"What's between you and Demi first? Because I noticed you too call each other daily and all of that but it's like the friendship isn't defined" Katerina asked Fadekemi while they were making dinner that evening and she stopped stiring the stew she was making.
"To be honest I don't know and I'm confused like mad. Since we kissed at his birthday party, it's just like they wiped that part of him away and I even expected things to get awkward or something but everything's cool and all that. He has never mentioned anything else with me, I'm even thinking of reducing the way we talk sef. I need to stop giving myself ideas on what can never happen sef" She groaned and Kate shook her head. She wished the both of them will just admit this feeling but No, Demi's ego is larger than mountain everest. It's so obvious with the way they act around each other that they are into each other but no one's making any move.
They went back to preparing dinner and when they finished, Fade washed her hands and she went back inside without dishing her food. Kate wanted to follow her but the way bags banged the door after her discouraged Kate, she just made a u turn to her own room.
Her phone rang and it was Demi, she decided not to pick it so she let it ring. She knows Demi and he won't stop calling unless she picks it. She decided to pick up if he calls again. As soon as if finished ringing, he called again and she decided to pick up.
"Hello, I'm feeling sleepy, can we talk some other time or something?" She didn't wait for his reply before hanging up and she threw her phone to the bed and she laid on her back.
She decided to scroll through people's status on WhatsApp to keep herself busy since she knows she's not sleeping anytime soon.
"Hey, are you angry at me because you're online and you don't even sleep by this time, is everything okay?" His message came through almost immediately and she had to open the chat to reply.
"Why will you even think I'm angry at you, I'm not. I just want to sleep and i don't feel like talking to anyone" She replied before switching off her data to sleep. .
Goodnight angels 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
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Hera ❤️❤️
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