Seriously Running Out of Titles for these XD
Name: Jenifer
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Parent: Hecate
Personality: Jenifer is normally pretty quiet, and isn't very good for interaction. She's never had a real friend, only the few that use her for her magic. She tries her best to keep hidden at the camp, although sometimes it isn't very easy.
Likes: Keeping hidden, sunlight, the outside, the forest
Dislikes: Herself, darkness, using her powers, fake friends
Backstory: unknown...
Name: Adrianna
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parent: Athena
Personality: Adrianna is sometimes very talkative, but at times quiet. She's more of an outsider, considering she's aggressive around most others, and isn't good for first impression.
Likes: Fighting, training, the forest, challenging others, winning
Dislikes: Losing, weak people, annoying people, boys
Backstory: unknown
Name: June
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parent: Aphrodite
Personality: June is pretty shallow at times, but can be sweet. She cares a lot about her look, and rarely of anything else.
Likes: Boys, herself, fashion, looks
Dislikes: Anyone who thinks they're better than her
Backstory: Unknown
Name: Jaelin (Jay for short)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Parent: Hades
Personality: Jaelin is normally rude, and cares about no one but herself. She's pretty popular around the camp, considering people see her a bad ass, or whatever you want to call it.
Likes: Winning, others like her, her group(anyone willing to join?)
Dislikes: Nerds, losing, being at the bottom
Backstory: Unknown
Name: Jeremy
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parent: Ares
Personality: Jeremy is not one to speak, and is not usually happy. It almost seems he's depressed over something. His mystery is still unsolved.
Likes: Nothing really XP
Dislikes: the light, being anywhere near other people, fighting, his father, himself,
Backstory: Unknown
Name: Daemon\Dailen
Age: 17\17
Gender: Male\Male
Sexuality: Bisexual\Bisexual
Parent: Dionysus\Dionysus
((The one in blue is Daemon, and red is Dailen X3))
Personality: Daemon is a nerdy outcast at the camp, and never really was interested in interacting with anyone, but more in his writing and drawing.\ Dailen in a happy-go-lucky teenager with a child like attitude. He loves taking and befriending anyone who walks past him.
Likes: Quiet, reading, writing, drawing, sunlight\ Laughing, talking, playing, video games, music
Backstory: Both unknown
Name: Henry
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parent: Hypnos
Personality: Henry is a pretty chill kinda guy. He tends to create awkward silences in any conversation, although it doesn't exactly bother him.
Likes: Sleeping, food, eating, music
Dislikes: um.... Nothing...?
Backstory: Unknown
Name: Jackson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Parent: Hermes
Personality: Jackson is quick on his feet, and mostly quiet around others. He normally waits for people to make the first move, rather than himself. He tends to injure himself... A LOT...
Likes: Running, quiet, talking, boys
Dislikes: Loud noises, cramped places, walking, girls, bullies
Backstory: Unknown
Name: Jenry
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Parent: Tyche
Personality: Jenry is a childish teenage boy who loves to talk and cheer others up. He is a major animal person, which makes it hard for him to harm threatening mythical creatures.
Likes: Animals, especially cats, happiness, people, talking, laughing
Dislikes: Animal abuse, fighting, bullies
Backstory: Unknown
Name: Drevon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parent: Apollo
Personality: Drevon is a quiet kid. He will talk at certain times, but that rarely happens. He doesn't have many friends, but he knows the names of everyone at the camp.
Likes: Meeting new people, his education
Dislikes: Bullies
Backstory: Unknown
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