Author's Note
Helloo!!! the first thinggg that I would like to tell youu guysss is thaat schizophrenia is a veryyy complexx mental illness.. that beinggg saidd I may have missed a feww thingss whilee I was writingg itt..
The reason why I wrote this is becausee societyy usually overlookss or callsss them namee. And I thinkk that'ss wrongg. Be gentlee with themm, becausee they'ree goingg through a lott mentally.
Third thing, I don't think a therapist video tapes a session? but I think they record it? Anyways, I hope you guyss knoww that Emilyy wouldn't havee agreed if she didn't get thee prooff and lets admit it no one wouldd...
Lastly I want to say thankss thanksss to each and everyone of youu!!!! Thank you for giving this storyy a chancee... If you ever feeel downn justt textt meee!!
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