Impromptu heart surgery
"Diamond...? Tango...?" Soleil looked up, pulling their cowl back over their head quickly. "Y-You came back...?"
"Ummm, well..." Tango clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Diamond just wanted to say bye, y'know?"
Soleil brightened. "Oh!!! Actually..." They looked over to the crowd of Darkners. "Everyone here wanted to say goodbye, too...! Please, let me know when you leave, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah." Tango huffed, smiling. "We'll try not to skip you!"
The first to greet us was the trio of Emperors from the basement. Well, Gem greeted us. Shelby and Scott were too busy reconnecting with their long lost lovers.
"Aha!" Gem took me by the shoulders, smiling proudly. "Oh, I knew you could do it! Scott would not shut up about raising our hopes too high! But look at you!"
"Quite the young heroes...!" Shelby added in. The ravenette we encountered earlier was sitting happily with her.
"If you ever come back, I'd love a new sparing partner!" The ravenette offered.
Gem shot her a look.
Joey tried speaking with us, but I scooted past him without a word.
Sausage and Edmundo stood in a tucked away corner, caching up. The blacksmith and shopkeeper duo chatted like they'd known each other for a long time.
"Heheh... well done kids..." Sausage still hadn't dropped the mysterious act, apparently. Eduardo laughed, the plush Darkner shaking his head. "What have I said about being creepy towards paying customers, son?"
Son? I let that bag of worms sit by itself. Not my business.
Joel sat on a throne that was obviously far too big for him. He brightened at our appearance. "Tango! Orange Girl whose name I neglected to learn all along!" He jumped down, hugging Tango's leg. "I thought you two were going home!"
"We were! But this girl-" He looped an arm around my shoulders. "Wanted to say a proper goodbye, see?"
"Oh!!! Really!?" The young Prince hopped in place. "That's funny! I thought you wanted to say bye because we're friends!"
"Huh?!" Tango blanked. "I- uh- guess I wanted that, too-?!" He coughed awkwardly. "So! You're the king now, huh...?"
"Yeppers! AND I'm making some big changes!" Joel took out a roll of paper. "First, Lightners are now legal! Second, prison is now only for dads!"
Tango hopped onto the throne's arm. "Sounds like some pretty great changes!" His smile fell. "Hey, uh, your dad was protecting the Fountain, right? Is it really okay if we mess with it...?"
"No clue! Guess we'll find out!" Joel stood upright on the throne. "But I trust you both! I know it'll be okay! If something happens, we'll figure it out!"
"Guess only time will tell, I guess." Tango held out a hand. "Well! See ya later, Joel!"
Joel high-fived him. "Come back soon!" He shot finger guns at us. "There's always room in town for a couple of clowns!"
Time to go. We said our goodbyes to everyone we wanted to, including the random civilians that we ran into on our quest.
"Tango... Diamond...? Are you leaving?" Soleil's movements were subdued.
Tango didn't looked them in the eyes. "Yeah, I guess we are..."
"Oh! Then... hang on..." They walked up to us, nervous. They pulled their cowl closer around their head. "Umm, I... I just wanted to say... I..." Their voice grew quieter. "I... I really enjoyed meeting you two.. and..."
"Geez dude," Tango sauntered up. "Can you stop mumbling into your clothes? Can barely hear ya."
Soleil perked up. "O-Oh! Sorry!" They took a breath, and pulled down their cowl hood, letting their true form show.
They looked... very different than how I imagined them. I honestly thought the black void under their hood WAS their true form, but I was wrong?
They had purple, kinda lavender-ish skin and and either dark grey or black hair. Large wire frame glasses stayed perched on their nose.
The most uncomfortable part was so much they bared a resemblance to my adoptive family. Star dust Axolotl gills, fin and all.
Tango shuffled in close. "Dude, they look just like your dad."
They smiled at us, one we could actually see. "Tango, Diamond... I... I hope I can see you guys again soon." They winked at Tango. "Next time I'll make you lots of yummy treats, alright?"
Tango was just as baffled as me. "Umm, yeah! Sure- dude, hahaha!!" He pointed straight ahead dramatically. "Let's go, Diamond!"
I gave Soleil a wave, and followed after him.
"Is this... the Fountain...?" Tango whispered, mouth agape. It fluctuated in color, never staying the same for more than a second.
"Think so..."
"Dunno how, but..." Tango took a step forward, almost hypnotized. "It feels like we stumbled into something really important, didn't we...?"
"Yeah... it's almost... unreal... Like I'm living some kind of..." I didn't finish the sentence. I wasn't sure if I could.
"Well, there's no time think about that now. Right now... It's time to go home, right, Diamond?" He stepped aside, letting me walk up to the Fountain.
An unknown emotion thrummed in my chest, indecipherable.
Something ̶b̶l̶u̶e̶ red flickered inside me, and showed itself. The red Soul floated up, high above me, and my vision became white.
Darkness. I couldn't see anything. Where was I?
"Wh... what happened?!" Tango? "I can't see anything!!"
Something crashed on top of me, earning a jab in that direction.
"Hey, WATCH IT!!" Tango fumbled around, bumping into everything.
Finally, a light flicked on. The old, unused classroom?
Tango sat against a wall, hand still on the switch. "H-Huh...? The unused classroom? How'd we get here...?"
He stood, dusting off his now normal clothes. "... Hey, Diamond...?" I stared at him. "What... what just happened...? Like, that wasn't a dream or anything, was it...?"
"Hard to say," I bent down, picking up a plush toy rabbit. Edmundo, was that you? "It sure didn't feel like a dream, and there's still no explanation as to why we're here instead of the closest."
"Yeah, you're right." Tango's gaze washed over the room, taking it the sights of the various familiar (and mostly, unfamiliar) toys. "Anyway, as I was saying." He grinned at me. "Let's just tell Mr. Zed we couldn't find any charcoal pens!"
I scoffed, feeling light for the first time in... a while. "You're going with that excuse?"
"What?? He wouldn't know any different!" Tango caught a glimpse of outside, his face scrunching. "Dang, it got late, sun's already setting... Everyone else must've gone home by now."
"Guess Mr. Zed will know better than to ask us next time, HA!" I joked. We both hovered by the closest for a long second.
"Well, guess we should go..." Tango the closest, then me, a strange look. "See ya later, I guess..." He started walking away, then stopped. "... Diamond...? Let's go back tomorrow, alright...?"
"Sounds like a plan...!" I agreed. The Blazeling smiled, and turned away, walking out the large glass doors of the school, leaving me alone.
I left the school a moment later (definitely not after huffing the fumes of the marshmallow scented marker, what are you talking about-?).
Dang that smells good- I mean- uh–!
My phone beeped, a call? I answered it.
My dad's worried voice answered. "D-Diamond...!? Where have you been??"
Guilt rang through me. Oh, he couldn't have known... should I tell him? Should I tell anyone? "Hi, dad..." I feebly greeted him.
He sighed and I knew he was disappointed. "I waited in the car after school for a whole hour...! I called and called, but you never picked up... you had me so worried..."
Well, might as well make this quick. "I'm sorry, dad... I was hanging out with a friend, and-"
"A friend?" Dad's voice changed, sounding happier. "My little girl's got a friend??" He trailed off for a second. "I... I'm sorry, there'll still be a punishment for not at least telling me. You'll have to go off to bed early, alright?"
That... didn't sound that bad. Honestly, I think I need the rest. "Alright, I'll see you soon. Love you..."
"Love you too, starlight..." The call ended.
The waning light from the sun warmed me, a stark contrast to this morning.
Should I stop somewhere before heading home? Where would I even go?
The Librarby (spelling mistake and all)? Naw, I had a lot of overdue things and wasn't ready to face the music.
Officer Symmetry was directing a crash. Well, she was trying to. It honestly didn't look like she was actually doing much.
The diner? It's been a while since I've gone there, ever since...
My throat tightened. No, not today.... maybe some other time.
Besides... she worked there. The meer thought of seeing her... It made me feel really warm and stuff. She couldn't see me like that...!
Someone I've never seen around stood in front of a new store, hands in their jacket pockets. "hey, look who's walking around. how are ya, kid?"
I made a face. "Who the heck are you??"
His permanent smile never changed. "hmm... y'know, good question. I'm Cub, your friendly neighborhood vex. what's up?"
"I've never seen that store before..." I pointed out. "Is it yours?"
"oh, this?" Cub patted the wood. "this is what we call a 'grocery store'. unfortunately, it's closed. what a pain, i really wanted to buy some milk. someone outta complain to the guy who runs it."
I glanced up at the sign. Yep, still the same. Dunno why this guy was like this, but everyone here was at least a bit strange. I scuffed the ground with my shoe. "Got any... friends?" What am I doing, exactly?
"naw," He held a hand up. "we just moved here, so i hardly know anyone. why, got anyone i should know better?"
I shrugged, and took my queue to leave.
"... hey bud... are you busy tomorrow...?" Cub asked me. "i need some help with something. it'd be great if you could come over." He looked over at a cabin. "i live just next door."
I took a second. How busy would I be tomorrow? "Sure, I guess...?"
"heh, you were deliberating for a while, there. gee, what's wrong? cat got your tongue?" He chuckled to himself, like it was a joke only he was in on. "well, guess i can't complain..."
"What are we even doing tomorrow?"
"hm? what are we doing? oh, i'm not gonna be there." What. "that'd be weird. it's just gonna be you and my little brother. he needs friends. thanks for hanging out with him."
"Wha- hey! I didn't-!" I called after the man, who opened the door to the shop and dissappeared inside. What a weirdo.
Where should I go next? Home? I am pretty tired.
Hm, well I could–
The Flower Shop. My breath choked, and I turned away. I couldn't go there, I just couldn't-!
Right as I finished that thought, I spotted someone. A distraction.
I snuck up behind him, a devious smirk rising. My footsteps made no sound, and soon, I was right behind him.
"Hey Scott!"
The Frostling jumped a mile, a loud 'MROW' involuntarily escaping him. "D-DIAMOND!! DON'T DO THAT!!" He put a hand to his chest. "I almost had a heart attack...!" He calmed down, his fur flattening. "Did you need help with something? Homework? I noticed you were having trouble last time, so... uh-"
I smiled, leaning forward slightly with my hands behind my back. "Oh, I just happened to be around, thought I'd say hello." I stole a glance at the thick metal gate that barred the way. "Lose your key?"
"I- how'd you-?" Scott stuttered. He hung his head. "Yeah."
I extended a hand. Maybe this was my chance to reconnect with him again? After my first attempt failed (even if I got a whole new friend out of it) I felt pretty awful about it.
"You could come over to my house." I gave him a weak smile. "I mean- I'm technically grounded, but I'm sure dad won't mind."
Scott looked confused, studying me for a moment. Then, he spoke, "It's alright! I've already contacted Gem about stayingover once she gets off work. I'll be fine!"
My hopes dashed once again, I scrambled for any way to remedy the conversation. "Soooo! Tango...! That guy, huh?"
Scott perked up, a strange look passing over him. "Oh! Right! You were paired with him! Well, when you didn't come back to class, I was worried you... Well, everything's okay now! Right?"
His tail twined around his legs, the gesture having only been seen from Tango so far. "Umm, Diamond? Can I ask you something...?"
"So-! Uh–! T-Tango!" If it weren't for his blue fur, his face would've been pale. "I'm uh- kinda curious about what he's like, you know?" His wove a finger through teal hair. "I mean, he's so cool... and brave... and..."
I fought a smile. Oh, that's what this is about. "He's a great guy, once you get to know him."
Scott grabbed me, his eyes lightning up. "Really!? You're not pranking me, right!? He really is..."
"Cross my heart and hope to... well, hopefully not die!" I made the cross motion.
"Wow... you're being serious... That means I... I have a..." He shot me a friendly glare. "But if I die because of you, you're paying for my funeral!"
"Ha! In your dreams, Rivendell!" I shot the last name at him, walking away.
That felt nice. Sure, it was short and he couldn't take me up on my offer, but there's always next time, right?
I pushed open the old, creaky door, letting myself inside.
Dad sat in his big old chair, reading something. He set it down, fixing his glasses. "Welcome home, starlight. Leftovers are in the oven, when you're ready to eat. Did you have fun with your friend today?"
I gave him a short laugh. "Yeah, it was... great. Amazing, even."
"That's great to hear, honey. You should wash up and get something to eat. You look exhausted." Huh. So it was that noticeable, huh? I wonder if Scott noticed.
Leftovers were... pretty good, even if I had to reheat them. It really felt like I'd gone the whole day without anything to eat. I guess hunger really is the best seasoning.
The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, although it was still early, 7:30ish, that's just how it was in late fall, unfortunately.
"I'm off to bed!" I informed dad, as I rinsed my plate.
"Goodnight, sweetheart! See you in the morning!"
I shambled up the stairs, steps unsteady. Nothing sounded better than my own bed, right now.
I pulled my door open, and, without a second thought, flopped onto my bed, blinking out in seconds.
I whined, clutching at the sheet, the itchy feeling hadn't ceased. It'd only grown stronger, more aggressive.
What was even happening? Everything was fine a couple hours ago!
My arm jerked, forcing myself rolling off my bed. My breath hitched, panic shooting through me. What's happening... why did I do that...?
"Ge-t o-ut..." A voice croaked. Who...?!
"GE-E-E-TTT O—OU‐T!" My blood froze. No... what's going on?!
Why am I hearing my own voice?
I was standing now. "LE-AV-E M-E ALO-NE!!!" My hand hovered over my chest, hesitating for a second.
It swung down, it's trajectory unfettered by skin or bone or tissue.
Clumsy fingers dug and dug and dug, until they wrapped around something. Agony flashed through me, and all I could think about was how wrong this all felt.
Tears pooled in my eyes, but fingers kept yanking, kept pulling, until-!
Diamond gasped for air, her body spasming violently.
Air, oh glorious air, rushed into her lungs. She waited, certain her screams, as muted as she tried making them, were heard by her dad.
For now, she savored by being able to breathe on her own, move on her own. She laughed, the feeling hollow.
The Thing was still clutched in her iron grip, pulsing nervously. Good.
She staggered up, unused to walking on her own. Geez, girl. It's been not even 24 hours?
She gripped the Thing tighter, glaring at it. The bird cage...
In a flash, she threw the Red Soul against the cage wall, letting the door slam shut behind it. Her body ached, heart pounding from overexertion.
Whatever she did, it couldn't last forever.
The thought brought sorrowful tears to her eyes. She was at an impasse, both options terrifying.
She could either A. Let this Thing stay inside her body and puppeteer her like a living marionette, or B. Have her body give up on itself, and die.
Living things can't last long without Souls. I have minutes at best...
Diamond really didn't want to die. She really didn't want to stay possessed forever, though.
What should she do, then?
The 14 year old flopped against the kitchen counter. Since when did she get here...?
The pie dad had baked sat in front of her, taunting her. It must be cool by now... right...?
Another bolt of pain told her she was running out of time.
Well, if it might be her last, she might as well enjoy it.
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