*This story takes place in Chapter 1
[Visiting Outside | Jevil x Reader]
Reader's PoV
I followed Kris through the Card Castle. Lancer brought us to the dungeon but we escaped and convinced him that we wouldn't hurt his father. We've encountered a few Rudinn Rangers and Head Hathies, but we beat them with the power of ACTing, even though Susie wasn't into the whole 'not killing them' stuff (but she accepted it either way). We've also encountered Rouxls Kaard a few times, but have easily slipped pass him.
Right now, we were in the elevator. Kris pressed a button and we went down. Once we have arrived, we were greeted with a large staircase going down deeper. We couldn't see anything down there. "Hey Kris, where are we exactly?" Ralsei asked worriedly. Kris pointed to the abyss below and started walking towards it. I reluctantly followed him, the others joining behind me. I gripped my (Favorite Weapon) tightly, waiting for what's about to happen.
We arrived at a giant cell. I slowly walked towards it and asked, "Hello? Anyone there?" The sudden voice of the prisoner inside made me jump. "Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo, Uee Hee Hee! So lonely, so lonely I be... but lo, four visitors standing inside? Who are you few?" Ralsei stepped forward, "Nice to meet you! I'm Ralsei, this is Kris, that is (Your name), and-", "So, how the hell did you get in there?" Susie asked, not caring about her introduction.
"I am innocent, innocent. I just wanted to play a game, game, but the boring kings found such fun to be a trouble. As punishment, they craved imprisonment on my body," The voice spoke with a hint of sadness. I started to feel bad for them. "But I'm fast, fast. Clever, clever. They lost the chase, and locked up their entire race. Building a prison around the whole world, and I'm the only free one."
"Huh, free? But you're clearly the one behind bars," Ralsei pointed out. "Things don't seem such from here, Lightners," The voice cackled. "I still don't get it..." I said. "Pity, such pity. A lovely flower as sweet and delicate as you rotting in a cell with the others, your name is (Your name), correct, correct?" I blushed but nodded.
"Don't try understanding this weido, (Your name). He obviously doesn't need any help," Susie smirked. "That is un-so. I grow lonely in my little freedom. So, shall you play a little game with me, me? I'll show you what it means to be free." I looked at Kris for an answer. He gave a thumbs up to me. "Okay, we'll play your game," I said. The person inside seemed to gleam with excitement, "Find the key, and I'll let you be free, free. The old key is hidden from the eyes. The shopkeeper has a secret. " Kris motioned us to leave, so we did.
Having to go back and fourth in the Field of Hopes and Dreams to the Forest sure made me tired. At least we finally have the key, but when I hold it, I can't help but feel teribble energy pulsating on it. I ignored this fact, and followed Kris back to the mysterious voice. I recalled the time he called me sweet and delicate and blushed.
When we arrived at the cell, the laughter of the voice filled my hearing, "A marvelous fun is about to break free! Won't you let yourself outside?" I held the key out and it surprisingly made a small gate on the cell. Kris went in first and we followed. The inside of the cell was a striped carousel looking place. On the center was a jester with a wide smile. He started laughing, "Visitors, Visitors! Now we can play, play! Then after you, I can play with everyone else, too!"
I started to get scared on what type of game we were playing. "So what are we playing exactly?" Ralsei asked with concern. "Oh, just a simple numbers game!" I sighed in relief and started to feel better, until a bunch of scythes attacked us from above. Thankfully, we dogged it in time. "Whoever reaches to 0 HP first loses!"
Susie regained herself, "So that's the kind of game you wanna play, huh? Then I gotta warn you... " We got into our fighting positions. "You're dealing with a couple of sharks," She said darkly. The jester cackled in response, "Shark-to-shark! I wouldn't have it any other way!" Then the fight started. A bunch of toy horses and ducks went towards us, but we dogged that.
The jester kept throwing attacks at us while shouting things like, "Chaos, Chaos!" or, "I can to anything!" Kris told us to keep defending, but once in a while told Ralsei to cast a Healing Prayer to whoever has low HP. He then attacked us with a bunch of spades, and one managed to hit me on the head. I fainted from the impact and fell on the floor.
Even though I was unconsious, I could somehow hear and feel what was happening. " (Your name!)" Ralsei shouted. I felt something wet and cold on my head. It was blood. I felt magic around me immediately woke up. Ralsei must've casted a Healing Prayer on me. I saw that Kris and Susie were still defending themselves form the jester's attack. I don't think he noticed me fall.
I tried to stand up, but I didn't have the strength do so. "Don't move!" Ralsei pleaded, but I ignored it. I needed to help them fight. I felt tremendous pain on my injury. Ralsei may have casted a healing prayer, but that only healed my HP, not my physical state. I screamed in agony and clutched my wound tightly. That seemed to catch the others' attention.
Blood was spilling from my head. Kris ran over to me and searched his items for something. He managed to find a used bandage and wrapped it around my head. I tried to say thanks, but the pain was too much, that I let out another whail. "Holy shit, (Your name) what happened?!" Susie asked frantically.
"A spade hit them hard on the head and knocked them out. I casted a Healing Prayer on them but they still have the wound," Ralsei explained. I looked at the jester and he seemed pretty upset about it because his smile was faltering, "Apologies. The game was too challenging was it not, not? I do not think you can play anymore, Lightners. You may leave. But please do visit me here outside next time!"
The jester skipped to me and said, "I'll be expecting you to visit outside anytime soon." I blushed and nodded. We left the cell and the door immediately disappeared. "Wait, I forgot to ask his name!" I shouted out. "Oh, you didn't hear Seam?" Ralsei asked and I shook my head. "He said that his name was Jevil; a play on words, I'd say," he continued. Jevil, huh? I think a couple visits outside wouldn't be that bad
Words : 1167
Made the cover picture myself. Made the Animation on top as well. Like and subscribe to my channel I have original content-
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