Hovering his mouth over hers, he grinned as he inhaled her labored breaths. Her eyes fluttered open and closed a few times as she continued to regain her bearings. "Taste," he commanded, and kissed her deeply, swirling his tongue in and out of her mouth. "You are incredible." Harry broke the kiss and stood, hands on his hips looking down upon her. This certainly was not how he envisioned his night ending up when he knocked on her door earlier in the evening, but he sure as hell was not complaining, and he was definitely not ready for it to end.
The light from the fire flickered across her body, highlighting the peaks and valleys spread out before him. She felt the delicious flex and release of her muscles as she stretched her arms above her head and pointed her toes. With a cheeky sense of accomplishment, he watched as a grin spread across her face and her eyes connected with his. Chest rising, she inhaled deeply, releasing her breath with a satisfied hum.
"More?" he questioned.
"Oh, yes. Definitely more," she smiled blissfully.
"Ha!" Harry barked out a laugh. His pupils had constricted some and she enjoyed the mischievous sparkle in the green of his eyes. She was seated at the end of the lounge, utterly naked. He extended his hand to pull her to him, but she swatted him away.
Instead, she leaned forward and grasped the cool metal buckle of his belt. She stuck the tip of her tongue between her teeth and bit down in concentration. Tugging on the buckle, she was soon able to release the belt; dragging the leather strap through the loops of his jeans with a snap. Fingers in the waistband, she used a thumb to flick open the button before dragging the zipper down. That concluded the easy part of getting Harry out of his pants. How the hell had he gotten into these jeans in the first place? They were ridiculously tight and she had to shimmy the fabric back and forth in order to extract him.
Harry was grinning as he leaned down; planting a chaste peck on her cheek, then stepping out of his trousers and socks.
Standing between her knees in nothing but his boxer briefs, she decided he looked adorably sexy. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was mussed up after thrashing about between her thighs. Madelyn grinned as she held her hands on his hips while watching him.
With a look of amusement upon his face, he placed his hands in her hair, releasing the long mess so that it tumbled down, partially covering her breasts. The deep color was a stark contrast to the creaminess of her skin. After removing the band that had held her tresses in place, he proceeded to gather up his own curls and wrap them into a bun.
The light in the room was low, most of the illumination coming from the fire. Shining through the tall windows was moonlight, reflected off of the newly fallen snow that caught Harry's eye. The woman in front of him was using her small fingers to outline his growing erection through his boxer briefs and it occurred to him that they could be giving the rare passerby quite a show.
"Um, should I close those drapes?" he gestured with a chuckle and started to step toward to windows. Grabbing the waistband of his boxers, Madelyn jerked him back.
"No. They're reflective; the drapes are for show." She slid her hands into the back of his waistband palming his ass and pulling him closer. He brushed the backs of his fingers across her cheek and up into her hair, grasping at the roots. As she began to shuffle his last article of clothing down his hips, he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, pulling it down before she captured it between her teeth. He pushed it to the back of her throat, dragging it forward along her tongue. She could still taste the salty-sweet of her own body lingering there.
He was near perfection from head to toe. She admired his broad shoulders, toned muscles, and interesting collection of ink. Finally, he was as bare as she and Madelyn was able to see him fully. She drew in a heavy breath, letting her eyes drift over him. His boyish dimple softened his angular facial features as he allowed a full smirk to take over his face. Cocky, she thought to herself; he knew exactly what a woman's response to seeing him would typically be. She wasn't going out of her way to feed that ego.
"A little proud of ourselves, aren't we, Styles?" She rolled her eyes and snickered. "You have heard that size isn't everything, right?"
Well, that wasn't the reaction he normally received.
Recovering quickly, and taking her comment as a bit of a challenge, Harry placed a hand on her shoulder and put his mouth to her ear,
"Professor, if this is a test, I will do my damndest to exceed your expectations in all areas."
Their laughter floated above the music and the snap of the fire. Before he regained his composure, Madelyn steadied her hand behind his shaft, angled her head, and ran the flat of her tongue from his base to tip. Now it was Harry's turn to inhale sharply. She beamed up at him, catching the black in his eyes begin to overtake the green again. Holding his gaze, she pulled tight toward his base and traced the sensitive head of his penis with the tip of her tongue.
He felt himself harden completely and she dipped into his slit to rescue that first salty bead; then took him to the back of her throat in one fluid motion. Gripping him tightly between her lips, she pressed the point of her tongue firmly into the prominent vein under his shaft and pulled back slowly, letting him pop out of her mouth. Replacing her mouth with her hands, she took his balls in one with a squeeze and pull; the other she wrapped around him as best she could and began to pump with a rotating motion, taking nips and licks at his swollen tip.
"Hmmm... ah, Christ Jesus, you have to stop that!" This was positively no good, Harry thought. His brain was beginning to fog up and his body was taking control. What she was doing to him was delicious; her mouth was bliss, so warm and wet. The sensation of her stroking; watching her try and fail to get her fingers all the way around him while working some kind of magic over the head of his cock was about to be his undoing. If she didn't layoff, he was going to be past his threshold momentarily. He tried to step back, pushing against her shoulder, but damn it all if she didn't attempt to anchor him by constricting her grip on his sack.
Harry quickly shifted his hand from Madelyn's shoulder to her slender throat, running his thumb up her chin and into the side of her mouth. Using his leverage, he forced her to release him. She whipped her face away in a huff, clearly aggravated that he had taken away her control. This was new and unfamiliar territory, he realized. Harry was no innocent, but he had never been with a woman who had an aggressive side. He was used to women who let him take the lead in all things. Madelyn was obviously annoyed that he had taken away her toy.
"Not nice, Harry!" There was a definite edge in her voice.
He grasped her under the arms and hauled her to him so that she had to brace herself by clutching at his biceps. The move was sudden and bracing.
"It does not seem to me, babe, that you are interested in playing nice anymore." Harry's mouth was less than an inch from hers, so close she was inhaling his wine laced breath; his pupils had blown, and the sweetness from earlier in the evening had vanished. A wolfish grin spread across his face as the track on the stereo bled into The Rolling Stones, Rocks Off, and his mouth bore down on hers. He bit at her lips and his tongue demanded access. Yielding to him, she allowed her head to fall back, exposing the vulnerable softness of her throat. Accepting her offering, he latched onto the flesh below her left ear, drawing blood to the surface, surely marking her for days. Madelyn drove both hands to the back of his head, occasionally grazing his scalp with her nails as she carded her fingers through his hair. Their breathing had sped up and become shallower.
"Madelyn, can you listen to me for just a minute? Birth control. This isn't what I planned; I'm not prepared. Do you have anything?"
She was trying so hard to hear his words, but it was taking incredible effort right now.
"Harry, I just want you. I'm safe at this point. Are you usually protected?" She really didn't want to talk about this, but knew it was necessary.
"Yeah, I am. I've never done this without a condom." His heart was about to pound out of his fucking chest. "So we're good?"
"We're good. Harry, hurry up." She had never been careless in the past. There was just something going on here between them, some kind of chemistry that made her feel alright about taking a little risk.
Running his hands along her sides, over her hips and to the backs of her thighs, Harry dipped and ordered her to jump. Her legs twined around his waist as he carried her.
Settling her feet on the floor, he turned her so that her naked back was against his chest, arms linked under her breasts. He stepped her to the raised end of the chaise lounge. Laying his right hand between her shoulder blades, he gently pushed her down and forward so that she was bent over the back, her hands resting on the seat cushion. Wrapping his left arm around her waist, he dropped his hand a bit and pulled her pelvis up and toward him so that her bum rose to meet his lower belly. He alternately used his knees to nudge her legs further apart.
Harry stopped momentarily to admire his handiwork as Madelyn turned to gaze at him over her shoulder. He leaned over her so that they were completely pressed together, and muttered into her ear, "You are incredible, absolutely breathtaking."
Unfolding himself so as to take in the view more fully, he stroked her hip then brought his open palm back and swiftly onto the right cheek of her ass. The force was enough to boost her to her toes. Madelyn inhaled breathily, releasing it in a deep moan.
"Madelyn, baby, you're ok? You want it like this? A little rough, yeah? Is that ok?" The air in the room was getting thicker and Harry was struggling to regulate his breathing and his voice. The smell of her, of their previous acts and the anticipation of what was to come, it all had his head swimming with desire. He was barely hanging on to the last threads of his self-control.
With a heavy catch in her voice, she responded to him. "Uhn, I want it Harry, all of it. I want you and I want everything you can give me." The increase in her demand was palpable. She was almost uncomfortable with need and tried to find a little relief by rotating her hips. It wasn't enough.
Jesus Christ! He didn't think he'd ever been this hard in his life! Having this creature spread out before him, bent over and swaying her hips as she waited, sent the blood pounding through his veins.
Seeing that she was nearly on her toes, he bent his knees slightly and took more of her weight onto his thighs. He ran his right hand around her middle, sliding down into the soft bit of hair covering the flesh between her legs. Reaching further with his long fingers, Harry slid his middle one slowly along the surface of her cleft, from her swelling entrance to her clit. Without making direct contact, his finger circled the heart of her pleasure. He repeated the motion, moving more deeply this time.
"Oh love, you're so wet; my fingers are drenched. Can you imagine what it does to me, knowing that this is all for me?" Rolling his hips into her, he allowed his fully engorged cock to slide along the crack of her ass. " You feel that? That's for you. I need to be inside you, Madelyn. Tell me you want that, tell me right now!"
"Harry!" she panted, "I want you inside me. I can't wait anymore; don't make me wait. Fuck me, Harry, do it now!" At her plea, he wrapped a hand around his shaft and guided his tip to her opening. With one fluid motion, he rocked into her with all of his might.
Heat. It was everywhere. It burned between her legs at the stretch to accommodate him. It was coming in waves from the flames dancing over the logs on the fire; yellow, red-orange, blue at the core with a lick of white. In the fevered breath being expelled from his lungs, blowing over her bare back. In the blaze that was igniting at their point of connection as he furiously pumped into her.
The rush of sensations was becoming unbearable. She saw stars twinkling behind her eyelids, tiny flashes of light that were gathering brightness. Every inch of her body felt electrified as if a current of static were hovering over them like a force field. Madelyn was aware that one of his hands was now around her hip, fingers digging into the bone as he anchored her in position. The other was sliding up the vertebrae of her spine and into her hairline. She sensed him gathering the ropes of her hair, coiling them around his wrist and gripping them in his hand. Abruptly, he dragged her back against him, using her hair to pull her head to his, her ear to his mouth. She wound her right arm around the back of his neck to steady herself, clutching at his hair, her other hand gripped his forearm.
"How does that feel? You like this? Because I want you to feel as good as I do right now, baby" his breath was hot and fast. "You wanted to finish me in your mouth, didn't you? I think you liked that control. Did you want to be in charge? Answer me!" His heart was racing.
"Yes. I wanted you in my mouth," she said with a hint of defiance.
"You don't get to be in control anymore tonight, Madelyn. I'm in control now and I want to make you feel so good. I like being inside you; you feel fantastic around my cock. Do you like me inside of you? Do I make you feel good?"
"Yes," she whispered.
She wasn't going to last much longer and he knew it. Her eyelids were fluttering; her breathing was labored. Her arms were starting to slip and he was carrying most of her weight on the arm he had wrapped around her middle. Harry pushed her down over the back of the lounge again.
"Stay with me, baby," he cooed, his voice in contrast with his bold thrusts. One last time, he smoothed his palm over her rump and then landed a quick smack. That did the trick, he thought to himself. She reared back against him and growled over the music. He laughed out loud, and said, "That's a good girl; you're almost there."
Madelyn had perked up with the delectable sting Harry laid down. She felt herself tightening around him as her orgasm started to bubble in her belly. The slap of their bodies was losing its clear rhythm and she knew he was approaching his end as well. He pulled his hand off her ass and she prepared for another slap that didn't come. Instead, when she peeked over her shoulder at him, she saw Harry wetting his thumb between his kiss-bitten lips. He made eye contact with her and didn't break it as he slid that thumb between the cheeks of her ass and dipped in ever so gently.
"Ha... Ha... Haaaa..." She couldn't form words. Her back arched, head rearing back as her orgasm exploded around him and consumed her entire body. Hot liquid trickled down her thighs and onto Harry's.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" he yelled out loud as he slammed into her and the piece of furniture that had been helping to support her, shoved forward several inches. He stilled and came inside her in multiple long bursts. Shuddering, he fell over her back; both of them heaving as they tried to reorganize their breathing.
Harry's cheek was resting against hers. "Are you ok? Can you stand up?"
"I'm... that was... No, I don't think I can stand up. Just leave me here."
What a fucking night he thought to himself. Mustering the last of his strength, Harry tucked one arm under her knees, the other around her back and carried her over to the pile of cushions on the thick rug in front of the fireplace. After laying her down, he retrieved the blanket and tucked it around both of them. He pulled her close so that she was snuggled into his side. She laid her head on his chest as he strummed his fingertips over her back. He kissed the top of her head and nuzzled into her hair. Her hand was still, resting on his belly. Sighing contentedly, she began to drift as the lyrics to If You Want Me, and Harry's warmth lulled her into a deep sleep.
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