Yes, I have an unfinished part seven that I never posted! I haven't finished the part so this will cut off abruptly.
To those who do not know, Who Thought This Was A Good Idea is one of my discontinued FanFictions. So... let's get into the chaos!
Part #7:
"Don't stub your toe on roots while going on a hike. Stub your toe on rocks."
"ZANE!" I stared wide-eyed out the window, turning to jostle my boyfriend like a little girl as my eyes focused on a large billboard.
Zane followed my eye and groaned. "Gwendolyn, I only say this with the most utmost respect but that's a horrible idea."
I tried my best pleading eyes- they're not very good mind you. I've been compared to one of those buggy eyed chihuahua's before- and nudged him. "Come on, please? We have to go."
Kai squinted from his spot at the wheel before snorting. "Yeah, I don't think so."
"What?" Isla leaned forward from the seat behind us. "I don't even know what this is but if you're not on board I want to do it."
Kai sputtered. "Why are you always against me?"
"Here it is!" I shrieked as it came into view.
Lloyd grimaced, a hand raising over the side of his face at the large obscene blow-up green ninja that took up most of the sky. Siena's jaw dropped and Reagan's face was somewhere between disgust and intrigue. Giant letters spelled over the archway, reading NINJALAND.
"Okay, we are so doing this." Isla said, her tone left no room for agreement. Kai tried to argue anyways but she literally yanked open the door while the car was in motion.
Oh wow. I looked at her with mad respect. She's got dedication.
Kai slammed the breaks with a scream. "ARE YOU CRAZY?"
Thankfully no one was behind us as Isla marched out of the vehicle. We all stared as she walked around to the drivers side.
Cole whistled. "You're screwed Kai."
"Indeed, judging by her emotional display you are in fact an inclined plane wrapped around an axis." Zane agreed. Kai flinched when she pulled open the door.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let me live!" He walked as she clambered in.
"Relax, jerk-face." Isla rolled her eyes at his dramatics, shoving him easily over onto the passenger seat as she started the car. Kai yelled in protest, along with Lloyd who had been sitting in the passenger seat.
"God Kai, why is your butt so big?" Lloyd complained.
"How DARE you!" Kai snarled in return. "Well why is your face so...stupid!" He struggled to retort.
Isla ignored them both as she turned into the theme park. I grinned at Zane as he rubbed his temples as she parked.
"Grab your stuff ladies. Siena, Reagan, Gwen, don't forget to bring your bags too." Isla called as she hopped out.
"Wait a second...did you just call us ladies?" Kai yelled.
"Gettoff." Lloyd grunted, kicking open the passenger door and pushing him out.
I stepped outside, breathing in the cool air as I stared at the crowd walking through the gates.
"It's a little chilly and it's only going to get colder, so I suggest you all put on a sweater." Lloyd said as he checked the forecast.
I dug around my bag until my hand felt soft fabric. I yanked out a white sweater and examined it. It looked a little big and I didn't remember buying it. Oh well. A sweaters a sweater. I yanked it over my head and padded out from the compartment. Zane was helping to get something that had gotten caught in the vehicles wheels. He did a double take when I came walking out, tilting his head in confusion.
"Gwendolyn, it appears that you are wearing my sweater." Zane said slowly.
Isla shorted behind her hand. I looked down. Ohhhhh. That's where it came from. "Oh." I responded dumbly. "So it is." I quickly scampered off before anyone could question it.
We got into the line and I rocked back and forth on my feet until Cole asked me to stop. When we finally got to the ticket booth the old man stared at us with half lidded eyes.
I just stared at him as he spoke with the thickest accent ever. There was a beat of silence when I realized he had been saying something to me. "Uh...."
Reagan thankfully slid on and presented money. He began talking some more.
"He's asking for ID's." Zane managed to pick it out.
"What? Why?" Kai asked confused.
"Dude," Cole leaned forward and yanked down one of the triangular shaped banners hanging from the awning. Each was a different colour with a picture of each of the ninja's face. Cole pointed to his face then to the banner.
The man squinted at it before his jaw dropped. He pointed a shaking finger at him. "Ninja!" He gabbled loudly.
"Okay, thank you, see you, byeeee." I snatched the wrists bands and pushed everyone away quickly.
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