So... I rewrote my rewrite, which is why I have some original so chapters that I copied and pasted into my notes because it pained me to just delete all that hard work. So here's what it used to be!
CHAPTER ONE | i get in trouble with my teacher
Born This Way : Lady Gaga
"Serendipity is my favourite word. It's so fun to say! SerenDiPity. You have to dIp the 'dip' or it won't work."
The world is full of so many amazing feelings.
The feeling of pride swelling in your soul, spreading like warm sunlight and pleasant mornings through your body, the feeling of sweet ice cream balanced on your tongue on a hot summer day, the sensation of laying down and relaxing after working hard at a job or educational torture. There's also the beautiful feeling of dying your brother's eyebrows blue after he cracks the neck leg of your favourite doll.
Not that I ever did that.
But my favourite feeling of all is the feeling of a perfectly sharp pencil gliding along a page. Not just scribbling, or writing down math problems, but the glide of drawing.
It skims along, making dark curves against the white paper, forming something. Whether it be a person, a place, a thing, it's just full of promise and possibilities. It's creating a bad doodle, or an abstract shape, or maybe it's shading the dark shadows of an image. Fingers gripping the wood, the tip drawing along a smooth surface, your mind just wafting away as all you can think about is that emotion that swirls in your spirit and lifts your heart-
"Gwendolyn O'Hannah," the strict voice of my prof split into my day dream as my page was pulled from under my pencil, making a dark line across the empty white space. He said my voice in a low careful, slow tone like: Gwen-do-lyn Oh-Hannah".
I slumped back in my chair, feeling my cheeks burn as my classmates either turned to look at me or carried on writing while secretly eavesdropping.
"May I ask you why you aren't making notes and instead are making charmingly offensive drawings of your teachers?" Mr. Fernsby raised an arched eyebrow as he showed my page to the class.
I couldn't help but smirk a bit as he spun in a slow pivot. It was some of my best work. A little cartoon drawing with a tiny body and a huge head.
"I'm glad you think my nose is that large, Miss O'Hannah." He regarded me with a frown.
"Um... it's a cartoon representation so everything is exaggerated." I mumbled, feeling embarrassment swirl. I bit my tongue to keep from saying: "but I actually made your nose smaller to scale."
It was so hard.
"Hm." Mr. Fernsby huffed. "Let's hope that this distraction doesn't reflect on your exam, Gwendolyn."
Oh fudge, we have an exam?
My teacher didn't seem to notice my panic as he set my drawing back on my desk and continued with his lecture. I searched around for anyone who would be fine with a random girl asking for some notes. At this age no one cares who's in their class and everyone barely takes the time to try. My eyes strayed to the unsuspecting fourteen year old. She was some child prodigy who skipped a bunch of grades. Maybe she was young and sweet enough to share?
"Hey," I whispered, twisting in my chair as I tried to remember her name. "Er... Rebecca!"
"It's Genevieve." The dark haired girl said flatly.
Oops, not even close.
"Right...Genevive...vieve?" I repeated the name a few times under my breath. "Um... would you be open to-"
I stared at her. "But-"
"No." Genevieve squinted at me. "I'm not giving away answers to some girl who thinks she can go around scribbling like a two year old in the middle of class."
She turned pointedly away. I made a face at her shoulder. What a little know-it-all. I hope she fails to blow out all the candles on her next birthday cake.
"You can borrow my notes." A male tone said from behind me, I glanced at my teacher before spinning in my seat to face him.
He was small for a boy, since I was more of a taller person I towered over him. Cough. Not that that mattered. He had freckles, and that is important because I love freckles. I don't know why there's just something adorable about splatters of freckles on people's faces.
"Really?" I tilted my head. "Thank you!"
"Well, I hope you all have everything down." Mr. Fernsby's grouchy, tired tone bounced off of the high ceilings as he gathered his folders. "Class is dismissed."
I got up quickly, clumsily grabbing my things, spilling the loose contents in my binder onto the floor. I groaned and bent to pick them up as the boy behind me, wiggled around my body so he could pass.
"We only have t-minus twenty five minutes to get to our destination before Wu gives you another long lecture." A calm voice said to the boy.
I went to grab my notes, many dotted with drawings and unfortunate names for some of the people I dislike in my life. Like Cactus-Butt. I realized the one with the bird was wedged under the shoe of the friend of Freckle-boy. They were the muddy brown shoes that grandpa's wear. My fingers grasped the page and I yanked it around. Unfortunately, it didn't budge. My brow furrowed but before I could look up and ask the dude if he could please remove my drawing from his feet, the shoes turned away.
"Um..." I went to get up but my head slammed against the desktop. Cursing under my breath I stumbled out from the floor. My eyes caught the fleeting shapes of the boys as they left, my page still on the taller ones sole.
Crumb cakes.
"Mina, can I borrow your notes?"
My dear old housemate sent me a look from where she was typing on her laptop. Nails clacking on the keys like horse hooves. Her sweet dark eyes held heavy disappointment.
"I swear I tried other people, the kid walked off before he could give them to me!" I got down on my knees in front of her, making sure my eyes were wide and pleading. For good measure I stuck out my lower lip.
Mina adjusted her floral hijab as she regarded my dramatic act. "You need to stop day dreaming in class, Gwen." She used her best scolding voice.
Ugh. That's Mina for you. It's like my mother is my best friend.
"You know, you could just ask me for notes and I'd give them to you." My other housemate piped. I rolled onto my stomach and flopped on the carpet. I picked at the messy fibres, yanking at the extra fuzz.
"But your notes are terrible and your handwriting so hard to read!" I whined.
"That's not true!" He gasped, he whipped around to look at Mina. "Min, tell Gwen that's not true!"
Mina pressed her lips together in attempt to keep from smiling, her shoulders shaking as she held back a laugh. She sent a small shrug.
"Ha! Sorry, Kit-Kat." I snickered, sitting up again. Kat scrunched up his face at the nickname. It only made him look like a little cute animal with his little button nose and feminine features.
"I'll give you my notes." Mina relented. I cheered enthusiastically. Unfortunately some of my long brown hair got stuck in my mouth. Ew. My friends waited for me to finish spitting and pulling at the hairs before Mina continued.
"But," Mina wagged a finger. "You're going to need to set me up with another date for Saturday."
Hm... that could be tricky. I kept my face blank and fought back every urge to glance at Kat.
"Maybe we should focus on getting Gwen a date." Kat suggested, diverting the topic to me in the most terrible way that I will never forgive him for.
I snorted. "That's never going to happen."
"Why not? You're always pairing everyone else up." Kat shifted in his spot on the love seat, draping his short legs over the arm.
That is true. I was known as the resident match maker at NCU. I'm not exactly sure why it happened. I've always been good at reading people and being able to see what personalities may complement each other in a nice way. That's how I helped my emo neighbour back at home find a friend.
So, when I got to Ninjago City and met these dudes, Alejandro and Wren, I suddenly found myself weaving those red strings of fate together. Then suddenly I was doing it for more and more people. I tend to people watch, little faraway looks, flirtatious talks, and other signs are something I notice easily. Then all it takes it a little push here and a shove there- then voila! Match made in heaven!
But it was much harder finding someone for myself.
"People aren't interested in a girl who eats too many gummy bears in class, wears huge clunky red boots, buys food-themed jewellery, and favours animated films over live action." I sighed, thumping my head against the couch. "And the people who do like those things are weird."
As I said that the microwave dinged. I leaps up and grabbed my nuked pizza, a fork and a knife, before digging in.
Kat raised an eyebrow. "You sure you aren't weird?"
I have him a stink-eye as I chewed.
"It's okay, Gwen." Mina patted me on the shoulder. "The right person will come your way."
Mina got up and went to scribble something on her reminder board. She frowned and pulled off a sticky note. "Gwen, you're supposed to call home this afternoon."
"Oh really?" I came over and took the sticky note. I looked it over before tearing it in half and dropping it in the garbage.
"Gwen!" Mina sighed. "You have to talk with your dad sometime!"
"You only say that because you haven't met him." I retorted. "He is scary! Right, K? Go on, tell her Kat! Tell her how scary my dad is!"
"Really scary!" His eyes were wide.
"You're both ridiculous." She threw her hands in the air, shaking her head in derision. There was a buzz and the sound of obnoxious ducks quaking.
I couldn't hide my smile. Haha. I did that.
Mina shot me a glare as she went to pick it up, moving out of the room so she could talk to whoever was on the other line. As soon as she left Kat practically leaped onto the seat beside me.
"You're setting her up on another date?" Kat hissed.
"Well, I can only stall for so long before I run out of jerks and weirdos to send her off with." I scowled at him. "I mean, it will be awhile before that happens but eventually she'll figure it out, Kit-Kat."
Kat gripped his dark hair and collapsed on the couch with a strangled huff.
"You need to make a move soon before she's out of your reach forever." I stood, slipping my phone in my pocket as I walked to the door.
"I will! I will!" Kat said hurriedly. "I invited Mina to go to this nice casual restaurant downtown."
"Great." I gave him a relieved smile and slipped my blindingly yellow leather jacket over my shoulders.
"And I said you'd be there."
"KATSUO!" I whirled around, fixing my furious gaze on his.
He shrunk back. "I'm sorry! She asked if you were and I panicked!"
I placed my hands on my hips. "What if I had plans?"
Kat snorted, smothering it with a cough when I gave him the scrunchy-nose. " you?"
"" I admitted.
He brightened like a Christmas tree. "So, can you come?"
"Ugh, fine if I have to." I stumbled to the door, throwing the back of my hand over my forehead for good measure.
"You don't have to pay." Kat sang.
I spun back towards him, pointing a finger at him as I walked out the door.
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