Scene Draft (Webs of Steel)
This scene didn't really need a draft, but I had to get it out of my head to focus on other scenes I was trying to write at the time. Like the last one, this also made it into the final edit of the fanfiction.
Webs of Steel
(Scene Draft - The Talk)
Clark ran his fingers through his soaking wet black hair and then shook his head, spraying droplets of water on the bathroom mirror. With a white towel wrapped around his waist, he unlocked the door and sauntered across the hall into his old bedroom, which he had since loaned to Lois, leaving a trail of water behind him. Lois was absent, which he was grateful for, as he headed over to the chest of drawers that were used to store his underwear, his socks and his t-shirts.
Thundering footsteps down the hall snatched his attention away from the drawer and he turned around just in time to see Lois skidding to a stop in the doorway. His hands instinctively flew to the towel around him, and he gripped it tightly as though he was afraid it would fall.
"Uhh… Trying to get dressed here, Lois." He chuckled.
"Well, don't let me stop you. I just came up here to grab my laptop. If I don't get my term paper done then I'm screwed." She rambled.
"B- b- but-" He stammered.
"Don't be shy, Smallville. Seen it all before." She smirked.
"N- no, it's okay. I'll wait."
Lois flashed a wry smile, amused by his obvious embarrassment and continued into the room to retrieve her laptop. In the hurry she was in, she failed to notice the water puddled on the floor and as she set foot in it, she slipped. Her heart leapt into her chest and she reached out, grabbing Clark's shoulder in an attempt to steady herself. Though instead of stopping her from falling, it sent them both tumbling to the floor with a heavy thump as he fell flat on top of her.
"OW! You elephant, you're squishing me!" She complained.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
As he climbed backwards onto his knees, the towel around his waist loosened and dropped but before he could retrieve it, his parents appeared in the doorway. Clark felt his cheeks heating up and was certain his face was the colour of beetroot already.
"M- mom! Dad!" He squeaked.
"Clark!" Martha gasped, wide eyed with her mouth agape.
In complete shock, Clark scrambled for the towel and he wrapped it around himself quickly as he stood up. He looked at his parents and they looked at him, then at Lois, who remained on the floor with her hair sprawled out around her. His mouth hung open as he tried to gather his thoughts.
"Clark Kent, you need to explain yourself right now." Johnathan ordered him firmly.
"I uh- it's not- it's not what it looks like." He stammered. "I came in here to get dressed, and she came in here to grab something, but the floor was wet and she slipped and then she grabbed my thing and I fell on top of her."
Johnathan and Martha exchanged a look and when they looked back at Clark, it was clear that they were skeptical. He willed his embarrassment to die down so that he could clear up his explanation, but the longer he stood there, wearing nothing but a towel in front of an audience of three, the more embarrassed he felt.
"Clark!" Martha warned.
"Mom, I swear!" He threw his hands up in surrender.
"Okay, that's enough. Clark, get dressed. I want to see the two of you downstairs in the next five minutes. We need to have a talk."
"Oh, Dad no…"
"Don't Dad me. You know exactly what you were doing in here before your mother and I walked in, and I think that a conversation is needed. Five minutes. You best believe if I don't see you in the kitchen, I'll be coming back up here." Johnathan told him firmly. "And I might just bring scissors with me." He added with a playful gleam in his eyes.
"Snip!" He teased, making a scissor motion with his hand.
Clark cringed as his parents turned to leave the room. He turned back to Lois, who was still on the floor, and sighed. The last thing he'd wanted to do was have 'the talk' with his parents, and in front of Lois too. He hesitated for a second, and then offered out his hand to her. She looked up at him with an expression that he wasn't in the right mind to decipher, but took his hand and allowed him to help her back to her feet regardless.
"Umm, a little privacy please?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Are you getting shy, Smallville?" She teased him.
"Relax. I'm kidding." She rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you downstairs."
With that, she brushed past him and out of the room, leaving him alone at last. Though it did nothing to ease the embarrassment, even as he went about the room, grabbed his clothes and threw them on before anyone else could come and poke fun at him. Knowing what was waiting for him, he slipped from the room and dawdled his way downstairs, one step at a time until he reached the kitchen. Johnathan eyed him as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out two bacon rashers left over from breakfast.
"Did you know that it takes only thirty minutes for sperm to reach an egg?"
Clark blinked at the bacon in his hands and then looked over at his father. He found his appetite had all but disappeared, and threw the rashers into the trash.
"Yeah. Pretty sure I learned that in biology. Thanks, dad." He sighed.
"Oh. Well… Good." Johnathan commented. "Because from where I was standing in the doorway upstairs, I was worried you may have forgotten."
"Dad, please. It's not like that." Clark protested. "We were-"
"You don't need to tell me, Clark. I am aware of what you were doing up there."
"Look, what your father is trying to say is that we know that you're not a little boy anymore, and as you move into adulthood, there's going to be some… urges. We accept that, but we just want you to be careful."
"Urges?" He repeated, and glanced briefly at Lois, who shrugged through her silent laughter. "Mom, it really was just an accident."
"And so are half the babies born in this town." Johnathan added. "Which is why your mother and I are setting some ground rules."
"It's for the best, Clark. We know that you two are dating and that's fine, but we don't want you to make mistakes that are going to change your life." Martha reasoned.
"I guess…"
Johnathan patted Clark on the back with a grin that made him dread the next part of the conversation. He wanted nothing more than to crawl under a rock and hide until he was thirty, but even then he figured that they would still lecture him.
"Now, these rules. First; no loud music. We want to be able to hear you when you're up there together."
"Fine." He sighed, having expected the first rule to be a lot worse.
"Second; you are not to be in that room together beyond nine pm." Martha added.
"Come on, what if-"
"Clark!" Johnathan warned.
"Alright. What's the next one?" He questioned.
"The third and final rule is that when you are up there together, you keep the door open." Martha finished.
"Okay. Those I can handle." Clark agreed. "Are we done now?"
"Not quite, son." Johnathan said, fishing through one of the drawers until he found what he was looking for.
Clark frowned in confusion as his dad held out a small box to him, but his jaw hit the floor as he examined it closely. He looked up at Jonathan's smiling face and then back at the little blue box.
"Really, Dad?" He questioned in disbelief. "Condoms…"
"Just in case." Johnathan shrugged.
"Yeah, you can keep those." Clark shook his head and offered the box back.
"Oh really?"
"Yes. Really." He insisted.
"Okay, let's say I take them back from you and a week from now you are up in the bedroom as you were just now and we don't interrupt you-"
"Let me finish!" He snapped. "You two get down to business and then something happens-"
"She gets pregnant and what? You dropout of college, you rush and get married, then you're stuck with a baby and what if you decide you can't handle it? Then you split up and you turn to alcohol and-"
"Enough!" Clark yelled. "Lois and I are dating. You hear me? Dating. That is it. Yes, I was upstairs getting dressed and we both fell on the floor, but there's nothing more to it. We are not sex-crazy teenagers!"
"I'm not done." He cut in. "Okay, it is not like that. And even if we were, I think we are both responsible enough not to let anything happen. But I will say that even if it did happen, I would not be that lousy man who becomes an alcoholic and abandons my family. I would be a man about it. But it won't happen because we are responsible enough not to let it happen."
"We were just-"
"Yeah, just being good parents. I know." He finished. "And job done… I'll be in my barn if anyone needs me."
"Clark…" Lois began, but stopped as he walked out of the house.
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