Scene Draft (The Witch's Curse)
This next drafted scene was meant to be the original ending to Dawn of the Vampires sequel, The Witch's Curse, as a foot through the door and into the third book. However as the story progressed and filled out, it changed and this scene happened much earlier than the ending. (Please note that The Witch's Curse and all things related are copyright protected).
(Scene Draft)
Mason's Goodbye
Mason looked past Julian and out into the garden. His eyes fell upon Harley standing near the fence, looking out into the grassy meadow behind the house. Her long black hair was swaying to the side in the gentle breeze of the November morning. For the first time in a long time she looked both happy and healthy, which only made what he had to do next all the more harder. It wasn't what he wanted, his heart hurt just thinking about it, but he didn't have a choice. He inhaled a breath and then exhaled it deeply before forcing himself out into the garden, stopping only once he was standing beside her and looking out into the meadow.
She acknowledged him right away and adjusted her position so that his face was in her line of vision. Her eyes met his and he tore them away, unable to bear looking at her smile that had reached her eyes while knowing he was about to be the reason why it disappeared. Even as his eyes fell upon her hands, he could feel her mood slowly dropping.
"You know, with everything working out exactly as we wanted it, I thought you'd be a little happier." She spoke softly.
Mason didn't lift his stare. "I am happy, Harley."
"Hmm… really? Because you're not smiling, you're avoiding eye contact and the way you said it makes me believe otherwise." She challenged him.
"Look… I can't lie, I'm not happy."
"Oh." She mouthed, the smile all but completely gone from her face. "Did you want to-"
"I can't do this anymore, Harley."
"D- do what?" She asked, though deep down she knew the answer. She bit down on her lip, feeling like her heart was being squeezed.
"Be with you." He answered flatly.
"Not this again." She swallowed, willing her voice to stay steady. "If this is another guilt trip then-"
"It's not!" He snapped.
Harley could feel her eyes burning and she wished to be anywhere but there. She dropped her stare to the fence that separated them from the garden and let the tears fall. There was no use trying to hide how she was feeling.
"Mason, don't do this again… I thought we were past this." She pleaded, feeling her mouth become drier with each word. "After everything we've been through, fighting for each other, going to the ends of the earth for each other… that's it?" She raised an eyebrow. "Does- does it all mean nothing to you?"
Her hand found its way to his shoulder but he shrugged it away. She didn't bother to try and touch him again and instead wrapped her arms around herself, feeling a coldness surrounding her body.
"You mean nothing to me."
Harley bit her tongue, feeling the sting of his words. In defiance, she shook her head and refused to believe it. "You don't mean that…" She drew in a breath. "Don't do this to me again."
"I do mean it, Harley." He insisted and paused for a moment. "I don't love you."
"I never have." He cut in. "And while I was out searching for the first vampire, I found her… and found someone I can actually be with and not-"
"Stop!" She cried. "I don't want to hear it…" Her eyes met his and this time, held no warmth or anything positive. "You're br- breaking my heart…"
"Then I guess you should have known better than to give it to me." He said coldly and turned to walk away.
"No!" She screamed and attempted to run after him, only for a cast iron grip to close around her waist, preventing her. "Julian, let me go!" She yelled hysterically, fighting against his hold. "Let go of me!"
But his grip only tightened around her and with him being stronger, she was forced to give in. As she stopped fighting, he let go but by then Mason was already gone. She spun around and gave him a harsh shove.
"Harley, I'm so-"
"Shut up!" She yelled. "Go away!... Please, just go away." She pleaded.
Julian hesitated for a second but respected her request and disappeared back into the house. Harley froze for a moment and then doubled over, leaning on the fence as she lost all control on her emotions. It was a battle long fought, but nothing came close to the way he had made her feel when he'd said those words. She dropped to her knees on the ground and brought her hands up to her face.
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