U.S.J Attack
Izula was getting along with her three new friends and Bakugou was having a hard time seating down cause of what she did really and she was good at hiding she was even there making it easier for Bakugou to calm down at really.
The class was voting for the Class President and Class Vic-President as Izula voted for Tenya cause he can do a better job and then voted for herself as an advisor. No one said they couldn't have one for their class really making her to smile at her male friend.
"Alright. Voting is over. Class President is... Hmm?" Izula added a note to her's making him to be smiling at her thoughtfulness.
"It would seem your chosen Class President, Midoriya Izula had added a note and it's to pass it over to Iida Tenya cause of what she did in class yesterday and may she be sorry to the class for seeing it really, she's not at all sorry to Bakugou Katsuki.
Instead... Midoriay is both Iida Tenya and Yaoyorozu Momo's advisor with them being the Class President and Class Vic-President of Class 1-A." Everyone was fully shocked as this is new making Bakugou to widen his eyes as he doesn't see her behind him really.
"Look beside you, bro." A red spikey haired boy said and there she is hiding making him to then realized she did it for him making him to ruffle her hair and told her to go back to seating at her seat making her laugh which made him smile like he use to which shocked the whole class really.
At Lunch time...
Izula was nervous and Lunch Rush gave her group a room for themselves to help calm her down and they can see he's like the papa type mkaing him to fully blush underneath his mask really at her comment which many agree with as he's like a super papa who feeds his children.
"Nonsense! ... ... O.K. Maybe a little bit." Everyone chuckles as they started calling him papa Lunch Rush making him to blush again as the teachers are going to hear about this really. They went into the room and started to talk until they thought to have some fun.
"'It's alright, it's alright
I'm the one playing the fool for you
The insignificant
Pierrot of a small circus'
Perfectly round, like the moon
I keep balance on top of a ball
And fall in extravagant fashion
It's my job to be laughed at
I noticed you; crying in the audience
Don't look so sad
Those tears your mom and dad
Aren't aware of
I noticed them
I had to wipe them away
'It's alright, it's alright
I feel no pain or discomfort'
If you laugh for me
It's alright, it's alright
I'm the one falling clumsy
Balancing on a ball,
The Pierrot of a small circus
You kept crying and said
'Your lies are sad'
'I haven't said even a single lie'
At those words,
You burst out crying again
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Hah ah ha
Isn't it like it's like
You just met me now
All I feel like you do is make me cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." What Tenya didn't expect was an angel joining him and that angel was Izula as she sings the female parts making both to miss Ochaco just fully recording from the beginning really as this is awesome making Tsu-chan to then have the music playing since the very beginning really.
"'You don't show it to the audience
What's under that mask
Show me the true face
That you were hiding
When hurt; be in pain
When it's hard; scream
There's nothing shameful about it
It's alright, it's alright
It's doesn't matter if you can't
Laugh properly
So that you'll never ever lie again
It's alright, it's alright
It doesn't matter if you can't bear it
I'll cry along with you'." Both sang together then making them to be having a lot of fun with this really.
"It's alright, it's alright
You found it for me (Izula: It's alriiiiiiight)
My own face,
That I was about to forget
'It's alright, it's alright' (Izula: Alriiiiiight)
It's was just like magic (Izula: Raruyaaaaaa)."
"Look, the lying Pierrot." Tenya said in a normal voice making it to fit the song.
"Has vanished now
Has vanished noooooooooooooooooooooooow."
"Ruyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." Both Ochaco and Tsu-chan was shocked as both Izuya and Tenya sanged it beautiful making her to blush as that can't be making them to realized she really has a lot of self-central issues really making them to help her out with it.
"Many say I sing like a dying cat or I'm out of tune or I'm not good enough to be a singer."
"NOT TRUE! YOU ACTUALLY SING VERY BEAUTIFULLY, IZULA!" They shouted at her making her to have tears of joy coming down her face.
"Thanks you, guys. That means a lot to me really."
They then hear the panic outside the room and Izula had somehow found a secret way to the P.A's speakers and they went there fast making Izula to quickly activate the speakers and she had Tenya send the message to fully just about everyone fast.
"They've checked it themselves, kero." Tsu-chan whispers as she came back from the outside the building since the room has a big window.
"Tenya, nice job!" Ochaco had said after Izula turned the mic off and they went back the very way they came from making the teachers to miss them really. Lunch Rush had went to go check and they were back in time as no one was going to be fully able to believe him anyway.
Izula had requested her costume be upgraded as she had made it herself and she would like it be fully proofed for everything, the shoes fixed to guard her feet and legs, two gloves meant to take hits and a ear piece to talk to seven people max really.
Tenya, Tsu-chan, Ochaco and All Might were fully shocked. Izula wants it to be unhackable and it can't be interfered with by a Quirk really making them to have fun as she did this for her next class and she is wearing the school gym uniforms with a copy of her face mask with a strip of fabric with two eye holes.
She still has her sword and gun really making her to be ready as Izula helps Tenya get everyone on the bus and noticed All Might is busy saving people again making her to sigh as the ear pieces are proof to everything and was done first really.
She plans to just let Aizawa-sensei letcher All Might about this once she gave him her ear piece to do so on the bus making him to be glad for it as he was giving him an earful of it making Izula to not feel guilty over it at all really as she chuckles at the scene really.
Aizawa-sensei hands it over after he was done and he felt better making Izula to be pleased as she waits with her own 'Dekusquad' as Bakugou calls it making her to call him, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Hanta Sero and Kaminori Denki the 'Bakusquad' then.
"Wha?! They?! I?! We aren't?!" Izula smirks as she turns to have her back towards him making really everyone else to laugh as she got him there really. He fully groans as Kirishima rubs his back really which he fully leans into his chest.
'Wha?! I?! He?! We aren't?! Why bro?!' Kirishima was blushing red making Mina to "Shishishishi!" at him for it.
'Problem child. No match making in my classroom. Though I can tell Ashido is jealous really.' Aizawa thinks as he shakes his head very amused by this really. Then he noticed the portal and got in front of his children making Izula to be scared as she hides behind Tenya.
"W-W-W-WHAT I-I-I-IS T-T-T-THAT M-M-M-MONSTER?!" Izula shouts making many to see the 'monster' she is talking about as this is not a good thing at all really. She's not going to be liking this really as she's scared of that thing really.
"Greetings, we are the League of Villains. We have come to kill All Might, the Symbol of Peace." Izula contacted All Might and she explains what is going on in a whispering voice and that they aren't beyond killing, raping nor torturmenting children really.
"If it means it gets you to come here mich faster to kill you really."
"Hold on, young Midoriya! Hold on! I'm on my way!" All Might said in the ear piece as he was with his follow teachers making her to then report it to Aizawa-sensei only by writing on his palm which he nods to as that's a good thing to know really.
"Good. Thirteen, get the children out. I'll give you as much time as I can." Aizawa jumps down and he starts to fight as Thirteen tries to get them out, but the mass of mist shows up making her to fully hold Tsu-chan's hand as they got fully separated form the others.
Izula holds her breath as she fully knows she'll be needing googles to keep dust and water out of her eyes really as she felt the long tongue and was brought onto the ship as she can tell by Tenya that Ochaco is not with him who is with Thirteen calming her down.
"I'm with Bakugou and Kirishima. I'm making things float as a shield since the Quirks is an issue and we don't know what they are yet."
"We need a plan. And fast. All Might and the other teachers are coming, but it's going to be slow, so we need to fight fire with fire. We have no choice in this very situation." Izula hopes All Might would fully forgive her really.
Tsu-chan and Minoru Mineta nods as Izula is right as they get ready to fight back. Ochaco and Tenya heard and Tenya replied it fast to Thirteen who sighs as they can tell that a student knows a situation where they have no choice in the matter really.
"Permission granted." Tenya sent it over which Izula, Ochaco and Tsu-chan nods to. Izula had fastly explained the plan as Tsu-chan picks Mineta up and she moves him around in the air all while making sure he got them as no one noticed Izula's eyes were fully just glowing golden-green really.
The balls were stretched out and covered both nose and mouth and some of them covered gills making some of the villains to chock on it. Mineta also had some in the water before Tsu-chan switched over and Izula concentrated on One For All really.
She focuses eight percent into her right middle finger and then she raised it to twenty percent before she let it lose making the villains to be taken into the whirlpool with the balls sticking them together making the plan to work perfectly.
Tenya wrote it in a book making the Mist Villain to sweat drop at the site of this making Thirteen to wonder what he is doing making him to blush as he's face is hidden which is a good thing really cause of the real villains and shrugs his shoulders.
'At least the villain thinks I made the engines look like it's part of the costume really.' Tenya thinks as he, Izula and Tsu-chan heard Ochaco shouting at Bakugou and Kirishima through the mic's that they have full-blown permission to kill cause of the situation they are in really.
"Thirteen gave permission and here you are acting like the world is jus ending! What's more important?! Your lives or your pride?! I know my choice, idiotas!" Izula should have known Ochaco wanted to swear and is using many different languages, but damn.
Ochaco really gave it to them by calling them idiots in Italian really as they can hear she is fighting now and they will leave her alone. Izula had Tsu-chan throw Mineta straight to Thirteen and then split up fast to the other groups really.
Tsu-chan nods as Mineta hugs them both for keeping him alive and for the team work before he got thrown as both knows that he wasn't acting like pervert there making them to agree to never mention this to anyone really.
Tsu-chan went one way and Izula went the other way making her to see she is with Tokoyami Fukikage and Koda Koji making her to bring her sword out and channel One For All into it gently and a clear path making her to spin cut the villains down dead.
"Revelry in the Darkness! Why did you do that for?!" Izula looks them straight in the eyes and said it to them.
"Permission granted. Thirteen is giving us permission to kill. The situation is much more grave as me, Tsu-chan and Mineta almost got drowned to death by a lot of aqua Quirk users and I realized the very situation we were in fast really." Tokoyami nods at that.
"Sounds reasonable. I'll protect Koda since he won't be able to do this really." Izula nods and she helps, but they saw Koda have water poisonous insects biting ten to death making him to shake and she had the two of them head back to Thirteen which Dark Shadow saw the way really.
"Thanks, Dark Shadow." Tokoyami said as he turns to Izula, but she left already as he sees smoke in one direction and the sounds of a gun in another really.
'They must of gone to save the others.' Dark Shadow leads the way to their teachers making Koda to hold Tokoyami's hand who fully didn't mind and he tries to calm him down from a panic attack really. Tsu-chan made it to a group and it's Todoroki Shoto's.
He saw her from the corner of his left eye and she used her tongue to grab a piece of rock and slammed it into a villain's head as she fully commented to him only that they have permission making him to be shocked, but nods as it seems to be from a teacher really.
He helped and he looks to his left side making Tsu-chan to comment it's Todoroki's own powers and no one else's as 'Deku' would have said it making him to be shocked and he used his fire side for the first time since forever making a lot of smoke and heat to show up.
He did keep one alive for some information making it to be all about killing All Might and that's all, but Tsu-chan asked about the monster and he has nothing about it making her to nod and knocked him out as she has Todoroki help Aizawa-sensei out fast.
"Right." Tsu-chan then heard a gun go off four times making her to know Izula got to another group. Izula shot four villains in the eye which she added a bit of One For All to it to make them go faster and it she has killed the villains.
"Before you even ask me, Create Girl. Permission was granted by Thirteen-san really." Izula said very quickly making her to nod as she was surprised by the actually code-name she got to keep herself safe as Jirou Kyouka asked for a pair of scissors which she then used on the back of Momo's costume really.
"Stereo box system, please." Momo nods as she should have though of that as as she creates it and Jirou fully connects her Earphone jacks to it making her to have the others to cover their ears. She tunes the sound to aim at the heart and then attacked.
The villains' hearts couldn't take it and exploded inside the body making them to be dead fast. Momo killed six herself and Denki had eight since Jirou got six only. Izula has them heading back to Aizawa to give him back-up as Momo had created a wagon to fully carry the stereo box system with them.
Izula lifts it up for them and then she pushed them once they were in the wagon with the system making them to be heading to Aizawa as Momo made two noise cancelling headphones for herself and Denki who was powering the system really with a clean path of electricity.
While all this was fully happening really, Ochaco was making things float as she then has them slam into villain heads making it to take six villains for both Bakugou and Kirishima to join in making them to do so is self-defense much more really.
Bakugou grabbed one with his mouth open and blasted making the explosion to remove the back of the neck and destroyed the neck bone while the rest went down and burnt both the lungs and the esophagus really freaking him out really
Kirishima hardens his hands and he jambs through the heart as he too was freaking out making them to wonder how Uraraka/Round Cheeks managed to handle it fully really as she doesn't look like she's freaking out about this really until they saw why.
'She's protecting US!' They turned to each other and nodded before rushing to help her out as Ochaco saw how many she has killed and how many they have which she, Tsu-chan and Izula had reported in and which terrain it was in to Tenya really.
Thirteen was feeling really guilty and they were willing to lose their Hero License if it means to make amends for their choice which seems to be impossible as they saw the children coming towards them and Koda was having the most tough time with it really.
'Poor boy.' Thirteen thinks as they focus on the Mist Villain in front of them making it to be harder to let him get close to the children. Then loud noises were heard and they saw Jirou with a stereo box system on a wagon heading their way really with Momo and Denki.
It was making villains to cover their ears and Momo gave Aizawa a noise cancelling headphone set like their friends have making him to fight the villains better since they can't move from their spots. The main villain who was the very leader was pissed really at this.
'Damn them. Damn them. Damn them. Damn them!' Once the villains were down, Ochaco had Bakugou and Kirishima to follow her as Aizawa will be needing backup since he can't keep using his Quirk all the time really which both agrees to.
Both Tsu-chan and Izula were heading there after letting the rest of their classmates know about the permission making many to be shaken, but understood making Izula to feel more guiltiness since she was the one to figure out the situation and that they needed to do this.
'I hope All Might would forgive me for this really.' Izula thinks as she saw Aizawa and she shoots the main villain in his arms making Aizawa to be shocked at this as Izula stands in front of him in a protective stands making him to see her gun.
"Leave Eraserhead alone, villain. You move and I'll shot you in the hips. And I do mean hips with a 'S' meaning both hips." The villain groans and moves to scratch his neck as he was upset about this greatly really.
"You cheated!"
"This ain't a game, gamer villain. It's life. It throws shit at you and you either adept from it or you die from it. Get use to a hit not going as planned." Aizawa had to hide his smirk as she got him there making him to grind his teeth at that sentiment towards him.
Jirou turned her Quirk off making her to have Sato to turn the wagon around and she the blasted a lot of sound waves straight at the villain making him to cover his ears in pain, but the monster lands in front and blocks it as it stands kneeling down.
"Grrrr." Jirou stops her attack.
"That thing is blocking my attack!" Thirteen wasn't pleased with that as Izula shoots it in the brain to test something as she wants the brain to explode, but she missed and got the mouth blasted off only making every girl to scream as everyone saw it regenerated it back.
This was not going to be a good thing at all as All Might shows up and Izula supports Aizawa back to Thirteen as the Mist Villain is near the main villain now making it to be safe, but they are still in danger as Aizawa was patched up by Izula really.
It was all thanks to Momo making the stuff for Izula to use making Aizawa to not like it that he's in his boxers only and Todoroki had to use his fire side Quirk carefully on some of his wounds to stop the bleeding until Izula gets to them all really.
All Might was having a hard time dealing with the monster as the villain calls it Nomu making Izula to have a bad feeling and asked Jirou if she can sense a heart beat from that think which once she checked...
"There's no fucking heart beat! That thing is dead! It's a living corpse!" All Might was shocked as he was now furies.
"YOU STOLE A HUMAN CORPSE TO EXPERIMENTE ON IT TO CREATE THIS ABOMINATION?! HOW DARE YOU!" All Might wasn't smiling like he was before when he saw the situation since Izula was there alright and looking after Aizawa really.
No one can do anything, but gasp as these villains wouldn't even care if you were a villain, a hero, a civilian or even a vigilante, they will steal your dead body and experiment on it to make these abominations things really which has them scared really.
Izula glares as she's going to have a announcement about this and will have no more burial for Japan really to keep these things from being fully created really which she wrote and will have the whole police force deal with it for her really.
All Might was close to being defeat if Todoroki didn't freeze the Nomu and Bakugou exploded on the Mist Villain's mental neck brace really making Izula to have her sword at the villain's neck making him to freeze as there's hand cuffs on his hands in front of him.
All Might was shocked by this fully really, but he was also pleased that this as they saved him making the villain to groan and just mumbles under his breath about cheating codes and the unfairness making her to press a bit harder on his throat as a warning only.
The villain focuses on the hand cuffs and had it fully decay from his wrist without a sound and slowly was aiming to touch Izula when the press was more harsher than before making him to freeze meaning she knew what he was going to do really.
Todoroki destroyed the lower half of the Nomu making it to let go of All Might who thanks Todoroki before the Nomu used his hands to lift itself up and pushed off with them into the air and his lower half regenerated back really making the villain to laugh.
"One more sound, I'll cut your head off." All Might knows she's threating him, but it sounds fake making the villain to shiver as he doesn't sense it really making All Might to wonder about what his successor is up to really. Izula frowns fast.
Something ain't right making her to threating to take his balls and make him ball-less before taking his head off his neck if he doesn't fully explain everything since she had sensed that something is wrong making all males to shiver at the threat to the balls really.
He shivers as she moves the sword down to them making him to fully shake and shutter as he tries to get her to back off from his balls fully really which she wasn't going to do without the information she is demeaning for making him to shiver.
"I don't even know what kind of information you are demeaning from me!"
"Who's the true mastermind fully behind this? It's obvious you're a new player as a student to this true mastermind, so spill. Who. Is. It?!" He shivers as he didn't think anyone would figure it out this fast really.
"I'm not telling you who it is!" She was quick to cut his pants and had shown his dick with the balls as her sword was close to them.
"Tell. Me. Now!" He shivers as he doesn't know what to do making the Nomu to rush over to him and Izula was quick enough to dodge, but she also cut him deeply on the chest from his right shoulder to his left hips as it went to the very bones, but no organs were fully damage.
"Young master!" The Mist Villain shouts making her to point her sword at him as she glares at him.
"Maybe you'll tell me."
"I will not betray my master to a child like you." The site of the glowing golden-green eyes made him change his mind fast.
"His villain name is All For One. I don't know his civilian name as his last name is Shigaraki. That's all I know." All Might was shocked by this, but Izula still had that very glare in her eyes before it fully had vanished and the glow in her eyes were the same.
"Thank you. At least someone knows to not treat me like a child as a child would have fully killed themselves with a gun and sword unlike an adult." The Mist Villain flinches along with the 'Young Master' as they didn't know she was adult really.
"My apologies for thinking you were a child. It's just your very appearance..." Everyone, but the villains know she's pretending to be a grown-up to fully get the very much information out of him fully really which is clever, but stupid really as it could be undone really.
All Might went back to fight the monster as the villain is down and won't be able to get back up really making them to be ready as Izula keeps an eye on the down villain with Bakugou having the Mist Villain which he agrees to as All Might has that monster.
Izula knows All Might's time is almost up and she can't let him get anymore damage done to his body making her to worry before All Might punched three hundred times before sending the thing out making it to destroy the ceiling.
"Normally it would of took only three. I'm out of shape it would seem." It was allowing the Mist Villain to get out and wrap around him as he has his young master's hand near All Might making Izula to shoot him in the liver.
It was making him to bring his hands to that spot making his two hands to be shoot at by Sniper as the Pro-Heroes are here making Thirteen to be ready for their punishment once this is fully over as they knows they are going to be losing their license for this really.
"The teachers are here!" Mineta screams in happiness and he rushes up before jumping straight into Midnight's arms crying in relief making her to pat him on the head as he was happy to see them all making Sniper to shoot at the villain again which hit his left lungs.
"Young master!" The Mist Villain let's go of All Might and protects the man making him to send the bullets somewhere else unaware of was at the Yakuza men that belong to Shie Hassaikai Yakuza which had ticked off the leader really. Izula heads over to All Might.
She supports him as he needs the hand making Bakugou to wonder how much Izula has fully changed really making the Mist Villain to get out of there cause Thirteen is pointing their fingers at him fully which he sent back at them fast making the back of their costume to be ripped off.
"Thirteen!" Ochaco supports them as she let's them lean onto her back making them to fully then continue making the Mist Villain to have no choice, but to leave making their young master to look at them all as the Mist Villain let's him see All Might and Izula.
"May this be game over for us, we will be back to kill All Might." He was in pain, but he managed to get it out making them to be gone now as the teachers go to check on the students and look for the villains in the place. Izula felt like she had to do it.
She gently kissed All Might's left cheek and he glowed a bright green making his injuries to be fully healing at a fast rate making him to freak mentally as he can't move making Izula to feel tired as All Might's injuries from today and from the past decades...
'Are gone. Young Midoriya...' All Might looks towards her once she pulls away and let's him stand on his own making her to take her classmates back to the others as she has Momo make a lot of large blankets big enough for only two people to share.
Momo did that and a large blue tarp making Cementoss to have large cement towers as the tarp was large enough to cover triple the classroom space with four inches extra making Izula to have the metal circles to be pinned by cement hooks.
Izula did ask Momo after the blankets to make a blue tarp that was quadruple a classroom's space with fifty and a half inches in length and width making her to do so as Izula was going to use it for their tent to keep everyone calm which works as the teachers didn't question it really.
Cementoss saw the length and made a cement tower in the very middle making it to look more like a tent as Izula nods at him for the new tower as the tarp is more ready to have the students inside of it as Izula needs to have the entrance way done with now.
Izula crawls under and then cuts from the middle to where there is about six inches to the top to have flaps as she moves everyone around inside of it since they fall asleep and they had already thrown up as she pairs them off as both Kirishima and Mina is with Bakugou with two blankets really.
Ojirou Mashiro has Tooru Hagakure in his arms as Izula wraps her up like a burrito as Ojirou is letting her to use his tail as a pillow making her to be asleep already as the tail was coming from behind her making her to be safe and sound from it really.
Tenya has Ochaco and Tokoyami has Tsu-chan making her to make sure Todoroki has Momo making both to be relaxed from this all before she felt her stomach jump and she was outside fast as she used a gun with a silencer on it and she shot a villain in the knees.
Everyone agreed she did the right thing as she hands it move to a officer and the note before heading back in with All Might following her which many think to keep an eye on the students. All Might let's her cuddle into his chest as she falls into restless sleep making him to worry.
'Young Midoriya... I pray I don't have to tell you about him yet, but I fear I might. It's too soon for you to know and now... Sighs Why is everything coming apart?' All Might thinks as he rubs her back to help calm her down which works fully really.
It was making him to smile as he keeps rubbing her back not even noticing that Bakugou was looking at them from lifting his head up to look at them both before he then lowers it and he went to sleep as he'll fully question her later since he needs to sleep really.
He feels that both Kirishima and Mina nuzzling into his neck fully contain where they are making him to leave it as he can tell that everyone is going to be having a hard time with what had fully just happened today really which he knows even he'll have a hard time as well, too.
Nezu was shocked that it was Izula who had figured out the situation and she knew it was a 'kill or be killed' making him to frown as her IQ is higher than he's own IQ really making him to worry about this really. He looks towards the make-shift tent and looks to True-man.
"She'll remain anonymous and the note will be as well. She was right to see the situation like that and did the right thing by asking her supervisor for permission. I'm surprise by young Iida writing it down for us really and in which terrain it was done in really.
No one is going to be arrested, but the villains. And with this note... I fear cremation is the band-new thing in Japan forever more cause of this whole thing really. Even after the villains are fully captured, who wouldn't say someone else would continue their works themselves?" They nodded at that really.
Aizawa was shockingly treated like he was in the hospital as he said it was Izula who did this to him making them to know she is someone you don't mess with if your in a pinch really. What fully everyone didn't know is a Quirk is slowly waking up really.
It's waking up from it's suppressed sleep it did to itself for safety as there is danger twenty-four/seven around it's user making it to sense a new Quirk and it was sensing six other Quirks from it as the eight previous users stare at it's orb where it's been sleeping for the pass eleven years.
It can sense the Quirks aren't fully harmful and will leave them be as it closed it's golden-green eyes to sleep a bit more since it's weak and it needs a bit more time to fully gather it's strength to be of use to it's user really as this Quirk... It's sensitive like Dark Shadow is.
And that's not all, All Might's embers of One For All are back to full strength and he has more time in his Hero Form cause of Izula's healing kiss on his left cheek making many to be confused to the mass of change to All Might the minute he went back to his civilian form really.
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