Sport Fest Festival part 4
Izula was shocked that her own villain-self did that meaning she cares for her squad like they were her family members making Izula to not be pissed at her as she fully might have done the same really making both to get along as Villain Izula saw the eight previous users really.
Inside of Izula's mind...
"Need something, senseis?"
"Who are you?!" The Fifth User demeaned making V. Izula to sigh as she made Black Whip show up and retrain him with his mouth covered.
"May I ask who you are, please?" The sole female user asked her making Izula to sigh happily.
"Finally politeness! That bastard doesn't know any! You, Six User, make him cough on smoke if he does that again! I don't fully like rudeness!" The First User fully just chuckles as the Sixth User nods mkaing them to see how she feels about rudeness.
"I'm Izula Midoriya. I'm from the dimension where villains are the heroes and heroes are the villains. All For One is still a villain in that dimension, don't worry about it really. I may be a Villain, but what started this is Endeavor who killed my parents when he was chasing a villain in a large crowded area.
I hated him since then and I still do really. You saw her memories when she meditates, right? She feels the same. Fourth User, I should tell you that she's a Zulu Clan member meaning she can't die, so don't worry about One For All shortening her lifespan please." He nods relieved.
"Do you also have..."
"Yep! I don't use it for crimes! I use it to go up against villains! All Might became a villain cause of Nezu and U.A really. I found a away to keep him from losing the embers and to allow him to keep fighting as a 'Hero' since he's a traitor to the school there.
He can't trust that easily to fully anyone anymore, but he trusts me and I don't lie to his face ever which he likes. All of your memories might show up even if you are died and they be just a bit different, but they're from that dimension.
All Might will also have he's making him to know what he going on as the Dekusquad will have spilt-personalities which is us villains really. We'll willing to work with them really. Izula doesn't know she is a lesbian.
I want her to figure that part out herself as not all memories are unlocked as she needs my help to get my squad here as us six are the sole survivors of that dimension really. The money will be brought over and the support items for Heroes.
That dimension is going to be fully disappearing and we don't care as we only need each other to survive and that's not going to be changing really. Once all memories unlock, all my moves are her's to use. It'll only be used on villains and with All For One...
He has a Quirk that allows his life span to be doubled which is why he can't be defeated. She'll need to find a way to stop all of his Quirks and then kill him permanently. It's the only option and I did that actually in my own dimension.
I still have One For All inside of me and once my memories are unlocked, it'll fuse to the One For All from this dimension. I figure I should warn you before you freaked out. I also have a theory that All For One and One For All might fuse together inside of her body.
That would be making it: All For One and One for All Quirk. I can't say for sure, but it's very possible really." They were all shocked as this is impossible, but they can tell this Ninth User is serious about this and not lying to them at all.
"Thank you for the warning, miss. When did you meet us?"
"About a month after I got the Quirk. I meditated for a very long time to help me get the percentage of the Quirk up and had it activated throughout my body making the percentage to go up. I then met you guys a month afterwards.
You saw me doing things and you noticed I wasn't using the Quirk for evil. I was using it to take down as many villains as I can to protect people while fully killing with weapons proving I'm only using the Quirk to fully defeat villains with really." They nodded.
Outside Izula's mind...
Izula has a funny feeling that fully something is going to happen to her and shrugs as she can't stop it really making her to be ready for her match fully against Monoma making her to worry as she fully doesn't know what to do to win against her.
Izula knows to not let her touch her, but the minute the match starts and she was careful, she somehow managed to touch her skin enough to copy One For All making her to freak as she's going to hurt herself if she tries to use it really.
Monoma saw her freaking out meaning she can't control it right making her to go to zero point five percent to be safe and she felt a rush of energy making her to shiver as she didn't realized she had also copied her suppressed Quirk making her Quirk Factor to be altered to handle the two extras inside of her really.
Izula was worried and she tries to knock her out fast making poor Monoma to dodge and use the same moves as her making her to panic and she realized she doesn't want her to have a copy for a good reason and she needs to know what it is really.
"Hey! Why are you so concern about me having a copy of your Quirk?!"
"WHAT?!" Monoma shouts in shocked and removes the Quirks quickly making Izula to sigh of relief making Monoma to join her as she can't believe she has that kind of stockpiling Quirk making her to feel sorry for her actually as Aizawa was shocked at his own student.
'SAY FUCKING WHAT?!' Aizawa is so going to be letchering her for hiding this from him really. All of class 1-A was shocked as they very Bakusquad was asleep, but dear Bakugou flinches in his sleep as he keeps thinking she was hiding a Quirk, but he didn't know it was a condition Quirk and that she was lied to fully really.
(AN: Villain Bakugou and Hero Bakugou merged and Villain Izula explained what Hero Izula said to Monoma, but in a more calmer why making Hero Bakugou to know about it from this really)
All Might hopes this doesn't cause All For One to go after her, but he has a feeling that what Aizawa said might help hide it more as she did have it be put it fully down as Superpower Quirk and using her own energy to heal marks it a superpower really, so she's safe.
Monoma was scared as she doesn't want a copy if that happens really making her to have a panic attack which Izula knocks her out fast to keep her calm. Midnight nods as Vlad King came and collected his student making Izula to feel guilty for this really.
Tsubaraba and Tokoyami was next making Izula to go to her squad making Tsu-chan and Ochaco to be beside her mkaing Tenya to be behind her and Todoroki was in front of her keeping her safe as the fight starts down below them.
Recovery Girl's domain...
Denki woke up making him to see Jirou's sleeping face beside him making him to gently move some hair from her face making the rest of the Bakusquad to wake up, but leave them be as Recovery Girl smiles at the site making her to be pleased really.
Recovery Girl's domain...
Tokoyami has Dark Shadow fully punching the air shield as he tries to get closer to him really making Tsubaraba to dodge as he then knocks Tokoyami out making him to shiver as he was up against the one who had fully declared war onto him really.
Izula knows this is it making V. Izula to allow her to know the weakness to the Quirk to defeat it at her own time making her to enjoy this really. Tsubaraba was nervous as he's going to be killed, he knows it making him to shiver as he saw her.
Izula Midoriya. He fears she'll kill him and when the match starts, she was playing with him, he knows it making him to worry about her plan she has for him, but Izula kept the playing act up for a good two hours straight before her eyes changed.
They were red making him to shiver as she smirked blood thirsty and she had slammed him out of the ring with a single punch to the jaw which she broke on both sides and had it detached making him to worry how he's going to eat as Midnight declared Izula Midoriya as the winner.
"YATTE!" Izula cheers as everyone realized she was paying with her opponent for two hours straight and the crowd even realized it really making them to wonder how strong she is. When Todoroki went home after the Sport Fest Festival, Nezu sent the video of his son's two matches.
"SHOOOOOOTOOOOOO!" Todoroki flinched and he curved into a ball fast making Endeavor to noticed he's preparing for a beating and he sighs before picking his son up by the back of his throat and he throws him into the large training room as Todoroki wasn't prepared for that.
"Fighting stance right now, Shoto." Endeavor was going to make sure that his son learns hand-to-hand combat if it kills him fully really. Todoroki went to bed badly beaten and Fuyumi made sure he was feed as Natsuo dressed his injuries making Todoroki to wish to be far away from the hellhole.
'With my siblings safe.' Todoroki passed out after that making Endeavor to tuck his son in before he left a note in his hand making him to leave and not noticed that someone is watching the house making them to be dressed in all black and looked ninja like.
Izula was fully in the Todoroki household and she was told which was Todoroki's making her to then sneak in and saw the note making her to read it before she frowns as she folds it back up and back into Todoroki's hand as she then gently picks him up and he leans into her shoulder.
Tenya was guarding the door and Tsu-chan was collecting the many clothing and pictures as Ochaco was making the furniture to float making them to be very quiet as Endeavor is asleep. Once they got to the back yard, they then saw Eraserhead and they were careful with Todoroki.
Ochaco got the furniture into the van they highjacked from the Uraraka Contraction Company making Ochaco to explain why and Eraserhead to marking it as a search and rescue mission for them really to calm them down which works as Todoroki does need saving.
Touya was at U.A with Recovery Girl as they wait for them which was fifteen minutes later making her to treat him while Izula shows the note to him making Touya to be shocked as this is not fully right making him to feel like he was just stabbed with a knife.
Izula shares her energy to allow Recovery Girl to heal Todoroki which worked and he'll wake up in the dorms making it to be safer for him. Aizawa gave them each one hundred percent mark thanks to those cameras really making him to be shocked by Izula's plan.
Todoroki woke up and he saw he was in another room as it feels like his, but different making him to see the wounds are gone and Izula was at his door making him to see Ochaco who she let in as she has breakfast to make really.
"Short version, Izula hated your sperm donor and she planned to kidnap you which is why you are here. Nezu-san dealt with him and he thinks separate dorms and not a whole dorm with five bedrooms max to sleep inside of fully really." Todoroki was shocked.
"Siblings were told and they kept it a secret as Endeavor phoned Nezu-san hunch why Endeavor is going to be paying for it instead making it easier to keep you here and away from his stupid hell ass training really." Todoroki chuckles as he smiles at his friends.
"Shoto! Ochaco! Breakfast's fully ready!" Todoroki was shocked that Izula called him Shoto making Ochaco to laugh and she pulls him out of bed as he saw the whole dorms and the smell of great food making him to got to the kitchen and he saw the feast that Izula has made really.
"All to help you fully get a more healthier body weight, Shoto. Recovery Girl has you on a diet to get back on healthy weight since you don't have that much and it worries her."
"Why are you calling me Shoto?"
"What? You don't want to be called Shoto over that bastard's last name? Friends call each other by their first names. Was I wrong?" Todoroki was shocked making him to chuckle as he can't help it really making them all to smile and fully laugh as Shoto is now a part of the squad permanently really.
'Finally. Izula can stop those plans of her's to kidnap him now really.' Aizawa thinks as he saw Shoto hanging out with the Dekusquad a lot more and seems to fit right in with them really as Jirou is with the Bakusquad making him to wonder when that fully happened really.
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