A girl with green hair was waiting for her first Hero class to start and she's worried about her Heroine costume isn't prefect since she hand-made it herself really which worries her really making her to panic if another green hair girl didn't calm her down.
"Your welcome, Kero. I think your costume is cute, kero."
"Thanks." A brunet girl runs over and hugs her as she squeals about her costume and how amazing it looks on her really. She blushes making her to cover her face with her lower face mask and upper face mask making her mentor, All Might to chuckle as this is cute really.
Two boys were looking at the very three as one was ticked while the other was confused to the dress girl as she looks like she'll get hurt like that really. All Might starts the class making the brunet and the green hair girls to be together and was up against the ticked boy and a blue hair boy with glasses.
She was shocked, but she looks to her gun and she knows she can use it, but she's going to do this without her gun as she has eleven years to get rid of her anger fully towards her old friend as she fully keeps it to herself really. She fully hates how he had just treated her really.
"Naa... Um..." The girl waits as she knows she looks nervous about something.
"Can I go up against the ash-blond boy alone? I need to get something off my chest. Eleven years off it actually."
"Which is?"
"Frustration and Feminine wrath." She agrees as she also noticed the tanto sword on her lower back and her gun was on her left arm really making her to ignore them as it seems she can use her Quirk with them making her to ignore the two of them really.
"Think you can use your Quirk on your feet and run on air to get to the weapon and then use it to sneak up behind him before floating to the top of the weapon and touch the top of it for us to win? I'll run back down to distract him for you." She nods as it's a sound plan.
With the Villains...
"Bakugou." He's being ignored.
"Bakugou." Again.
Bakugou!" Again.
"BAKUGOU!" That got his attention fast.
"What, four-eyes?!"
"Weaknesses." That confused him.
"Weaknesses?" The blue hair boy nods.
"You know one of them. By fully knowing their weaknesses, we can defeat them then."
"Tsk! Weak as fucking shit, fucking mumbles too fucking much, looks too fucking deeply into fucking things and she fucking just keeps fucking following me like a damn fucking lost puppy! Pink Cheeks... Her Quirk." The boy blinks at this one really.
"Oh? How so?"
"She fucking throws up rainbows if she fucking uses her Quirk too fucking much. Useless bitch! She could have fucking had a better use of her fucking Quirk if she got fucking rid of that fucking stupid sickness, but no! She fully fucking never trained her fucking Quirk properly!" The boy remains quiet as he does need to think.
"And you? I can't run on anything if it's been altered like the floor is not straight as that's how my Engine Quirk works." Bakugou looks to the legs and he saw what he means.
"Tsk! My right arm and my sweat. Grab it and throw me into a wall is good enough to make me feel the pain. Keep me from using my own sweat, then I'm defeated. Don't know hand-to-hand combat."
"Ojirou does. He might not mind teaching you if you ask. He has the Tail Quirk." Bakugou nods as the test begins.
"Scouting? Be careful! Uraraka might float things to knock you out or to distract you!" Bakugou raised his hand to acknowledge the warning. The girls were in and not by the door, but by a window after Uraraka has checked it all out really.
"Clear. Blondie is on the fifth floor. Best to go to the sixth floor." They went in and waits once they were safe in the room before fully moving as they hide in another room as Bakugou went pass them and they booked it after a full ten minutes making him to hear them then.
"Shit!" The girl nods and Uraraka nods before the split making Bakugou to see a Brunet heading one way, but it's HER! She's fully heading the other way meaning they have a plan to meet up again somewhere making him to chase after HER.
"Deku! You fucking get back here and fucking fight me!" 'Deku' hides into a room and she takes a silent deep breath as she waits and then she got him in a big ass hallway making him to turn to her as she's standing in front of him making him to glare at her as he attacks.
She grabs his right arm and she throws him over her shoulder making him to feel pain before she did it again the other way, but this time on his front. 'Deku' repeats this pattern six more times before she spins round and she sent him flying down the hall really.
"GHACK!" Bakugou shouts in pain with his eyes closed as he didn't expect her to be this strong at all as he glares up at her hatefully who was opening the window and then leaving to the next floor fully above them making him to check.
He looks down to make sure and then he looks above him and he saw she was heading to the very rooftop making him to run there really as he can't let her defeat him as she's a roach that he can step on and squish beneath his feet really.
"Young Bakugou! I had never forbid climbing the outside really as long as you are touching the very much building and don't have the tape on you!" All Might said in the ear piece making Bakugou to groan his teeth as 'Deku' has found a loophole. Another strength of hers.
'Deku' sighs as she needs to do some rock climbing in an actual rock climbing gym somewhere to get use to doing this and she might ask All Might for one really. She runs to the door before she turns and she jumps off making her to grab a window still.
It was on the fourth floor as she had him following her to the third floor really making her grab the top of the window still and she kicks Bakugou in the left side of the ribs as she also added a spin to it to make it stronger to hit him really.
"GHACK!" Bakugou is going to be having some bruises from this as she can tell she also caused some cracks to them, but didn't break the ribs. Bakugou went through the wall and 'Deku' ran to the right making Bakugou to get back up, but in pain really.
'How the fucking hell did she even fucking do that?!' Bakugou thinks as he groans in pain with his right eye closed and his teeth are shown since he's grinding them with his mouth open really as it's making him to run after 'Deku' and he saw that she lead him to another hallway and when he went to attack her, she did it first.
She breaths in and focused one percent in her arm and punched the air as she had fully somehow manipulated made the air to be freezing cold as Bakugo couldn't dodge fast enough, not in the confined space she had tricked him in. He had thought he had the advantage, only for her to pull this on him!
"What the fuck?!"
"Your quirk works by using your natural sweat glands to produce nitroglycerin. Those toys of yours on your arms likely collect them for a larger blast." 'Deku' said in a sing-a-long song tone of voice.
"So what happens when you come across someone who can freeze you before you have a chance to break into a sweat and you're too busy trying to retain your core temperature instead of freezing your balls off?" Bakugo was beyond pissed.
"You bitch!"
"Eleven years."
"What?" He said confused as 'Deku' crossed her arms annoyed.
"I've had to put up with your ego-driven bullshit for eleven years. Eleven years of having to listen to the adults praise that stupid overly-flashy quirk of yours while openly disparaging or derisively mocking my dream of being a hero like All Might.
Of having to watch as your ego inflated out of control because you happened to have a flashy and somewhat decent quirk and because they wanted to say they had a 'hand' in pushing you into UA since there was a chance you might remember them once you made hero." 'Deku' said very darkly.
"Your ego has grown out of control and the only reason I didn't bring you back down to earth is because the adults would have given me more trouble than it was worth. Now though.. Now all bets are off." 'Deku' said darkly at him making him to shiver.
"I'm going to show you exactly how much I appreciated that damn ego and harassment of yours, Kacchan... No... Bakugou Katsuki." 'Deku' pounded her right fist into her left with a dark desire to see the boy in front of her badly hurt really.
"Prepare to feel the wrath of someone you pushed too far." That chill Bakugo felt two minutes ago tripled in an instant. This would not end well... And it pissed him off that the stupid Quirkless girl had hidden this much power all this time!
Outside in the observation room...
All Might had to sweat drop slightly at the way 'Deku' was basically curb stomping her former friend into submission. Though he wonders why she said eleven years as it was making him to have a bad picture there and he will let her have her revenge as she's not THAT badly hurting him really.
"Um... Sensei? Shouldn't we stop her?" A purple hair girl asked a bit scared of her follow female school mate really.
"She isn't inflicting any severely lethal wounds and from what I can tell, she's holding back a lot of her power. She's not attacking him directly fully with those 'attacks' of hers, but using them to restrict his quirk.
As long as she keeps it within acceptable parameters, I won't interfere." All Might said as then everyone's attention went back to the screen when they heard 'Deku' use the words "DETROIT SMASH!" and plow Bakugo through the walls.
'She's using One For All Quirk as I saw red veins on her skin really.' All Might thinks as he watch the video feed of inside the building.
"Does anyone else feel sorry for Bakugo?" A purple/black mix hair colored boy asked.
"In this case, I'm going out on a limb and say that she's using this as an excuse to vent after eleven years of holding back." A black hair ponytail girl said while sweat dropping.
"Holy... I take it back, I feel sorry for Bakugo." The boy said fully horrified.
"Why?" She asked before she turned to the screen.
"Oh." 'Deku' had used the capture tape to truss Bakugo in a way that would inflict no end of a lot of embarrassments and possible innuendos.
'Rope Bondage style. How'd she learn that really?!' The expression on his face said volumes especially when she made a throwaway comment about a ball gag which had some of the girls blush at the imagery.
All Might sweat dropped as he was pretty sure the tape wasn't even supposed to be used like that, but although he could partially relate to her revenge as he could all too clearly recall the pain he felt being mocked for not having a quirk.
Besides, the worst she had done was inflict a bit of some minor embarrassment on him that could be mostly forgotten about later. She had allowed him to keep his dignity even if she had utterly shredded his new hero costume.
Inside the building...
What the class didn't know was that she's not done yet as she then actually pulled out a full meduim sized ball gag really and strapped it into place freaking Bakugou out before she hide she slipped two extra large vibrators up into his bum using four percent and he felt something slipped inside of him.
'Deku' then turned them on max high before bringing out another one of the capture tapes and she tied his legs spread like chicken wings making him to freak before she tied it to the first one behind him as she plans to make him feel weak and helpless like she felt really.
She then hangs him outside of the window and she tied him to a very strong metal pipe making poor Bakugou to groan in place as this is not good as 'Deku' also added two vibrators to his nipples and dick making him to groan loudly really.
All Might freaks as many were so shocked as to where she pulled it and where the second capture tape came from really. Then he noticed the time and the fact Iida wasn't going to get past the subtle, but highly effective plan that Uraraka had implemented at his student's suggestion.
Uraraka had used her quirk to levitate the entire floor slightly and at subtle angles. Iida's quirk allowed him to accelerate at high speeds, particularly on flat surfaces. Uraraka's allowed her to negate the effects of gravity.
'Deku's second part of the plan was fully simple and highly effective as she had dear Uraraka erase the gravity on all the floor tiles just enough that they could manipulate the surface and make it uneven once she got in the room silently to do so.
However some of them were left alone, so that Iida couldn't simply just crash through them. At first glance the floor appeared to be level, but the moment he tried to use his quirk at once and that's once he saw Uraraka, he tripped really badly.
When Uraraka canceled her quirk on the tiles, they smashed against the floor creating an uneven and a dangerous surface for someone going too fast on. They were, quite simply, at a stalemate as if Bakugo hadn't went to do some scouting.
And then had chased 'Deku', the strategy fully wouldn't have been so effective, but he had allowed his pride and ego to get in the way of the very mission. When 'Deku' showed up, Iida barely had a chance to notice her inside the room really.
Before she used the capture tape Uraraka had on her to get him as well as Uraraka then touches the rocket making them to high five really for an successful mission really. All two parts of the plan worked making the two girls to feel happy a out it really.
"Heroes win!" All Might had fully announced. What happened next had him rushing out of the room, along with most of the class. Apparently Bakugo took the major humiliation 'Deku' subjected him rather poorly really because he had an enraged expression on his face.
He even sent a medium-sized blast on the capture tape and then sent a major large one from his two gauntlets towards one of the support pillars in the building causing the roof to collapse fully making him to groan and go to his knees as the vibrators vibrates against his sweet spot inside his bum really.
'The guck did she fucking find these really?! I can't... Fucking move... Gha!' 'Deku', having fully far more of experiences in more dangerous situations and a strong sixth sense for trouble from fully watching Heroes fighting Villains, had shoved both Iida and Uraraka out of the way and she had fully narrowly avoided a devastating injury.
However she didn't come out of the attack unscathed as there was a nasty gash on her side and it was clear just by looking at her that she had a serious concussion. She even had a gash on her right shoulder down to her mid-upper arm making Uraraka to shout.
"No! We have to help her!"
"Right!" Iida and Uraraka were fortunate that 'Deku' pushed them away as they got away with minor bruising instead of the major injuries they would have gotten. They worked together and they got her out of the rumble really fast, calming them both down.
All Might made sure to remove the two gauntlets from Bakugo's arms, but the damage was already done. He could have easily killed his classmates and there was no way the teen could claim it was an 'training accident', considering he had attacked a full minute after All Might announced the exercise was over.
Besides, he still had those two capture tape on him which meant that he was supposed to be out of bounds to begin with. On the plus side, he knew he had found the right successor to One for All. 'Deku' hadn't hesitated for even a second to push her classmates out of the way before she attempted to do so herself, even if it meant she would be injured in the process.
'I better get her to Recovery Girl. young Bakugou would need to see her as well, too.' All Might thinks as he picks 'Deku' up and had a red hair pick Bakugou up which made it worse which the girls blushed at and the guys looked uncomfortable looking at really.
"Oh Dieu! (Oh my gosh)" Robots came and both placed them down as they went to Recovery Girl's domain making All Might to shiver as he wonders what his student have done to Bakugou to make him be like that really.
Later after class...
"LARGE VIBRATORS?! THE FULLY FUCKING HELL, CHIYO?! HOW THE FUCK DID THEY EVEN GET FUCKING UP THERE?!" All Might swears as that was not something he was expecting really from his successor.
"They won't come out unless he looses up and that's going to be a hard thing to do really." Recovery Girl said as she looks to Bakugou making him to groan as the tapes are gone.
"Get... Ha! Them... Hmm! Out... Gha! And off... Heee! Of me... Khe! NOW!" Bakugou doesn't like this as 'Deku' got him good as he can't stop all five of them, but Recovery Girl turned them off and he pants making them to then be turned back on cause of the timer 'Deku' set on them.
"SERIOUSLY?! FUCKING TIMERS ARE FUCKING ON THESE MOTHER FUCKERS?! DAMNNA IT, DEKU!" Bakugou swears as Recovery Girl turns them off and yaks them out fast making Bakugou to cum cause of it. Bakugou calms as he has tears coming from his eyes really.
"I'm fucking going to fucking kill her fucking for this. Damnna it all!" Bakugou mumbles making All Might to take Chiyo's cane and he whacks Bakugou on the very ass making him to yelp and turn to All Might really shocked.
"We're going to be having a chat, young man." Bakugou gulps as this is not going to be a good thing really.
Outside the school building...
'Deku' was walking home before she saw that both Uraraka and Iida was running towards her fast making her to flinch mentally as she fears they'll tell her she went too far and that she should go apologies to him for what she did to him really.
"If I knew that's how you truly felt about him, I would have just asked you to let me join in with you really!" Uraraka said as 'Deku' was shocked making Iida to look fully towards her.
"You had to go through shit for eleven years! May he be able to work a bit together really, he is not a Hero whatsoever really!" Good thing 'Deku' had asked if she can do that to him during class by the principle who didn't mind it at all really.
"The principle said it was alright and that Kacchan isn't going to be expelled since he got punished by me really." She said as she saw the other green hair girl hoops over to them making 'Deku' to be a bit confused to why she's coming to them really.
"Call me Tsu-chan. We're friends and friends need to stick together really." 'Deku' has tears going fully down her face as she uses her left arm to hide the tears with her head leaned forward to hide it even more really.
"Thanks, guys." All three smiled as they were happy to be her friends really.
"I'm Midoriya, Midoriya Izula."
"Uraraka Ochaco."
"Iida Tenya."
"Asui Tsuyu." They continue as Izula is actually staying in the dormitories for the next three years to make it easier for her really making them to ask to join her really.
"Sure! I'll ask him later!"
AN: I copied some of it from for Izula to fight Bakugou and the rest is mine. It fits perfectly in this part of the story. All Credits go to Check her stories out. She's aweosme really.
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