Murdersquad kidnapped All Might part 1
Nezu was confused to this one as All Might didn't mind as he fully wonders how this one is going to work out really as Izula had him in his Hero Form and she had him tied up with a choker before she has him fully hanging by a crane and over a pool of 'deep' water really.
She took a picture as there was good lighting and then she had it up loaded to the computer after she brought All Might down and shows what she plans to do and that the 'leader's Quirk' has been 'found' out. She has a Megalodon jumping at him.
She made it a Gif picture as All Might fully avoids it and the shark missed him by an inch as the pool was really large as the cane was at a very high height and shows a small bubble to show All Might avoiding the bite to the butt from the shark with a kick to the very nose really.
"Not bad. Picture is almost real from this really." Izula smiles as she knows that's a high comment from Nezu really.
"I'll send it to Aizawa-sensei and let him know to show it to the class and that it's a Gif picture I made for this exercise only and to have it deleted afterwards as this is gone once I sent it out." Izula said as Nezu will make sure of it and he will delete it if it shows up really.
Izula nods as the squad gets ready and Shoto was happy to be away from his sperm donor plus to see his elder brother who he hugged the flames out of meaning he had squeezed him hard enough to fully crack his ribs which he said he fully deserves actually really.
He was still pissed about the many pictures and how their mother was sent to a mental hospital all because of their own sperm donor really. Izula has it covered and he'll leave it to her really which was two weeks ago really and she still has it covered.
Lots of dirt and Endeavor is going to be forced out of being a hero forever really. After classes has ended, Aizawa showed them a 'video' that is on loop by the same 'Murdersquad' from the first game making them to be shocked really.
"It's a Gif picture that I'm fully pretending to be a video for today only. Izula did the Gif herself. We have 'information' on the 'Quirk'. It's fake for this game. It's Reality Alteration Quirk and they can bring whatever they want to life and alter the world around them."
"Which is why the megalodon shark is in the GIF picture, sensei." Momo said as Aizawa nods his head to her.
"Your jobs is to find their 'base' and save All Might. He has a collar around his neck to keep him from using his Quirk hunch why he didn't try to break free from the ropes."
"What section is open to us for the game?"
"The whole school, but the very Department of Management section and the very Department of Support section is opened up to you. Good luck. Oh and I almost forgot." They all looked to him.
"You're allowed to fight back as there will be eighty robots to act as their own minions if you fully encountered one of the squad members. Got it?" Aizawa asked as this is going to be a hard one for them now with robots added into it really.
"Yes, sensei."
"Go and any serious wounds will deduce your points." He said as he looks at Bakugou who nods in full understanding. Aizawa had then deleted it once the students left and double checked it was gone from the trash bin making Nezu to check the web for a week max.
With Uravity...
Ochaco was going to be the first squad member they are going up against as she has her eighty robot minions ready in the cafeteria as Papa Lunch Rush has agreed to and that he'll be doing the points for this room only. There is other rooms with robots.
Some are a different colored from the others (golden-green, ect, ect, ect) and if you fully defeat the eighty-first robot, but you don't destroy them, they will hand over some information on the 'leader' who has All Might with them fully really by the very 'shark pool' with the very 'shark' as well, too.
Izula had used some of her own background for the 'leader' villain making it to work, but the rest is fake really. Nezu has figured out Izula's past and he had realized why she was using some of her background. All Might was going to worry the minute he figures it out really.
Ochaco was concerned as Shoto managed to calm her down and it was going to be part of the lawsuit she has fully built against him and adding his two son's in plus her's... It was enough to get him locked up for life and never ever be able to leave Tartarus ever again.
Ochaco saw Bakusquad making her to let out a villain laugh at them which was freaking them out as this is scary as shit really making Ochaco to talk while in that tone of voice making Lunch Rush to worry about Dekusquad.
(AN: O.K. I have something to say before the story continues from here. Ochaco's evil laugh is the very same as the video, Deku's the same but a feminine version, Tenya has Shinso's laugh, Shoto has Bakugou's laugh and Tsu-chan has the female version of Shinso's laugh. That's all)
"You, Heroes think you can defeat me?! Laughs I think not! Show them, boys!" Ochaco said making the robots to attack the Baksquad. Ochaco was wearing different clothing for this and it's scaring the Bakusquad really.
(AN: Tongue piercing isn't there)
'Uraraka/Round cheeks is scarring me right now really! What's the fuck wrong with her outfit's damn look really?!' Bakusqaud thinks as they dodge the eighty-one robots.
"Bakugou-sweetie! Look! One of the robots is golden color!" Ochaco laughs.
"I see you figured it out, Heroine! Yes! You defeat it, but don't destroy it, you'll get information out of it! Laughs Shame I won't let you get the chance to have that kind of information so fast!" Ochaco was scared when Izula told them all about their villain-self from fully another dimension.
'Glad she waited at least four days for Sho-kun to get use to the dorms. Still unsure about me? I can understand why. But...' Ochaco shakes her head mentally.
'It's not that. It's the memories and how you used our Quirk. I'm still in shock to it really as I never ever though of reversing the effects like that really.' V. Ochaco understands now.
'What me to teach you more? The ideas are now in your head, but I can teach you how to do them safely.' V. Ochaco said to her making Ochaco to smile to her villain-self mentally.
'Thank you. Now... LET'S GET BACK TO HAVING FUN!' V. Ochavo was going to be having fun with this really. Bakugou was starting to hate this as Ochaco had flipped a switch or something making him to dodge a lot of robots who were using rubber bullets.
'Trying to keep from killing. Damn can those robots shoot!' Bakugou thinks before he blasted all the robots and had Sero capture the golden one as he lands on top of Ochaco pinning her down and he is making sure she can't touch him really.
"Got the information! Glad for the iPad's that get's the information for us really!" Jirou shouts out as Bakugou looks down and blushes at the site of Ochaco's two bosoms in front of him making him fully have his Little Bakugou bulge up inside of his pants really.
'I am not going to fucking cheat!' Bakugou thinks as he got off and hugs Mina making her to feel it and realized what has happened to him making her to hug him back and whispers in his ear that afterwards, she's his which had worked to calm him down really.
"What was the information?" Kirishima asked for Bakugou really.
"It says: 'Tho leader cries for lost of thee parents by Hero making tho to want revenge. Tho now a great 'villain'.' Hmm. So, the leader lost her two parents by a Hero and now she fully wants to get revenge for it hunch her becoming a great villain. I'm feeling sad now really.
That's all we can get really from this one." Denki said as everyone saw the information. Bakugou was confused to this as a couple was killed, but it's not normal as a lot of Heroes die if not careful, but this shows like she's a civilian who has gone villain really.
They left the room and Ochaco apologies to Lunch Rush about her personality as she was trying to play the part and she had gotten a bit too much into it making him to accept as Bakugou got more points as the leader to his squad really.
"He just needs to relay on others and then he would be a better leader. Ashido got some points for noticing the golden robot. You got four hundred points for both your acting and laughter. Shame that Kaminari, Kirishima, Jirou and Hanta didn't get any points really."
"Let the teacher with Tenya know about this and then have Bakugou try to let those four give it a shot solo really." Ochaco said before she saw eighty new robots showed up to replace the old ones. Momo's squad which is her, Ojirou, Satou, Hagakure and Koda are next.
'Let's not do the laughs for those guys really.'
'Right.' Ochaco warns Lunch Rush which he nods to as he'll be fully marking the others down more as Ochaco might need to fight in this one really and he can finally mark it down really.
With Ingenium...
Tenya was worried cause of his clothing for this as how the heck did Izula managed to make these clothing cause this is not really fully something he had expected unless she had asked Momo to actually make them for her really.
(AN: It's just for Tenya's villain outfit for this chapter)
Tenya wasn't going to like this, he knows it as he knows that his own villain-self will take over for the laughing part, but he doesn't know how to act like a villain which is why the villain-selves would do that for them with them seeing and hearing everything.
'I know you don't like me, but this will let you know how to think like a villain and how to fight like a villain. Some of the villains are really stronger than you think.' V. Tenya said as Tenya nods as he sees he has Aizawa fully with him for this one.
Aizawa saw them first as he warns Bakugou about the other four having zero points cause of both him and Mina really. Bakugou saw Tenya and the laughter started freaking them out as first Ochaco/Round Cheeks and now Tenya?! Aizawa was warned for it.
'Who's next?! Todoroki/Half and half bastard?!' The next room, Shoto sneezes as someone is talking about him really. Tenya has no mask on making them to not like the look on his face really making Aizawa to mark down his points fast.
"Greetings, Heroes! I and my minions have been waiting you for! My girlfriend told me you were strong and have defeated her and her minions! Our leader is much more stronger than that though! Our leader is ten times stronger than All Might!
It was a piece of cake to defeat and capture him! He's such a weakling to lose to five mere children like us! He didn't even get the chance to fight back!" The Bakusquad was fully shocked by this really since that's not a good thing at all fully.
"FUCKING WHAT?!" Aizawa fully told the Baksquad that Tenya was fully explaining the fight they had with All Might for the game which calms them down as they did act like real pros cause of the very information Tenya was telling them all really.
"Now then! You came to rescue him? Hmm? Well, you just have to defeat me and my minions first! Minna, attack! Don't hold back on them! Go all out!" Kirishima was quick to block some of the rubber bullets making him to feel them hitting him.
"Sound Girl!" Jirou knows it's her and she slams her stereo boots on Kirishima's left side making the robots to stop as they explode with small black smoke clouds coming from them. It only took out twenty of them really making Tenya to be pleased by this.
"Ha! You won't be able to defeat all of them, Sound Girl!" Tenya said as a robot captured her and did what Izula did to Bakugou in the Heroes vs Villains class with All Might.
"Tenya seems to have noticed that the villains wouldn't care and that they wouldn't hesitate to fully just embarrass heroes, so he's having Jirou feel it to know what females go through. Jirou, you have lost ten points for being capture by the villain." Jirou nods.
"Yes, sir. Umm, Tenya?" Tenya fully looks to Jirou stops his acting for a minute.
"Yes, Jirou?"
"Did the ropes have to be tight? It's rubbing down below."
"Most villains wouldn't care and would make it as tight as they can. Most would fully rape the female heroes and destroy them by fully making them bare the very child of their raper Me? I personally went for the ropes and the very tightness.
I don't feel like making you fully experience rape would be a good thing. Even if it was fake ones, I wouldn't do it without permission by a teacher or the principal." Tenya said as Aizawa agrees with him and Jirou nods at that very information really.
"Thanks for warning me. I'm going to be needing a team to keep that from happening."
"That's for next class, Jirou. Now then. Your teammates must save you from the minion holding you without hurting you or else they'll lose twenty points each time they hurt you." Aizawa warns as no one explains the marks for them fully really.
"LIKE I GIVE A FUCK! AS LONG AS THE VILLAIN IS CAPTURED, I JUST DON'T FUCKING CARE!" Aizawa smirks behind his scarf as Denki jumps in and lands on top of the robot as he focuses on disabling it only and then pulls Jirou into his arms.
He has Mina cheek for injuries since he's a male and not a female. Mina found none and Aizawa has marked it down as Denki treated Mina as if she was the medic on the team from a video game really.
'Got to include first-aid classes by Recovery Girl really. Maybe Nezu will help me out with that.' Sero was quick as he throws Kirishima up into the air and he fully just smashes twenty robots which Sero pulls him back to safety making Jirou to noticed something.
"What the heck is with the silver robot with the gold robot?!"
"Ha! With each level only sorting minions has the information you need! The gold might have it, but it might be a virus and you'll have to start all over again!" Tenya did love that idea really as only Izula and Power Loader knows which robot has the correct information.
"Umm... Sensei? How many colors are there?"
"First level: just gold, second level: silver and gold, third level: gold, silver and bronze, fourth level, green has been added and the last one is All Might himself. No robots for that level." Bakugou thinks as he did remember Izula doing this as a board game once for grade school really.
"Oi, throw Pikachu into the robots! Phone Jack, use sound waves the minute Pikachu uses his Quirk! Shitty Hair, harden as much as you can and bulldoze through the robots! Raccoon Eyes, have Dunce Face throw you to Pikachu before Shitty Hair flattens Pikachu!"
"Right!" Aizawa was surprised by his plans, but the names... he lost points cause of it even if it was code names, but 'Dunce Face'? 'Raccoon Eyes'? 'Shitty Hair'? Not good code names really while the others like 'Pikachu' and 'Phone Jack' are fine.
The plan worked and now only the silver and gold robot is left as Sero tied Tenya up to prove he was caught. Bakugou stops Jirou and shakes his head 'no' for the golden robot.
"It's gold, silver, brozen and green. They have the information we fully need. I remember she did a long board game of this in grade school once and this is how she would picked the colors for the information out really. I just don't know why she's doing it in real life really."
"Wait, seriously?!" Mina asked as Aizawa frowns as this is a bad thing if Bakugou figured it out early really.
"Yeah. Let's not tell anyone else. Let them go back to first level." Seri agrees as Aizawa was still frowning really.
"What's the information, guys?" Kirishima takes a look.
"It says: 'Tho hero abuse children, thee 'villain' would save thu and offer safety. Tho 'villain' hates hero murder and tho wants him dead for thee 'murder' thos eldest son, eldest brother. Tho 'villain's brother-figure cannot save tho girl and thee must sacrifice pride to save those girl. 'Villain' plans tusk murder with thu sons.'
The fuck?!" They agreed making Bakugou to think on this one as he doesn't understand it really as he doesn't even know someone with a eldest brother. Once they were out of the room, Aizawa warns Izula who sighs as she figures he would have figured the colors out really.
"Leave it be. Just trust me on that. He's not going to ruin the game and is going to continue as the green robot is going to surprise them really. Nezu agreed to Shoto and Tsu-chan's use of the extra colored robot they have. Don't ask what it is really." Izula warns him.
"Got it." Sero did let Tenya go before he left and new robots took over making Tenya to look to Aizawa as he is worried for Izula who is facing a lot of shit all by herself which isn't right really as she could hurt herself doing that actually really.
"Sir, I'm worried about her." Tenya said making Aizawa to agree as Nezu as just just finally finished finding the many secret tunnels to keep the children safe and that they're all fully soundproof really to keep them safe and only Izula knows where they all are fully really.
'How did Midoriya know where they are really? It can't be that easy to find and her IQ is starting to scare me even more since she has made those training books for her classmates really. Heck! She did the same for the teachers really!'
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