Izula explains about One For All to her squad
Izula knows both Shoto and Touya enjoyed the video making her to ignore it, but she keeps thinking about One For All and that she should tell her squad about it as she can't hide it like she did in the other dimension really as she can't this time really.
Even now with hugs, pats on the back and other warm interactions she might get from classmates, a fair amount of her physical contact came in the form of blows she might take in hero training or during villain attack.
There were also occasions that she took a few hits because some of the very people who embraced her reacted emotionally to something she said or did and not that the others were wrong when they did that. Izula was some examples to that one fully really.
Like how Tenya thought he'd been going after the villains for reasons comparable to why he chased Stain. Whatever the reason, she could never be sure what to expect when other people reached out to touch her. There was a part of her that was almost always on guard, expecting that next blow.
Because of this, when someone actually did touch her and she wasn't ready for it, it startled her. But when Izula felt the gentle touch start to lift away, she surprised herself by placing her own hand over her girlfriend's, holding it there. Despite being shocked by the unexpected touch, it actually felt nice... safe, kind, reassuring.
She only ever got feeling that from a few people in her life, but she could now add one more to that short list. Izula leaned into the touch, her eyes stinging as she finally dared to glance upward. She knew that whatever happened next, that she wasn't about to be rejected by Hitoshi.
Izuku could trust her and her squad to have her back really like she'll have their back as Hitoshi's image was blurry through tears Izula tried to hold back. It was only then that she realized she had been fully hyperventilating.
"S-s-sorry, old h-habit." Like the stuttering. Tonight had taken a lot out of her.
"Panic attacks and flinches aren't 'habits', Izu." Hitoshi said as she gently lift Izula's face to be eye to eye.
"Take a moment. Just breathe." Izula nodded and the tears started. She quickly proceeded to wipe them away with the hand she had previously used to hold Hitoshi's hand where it rested on her shoulder. The attempt proved to be a pointless as new tracks quickly replaced the ones she'd swiped away.
"I was supposed to stop crying so much."
"If crying helps, then do it. You don't need to put on a fake smile for me." It took a moment for Izuku to process Hitoshi's words. And, understanding that she was being told it was alright, a dam broke within her chest, emotions she'd kept behind it overflowing.
There was so much she shoved back, so she could smile for everyone else. For the first time in maybe her whole life, she was encouraged to show how she felt. A whine escaped her throat as her tears flowed faster and sobs began to wrack her body. It had been a long day.
So much that she'd strived for ever since she was little had all come to a head in the last few hours. Today, she had gotten her hero license, one thing that were the culmination of dream she had throughout her childhood really.
There'd also been suffering she couldn't do anything about. She'd crushed the dreams of others in the field in order to achieve her own, even as they begged and pleaded. She was just told it was okay to express how she felt about it all...
It was so much... Too much. And she couldn't deal with it all. At some point, Izula realized she now had her arms wrapped around Hutoshi's ribs and was crying into her right shoulder. Hitoshi didn't stop her. Izula wasn't sure how long it lasted before she finally calmed down, the flow of tears coming to an end for the moment.
And although it had exhausted her, it was like crying had cleared her head and so, that gears of her mind could start to turn again. Even as part of her wanted to stay like she was, safe in this warm embrace, she knew she couldn't.
She had things to do and she suspected that the squad wasn't exactly in their own comfort zone at the moment. Now that her mind was working, she realized how stilted Hitoshi's movements had been. Like she wanted to do more to comfort Izuku, but was not sure how to go about it.
That was okay. Izula wasn't very familiar with how to properly accept comfort from others anyway. Up until now, she'd only really ever gotten them from All Might and, more recently, Hitoshi and her squad.
"Th-thank you. I needed that." Izula leaned away and Hitoshi let her go, all but the hand on her shoulder. Izula stared down at her own hands again, in order to take a moment to collect herself. She then looked up into Hitoshi's tired eyes and stated.
"I think that I'm ready to talk now."
"Are you sure?" Izula paused for a moment before saying.
"N-not really, but I think I'm as close as I'm going to get." Tenya gave a single nod before Hitoshi retracting her hand. In a blink, the tired but comforting, concerned gaze shifted to the serious, analytical one Izula was used to from her class president.
It happened so quickly that it almost seemed like a switch had been flipped. She sat in a comforter perpendicular to the couch and waited for Izula to speak. The mask Izula previously hadn't even recognized was always there until that moment was now back in place.
The walls of the formality for their relationship as girlfriend and friends were back, if more transparent than before. Having seen through it allowed Izula to stay calm now. Although she was still fully nervous about the whole conversation she was about to have with her squad, she wasn't nearly as worried as before.
Izula rubbed her now sore eyes as she considered how to start describing One for All to them. She knew that her squad liked everything being explained logically, so she wouldn't want some big backstory. At least, not immediately. So, Izula decided to try her best to just give a general overview for now.
"I registered my Quirk just a few months ago. I described it as 'Superpower'." Izula had chosen that because it seemed like an accurate, but simple description that wouldn't give away too much about the true nature of her newfound power. She looked down at hee hands again.
"It's real name is 'One for All'. It's a roughly two-century-old transferrable power-stockpiling quirk that grows stronger with each user. All Might was it's eighth holder. I'm the ninth."
Izula paused, expecting them to interject with some sort of question or comment, but they said nothing, their face blank, clearly waiting for Izula to give them a full explanation. So, the green haired teen continued.
"One for All is so powerful that I can't even handle all of it yet. But I don't know how long I can hold that. I'll have to test it during training." Izula flexed her right arm and opened the palm of that hand to study it.
It seemed like whenever she thought about her quirk, she found herself automatically thinking about her hand, despite having refocused her training so that she primarily used her legs.
She'd always led with hee right hand. The first time she had used One for All had been to throw a right hook at the 0 pointer. Facing Todoroki in the arena, she'd used only that hand. But it had also- Izula closed his palm and looked back up at her squad as she continued.
"When All Might chose me as his successor, he couldn't even immediately give me One for All in fear that it would blow my limbs off." Izula smiled, reminiscing over the times that followed as she said.
"He put me through ten months of strict training so that my body would be ready to handle it. Even he said it was a rush job. I started out with barely any muscle to speak of. I was a bit of a runner, if anything.
Before then, I figured that if I was going to be a hero, it wouldn't ever be through strength, so I travelled on foot whenever I could." Not to mention experience getting out of the way while watching hero villain standoff or outrunning bullies who chased her using their quirks.
"He made me work hard and I pushed myself even further. We had a deadline and it was way too close to make it easily. But we did it and on the morning of the Entrance Exam, he transferred One for All to me." She grimaced slightly as she recalled the sensation of fighting down the hair she'd had to eat.
"And you already know about the first time I used it... And the second."
"The Entrance Exam and the ball throw." Izula looked up, startled by the tension in Shoto's voice. When he did, she saw that although her friends looked calm as they glanced out the window, strands of ice were settling onto the windows and it was getting hot in the room. He'd momentarily activated his quirk.
Izula froze. Through her quirkless childhood in an environment where other kids were constantly using theirs, one of the most important skills she'd built was being able to read people, so she'd know whether or not she should be ready to run, either away to stay safe or toward the people to protect someone else.
The squad was angry, but they were trying to hide it. So angry that, despite all of their years of training and the control Todoroki had over his dual-quirk, he'd activated it as part of his own very emotional reaction. What had Izula said that had upset them so much?
"Um... Minna?" They took a deep breath and sighed, pinching the bridge of their nose briefly. They looked back up at Izula.
"It's not you. Please, continue." Ochaco said and Izula nodded.
"I kind of think of my quirk as an egg in a microwave. There was no way that I could use all of my power without exploding that egg yet, so I focused on just my finger and only blowing that up. It let me use my quirk and still function even if I didn't really know how to control it.
It took me a while after that to find out that what I should have been doing was spreading it through my whole body at once, so I could equalize the energy flow, not focusing it in one spot." Izula saw Shoto's hair rise from the heat and his jaw muscles tighten as he focused an odd-eyed gaze on the floor and crossed his arms.
"You should never have been placed in the hero course so inexperienced." Izula flinched, feeling tears prick her eyes.
"I did the best I could."
"Once again, it's not you we're criticizing. What you just told us makes the strides you've made all the more impressive." Hitoshi said to her girlfriend.
"But the hero program is not designed for people with newly activated quirks, kero." Tsu-chan said as she was worried about her friend.
"The standards of this course – the standards Aizawa-sensei set – directly led you to pick up self-destructive habits that could have been avoided with a period of basic quirk counselling." Tenya gaze fell on Izula's hands.
"Among your other injuries, the permanent damage you sustained while facing Shoto during the Sports Festival might have been avoided." Momo said as the very mother-figure in the squad like Mina is in the Bakusquad really.
"And that was because Aizawa made demands that you weren't ready for." Ochaco said making Izula suddenly understood what the most recent burst of anger was toward.
"It's not your's or Aizawa-sensei's fault! Either of you didn't know. All Might asked me to not tell anyone as to protect it and to keep me on the down low until I had fully mastered it really."
"It might not be our fault alone, but Aizawa-sensei is your's and our teacher, some of the blame rests with him. He don't know about the scares you have gained from this, but your right hand is never going to be the same again because of his training regimen."
"I'm the one who chose to use my quirk like that!" Izula defended.
"And if you had been given a curriculum that matched your actual skill level, you never would have had to make that choice. I doubt Aizawa-sensei would have been able to completely pull you out of hero training, considering your quirk and those who probably know about it, but he certainly wouldn't have let you participate in the tournament."
"But I thought that was important for becoming a professional hero."
"In your case, it might not have been as important as keeping you training safely and out of the public eye." Tenya stated to Izula.
"Instead, the school advertised both your quirk and your very inexperience with it. And I doubt it's a coincidence that the name of your quirk has much in common with the title of a man called 'All For One? V. Shoto told me about him really.
Said to let you talk about it when you are ready to talk about it, but it seems to be eating you instead up." Shoto asked as Izula felt her insides freeze. So, one of her squad members had been fully informed of his name by their villain-self.
Izula hadn't even thought about All for One seeing her in action during the tournament. A shiver ran down her spine as she gave a single nod. Was it possible that the ancient villain had identified Izula during the tournament?
Before she'd known about the man's existence? Did All for One know? Did he? Did he?! DID... Izula took a deep breath, in and out, to calm herself before continuing.
"You're right, All for One has at least one quirk that keeps him from dying of old age." Although he probably a few as the man would not want to escape the effects of aging just to be taken out by cancer or even a random strain of the flu.
"His power doesn't just allow him to take and use quirks, but also to fuse them together to make new ones and pass them to other people. One for All's first user was his own little brother, Shigaraki Yoichi... Who is my four-times great-grandfather.
He was weak and sickly, but he still fought against his elder brother. He was also Quirkless. At least, that's what they both had thought when All for One forced a Stockpiling Quirk on him in hopes getting him to stop fighting really.
It turned out that his little brother actually had a dormant quirk that could be transferred between people. The stockpiling quirk fused with the transferrable one and became One for All." They all frowned.
"All for One can steal quirks. Why didn't he just take One for All?"
"One for All's transfer is completely dependent on the will of it's current user." Izula explained.
"It can't be forcefully taken. For all we know, it could be the only quirk in existence that All for One can't just take."
"The only one?" The whole squad asked bitterly through gritted teeth together. No, Izula realized, noting their paling features. It was not anger, but fear.
"So that means whoever possesses One for All is a target."
"I don't know about the quirk itself making us targets, but all of the One for All users before me devoted themselves to fighting All for One. That definitely made us a point of focus for him." Izula continued along their line of thought, cupping her chin in her right hand.
"Still, if I were to guess at the psychological effects of a man with a Quirk like that coming across one he couldn't take... And that's not even mentioning the fact that now it's the only living piece of his brother...." Izula's free hand joined the other as their fingers steepled together over her mouth and nose while she continued along her train of thought.
"The thing is, if either One for All itself or the threat it's users posed are so important, then why didn't All for One get more proactive after I showed up in the Sport Fest Festival Tournament? Even if he wasn't sure, it wouldn't have been so hard to check.
Anyone watching the tournament would have known that I couldn't use my quirk without hurting myself and, if it was One for All, that I could only wield the smallest fraction of it." Izula pressed her fingers together so hard that it almost hurt as she continued.
"He even had a perfect opportunity during the time when I was shadowing. That was a whole week where I wouldn't have been under UA protection. Even if Gran Torino was All Might's teacher, one man could have only done so much.
I even travelled alone for a few hours to reach his apartment." Izula lifted her pointer fingers away from each other before bringing them back together over her nose with a small thump.
"It would have been worse for me because All Might hadn't even told me about All for One yet. Not that he would have known that. Unless he could use a quirk that would allow him to find out which would be a rather specific function, so not impossible, but very unlikely.
It would have been the perfect opportunity to neutralize me as a threat. But, I'm pretty sure it was just a coincidence that I was in Hosu at the same time as the Nomu attack. Gran Torino had just happened to choose the area for patrolling.
I don't think the Nomu that grabbed me was..." Izula trailed off, realizing that the squad was watching her intensely as her rambled. The girl felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she said.
"Sorry, All Might and my past classmates including Kacchan before he had changed keeps telling me I have a habit of just mumbling nonsense." The squad didn't look very pleased by the statement.
"I don't know which to be more concerned about, the fact that he didn't tell you about All for One by that point or the fact that he and the past classmate you had called what you just did 'nonsense.'"
"He thought All for One was dead." They opened their mouths to say something before closing it, seeming to decide against verbalizing whatever thought they'd had.
"And as for what I was mumbling, it is nonsense, isn't it?" Izula added.
"Nothing actually happened, so I shouldn't be worried."
"Assuming that your concerns never come to pass means 'they don't matter' is a dangerous precedent to set, Izula." Momo said as she shivers mentally at that really.
"You should always consider what your opponent might do next. Your habit of doing so is likely one of the main reasons you've made it through all of the villain encounters you've had." Shoto said as he hugs his wife to calm her down.
"Sometimes, I guess. But you guys and our classmates get creeped out when I talk about stuff like possible strikes that never did happened." Suddenly, the squad didn't look tired at all. They looked annoyed, but at the same time guilty for thinking that really.
"Oh, they do, do they?" Aizawa frown deepened as they all fully flinched and they turned to him, Nezu and All Might who was fully frigging as he looks to Aizawa who then asked.
"Midoriya, would you be able to write an in-depth description of your experiences during your encounters with villains, including the interactions you had with your classmates?"
"I-I-I... Of course I can, but why?"
"Let's just say I'm going to be making plans for future classes and your 'nonsense' is going to be very useful for them." He shook his head.
"If anything, the main problem is not that you're thinking things through, but that you're absentmindedly telegraphing those thoughts for anyone to hear. It could give away your location as well as your strategies." His frown only seemed to deepen as he continued.
"But if even a fraction of what you just said is true and it all does sound very reasonable, All for One definitely should have taken the opportunity for a preemptive strike.
Career Villains don't survive long if they take risks like ignoring a possible opportunity to take out legitimate threats while they're vulnerable.
Certainly not long enough to reach Super Villain status, let alone survive two centuries in that position."
"Aizawa-sensei, do... Do you think he chose not to come after me?"
"I don't know, Midoriya, but I won't rule it out as a possibility, and neither should you."
"But why would he?"
"A good question to use your 'nonsense' for as any." The hero frowned.
"I still can't believe that All Might didn't say anything about All for One before giving you that quirk, even if he believed the man was dead." After a moment, he added.
"There are quite a few things he should have done."
"It wouldn't have made a difference. I would have still taken One for All." Aizawa looked like there was a lot he wanted to say in response to that, but he instead, he just stated.
"I believe you. An Analysis Quirk would have been difficult to sell for heroics. Especially if that's what's slowing your reaction speed. Having two Quirks natural separated is very rare really." Izula looked up at the man, confused.
"You think I have a mental enhancement quirk?"
"That wasn't it, just now?" Izula bit her lip, thrown off by the thought of her analysis being good enough to be mistaken for a Quirk. Hitoshi hugs her as Izula leans into her hold really.
"No. I don't... I didn't 'have' a quirk. I've 'got' the double-jointed pinky toe and 'everything'. I was lied to and the person didn't care since there was other ways to test for Quirks and he didn't do that." Izula pointed at her feet as she said this.
She looked down, her vision blurring again before she rubbed her eyes. She'd never actually talked about her pinky toe aloud to anyone or how she feels about being lied to like that when she was five really.
"My analysis skills are just fully something I worked on. I always wanted to be a Hero. I always wanted to help people, but you can't do that if you don't have a quirk. That's why I would have said yes to All Might when he offered me One for All, no matter what.
I didn't even know I had fully just semi-suppressed my original Quirk from the danger of the very doctor or had fully suppressed it from the trauma of watching my own parents being murdered by Endeavor when I was a kid really.
It even then had the gut to call him fully a murderer to his own face with the HPSC threatening me to keep it down. I'm not a normal kid. I'm not a normal teen. I created E.V.L.D.S to take down a lot of people! I was the one who created the Endeavor Haters!
And I was the one who caused soo many Heroes to lose their hero titles all because of the hacking I learned!" Izula chokes on her tears. Hitoshi hugs her tightly as Izula just keeps spitting it all right out for them all to hear really.
It was making the burden on her very shoulders to vanish as she was getting tired from it, but still awake to talk a bit more as All Might looks guilty for not asking her how she feels and for not even knowing about this all really.
"You don't like me saying it." Izula looked up at Aizawa and Nezu, her frustration creeping into her voice.
"Tell me I'm wrong, then. You wouldn't waste time with someone who couldn't be a Hero. If I had gone into the exam without a quirk, would you have looked twice? Would you have even seen me at all?" Aizawa sighed and he clasped his hands together.
"Only to criticize the stupidity of getting a kid's hope up like that." Izula thought about the years she'd spent refining her analytical skills to make up for the lack of a Quirk. It wouldn't have mattered; she wouldn't have been even considered for half a second.
All people are not born equal. She always knew that. Aizawa sighed as Nezu couldn't believe the life Izula had to live through and dear Hitoshi wasn't going to leave her alone anymore as she doesn't deserve it at all really.
"Doesn't make it any easier though, does it?" Izula bit her lip.
"I really need to do something about my mumbling." Aizawa gave a single nod. For a moment they were silent. Izula knew that Aizawa understood more about that unfairness than most, considering both the nature of his quirk and things he undoubtedly witnessed in his position as an underground hero.
Izula was well aware that she was one of those few people who'd been transferred over into heroics. His quirk wasn't suited for robots. It wasn't the same as being Quirkless, but he understood to an extent. Aizawa was the one to break the silence.
"Still, I don't want to even imagine where we would be now if that had happened. How many people wouldn't have been saved if you hadn't been there?" Izula looked up at the statement.
"I'm sure someone else would have stepped in."
"For some of the incidents, maybe." Aizawa paused, running his hand through his hair before stating.
"And it was after the Hosu incident that I pushed to have the first years take the hero licensing exam early." Izula looked up at Aizawa and blinked in confusion, the tears escaping.
"You knew."
'What cover up? That mutt!' Four members of the Dekusquad was pissed and it showed on their face, aura and instincts coming out making Aizawa to know a cover up shouldn't have happened at all really.
"Gran Torino gave the order to engage with Stain! That fucking mutt dare to do a cover up?!" O.K, Aizawa needs to have a word with that Dog Chief of the Police.
"No one officially told me anything and if I were to find something, like that four of my students saved a classmate and a Pro-Hero when that first one tried to get revenge against Stain for his brother, all four of acting without licenses, there would have been consequences.
After all, I would have to punish them for vigilantism. I might have possibly had to consider expulsion. So, I never officially asked. Not about the incident on I-Island either." Aizawa had known. He'd known the whole time.
Even as Izula marveled over the connections the man must have in order to learn any of this, she still found himself asking as she needs to know to calm her mind down really before a panic attack enters her system really.
"Why didn't you?"
"Because all of you have the potential to become incredible heroes. The best of the best. In order for that to happen, you need to get through school first. You aren't going make it easy to get you through to graduation, but don't you ever write off the lives you've saved.
Do you hear me, Problem Child?" There was no stopping the tears as Izula nodded, but this time they were tears of joy. Aizawa had just told her that she had the potential to be one of the best Heroes and pointed out the fact that she'd already saved people.
After that, Aizawa ordered them all to bed and glares at All Might who bolts making Nezu to explain that this secret is safe with them and he was glad the rooms were soundproofed making them all to blush at him before Hitoshi gently leads Izula to bed.
Everyone else also went to sleep and Izula was dead asleep making her to feel relieved somehow as the burden on her shoulders is gone now and she can sleep properly and be herself as she cuddles into Hitoshi's chest happy to have her be in her life really.
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