The Idea
Insert Midoriya's training montage with epic music. The montage takes place over that month
"Your body is already improving," Negative said one evening, "that super regeneration quirk makes it so you can push your body to insane limits."
"Yeah, sure," Midoriya says in a lack-luster manner.
"What's wrong this time," Negative says sadly, "last time it was because you couldn't feel any gain from the training, and the time before that you were worried about your mom."
"It's just that I'm so bored and I feel all alone."
"You may have a point," Negative confesses, "just this kind of average training is only useful for so much, not to mention that I can tell you exactly how to use your quirk properly."
Randomly, the playlist they were listening to changes to be "Best Years of Our Lives" (by Baha Men) starts playing (don't ask why specifically that song, just don't)
"I just got an awesome idea," Negative said happily, "why don't we take your powers for a real test run, like perhaps go and take down a small time hero?"
"Why!?" Midoriya asked confused, but slightly interested.
"To get you a different perspective on fighting against people," then, realizing somethings important, "we need to make you a costume, perhaps somethings that will heavily obscure how you look."
"What are you talking about," Midoriya asked, "even if I go out there there is still a good chance someone will recognize me!"
"Have you not looked in the mirror lately, or for that matter heard your voice?"
"What?" Midoriya then runs over to the mirror to look at himself, because he hadn't really looked in the mirror over this time he didn't notice the changes. His hair was now jet black, his eyes were a deep red, his muscles were decently defined, he was a full inch and a half taller, and after trying to listen for it he noted that his voice was an octave or two lower.
"Oh, I just had an even better idea!" Negative said with an unseeable grin.
"Ok what's THAT idea?" Midoriya asked still kind of looking himself over.
"I may just happen to know one Hero Killer Stain, who may owe me a favor or two."
"I used to help him find the right heroes to kill, even helped him avoid the cops and heroes."
"That.... could be interesting," Midoriya admitts, "I think we should give me a good alias though."
"Your definitely right," Negative said thinking on it, "how about Fralav Palenix."
"That's..... not a bad name," Midoriya admits, "where did you come up with it?"
"That was always the name of the character I played in games as a kid," Negative admits.
"What is the likely hood that anyone will remember that name?"
"Not likely at all because I never played with anyone else."
"Sounds like a lonely childhood."
"It kind of was, but that's not important right now, we need to go get some groceries."
Midoriya face palms, "you're totally right, ok I'll get the disguise."
The disguise consists of a long, shabby trench coat, a medical mask, with a nondescript hat, and old pair of reflective sun glasses and nondescript shoes. It was the best disguise that they could come up with, but because Midoriya was already so nondescript it worked really well.
"The list is eggs, milk, turkey, steak, sweat tea, ground beef, taco shells, bread, two heads of lettuce, a bag of shredded cheese, and a few other random things."
"Ok, honey," Midoriya said sarcastically.
As they walked Midoriya accidentally ran into someone. As he turned to apologize he saw that it was this cute looking girl. She has long green hair and green eyes. "Oh, sorry," she says bending down to pick up some of the groceries she dropped.
He bent down and helped pick up a few of her groceries up, "no I'm sorry, I should have been paying better attention."
"Well, have a good day sir," she said smiling and left.
"You too," he said (slightly blushing) as she left.
"Well," Negative said, "she was kind of cute, don't you think."
"Shut up," Midoriya said, still blushing, "let's get what we need."
"Did we really need to get this much food, and why did you have me buy this set of frying pans?"
"The pans we have are old," Negative says, "not to mention this set was on sale."
As they were walking home Midoriya noticed the girl he had bumped into was struggling with some more groceries.
"Let me give you a hand with this," Midoriya says grabbing the two heaviest bags.
"Oh," she said, somewhat surprised, "thank you Mr...."
"Fralav Palenix," Midoriya says quickly, "you can call me Fral."
"Okay, Mr. Fral," she said smiling, "my name is Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Sue."
"Sue, a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he told her as they started off.
On the walk to where Sue stayed with her parents, they talked about there hobbies and where she is going to go to high school.
"U.A.," Midoriya said with a bit of surprise, "are you planning on becoming a hero?"
"Yeah, my quirk isn't all that powerful, but I still want to be a hero," she said with a heartwarming smile.
The then reached the steps to the front of her house and said goodbye to each other.
On the way home Midoriya was oddly quiet.
"Be careful how far you fall for that girl," Negative warned, "you may have to fight her one day."
"Don't remind me," Midoriya said glumly, "is there anything else we need to get before we go home?"
"No but we're going to take a different route, turn left here," Negative told him.
"But isn't that the opposite direction of the house?"
"Just trust me, now hang a right here."
After a few more turns they found what they were looking for, the Hero Killer Stain.
"Drat, an audience, I'll have to make this quick," the Hero Killer said, slightly upset.
"Don't worry it's only me and my apprentice," Negative's voice came from Midoriya's mouth.
"Negative, is that you?" Stain asked.
"It's a long story, but the short version is that I am now stuck in my apprentices body," he said.
"Interesting," Stain said, "why do you want me to teach him though?"
"He needs a new perspective, and because you owe me one," Negative stated plainly.
"Ok, fine," Stain said, "meet me a few blocks from here in a few hours."
"See you then pall," Negative said, and they left.
~~After they were back at the house~~
"Warn me next time you want to do that," Midoriya said uncomfortably.
"Sorry, didn't want you to end up in a pool of your own blood," Negative apologized, "but starting later you get to train with the best."
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