attack on USG
izuku:hello class-1
kirishima:guys who is that guy!
he then points at izuku
aizawa:students stay back this is a villain
who are you and what do you want with us
izuku:I came here for revenge on all might you katsuki bakugo
bakugo:oh ya you and what army!!
then thousands of villains come out of the mist then izuku said
izuku:this army also I never said what's my name is call me deku saibot!!
then every on recognize that name then they knew this was izuku
bakugo:n-no d-izuku i-s alive?
momo heart broke when she saw izuku with the villans
momo:izu no come back I need y-you please!
then izuku said
deku saibot:NO IZUKU MIDORIYA IS DEAD THERE IS ONLY Deku saint kurogiri split the students now!!
then kurogiri did what izuku said
'time skip when all might comes becuse um lazy
all might:NO need to worry becuse I am her-
then he sees a black figure holding bakugo by the neck
bakugo:i-izuku thes is n-not you
then izuku punches bakugo again and said
deku saibot:NO this is me you made me like thes now die!
he then gets punched and hes mask fell of and hes skin is back to normal all might gasps and bakugo told him what happend
all might:NO young midoriya please stop
izuku:NO no! you left me to die you fake!
then they start a fight broken bones cuts blood every where then quan chi said
quan chi:deku let me help you give you some of my energy
izuku:ok give it to me
quan chi gives him some izuku seen to be wining then he was about to kill all might but he pass out from all the blood loose
then the heroes take him to UA what well happen well izuku become a hero or still being a villain
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