Just asks
Luke: Took you long enough to update!
Maddie: Shut up Ok, I was busy, most of the time at least.
Addison: Suuuuuure, whatever you say.
Jay: Let's back of her guys.
Jared: The other two have a point though.
Connor: Do you want Maddie to kill you?
Evan: S-she wouldn't, r-right.
Maddie: Not to you I wouldn't. Jared, yeah he is in risk of being killed.
Alana: Ok, Let's not kill Jared.
Zoe: Awwww, but I wanted to help Maddie.
Maddie: Whatever, first Ask is from @PippaLovesTurtles. Evan what are your feelings towards Connor.
Evan: I-I like him a-a lot. H-he's really n-nice t-to me.
Connor: I like Evan cause he isn't a dickhead towards me. Unlike a certain Jared Kleinman.
Maddie: Ya know, if I didn't have Michael as a parallel as well, I'd be so dead.
Zoe: Wait, your a lot like Jared!* points at Jared while glaring*
Jay: Yeah she is, she can be as annoying as him.
Luke: So we've been told.
Addison: We don't really know for sure.
Maddie: Ok, I left my own ask, and that's for Jared. Why in Hades name do you eat Bathbombs.
Jared: Onto another question?
Addison: You can't do that....
Connor: Come on, we at least should know why you eat them.
Evan: Y-you trust us, r-right?
Jared: It's not that, it's just-
Zoe: Seriously Kleinman, cut to the chase.
Alana: If he doesn't want to tell, he doesn't have too.
Maddie: Yes he does, it's the rule.
(Translates to I do it because I'm depressed and each one is another attempt at suicide)
Evan:*somehow understood* JARED, YOUR JOKING RIGHT.
Connor:*finally figured out what Jared said* Oh shit dude, you should have told us.
Zoe: I didn't understand.
Alana: I already knew.
Maddie: No one is stupid enough to just eat them because they taste good, when they probably don't.
Jay: Well that's all for now, Jared ran off already, so he's gone.
Everyone: Bye!
Maddie: Leave asks and dares down below please.
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