Chapter 1: Hidden Treasures
"So, you guys are staying for the week?" Rogue asked, his hands in his pockets, his tie loose and collar slightly popped out.
The party has just ended, everyone heading back home with satisfied stomachs. A dance party was held and almost everybody showed up at the dance floor. Peri had to force Rogue to the dance by doing the classic rope move, raising an eyebrow with a grin. Rogue rolled his eyes playfully, and decided to go along with it. In conclusion, everyone had the time of their lives during that night.
"Yeah, guess so." Peri chuckled, both of them walking together alone. Rogue smiled at the answer, staring at the ground.
"Well, if you need a place to stay in, I always have room in my court," he turned his gaze to her, wearing an innocent smile as he shrugged. Peri grinned widely, thinking for a moment before nodding with a splash of red on her face. "I'd... like that."
The two shared a warm smile, quickly being interrupted by James and Tris. Tris ruffled Rogue's hair, laughing as Rogue was being embarrassed in front of Peri who was giggling.
"Seems like Sailor Boy has a chance at getting it," Tris teased, making Rogue blush as he gently pushed him away.
"Aw seriously? You're calling me that now?" Rogue sighed, turning to James who stood in between him and Peri, pulling them towards him.
"What? Sailor Boy has a good ring to it," Peri shrugged, smirking at Rogue who exaggerated a shocked look. He eyed her with a fake glare. "Oh, how dare you?"
Peri laughed softly as they reached Rogue's house. They bid farewell, Rogue waving at them as they went their separate ways. He glanced at Peri one last time, smiling weakly as he shut the door to his home ever so slowly, hoping she would turn around. He breathed in the familiar scent of his house, sighing with comfort.
Peri waved at Tris and James, a bright smile on her face. Just as she was walking on her own path, she paused, the sense of realization flashing her like a brick to the head. "Oh, right. I don't have a place to stay."
She sighed, hugging herself as she looked around. She took a deep breath with a confident look. As much as Peri wanted to ask Rogue to stay at his place, she didn't want the others teasing him about it. "It's alright. I can handle this. I'll just crib in the ship tonight, how bad can it be?"
Peri stepped onto the doormat added to the ship, facing the door to her room. She stared at it for a moment, thinking of all the troublesome memories made here. But otherwise, it felt too nostalgic.
"Home sweet home," she smiled weakly, opening up the door and shivering from the cold breeze. She glanced at her bed, finding it so strange to feel the need to lie down on it. Maybe it was the fact that she was so tired that she didn't care anymore?
Peri plopped onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Peri began covering herself with the blanket, turning to her side and attempting to fall asleep. She looked down, finding something shiny under the wooden planks of the floor. She raised an eyebrow, getting off of her bed and kneeling next to it, grunting as she struggled to pull off the plank.
She smiled when she succeeded, glancing down to see the object shining in her eyes.
Rogue stood there, staring into his reflection as he brushed his teeth. He had a lot of things going on in his head, especially during the wedding. He glanced up to see a photo of him and Peri taped to the mirror. He smiled genuinely at it.
Just then, he heard a crash, his muscles tensing and blood rushing. He leaned back to see through the door from his bathroom, eyes wide.
He stopped brushing his teeth for a moment, spitting out the contents and grabbing the emergency frying pan from in the bathroom. He grasped it tightly, slowly walking out of the room with the pan over his shoulder.
"Tris? James? Guys, enough with these jokes. If it's another one of those surprise parties, you can trust me that it is NOT going to be pretty," he threatened, his gaze weary but alert. Eventually, he was right in the center of his house, the lights off and the atmosphere dark and silent.
"Huh," Rogue raised an eyebrow, certain that he was just delusional considering that he went through restless nights alone.
"Rogue!" Peri screamed, coming out of the darkness only for Rogue to jolt away, screaming back with a terrified look. He dropped the frying pan onto his foot, wincing as he fell on his back, falling over a stool and bumping onto the wall which caused his hanging plant to fall onto his head.
Soil spread out onto his hair, sighing as he met eyes with Peri who hissed, biting her finger. "Whoops." She took his arm and pulled him up, watching as he got back on his feet. She bit her lip in guilt, wiping off the soil from his hair.
Rogue glanced at the suddenly open window behind her, seeing the trampled objects all over the floor near it. The idea popped into his head, his face calm as he looked back at the lady in front of him.
"Y'know, I've always wondered what doors were made for," He added sarcastically, turning to her with a bit of soil still on his head. Peri shrugged, smiling innocently and hoping for the best. "Sorry, I thought it would be a fun surprise."
"So, what's this thing you wanted to talk about?" Rogue said, drying out his hair with a towel. Peri paced around his bedroom, finally sitting down on his bed as she skimmed through the sling bag she brought. "Well... I forgot to ask you if I could stay overnight so I decided to stay in the ship..."
She continued to look through it, sticking her tongue out as she kept searching for the object.
Rogue continued to dry his hair, walking up to her and sitting down next to her. "And...?" He tried peeking into the bag, raising an eyebrow.
"I found this," she finally pulled it out, it was a dusty box with a diamond shaped lock that resembled Peri's necklace, so shiny that it would've made them both blind.
"Huh, a box, lovely," he remarked, leaning back with his arms as support. Peri shook her head, a big smile on her face.
"Not just any box, oh no no," she opened it up, revealing a book with a specific page of a man wearing a coat, the wind blowing into his hair and loose clothes. He wore a cape, clipped around his shoulders. Castles of words surrounded the image, covering the entire page. Rogue realized that she had broke open the lock, getting terrified of what she was capable for a moment. He noted to himself internally, smiling weakly.
"Edmund Jack—son...?" Rogue glanced over her shoulder, skimming the page she was pointing at. Peri grinned widely, nodding her head as she faced him.
"My father!" She hugged the book to her chest, plopping onto the bed as if everything was a dream. Rogue's eye went wide as she fell to the soft material, he shook his head with realization.
"You mean, your actual father? The one who gave you the necklace?" He asked, looking down at her and watched as she nodded once more. Peri jolted up, grasping him by the shoulders, their faces barely an inch away.
"He wrote the book! Every word! Every page! I get to know a lot more about him! He even left the cape in the box!" She practically screamed, forcing Rogue to silence her kindly.
"Okay, okay, calm down there tiger. I don't want the whole town questioning what we're up to at 11 pm," he whispered, carefully taking the book and skimming through every page carefully.
"As a fellow Jackson, my duty as the founder of Hera is to protect it at all costs. Pirates casually come over and invade the city— wait, pirates?" Rogue raised an eyebrow, making Peri pounce right next to him, scooting up close and forgetting the whole idea of a personal bubble.
"Pirates? T-Thats... wow!" She grinned so widely, taking the book and scanning through more of the pages. Her eyes were wide with excitement. "I wonder if he has ever mentioned me? I mean, he has to—"
She paused, her eyes focused on a single page. Rogue couldn't see the specific thing she was looking at, peeking ever so slightly. "Peri? What is it?"
Peri's shoulders slumped, quickly clearing her throat when he spoke. She slammed the book close and turned around to face him. "Rogue, we need to find Hera like we did with Athena! Except on purpose!"
"I feel like I'm supposed to be offended and worried but at the same time I don't..." Rogue replied, squinting until Peri took his hands.
"We need to leave now!" Peri attempted to drag him outside, but she instead fell to floor for the man refused to leave. Rogue sighed, helping her up.
"Sorry Periwinkle but it's literally the middle of the night and I'm really really sleep deprived." He said, showing off the pitch dark sky of Athena. Peri's eyes went wide, she nodded quickly.
"Right, right. Sorry, you go get your beauty sleep and we'll leave first thing in the morning!" Peri headed to the door, grabbing the handle and stopping in her tracks. She grasped the book tightly and turned around to see Rogue smiling warmly.
"Goodnight Peri,"
"Goodnight Ro," Peri smiled back, walking out the door quietly and closing it behind her. Her face became a soft red, grinning warmly to herself.
Peri woke up prepared, jumping off the bed from inside the ship. She brushed her hair and teeth, changing into fresh clothes. She pulled out the cape her father wore, staring at every detail intently and finding the pattern of the stitches so unique. She took a deep breath and clipped it on. She stared at herself in the mirror, seeing the drawing that Rogue made for her taped onto the side.
She smiled softly, her heart beating at the sight.
Rogue opened up the door to his house, leaning against the door frame lazily. He spotted Peri, her hands on her waist with a confident look of an early bird. Compared to Peri, he only wore plain shorts and a grey shirt. Peri didn't mind, meeting his tired gaze. "Ready?"
Rogue's eye widened, quickly shutting the door and trampling over his stuff which was audible from the other side of the door. After some time, he opened the door again, attempting to replicate her stance but with a fresh and complete outfit. "Ready."
"You sure you don't want us to come with, hon?" Kilo asked, her hands holding Peri's arms. Peri smiled weakly, furrowing her brows gently.
"It's going to be okay, Kilo. It's personal business anyway," Peri glanced behind Kilo, spotting Rogue preparing their supplies into the ship. She smiled and glanced back at Kilo with a nod.
"Besides, it's your guys' honeymoon!" She pointed out, chuckling when Kilo nodded back.
"Can't argue with that. Jeez, you grow up way too quickly," Kilo whispered, hugging Peri tightly. Peri happily hugged her back, her arms wrapped around her firmly. "I love you, Kilo."
"I love you too, Peri."
"Hey, Peri! You ready?" Rogue called from the entrance of the ship, next to Tris.
"In a second!" Peri called back, giving Kilo one last hug and heading back to Rogue. Peri was about to say something to Tris but was immediately interrupted by him with a hug. Tris attempted to contain his sobs. "I'm so proud of you."
"Awe, thanks Tris..." Peri smiled, hugging him back with a huge grin. Peri could see Rogue looking at them, biting his finger in an attempt to hold his laughs.
"If Rogue ever does something stupid, don't be afraid to confront him about it," Tris said aloud which caught Rogue's attention. The guy with the bandages quickly turned to the two, his eyebrows furrowed with his mouth gaping. No words could describe how offended the guy was.
Peri giggled softly, nodding to Tris and bidding him goodbye, smiling as she kissed his cheek. "Trust me, I won't forget."
Eventually, Peri and Rogue finally entered the ship, waving at the crew and a few other friends. James shouted as they began sailing off. "Don't stay up too late!"
"We'll try!" Rogue called back, chuckling softly as his hands on the helm relaxed. Peri rolled her eyes playfully, standing near the edge and still waving her hand up high.
The ship drifted further away and eventually Peri grew tired of waving. She sighed, turning around slightly and staring at Rogue's back as he steered. A sense of deja vu hit her, but she shook her head and walked up to him. She crept up to his side, smiling.
Rogue didn't even turn, sensing her presence. "Is there something you need, Captain?"
"Nothing much, you?"
"I'm fine, thanks." He replied calmly, his main focus on the steering. Peri pursed her lips, turning away. Awkward silence began spreading across the open air, the breeze of the sea fresh and familiar.
Peri tried thinking of something to say. The two of them have never been alone this often. The missing presence of the crew was uncomfortable. It's as if they were trapped into a box, a wide and spacious one. Peri stared into the details of the fabric of the coat, squinting.
"Sooo, does the book mention where Hera could possibly be?" Rogue asked, turning to her slightly. Peri was taken aback, stuttering as she scanned through the book quickly.
"Well, no. Hera is supposedly hidden according to the book," Peri replied, glancing up at him. "But I asked a few of the citizens of Athena and they kinda have an idea where Hera could be."
Rogue began thinking to himself again, sighing. He gestured Peri to take the wheel for a second, scanning the book for himself. He stood there, his hands roaming the pages ever so gently.
"Your father was a founder and the protector, right?" He asked, pointing at a specific page. Peri watched as he walked up to her, showing the page.
"Well, my father took me to this place to visit every year," Rogue smiled, glancing at Peri who was curious. The page revealed an island that showed a building filled with statues of people, about 10 times bigger than a person. "It was a huge exhibit with statues of successful founders."
"My father had a couple of friends who were founders, possibly one of them your father. He helped write about their accomplishments in this abandoned place." Rogue pointed to a map drawn on it, marked by a red marker. Peri glanced at it in awe. She smirked at Rogue.
"Huh, that's a little convenient, isn't it?" She smiled as Rogue chuckled with a nod.
"Oh yeah, you'll be really surprised once we actually get in there," Rogue remarked, grabbing the helm once again, smirking.
"Which isn't gonna take long since I know my way around here now. It won't take longer thannn... three hours," He stated, Peri groaning playfully. They both laughed, smiling widely at each other.
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