Chapter One
I didn't quite like all the missions that S.H.I.E.L.D. sent me on. Most of them were with agents and I was there as a Plan B that barely ever got used. Tony had insisted that he could do with his suit what I was doing. Then again, the suit wasn't large enough to carry more than one or two people if necessary, which was not good if there needed to be a quick getaway. I was the best choice, being able to turn into any animal that could transport several people -- I could even turn into giant versions of birds if it was needed. That always kept enemies on their toes.
But the last few missions I hadn't been needed, so I complained to Fury and he gave me a few weeks off.
My few weeks was up. I had to go on another mission and was going to say goodbye to the rest of the team on my way out. I had to ask J.A.R.V.I.S. where they all were. Apparently, everyone else had gathered in the lab to check out something Tony and Bruce had put together. I hadn't known they were working on anything special, so my curiosity was piqued. I made my way down to the lab, reminding myself that I couldn't stay too long because I had work.
I entered my pass code into the lab security system and waited a few seconds for it to clear me. I opened the door and walked inside, coming in halfway through Tony and Bruce's presentation of their project.
"-- yet another way we are able to defy the laws of physics."
There was a moment of silence.
"Tony, this is ridiculous," Steve said.
"Oh come on, Capsicle. It'll be fine. Besides, it gives us a chance to help people! The world will always have the Avengers to help them!"
"Steve's right," Natasha cut in. "Did you guys ever stop to think that maybe we don't want to be Avengers the rest of our natural lives -- much less a prolonged one!"
Bruce had the decency to look sheepish. He had obviously just been in love with the idea of this project and not stopped to consider what Natasha was now presenting them with. Tony, however, was not so remorseful. He crossed his arms.
"Well, fine! Maybe you don't want to. But anyone else is welcome to try!"
"Try what?" I asked, finally.
Tony grinned, "My newest invention. It, let's say, de-ages your body. So you have all the experience of your actual age, but the body of a twenty-six-year-old."
I chuckled, "Sounds fun. But I just came down to tell you guys I'm heading out. S.H.I.E.L.D. has another mission for me; my vacation time is up!"
They all smiled at me and there was a chorus of "goodbye", "see you later", and "be safe". Hugs were unnecessary. We went on individual missions all the time; especially Steve, Clint, Natasha, and I. It was just the nature of our work. You don't always need all of the Avengers, you know?
I waved and left for my mission. Maybe I would get to do something this week.
Well, I did something.
I got to fly the jet. Our original pilot had fallen ill the day of take-off so I had to replace him. But that was all I did. I didn't need to use my powers or anything, and so I would go home disappointed once again.
Fury could just be so... infuriating.
I barged into his office, "Director Fury, I need to have a few words with you."
He looked up from his paperwork, "Yes, Miss Rogers?"
"Why do you have me go on these missions?"
"Because we may need you on them, you know that."
"I haven't been on a mission in at least a year where they needed me," I reminded him. "The agents are sufficient enough. They don't need me always tagging along. With all due respect, sir, I ask that you only call me in for the especially dangerous missions -- the ones that require extra help without the need of all seven Avengers."
Fury stared at me for a moment -- which is kind of odd to be on the receiving end of, for the obvious reason. He finally looked back at his paperwork and spoke.
"Fine. I understand."
I was a little shocked, I would have expected him to make some sort of argument. Maybe that I was just looking for time for myself. That I was putting aside the greater good for personal time. That I was under his orders and I would do what he told me to.
I nodded, "Thank you, sir."
He nodded back, "Have a good day, Miss Rogers."
"And you as well, Director."
I walked out of his office, closed the door behind myself, and let out a huge breath. That had gone much, much, better than I was expecting. I went down to the ground level and made my way to the parking garage and to my Sedan. I drove back to the Tower and pulled into the garage there. It was funny, really. I had my little Sedan, then the other Avengers had whatever car they used in day-to-day life, and then Tony had his collection of vehicles everywhere else.
I took the elevator up to the floor I shared with Clint. I entered my apartment and changed into skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and took the elevator up to the main floor.
No one was there.
No one.
Not even in the kitchen.
"Yes, Miss Rogers?"
"Where is everyone?"
"In the lab, Miss Rogers."
I hurried down to the lower levels of the Tower where Tony's lab was. The door was locked and I quickly entered my pass code. As I opened the door, my legs were immediately attacked by smaller bodies. I nearly fell over, and would have if I hadn't caught myself on the door-frame. I looked at the smaller bodies.
Children, of course. But how had they gotten into Tony's lab. And why were they crying?
The two attached to my legs were boys. One of them had blonde hair and was looking up at me with relieved blue eyes. The other had dirtier blonde hair and relieved brown eyes. Looked around the room and saw four other children. Three more boys and one girl. Two of the boys had dark hair and were huddled under Tony's workbench, looking over a blueprint. The other boy was blonde and seemed content to be playing with a rubber band. The girl was red-haired and was poking around Tony's de-aging machine. I hurried forward, the other two boys still on my legs, and pulled the girl away from the machine.
"Down, sweetheart. That's not something you want to play with."
"We all learned that the hard way," she retorted.
"Kathryn!" the brown-eyed boy on my leg called. How did he know my name? "Kathryn it's us! It's me, Clint!"
My eyes widened with the realization. I pulled the boys off my legs. They were clothed on nothing but shirts, all of them. Shirts that were sized for full-grown adults. I cupped Clint's cheek and then the other boy's. I looked into his blue eyes.
He nodded, "We're so glad you came back! It's been a week and we're hungry!"
I frowned, "J.A.R.V.I.S. didn't let you out? J.A.R.V.I.S., why didn't you let them out?"
"I had none of their voices in my database, Miss Rogers," the A.I. explained.
"Wonderful," I muttered. I turned to the boys under the workbench, now obviously Tony and Bruce. "Tony! Bruce! Come on out." I turned to Thor, who was still playing contently with his rubber band. "Thor, sweetie, put that away. We're going to get something to eat." I looked them all over as they gathered around. "And then we're getting you new clothes."
This was going to be a long day...
A/N Okay, so Kathryn Rogers is my OC. I use her for most things I write that include an OC. She is currently also in another Avengers fanfiction that I'm writing, and if any of you think I should post that as well, then please, please, let me know. I hope you all look forward to reading another chapter of this as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)
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