Chapter 35: A Gift of Biology
Alex was sitting cross legged on a little camp bed, her sleeve rolled up. Mary had cleaned the crook of her arm, and inserted a needle into her vein. She was also answering all Alex's rapid fire questions. This was the first person she came across who was willing to explain everything, and Alex actually had time to ask. She was going to take full advantage!
"In the beginning, we were lost. All we knew for sure...was that the younger you were, the stronger your chances."
"Obviously, you worked for WICKED?" Minho asked. He was sitting beside Alex, Mary had handed them both warm cups of coffee.
She smiled sadly, "A long time ago. You know, at first, we had the best intentions."
Alex snorted. Minho elbowed her. "Sorry. Continue."
"Find a cure, save the world. It was clear you kids were the key, because you were immune."
"But why?" Alex asked.
"Eventually, we found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. Once separated from the bloodstream... it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus."
"So, you found a cure?" Minho asked hopefully, his eyes lighting up.
"Not exactly. The enzyme can't be manufactured, only harvested from the immune. The young. Of course, that didn't stop WICKED. If they had their way... they'd sacrifice an entire generation, drain all of them of their blood. All for this." She held up a small vial of blood she had taken from Alex.
"A gift of biology. Of evolution. But one not meant for all of us." She sighed.
"How long will that give her?" Alex asked, looking at Brenda, laying unconscious on the little bed.
"It's different for everyone. Each immune is different, and each infected is different. A few months maybe. But that's the catch, isn't it? She'll always need more...that was until a young doctor showed up, about a week or so ago."
"What?" Alex asked, sitting up straight.
The tent flap drew back and in stepped-
"DR PRIOR!" Alex shrieked.
"It's nice to see you again Alex." He smiled at her.
"Okay...explain!" She squealed. She was bouncing on the bed now, in genuine happiness. Minho chuckled at her.
He set some files down on the table, and then pulled up a chair, beside the bed Alex and Minho were sitting on. Mary was busy with Brenda. Dr Prior gave them a quick explanation.
"Director Jansen figured someone helped you escape. He didn't suspect Captain Ronin, since he was smart enough to tell you to shoot him and he has shown Janson nothing but fack loyalty. But somehow they traced some things back to you and me, Alex. The whole brain surgery kind of tipped them off. So Ronin got me and my assistant, Amy, out a few hours after your grand escape. He has a contact who got us here."
"You mean other than Jorge, who is his brother in law?" Alex asked cheekily.
Dr Prior gave her a smile and nodded.
Minho whistled. Alex was quiet for a second.
"Wait. You said they will always need more...but something about Dr Prior..?" Alex asked, rubbing her forehead.
He chuckled, "you don't miss anything do you?"
"It's a talent."
"Well after doing your medical examination, and taking a closer look at your blood, and talking with Ronin we had an answer. The concoction of your natural enzymes produced by your brain; the natural immunity to the Flair, your regular old immune system and the serums from the Herculean trial WICKED gave you works like a super human agent. You heal quicker than most, your additional strength when you have adrenaline surges... all that mixed, all of it combined makes your immune system a super fighter. It breaks down anything it doesn't recognize a lot quicker and a whole lot more efficiently than a regular individual who is immune to the Flair." He explained.
"It's not exactly a pure cure, but it's a step closer. Thomas's blood is very similar, something in his blood enzymes; however his is natural. However his isn't nearly as strong and effective as yours Alex." Mary said.
She had given Brenda an injection of Alex's blood mixed with something else. But Alex noticed her breathing became easier, and her muscles relaxed. Now she looked like she was sleeping peacefully.
"Shuck Princess, I knew you were a super power ...but didn't know you could save the world!" He smiled at her, with such pride in his eyes, he kissed her temple quickly. "Add saving humanity under restarting my heart!"
"Well it's definitely a start." Dr. Prior chuckled.
"Chuck was right though. Again." Alex muttered dejected, "it's just an accident. I'm just an accident. It's my blood plus whatever shucked up stuff they stabbed, injected and tortured me with. Tommy is all homegrown natural...and I'm just a shucken science experiment. My whole existence is an accident." Alex grumbled, kicking her toes into the ground.
"But a very cute accident!" Minho whispered and kissed her temple. Alex smiled sadly.
"So what's this about restarting a heart?" Dr Prior asked, raising his eyebrows.
"This girl shucken saved my life! Actually she saved a few! She was a MedJack in the Glade- like our version of a doctor...she saved a Glader, Matt, when a building fell on him, sliced him wide open, and she stitched him back together, then shucken restarted his heart when he stopped breathing and least according to Newt- I wasn't there. And she did the same thing for Tes, when she came up from the box, she was in some kind of weird coma from WICKED. And when I was struck by lightning in the Scorch, I legit died and she freakin' restarted my shuck heart!" Minho explained, flailing his arms around wildly.
Dr Prior and Mary both gave nods of approval.
"I guess when Captain Ronin trains you as a field elite soldier, he does a very detailed job of it."
"Ya, I guess." Alex shrugged. She still felt weird and uncomfortable about being an accidental science experiment that could help keep Brenda from dying.
Not fully...but I'm a walking talking human disease treatment. Just come suck out some blood and boom, saved. No wonder WICKED wants to drain me...Everyone grab a straw, come take your turn.
"Let's go outside. Let them rest." Mary said, holding the tent flap open, Thomas was sleeping, he looked alot better. And so did Brenda. Alex hesitated, she wanted to be here beside her friends.
"She'll be fine." Mary reassured her.
"He's just sleeping. We may not look like much, but we do have some pretty good medical supplies and equipment." Mary laughed.
She led Minho and Alex to the showers, and showed them where the food was, she handed them a warm set of clothes and left.
"Alright Babe, these bad boys have locks, and good ones! But I can stand outside if you want."
Alex smiled at him, "Thanks Flash. But I'll be ok."
"Ha! Flash, I forgot you were going to call me that." He opened her door, "Ma Lady" he bowed her inside and closed the door.
Warm water, soap and shampoo, clean warm clothes, The Right Arm was like heaven! She unlocked her stall and found Minho waiting. His hair was clean and spiked up, all the dirt and grime washed off.
"Clean up nicely." He smirked at her.
"Are you saying I wasn't nice before?" Alex gasped.
"I'm just saying I'm good looking enough for the both of us!" Minho teased as he threw an arm around her, pulling her close.
"Wow Minho, don't let that ego get stuck in the doorway. I'd leave you there and laugh."
"Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning, thundercloud?" He clutched at his chest, faking pain.
"Grab a straw Mean-ho, because you suck" Alex elbowed him in the ribs, making him yelp, and then chuckled as he rubbed his side.
"Come on, let's go see if they have some food and coffee...cuz you're kinda cranky."
"Whose shucken fault was that?" She put her hands on her hips, and cocked an eyebrow.
"I take full responsibility. Now come on!" He laughed and pulled her towards the kitchen tent.
They were now all sitting around a fire. The Gladers, and Maze B and Chloe sat together, swapping stories, Minho and Alex had big steaming bowls of stew. Thomas had finally joined them now, with a bowl of his own.
"Looking better there Tommy!" Newt smiled as he sat down.
"Ya, feel better too! These guys have some crazy stuff!" Thomas said.
Alex had finished her super, "Definitely better than Fry's slop!" She teased.
"Uncalled for!" He cried and threw a piece of twig at her. "You know you helped me, Lady Bean!"
Alex ducked and laughed. She stuck her tongue out. Laughing, she lay her head on Sonya's shoulder, sighing constantly. Chloe had laid her head down in Alex's lap. Alex played with her hair, she felt the girl slowly falling asleep. Alex listened to the others chatting and laughing.
We made it. We actually made it. Safety. We can laugh and not have to fight for our lives. Minho and I can actually maybe grow old together.
"I wish Alby could've seen all this." Newt sighed.
"And Winston." Frypan added
"And Zach," Chloe sniffled.
"And Matt, and Pedro, and Clint and Jeff...Bark, and Chuck." Alex's voice broke. She felt her throat tighten. She missed that little shank.
"Matt and Chuck would be proud of you, you know, Alex. And you too Tommy." Newt said quietly.
"Yeah." Was all she could manage. Thomas looked about the same, his face scrunched up. Alex felt Sonya's arm wrap around her.
"Sonya, you guys lost a lot of girls too, ya?" Newt asked.
Harriet's face went hard, "Ya. And we don't know what happened to half of them."
"I'm sorry Sonya." Alex whispered. "I'm glad we found you though! One of the good things in this world."
Newt nodded.
"Alex? Are you getting emotional on us?" Sonya teased.
"Shuck no! Sorry everyone! I tripped and feel into some feelings. I'm okay now, I brushed that klunk off. Emotions are eww." She scrunched her face, wrinkling her nose.
Everyone around chuckled. It was quiet around the fire. But it was a comfortable quiet. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts. Teresa got up suddenly, looking into the fire with wide eyes, for a second she then spun on her heel and walked away from the fire.
Alex watched her leave, a frown on her face. She had been really quiet for a while, but she knew Teresa was not cut out for life on the run and fighting cranks. Alex shook her head, and looked back at the fire. Chloe had fallen asleep. Sonya was chatting with Frypan and Newt. She felt a hand on her back, she looked for the source. She met Minho's eyes. He nodded his head away from the fire, and raised his eyebrows. Alex nodded, she lifted Chloe's head gently and slipped out.
"Hey guys, Minho and I are gonna take a walk, can you keep an eye on Chloe?"
The guys raised their eyebrows.
"A walk, eh?" Frypan chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows, he was obviously insinuating something.
"Maybe more. Wouldn't you like to know." Minho wiggled his eyebrows, a sly smirk on his face.
Newt pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed. Sonya laughed and smacked the back of his head. "She's a big girl, Newt."
"Thank you Sonya."
Sonya winked and then called "don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
"You shouldn't listen to her! She's CRAZY! This girl is shucked!" Harriet called.
Newt looked flabbergasted between his sisters.
Alex grinned. "Then she really is my twin. Because crazy runs in the family...gallops really."
Newt was making weird noises, words wouldn't form, but he managed to point a finger at her.
"No!" He finally managed to get out.
"Newt... telling me not to do something makes me do it twice, possibly a third time and I'll be taking pictures." Alex rolled her eyes.
Everyone snickered. She heard a few high fives. And Newt's spluttering and huffing.
"Newt." She called over her shoulder, "Get your bloody morals away from me. Minho and I have some sketchy shenanigans to get up to!"
She snaked her arm around Minho's waist, they started walking away from the fire, but before they were out of sight, Alex deliberately slid her hand into Minho's back pocket. He looked down at her and smirked, he slid his hand down to her back pocket as well. They heard a sharp gasp from the fire. They both just laughed and continued to walk away.
"So? Where we going?" Alex asked. He shrugged.
"I don't know. Just wanted to be alone with you. We haven't had that in a long time." He took his hand out of her pocket and took her hand out of his pocket and held her hand, intertwining his fingers. He brought them to his lips.
**Does Dr Prior's explanation of why Alex is the way she is make sense? I tried to make it as basic and easy to follow as possible.
**Cheeky little Alex is my favorite.
**Also...Cheeky Minho but then once the audience is gone he is so sweet and gentle with her! Especially after the klunk she went through. He's the one who removed his hand first. 😍
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