Chapter 32: Emotional Breakdown
They made it out of the city without incident. Jorge pulled over beside a shamble of a building, it must have been an old farm house at one point. The guys got Thomas out, who had passed out on the drive.
"Okay, guys, hold him down please, hopefully he'll stay out. This isn't going to be a good time..." Alex ordered.
Brenda, Teresa and Alex got to work. All three of them were a good medical team. It didn't take them long, Thomas had woken up once only to scream and pass back out. The truck had some pre packed bags, and one had pain medication. Thomas was finally resting by the fire.
"Leave it to Marcus to have an escape plan, bags packed and the truck ready, if his life went sideways." Jorge muttered, as he dug around the other bags.
Alex took the first aid kit and went to find Minho. She found him sitting on the hood of the truck, his head in his hands. She placed the kit down, slowly taking his hand in hers, pulling it away from his head. He was forced to look up at her, without saying anything, she started to clean his knuckles.
"I'm sorry Alex."
"For what?" She stopped and looked up. He looked tired. His whole body was slumped, even his hair looked wilted. He didn't make eye contact, instead talked to their hands.
"For...everything. I couldn't save Alby, or Matt, I saw Pedro get sliced, I wasn't fast enough. I couldn't save Jeff and I wasn't fast enough to save Chuck, I wasn't there when Clint, A.J. and Leo died. I couldn't get the door open fast enough and Winston died because of it. For you falling and getting separated and all the klunk you had to go through, and then...and then...what happened to you in the club. I wasn't there. I couldn't keep you safe. It's all my fault!" A single tear slipped down his dirty check. "And I'm sorry you had to kill that crank. I should have done that."
Alex was quiet for a minute, her hands were shaking. "..he wasn't the first one." Alex whispered. It was quiet for a moment.
Alex took a shuddering breath, she fidgeted with the disinfect bottle in her hand. "I've killed people Minho...I'm a murderer. That crank wasn't the only one."
He was quiet, letting her continue when she was ready.
"I shot Chloe's brother. In the head...he was turning, he tried to attack us...Chloe was knocked out... he made me promise the night before and called me...called me..a...a coward if I went back on my promise. I shot him. Point blank in the forehead! She doesn't know. She won't ever know."
"I'm so sorry Alex. That..really sucks." He said quietly.
He was quiet for a minute watching her clean his hand. She could feel his eyes on her.
"You're not a coward. Anything but." He paused, thinking, "I know about the one who tried attacking you and Tes and the blond guy...who...?"
Alex glanced up, but looked back down to his hand she was now bandaging. "I think you know who else." she whispered.
"When Brenda collapsed?"
She nodded, tears forming in her eyes. She whipped them away angrily, looking away.
"I don't regret it. None of them. Only...only Zach. He was a good guy, just wanted to keep his baby sister safe."
She looked back, challenging him to say anything different. When he didn't she looked away again. She continued to wrap his knuckles. They were quiet for a while.
"Hey. What are you thinking?" Minho asked quietly.
"Just... about how much my life sucks. I just... can't catch a break! Pretty sure my guardian angel is drunk most of the time." She muttered, angrily swiping at more tears.
"Mine does, too. Sucks big-time. But I'm glad I'm with you. As long as you're beside me, life isn't too bad."
Alex turned to clean up the bloody bandages, Minho's comment made her snort, "that was so cheesy Min."
But the corners of her lips lifted. She looked back up at him, he was already smiling and searching her eyes. He was looking at her like she was the most beautiful fragile thing in the world. Her stomach did a small backflip. His eyes were always so gentle and unwavering when she looked into them.
"Minho..." She started, but trailed off, not sure what to say.
How can he still look at me when I look like this? With what I've done..? My life is nothing but a shucken mess, and now I have the title murderer under my belt. I've broken promises, left too many people behind. Too many have sacrificed themselves for me; I'm not worth that.
"Before you start, stop. I love you Alex. All of you, including all the dirty messy bits, all your edges and imperfections." He whispered quietly. He paused. "I don't know what else to say to convince you." He said sadly.
"Then don't say anything. patient with me." Alex whispered, another tear slipped through her lashes.
Minho reached up and gently wiped it away and left his hand cupping her check with his now bandaged knuckles. Alex had stiffened when he first reached up. She eventually slowly leaned into his touch. His hand was warm and gentle. She closed her eyes, enjoying a physical touch that wasn't greedy for more or hurting. She felt little butterflies in her tummy. She let out a small quiet sigh.
She reached her shaking hands up and hesitantly put them up around the back of his neck, sliding them up into his hair. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Alex's heart was racing, her breathing tried to come in shallow gasps, but Minho's steady breathing helped anchor her mind. Her fight or flight slowly calmed down. He gave her something to focus on. She closed her eyes again, focusing on her breathing until it came back in steady slow breaths. She felt Minho's other hand cup the other cheek, and his forehead gently came to rest on hers, she stiffened for a second, her breath caught in her throat. When he didn't move anymore she relaxed into his touch again.
Her tensed shoulders finally sagged. She could feel his breath fanning her face, and the warmth radiating off his body. She slowly smiled, despite her fight or flight trying to take over again. She finally tilted her head, and slowly and timidly brushed her lips on his. It was quick and barley there. Nevertheless, his eyes shot open, she saw the familiar warm coffee eyes, dancing all over her face. She smiled shyly up at him. An actually genuine smile.
She slowly pulled him back for another kiss. He was still hesitant and extremely gentle with her; his hands hadn't moved from her checks and that made her feel safe, loved, cherished and respected. "I love you shuck face." She whispered. She smiled into a third gentle kiss. "Thank you Minho. I trust you." she murmured, his lips still pressed to hers.
"I love you too shuck face" he muttered right back.
He slid a hand from her check into her hair, he slid off the hood of the truck, and finally wrapped her up into a tight proper hug, she slipped her hands from his hair and wrapped them around his shoulders, fistfuls of his shirt held tight in her hands. She squeezed him like she would lose him, again. She held him close, burying her face in his neck. He held her close, wrapping one arm around her waist lifting her off the ground for a moment. His other arm was wrapped around her back, his hand buried in her hair. They stood and clung to each other.
The damn inside Alex finally broke, she had shoved her emotions down, letting anger slip out. All the other feelings finally exploded in a sob. She felt safe enough to be vulnerable. Alex's knees gave out, Minho slowly lowered down onto the grass, holding her tight as she cried. Big sobs made her body shake and shiver. All the fear and terror, the physical pain inflicted on her, all the shame and disgust, the relief of being found, the regret of Zach...everything came out in loud gut wrenching sobs and cries and screams. Minho sat on the grass, slowly rocking side to side, Alex in his lap. He let her cry until she had nothing left, she was hiccupping and taking shuddering breaths when he finally spoke.
"You're safe now Alex. You had to do so much on your own. You're so strong...I'm proud of you. My badass warrior Queen." He whispered into her hair.
Her body was exhausted. Her mind and heart were also exhausted. She could feel her eyelids closing. "Minho..will you stay with me?"
That was the last thing she heard before sleep took over.
Minho's heart broke with each sob, cry and scream that came from Alex. He had zero idea what she had gone through. Waking up trapped under a building, being alone in dark tunnels with gone cranks, shooting an allie point blank. And the shucked klunk at the club. He didn't want to make it worse and ask exactly what happened, but how he found her, her minimal clothing ripped and dishevelled her body beaten his imagination was enough. It filled him with a pure burning hatred. How could anyone ever do something like that? Then the anger was washed away by such a deep sorrow it physically hurt. Alex had to endure that. Alone. For who knows how long.
How is she still functioning? How does she keep going? She is absolutely more resilient and stronger than any of us. But she shouldn't have to be. She needs to be loved and cherished. It's up to you shuck face to show her respect and love.
He hugged her a little tighter as he vowed to show her how to trust again, to know how much she meant to him.
He felt her body shaking, all he could do was hold her. He rubbed her back and held her head to his chest, letting her spill everything out. Once her screams and sobs turned into hiccups did he dare speak,
"You're safe now Alex. You had to do so much on your own. You're so strong...and I'm proud of you. My badass warrior Queen." He whispered into her hair.
He felt the tension in her body slowly relax, her fists hadn't let go of his shirt though. Her breathing got slower, he heard her whisper so quietly, he had to strain to hear.
"Minho, will you stay with me?" She sounded so small and scared, so vulnerable.
"Always." He whispered. "I'll keep you safe until my last breath."
He felt her fall asleep.
How the shuck does she stay sane after all the shit she's been through? She's stronger than any of us. Braver too. Shuck, this girl is a Queen. And I get to call her mine. Don't know how I swung that.
He carefully slipped an arm under her legs and with his other arm around her back, he picked her up and brought her over to the fire. The guys turned to watch. Newt's face pulled tight into one of worry.
"Everything ok hermano?" Jorge asked quietly.
"Ya, we heard the...crying..." Newt said, his face softening as his eyes followed Alex, wrapped in Minho's strong arms.
"'s gonna take a while to process everything that she went through alone..." Minho replied quietly, he didn't want to wake her up.
He gently laid her down beside himself. Jorge handed him a blanket, and he covered her up, hoping she would be warm enough.
Chloe was curled up close to Frypan.
"You made a friend there.." Minho nodded to the little bundle.
"Ya. She's a good kid." He replied, looking at the sleeping child, his face broke into a gentle smile.
Teresa, Brenda and Aris were already asleep. And Thomas was lying where the girls left him. Resting quietly, wrapped in a few blankets.
"How is he doing?"
Jorge snapped a branch and threw it in the fire,
"He'll be fine. I hope. The bullet went right through, it'll take a while to heal, we don't have any WICKED medical equipment that could heal it in a day or two. We were just lucky there was disinfectant and clean supplies to stitch him up. The girls did a good job. You picked a solid one, there Hermano. She takes charge keeping everyone around her safe and keeps it together until the job is done."
Minho smiled proudly, "Ya. I know."
Jorge smiled and nodded. Minho liked Jorge, at first he didn't trust him, the whole dangling over a crank pit kinda did that. But during their few days of running and hiding, he had proved he cares and willing to do whatever to help them. He also had Captain Ronin's stamp of approval who had Alex's approval and trust. So that was good enough for him.
"Time to rest, we will make it to the mountains tomorrow. Time to rest, we're safe from the city and those who live there. I'll take first watch."
Fry, Newt and Minho glanced at each other, nodded and lay down. When Fry lay down, Chloe snuggled a little closer in her sleep.
"Awww. Fry has a sister." Newt teased. But Fry just made a shooing motion with his hand. Minho smiled. You had to in this shucked up world. See the good and appreciate it. That poor kid needed a big brother to step up and fill that roll. He knew all the guys here would step into the big brother roll for the girl. They were a family by choice, not by blood.
Minho laid down beside Alex and pulled her close, he felt her body relax. He kissed her temple and closed his eyes. Finally feeling content, he had his love back in his arms. Having to face the possibility that she was dead, and then finding out she was alive, then finding out she was taken and then finding her chained to a wall for cranks to use...his emotions had been through the wringer the last few days.
He wasn't going to lie, having her flinch or stiffen in fear every time he tried to touch her, really hurt. More than he wanted to admit. But he knew he wouldn't push her. Even before all that, he would never push her to do something she wasn't comfortable with and not just physically, that applied to every aspect of their relationship. He respected her too much to break her trust. He curled his strong body around Alex's petite one.
During the night, she would whimper in her sleep. The first time she whimpered, she turned to face him and tried to bury herself into his chest. One time her whimpers and cry woke Newt and Jorge, who both sat up to see if there was anything they could do.
Despite waking up a few times, it was the best sleep he had in a very long time.
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