Chapter 30: That was Cheesy
"Thomas!" Teresa called gently, he was stirring trying to wake up. He blinked his eyes, confused.
"Hi. We have to stop meeting like this." She smiled over him. He blinked again.
"Welcome back, you ugly shank." Minho called from beside Alex. The loud call caused her to move and groan. Jorge stopped punching Marcus and turned, his anger melted into concern. Minho twisted back to her, he brushed some hair off her sweaty forehead. Her eyes snapped open.
With a wild cry she sat up smacking his hand away and scrambled back into the wall, her fist flailing.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she screamed. Her chest rising, she was panting, her body wouldn't stop shaking.
The hands! Make it stop! Make it stop! Please! Where the shuck am I? How did I get here? Uhg my head hurts. I'm throw up.
Alex did, she threw up on the floor making her twisting stomach feel a little bit better. She wiped her mouth with a groan.
Where am I?
Panic flared inside her again and she scrambled even further away, into the corner. Her body wouldn't stop shaking.
"Hey..hey, you're okay Alex. We got you out." Minho pleaded, holding his hands out in a passive gesture. He slowly crawled closer.
Her thrashing body and swinging fists slowed down.
I know that voice.. Why is it familiar? I KNOW that voice...
She blinked her eyes a few more times, then rubbed them.
"Minho?" She whispered.
Alex was scared that she was just dreaming, whatever drug they gave her was messing with her. She cowered in the corner, whimpering, her knees up to her chest, trying to turn away from everyone to face the wall.
"Ya Sunshine it's me."
He had crawled closer, he gently raised his hand and cupped her check, but she flinched away with a whimper, smacking his hand away again. Her arms immediately covered her head in protection from more grabby touchy hands. He pulled his hand back, a hurt expression flashed on his face, it quickly changed to sympathy.
"I'm sorry. I won't touch you. I'm sorry Alex"
He said it so quietly and gently Alex almost missed it. Her lower lip trembled, she was scared of being touched by Minho, to be touched at all by a male. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her wild nerves and racing heart. Only to panic again.
"CHLOE! NO no no!" She shrieked, Alex uncovered her head and twisted around. "We need to go back! I need to find Chloe! I need to find her! Bring her with us! I promised! I promised...I promised Zach." she whispered, more tears slid down her cheeks. Another broken promise. She had to go back, she had to find Chloe.
Alex tried to scramble to her feet. Minho held his arm out, "She's here Alex. She's right here. She's safe." he said quickly, trying to keep her calm.
Minho waved for the girl to come over. The girl looked at him for reassurance, he nodded at the child. She slowly took a step forward, and then flung herself into Alex's arms with a small sob. Alex pulled her into a tight hug, the girls slid back down the wall, in the corner.
"I'm sorry Chloe. I'm sorry! I left you! I broke my promise to Zach! I'm sorry!"
"Who's Zach?" Minho wondered out loud.
"My brother." Chloe's reply was muffled, her face was pressed into Alex's shoulder, "It's not your fault! You were taken away! And you did keep me safe! I was hiding when they came to check the other room! If I wasn't I'd be... taken too." Chloe was now crying too
"-I suggest that you talk!" Jorge shouted, as he threw a punch. "Damn it!"
He yelled as he shook his hand out. Alex jumped at the sound of the angry voices, tightening her grip on Chloe. Only now realizing that there were other people in the room.
"I'm're going to have to leave my house." Marcus laughed maniacally.
"Looks like you've been having fun." Newt said, leaning over Thomas who still had a lost look on his face, he kept glancing between Newt and Brenda who had woken up and sat hunched on a couch, with her head in her hands.
"Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay?" Jorge grabbed everyone's attention again. He had thrown another punch. "Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?"
"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas asked at the same time as Alex yelped "THAT'S Marcus?"
"Those kids catch on quick." He chortled, "Are you two the brains of the operation?"
Thomas sat there confused, opening and closing his mouth. Alex stood up so fast Chloe fell over. Alex's face twisted with such rage, Minho took a step back in shock. All her feelings went numb. Her hands were cold, despite the heat rising in her. She flew at Marcus. She threw a punch with such force, his head snapped sideways, spraying blood from his mouth.
"YOU BOUGHT ME! YOU SOLD ME AND USED ME AS A SLAVE FOR...FOR.." She couldn't say it, it wouldn't come out. Instead she screaming and drew her fist back to punch him again, "YOU SICK TWISTED SON OF A B-"
"ALEX!" Newt yelled, cutting her off, at the same time Minho had wrapped his arms around her waist and hulled her back.
"No! Let me go! Minho! He did this to me!" Alex struggled against Minho's arms.
"I know Sunshine. I know! And I want to kill him too. But right now we need information from him! Please stop struggling! I know you're hurting! I can't even begin to imagine what you went through"
He talked quietly to her, validating her. She sagged a little, he slowly loosened his grip and she pushed him off, wrapping her arms around herself and what was left of her tant top, and retreating back to the corner, crouching down, trying to hide.
"I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal." Jorge was saying as he paced back and forth. He stopped in front of him, folded his arms, "You can come with us."
"THE SHUCK HE IS!" Alex screamed, lunging forward. Minho had to catch her and hold her back.
"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity." Marcus laughed, his head rolling, blood still leaking down his chin.
He's a crank. He's a twisted sick crank who deserves to die!
"What's he talking about?" Thomas asked, standing up, rubbing his neck.
"I'm talking about supply and demand kid!" He laughed again.
He looked past Jorge, his eyes taking in each of the kids in front of him. He lingered longer in the four girls, especially Teresa and Alex.
"WICKED wants all the Immunes they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in... they get drunk, they have a good time..."
"I should slit your throat!" Alex hissed. Minho hadn't let go of her fully, she was standing stiff as a board though, hands in fists and jaw clenched.
"And then, later, WICKED comes in...they separate the wheat from the chaff." He finished with a wild smile.
He helps provide immues... WICKED takes them! And uses girls as sex slaves!
"I changed my mind, hermano. I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge punched him.
Everyone was standing still, wide eyed, open mouthed at him in disbelief. Alex had enough. Something deep inside Alex snapped. It probably was already broken, maybe it was the crank voice in her head, it whispered to her; "do it." She wanted information, she wanted it now, and she didn't care how, she also wanted to kill him. She twisted, pulled out a knife from Minho's belt, pushed him aside and lunged at Marcus.
She held the knife up to his neck, making his head tilt backwards, "Talk!" She spat.
She pushed the tip of the knife a little further, "Talk.' she whispered. She saw a small trickle of red blood.
"Okay! Jesus!" He choked out. Alex shook off the hand that tried to pull her back.
"No." She snapped. "Don't touch me!"
The hand let go in surrender. She didn't take her cold eyes off the monster tied to the chair.
"But I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around. They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way away." He giggled again, "You got half of WICKED on your ass. You're never gonna make it."
"Is that a threat or a challenge? People keep threatening me, and I am." She growled. Marcus just laughed wildly.
He looked at Alex, with a creepy smile, "Sure you don't want to stay sweetheart? You brought in good cash! Kept 'em busy for a while!" His eyes stairing without shame at her exposed chest, the black lace bra quite visible with the ripped open tanktop.
"AHHHHHHH!" He screamed.
Alex had stabbed her knife down into his thigh. Alex was breathing heavily, her stomach had heaved. She kicked him in the chest, sending the chair backwards. He crashed to the floor. She tried to jump on top of him intending to hurt him more. Arms wrapped around her and pulled her away. She clawed at the arms, she kicked and screamed, fighting to get loose to hurt Marcus. She wanted to inflict all kinds of pain on Marcus.
"Get her out of here!" Jorge yelled.
Marcus was laughing wildly from the floor.
Alex was hulled away from the room, and dropped onto the bathroom floor. She heard a door close. She looked up to see Newt and Minho. She was shaking with anger, shame and fear. Minho crouched down beside her. She scrambled back into the corner. He kept his arms resting on his knees. Newt was standing, blocking the bathroom door.
Alex's chest rose and fell taking short gasping breaths, her throat feeling tight, tears leaked over her lashes and slid down her face. She brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She lowered her head, hiding her face in her knees and behind her hair. She let the tears fall. Shame of what was done to her washed over her in huge waves. She felt Minho shift, when she felt his arm try to go around her she flinched. He froze and then took his arm back.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered.
"Are you sure?" She sobbed.
"Alex." Newt had come to crouch beside her trembling frame.
"I don't know what you went through, I can only imagine. But you told us once that you trusted this shank with your life...I know you still do. I trust him with my life and yours. As your brother, I would die to keep you safe and see you happy. So would Minho. I also have full confidence in Tommy and Fry. Jorge had a bloody heart attack when he realized where you were, he also cares for you. Same with Tes. And seems Brenda as well. And Chloe seems awfully attached to you. You have friends who love you. We won't hurt you."
Alex's head and heart were confused. One knew he was right, she trusted these boys. She loved them. But again, when she needed them, they weren't there. She was angry. She was hurt, confused and felt very alone. She also felt really sick. When Minho went to touch her again she instinctively flinched. He tried to hide his hurt and leaned away.
"When you're ready...I'll be here." He whispered sadly. Alex glanced up at him, his face was crestfallen, but he forced a small smile for her sake. "cross my heart."
"I'm...I'm sorry." She stuttered, her throat feeling tight again.
"There is nothing to be shucking sorry about, Alex" He reassured her, "I won't push it. I'm sure any kind of physical touch will take a trust again.." Minho said quietly.
Alex wiped her eyes.
My head is pounding. Why is it pounding so bad? I think I'm going to throw up. Again.
"Is there water? My head is pounding and I feel sick."
Newt nodded, got up and left. She glanced at Minho again, she felt awkward. Uncomfortable being alone with him.
She had snapped and stabbed someone-
He deserved it though...and more. I would have killed him. Maybe I still will...He doesn't deserve to live.
-And she was scared to have her boyfriend, the person she loved most in the world, touch her...
I don't know what to say...I don't even know what to feel! I don't know what to do!
Her stomach twisted and then heaved. She scrambled to the toilet and threw up. She felt her hair move back. She let her stomach empty itself, there wasn't much, she hadn't eaten or drank much in the last few days. She wiped her mouth. She lay her arm across the toilet, letting her head rest on her arm, she whispered a small "Thank you." Only to hear a small chuckle.
"Any time Sunshine. I made you a promise back in the glade. I would always be there for you, during your angry murderous rampages, and your fist fights with Gally and Grievers and now your hangovers. Someone's gotta hold your hair back."
Alex let a small laugh out.
"That's better. I like when you laugh." Minho smiled playfully at her, referencing the time in the council hall, right before they had a heated make out session.
"Then do it again, Shuck face." She replied weakly, repeating what she said back then too.
He smiled at her and tapped his chin. His eyebrows knitted together for a second, he let a sly smirk grace his lips then he chuckled to himself, his face morphed back into one of stern concern.
"What was so funny?" Alex asked, slowly lifting her head. He waved a hand and shook his head.
"Come on." She pleaded. He cocked an eyebrow at her, but his face was expressionless. "Well I WAS going to tell you a joke about pizza."
"But?" Alex asked, confused.
"It was too cheesy." He deadpanned.
Alex looked at him and blinked, then let out a small giggle. The giggle turned into a chuckle which morphed into a belly laugh. It was so ridiculous, so lame and so child like, in such a shucked up situation Alex couldn't help it. Minho smiled smugly.
"That was bloody awful!" Newt said from the doorway.
Minho twisted around to see him and cocked an eyebrow, "Oh come on Newt! Can you at YEAST give me a chance to explain?" He threw his hands in the air dramatically.
Newt rolled his eyes. Alex snorted with laughter again.
"Hey! You wanna PIZZA me Shank?" Minho challenged, raising a fist, and shook it at Newt with moch anger and hurt.
Alex's cheeks and stomach hurt from giggling.
"No, you're bloody right," Alex wheezed, "no matter how you shuckin SLICE it, a pizza pun is always very cheesy."
It was Minho's turn to snort with laughter.
Newt groaned and rolled his eyes. "Here is your water, love." He handed the bottle to Alex, who was still hiccuping from laughing. "Clearly Minho's ridiculous jokes did the trick. Feeling a little bit better?"
Alex took a sip of water. She nodded with a small sad smile. Slowly and cautiously, like she was scared it would electrocute her, she hooked her pinky with Minho's.
"Ya.. maybe, I think. Thank you." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, leaning her head back. "It's not something I'm going to get over easily. And I'm sorry in advance."
"No one is blaming you. And we take everything at your pace." Minho reassured her, he slowly and very cautiously intertwined all their fingers and drew small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. It was physical touch that made her feel a little calmer. It was gentle and intimate. It wasn't malicious and greedy, like the cranks.
"Good...we're leavin' right away. We have a direction, and a vehicle to get there faster. You ready to leave? No more stabbing people." Newt asked, his face scrunched in concern.
Alex growled, "No promises, that sick bas-"
"LANGUAGE ALEX!" Newt shrieked.
Minho and Alex both rolled their eyes.
"He deserved it." Alex muttered. Minho nodded.
"Ya, let's blow this popsicle stand. The sooner the better." Minho spoke for her.
"Okay, there is a box of clothes and toothbrush and stuff out here that Jorge found. Find something and we're leaving right away." Newt finished and left.
Minho stood up and held a hand out to help her up. Alex slowly reached a trembling hand up, Minho pulled her up. Once she was standing they were only a few inches away. He was looking down at her, his eyes soft and gentle, with a loving smile on his lips.
How can he still look at me like that? I've been used and abused by so many different men. And I'm a murderer.
As if he could read her mind, he squeezed her hand gently, "Alex. I love you. And I always will. No matter what."
"How can you be so sure?" Alex questioned.
"Because I'm Minho." He simply said, "And your Alex."
He shrugged his shoulders. He closed his eyes for a second, when he opened them they looked tired and sad, but full of contentment when he looked at her, taking in her face. He slowly and cautiously reached a hand upwards, he stopped when his fingers were an inch from her check. Alex had stiffened, her jaw clenched, her pupils dilated in fear. They didn't move. It took a little for Alex to slowly relax her jaw. He waited patiently for her to relax, he didn't push it. When her eyes went back to their normal size did he gently brush a thump over her bruised cheekbone, wiping a stray tear, it was so gentle Alex hardly felt it. He didn't take his steady coffee brown eyes off her frightened hazel ones.
"Sunshine, before the maze we fought for each other. You risked everything to take WICKED down, to get us out. Then we found each other in the maze. We found our way back to each other when we were stripped of our shucken memories. That, to me, means we're shucken soul mates. I love you for who you are. I'm not going to abandon you because you were forced to go through hell. You're a badass with a kind heart for others. You woke up and the first thing you did was worry about Chloe! You're strong and determined. You stand up for others, and for what's right. You always try to do the right thing even if it means you get hurt along the way. What's thrown into your path makes you stronger, smarter, more determined.. Also I love how you get mouthy when you're nervous or scared. Alex...all those things make up who you are. You're beautiful, inside and out. I'll be right beside you the whole time, I'll help you heal, sunshine. You mean so much to me."
Alex took a shuddering breath and slowly and cautiously leaned her head into his strong chest. She could hear his steady heart. The heart she imagined when she was trapped under the wall and down in the Underneath when she panicked. The heart that brought her back from anxiety and nightmares. The heart that lulled her to sleep constantly. The strong steady heart she had restarted! She clenched his shirt in her hands and let a quiet whimper out.
"Don't ever leave me! Please! Don't ever do it again!" He cupped the back of her head, and gently pulled her close with his other arm, and held her tight.
"Never again."
**Okay. A few things:
1. Protective boyfriend mode
2. Pizza puns?? Yes!
3. Minho is 100000% boyfriend/husband goals. Like come on! He just absolutely adores her! And he would move heaven and hell for her.
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