Chapter 28: The Red Door
Date rape drugs, sexual & physical assault, insinuation of rape
A once pretty woman opened the door and Alex was assaulted with a sickening smell of sweat, alcohol and something else- she didn't want to know the source of- rotten meat, maybe? Her stomach twisted and threatened to empty itself all over the lady crank's feet, and her 6 inch barbie pink heels.
The woman fluttered her eyelashes at the big blond crank.
"What have you brought me today, my pretty?" She cooed.
The evil smile on his face made Alex shiver. Without taking his dark eyes off the woman who showed way too much skin, he jerked the rope and Alex stumbled forwards. The woman ripped her eyes away and looked at Alex. She squealed.
"Oh. She IS a treat, this one. Now, honey, we put you in something a little...smaller...oooh the money we can get!" She purred, her eyes racking Alex's body. Alex growled, narrowing her eyes.
"Why's this one gaged?" the woman asked the blond crank.
"She pissed off Lex. She's mouthy, so to keep her face from being ripped off we gagged her."
Alex scoffed. Well as best as she could with a gage in her mouth. The woman smiled evilly. She took a step closer to Alex. Alex tried to shove her fear behind a wall of stone and sarcasm. She was shaking, her heart was thumping and her breathing was shallow, but she held her head up and glared at the crank. The woman smelt like sweat and alcohol and something sickly sweet. It made Alex's eyes water and her stomach tighten again. The woman hooked a finger with long pink nails around the gage and pulled it down.
Alex spat on the ground. "Uhg. Thanks. Whoever wore that last did not taste very good. Nasty. You guys really need to wash it in between uses. Makes kidnapping a little more enjoyable." She sassed.
The woman cackled. "Yes, I can see how she would make Lex angry... nothing a little..entrance fee can't fix."
"If I gotta pay a fee, I'm out. Thanks for the forced invite. But I have things to do, places to go..." Alex replied, and tried to take a step away. The blond guy yanked her back.
"Worth a try." Alex huffed.
The woman produced a cloudy glass bottle with some kind of green liquid- where she kept that bottle in the minimal clothing she had on, was a true mystery. She twisted the lid off. Alex was leery about what was in it.
In a swift movement the blond guy grabbed her shoulders, holding her still, the woman grabbed Alex's hair and yanked her head back, she forced her mouth open and dumped the liquid down Alex's throat. Alex coughed and sputtered. It burnt all the way down, and made her stomach feel sick. The woman dumped most of the bottle into her mouth and down her throat.
The blond guy let go of her shoulders. Alex staggered, still coughing. Both women were laughing at her. She saw the short squat quiet crank flinch and look away.
"Don't worry sweetie, you will relax in a little. And then...we can have some fun." She looked up at the blond, "Your pay will be waiting at the desk...but if you wait for me, you and me, big boy can have some real fun."
She leaned in and ran her tongue up his neck and over his check. He grinned wickedly at her. Alex shuddered.
Gross gross gross!! That was so gross! Uh...everything burns! Don't puke...don't puke... why is the world spinning. Was there always 2 doors? How come I can't take proper steps...are we walking up stairs or is the floor not flat? What the blood shuck is going on?
The woman grabbed the rope and pulled Alex through the door, and down a hall. It was full of people. Some were laying on the floor, some were slouched against the wall, eyes glazed. There were some coupled up and it looked like they were trying to eat each other's faces.
Alex giggled.
Do Minho and I look like that? Maybe that's why Newt hates it so much! Or maybe he's jealous?!
She shook her head, blinking hard. Trying hard to clear her fuzzy head.
What the bloody shuck Alex? Pull it together! What did they drug you with?
The woman pulled her into a room and closed the door.
"We need to clean you up my sweet. Just relax, let the drink take over. It will be easier. My name is Gemma" She purred in Alex's ear, making her shiver.
She snapped her fingers and there was a swarm of others who started pulling at her hair, and clothes. Alex yelped, fighting the hands. It was just like her first time out of the box; the boys and their grabby hands. Gemma slapped Alex hard around the face. Alex was stunned into stillness, her eyes watering.
"Stop fighting. You do as I say now." She whispered menacingly. Alex gulped. Her head was spinning again. All Alex could do was blink a few times, her tongue was feeling thick and numb.
"Good. Step one. Wash that disgusting hair. "
Gemma grabbed her and dragged her to another door, she flung it open, shoved her inside, before she closed the door she said "you have 10 minutes. If your longer than that I'll drag you out soap naked and all. Hurry up." She cut the rope around her wrists and slammed the door in Alex's face.
Alex turned, it was a small single stall bathroom. Alex squeezed her eyelids shut trying not to cry. There was a bang on the door.
"9 minutes left honey."
Alex stripped her clothes and stepped into the small shower stall. She washed her hair as best as she could, her head was spinning.
She turned the water off and dried off. She had put her undergarments back on and had just slipped her pants and shirt back on when the door swung open. Gemma was standing there with a wild grin and a glint in her eyes.
"Good. Now out." She demanded.
Alex stumbled out of the bathroom and into the room. Gemma forced her to sit in some chair and the hands were back- brushing and drying her hair. The hands stopped and backed off. Alex's head was having a hard time following what was happening. She would turn her head and it took a few seconds for her brain to catch up. Alex blinked a few times, trying to clear her mind. Gemma appeared in front of her again.
"Now take that disgusting shirt off. And those pants." She ordered.
Alex blinked a few more times. Gemma slapped her again. With tears in her eyes, Alex did as she was told. Gemma spun her around, analyzing her body. Alex was humiliated, her face grew hot and tears threatened to fall. She ground her teeth. Gemma clicked her tongue, she turned to a closet and rummaged around. Alex wrapped her arms around her self. She threw a very low cut short tank top, some kind of black lacy under garments and an extremely short pair of shorts at Alex.
"Put this on, leave the disgusting boots off." Gemma demanded.
Alex hesitated. Gemma slapped her a third time, making her stumble. Alex did as she was told. No one noticed the bandage around her calf, or if they did they left it alone.
Someone tried to apply a little make up to her face. Alex was having a hard time focusing, her head felt like it was full of cotton, and kept rolling back and forth. Someone stood in front of her, with their arms crossed. Her head was yanked backwards abd more of the burning liquid was forced down her throat.
"Good. Now take her to the wall! Let's get this pretty little treat out there and make us some money."
Alex was too confused to understand what she said, her eyes were heavy. She was grabbed and pulled down a hall and then through a door, into the main section of the building.
There were people everywhere, all stumbling and holding a bottle of something. Music was blasting, drowning out everything else. Alex's feet weren't working properly anymore, she kept stumbling, and when she did she would giggle. The person holding her was dragging her at this point. They pulled her through a curtain and to the back of the club, to a wall.
There were a few chains with cuffs drilled into the wall. Alex knew something horrible was going to happen to her, but her brain wouldn't cooperate. Her panic was drowning in the sluggish dizzy feeling of the drink. The person pinned her to the wall, and cuffed both her hands in the chains. And then her ankles. Alex couldn't move too much.
The music was so loud it was making her head pound even more. It was hot with all the people. And the smell was awful. It got worse when someone stepped in front of her. Alex's fuzzy brain could make out it was male. Tall, and he was leering down at her.
**If you need to skip for trigger reasons now is the time**
"You're pretty. And I want you."
"Chris...gooo awaaay!" Her panic bubbled up. It was Chris. He had her chained to the wall, and now Chris was able to do whatever he wanted. And Minho was nowhere to save her.
"Who's Chris?"
"What?" Alex's panic bubble popped in confusion.
It's not Chris? But why does he talk like him?
"Call me whatever you want, baby cakes. I want you. And Imma have you." Said The guy who wasn't Chris.
"And I want yoooou to go away...looooks like we're both not gonnaaa to get what weee want." She sassed back, her words slurred together.
He just leered at her, he stepped closer, Alex's head swung to the side, her head was heavy. He stepped even closer. Alex had nowhere to go, there was a solid wall behind her and the chains holding her in place.
"Don't." She tried to snap, when he touched her hip.
"Don't what? Do this?" He whispered, and he grabbed both her hips, pushing her roughly back into the wall.
"Ya...dooonn't dooo that!" She slurred pathetically.
"Too bad. I paid to do this."
His dirty hands creeped up her body, and his mouth traveled around her shoulders and neck then he went lower. All Alex could do was squirm and plead for it to stop. The drugs they gave her made everything feel like a dream...
Except Alex was trapped in a nightmare because Chris was back and he was finally going to finish what he never got to do.
Alex was kidnapped, drugged and chained to a wall, while cranks paid to do whatever the shuck they wanted. She couldn't fight back, the drugs were strong and she was chained. She gave up all hope. No one was coming for her, they all thought that she was dead. She sagged against the chains and sobbed.
The tank top was now ripped wide open, the shorts were un-buttoned and pushed low, revealing all the black lace she was forced to wear. She couldn't do anything to cover herself.
** Major Trigger over**
Gemma had come by at some point and forced another mouth full of the green liquid down her throat.
A few of the paying cranks got angry when she tried to wiggle away or pleaded for them to stop, and had hit her. The last guy had hit her so hard the back of her head slammed into the wall behind her, she was in and out of consciousness. The hit mixed with the alcohol took over, and Alex's exhausted broken mind finally took her away from the living nightmare into peaceful blackness.
**Emotional Damage
**My poor baby Alex! 💔
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