Chapter 21: Plan B
"BRENDA!" Alex yelped.
Alex stood stock still, eyes wide. The girl from earlier winked at her.
"Come on Alex the Ace and friends. Come on! Let's go!"
She spun around and darted off down the hall. Alex followed without hesitation. Everyone followed behind. Alex glanced over her shoulder and saw Teresa still standing by the dead guy.
Her dark head jerked up and then jerked forward, she was stumbling after the group. Alex noticed her eyes were wide and terrified, but she was following, so that's good. Alex turned back around, when Minho grabbed her hand.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW HER?" He called as they ran down the hall.
"Remember I told you, I snuck that info from WICKED after they took you? After I couldn't take it anymore? Captain and I had a 'contact'? Ya...BRENDA WAS THE SHUCKEN CONTACT!" Alex yelled back, excited. "Tommy and Tes helped me gather the info, Captain Ronin got a mission out of the building into the scorch crank city, and he covered for me when I snuck away, I gave the info to Brenda..." Alex explained, as they stormed up the stairs.
"And I gave it to someone...who got it to the Right Arm!" Brenda finished.
"HA! WE ACTUALLY SUCKEN DID IT!" Alex whooped. Punching the air.
They were scrambling up another set of the stairs, they could hear gunshots and yelling.
"Who did you give the info to?" Alex yelled at her. Brenda glanced over her shoulder and winked again, "Jorge. Of Course!"
Minho facepalmed. "Of course. That's why Captain told me to say he sent us! He knew Jorge would help us get there."
"Well, this wraps up nicely...but if we don't get out of here we're all dead!" Brenda hollered.
She stopped dead when there was loud classical music blaring from somewhere.
"Oh shiiii..." She trailed off.
"MOVE IT!" She screamed.
"What is that?" Frypan asked from the back of the group.
"Not good is what it is!"
"What?" Frypan yelled.
"Let's say the song ends, things go boom." Brenda yelled over her shoulder.
"Okay, I agree. Not good." Frypan agreed.
Brenda led them back to the room where they first met Jorge, he was swinging a pack over his shoulders.
"Brenda! Hurry! We don't have much time!"
He pointed to their bags, everyone grabbed their bags and weapons. Alex quickly bucked her belt and shoved her arms through the holster and swung her backpack over her shoulders, and grabbed her bow and arrows. She turned to Jorge.
"Before we leave, tell me. How did you get the information Brenda gave you to the Right Arm." Jorge paused and looked at her then glanced at Brenda.
"She remembers." Brenda said simply, with a smile at Alex. "Not all of it. But enough."
"Well Hermana, Brenda used to work for WICKED, trained as a field nurse. I was a Burg Pilot. They used to make me fly guards into the city to pick up new immune kids, Brenda would check the kids before taking them. Once we realized what they were doing with those kids, we would do our best to find out which kids they were recruiting, I would inform the parents and give them the Right Arm information. Brenda did her best to fudge their medical records. I had a sister in the group. The night Brenda and I left WICKED I met with her and handed the information over. After she was captured I never thought I'd hear from Ronin again. They executed her and took his daughter."
"Wait! Your sister...was married and had a daughter...Captain Ronin is your brother in law?!" Menho gasped, smacking his head, his eyes wide as he put the pieces together.
Jorge nodded.
Alex didn't say anything, she just threw her arms around Jorge. "Thank you!" she whispered, "and I'm sorry. About your sister and niece. Captain Ronin always had my back. He still works for them."
He patted her back. "All good Hermana. We all risked a lot to take down WICKED. Now. We need to risk some more to get out of here."
He pulled away from Alex, over to the window. He pushed it open and leaned out for a second. He then pulled on something above his head. A rope pulley homemade zipline system appeared.
"Plan B, hermano. You kids wanna get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. We go into the city, meet up with a guy named Marcus. I haven't been in contact with the Right Arm in a few years, I had to break contact with them, so I'm not sure where they are now. But Marcus will know." He pulled a cloth over the rope and jumped up onto the window cile.
"That's a terrible idea!" Newt stepped back
"Count me in!" Alex and Minho said together, stepping forwards. They glanced at each other with matching grins and high fived.
"Follow me!" he yelled and he jumped out the window, sliding down the rope to the other building.
"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Brenda yelled. "Once the song is finished, we're done!"
She passed a cloth to Frypan, who was standing closest to her.
"You gotta be kidding me!" but jumped, and yelled all the way down.
"Right this way!" She said as she passed a cloth to Newt, he hesitantly pushed out the window. Aris went next, he was white as a ghost. Teresa was supposed to go next, but she backed up, eyes wide in terror, shaking her head. Alex grabbed her shoulders.
"Hey, Tes look at me! You can do this! You have to do this! We will be right there! Tes! Be brave, K? Minho will go first and he'll catch you at the bottom, and I'll be here to help you and right behind you. Okay?"
Teresa's eyes were wide and full of tears, her jaw was clamped shut, and her movements were jerky. Alex wasn't sure if it was from fear and trying to hold herself together, but she brushed it off.
She turned to Minho, who also had a look of fear and wild excitement in his eyes. He reached for her cheek. Alex pushed into it for a moment, his hands were warm and gentle. She looked into his beautiful brown eyes.
"I'm right behind Tes. Catch her, she's not really cut out for life on the run. And I'm right behind her!'
He nodded. He gave her a quick kiss and wrapped the cloth around his hands as he glanced over his shoulder.
"Love you."
"I know " she smirked.
And was gone. Alex helped Teresa up onto the window ledge, her body was still jerking, her eyes staring into Alex's, tears still in her eyes, but she wouldn't open her mouth to answer anything. Alex wrapped the cloth around the rope, made Teresa hold the cloth.
"Okay, Ready? I'm going to give you a push. One, two..three!" Alex gave her a shove. She lost sight of Teresa in the black. She heard commotion behind her and turned around, Brenda had run out of the room
"BEE! GET YOUR SHUCK BUTT BACK HERE!" Alex screamed, Thomas looked at her then out the door where she ran.
"Go. I'll get her and be right behind you!" Alex was skeptical, "Tommy..are you-"
"GO ALEX!" He cut her off.
A spotlight had shone onto their zip line. WICKED would be on them in a minute.
He gave her a quick smile, "NOTED! I'LL TRY NOT TO DIE THEN!" He yelled back as he ran out the door.
Alex was left alone in the room. She double checked herself, backpack, bow, arrows, knife, Chuck's gift, Minho's promise. Okay, here goes!
She wrapped the strip of cloth around her hands and pushed off the window ledge. The rush of wind in her hair was exhilarating! The adrenaline rush was amazing! She was speeding up as the zipline shot down. The other building came into view. She could make out the shapes of people in a window. She heard the music blaring from the speakers cut off. The helicopter spotlight shone on her. Gun shots went off and bullets whizzed past her. There was an explosion behind her. She felt the zipline rope go slack.
Alex screamed as she fell towards the ground with the collapsing building around her.
2. ALEX THE ACE? Hmmmm ;)
4. Who thought Alex was gonna go with Tommy and Brenda? And who thought she would make it to Jorge, Minho and the Gladers? What's gonna happen?!
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