Chapter 17: Good Bye
Alex woke up in a panic. She instinctively grabbed her knife from her thigh, trying to locate the danger. There was panic amongst the Gladers. Frypan and Winston were wrestling over something. Newt was yelling for Thomas and Teresa who were chatting further away.
"GUYS! GET DOWN HERE!" Newt yelled
"Winston, what are you doing, man?" Frypan cried.
Winston was laying on his side having trouble breathing, gasping and coughing.
"Give me that!" He choked.
He feebly reached for the pistol Frypan was now holding.
"What's going on?" Alex asked, she scrambled over to Winston's side, rubbing his back, trying to be some comfort as he choked and coughed again.
"What happened?" Thomas demanded.
"I don't know. He just woke up and grabbed the gun and then he tried to..." Frypan trailed off, in disbelief.
"Give it back. Please." Winston breathed.
"Winston, are you okay?" Alex asked.
To answer her, Winston rolled onto his hands and knees. He threw up black goo and blood. Alex gasped and shuffled backwards on her butt.
The shuck is that? Black goo? That looks like No it can't be. He can't be turning into one of them!
"It's growing...inside me." He wiped his mouth and collapsed onto his back. He pulled his shirt up. Alex shuddered and had to look away, even as a MedJack, this made her eyes water and made her gag. His stomach looked like it was rotting. The skin where the cranks had ripped was still fresh and raw, it hadn't even started to scab. The wounds were puckered and looked like it was rotting, black veins growing and spreading over his stomach working its way up his chest towards his heart.
"I'm not gonna make it. Please. Please...Don't let me turn into one of those things." He pleaded. His voice barely above a whisper. "Please Alex...please. I don't want to turn I to Chris!"
His eyes pleading with her. Alex visibly shivered.
He looked at Newt and then back to Alex. He wouldn't look away. Alex broke eye contact first. She could see the pain behind his eyes. His usually bright green eyes looked dark, turning rapidly into something like Chris. Soon he would be acting just like him, and every crank they had encountered so far. And there was nothing Alex could do. Even with all medical equipment and training, there was no cure for this horrible disease. She felt the hopelessness of the situation. Again, there was nothing Alex could do. Nothing to save her family. She would have to watch another brother die. And there was nothing she could do.
Alex glanced at Newt. He met her eye. They both knew. There was nothing they could do. Winston was as still capable of making this one last desion. She nodded at Newt. Newt stepped forward and gently took the pistol from Frypan. He crouched down beside Winston.
"Wait, Newt..." Thomas protested.
Alex placed a hand on his chest, and shook her head.
"His choice. And I can't save him."
"Thank you." Winston whispered to Newt. He coughed again. "Live ya shank! Live long and live hard. Love ya Man. Now, get outta here."
Newt stood up, grabbed his bag and left without a backwards glance. Alex could see his eyes glossy with unshed tears. His face set, determined not to break, not now.
"Goodbye, Winston." Frypan said, tears in his eyes. Winston nodded. Teresa didn't say anything, she grabbed her pack and left, holding onto Fry's hand. Minho crouched beside his friend. He clasped his hand.
"It was an honor. Goodbye my friend. See ya on the other side, ya ugly shank." His voice cracked at the end.
Winston smiled. "You too Shank."
Minho stood up and grabbed his bag, a tear slipped down. It was just Alex and Thomas. Alex knelt down.
"I'm sorry Winston. I'm so sorry! I couldn't save you. Thank you for having my back in the Glade. Goodbye Winston." Alex didn't think she had any tears left, but a few got past her eyelashes. Winston grabbed her hand, there was no strength in it.
"You did everything. Don't blame yourself Alex! You were the sunshine. My friend. Head up, Warrior Princess." He coughed a few more times, the black gooey phlegm covered his chin. He gasped for more air.
"Alex. Thomas...Take care of them. They need you."
Alex nodded, she leaned forward and gave his forehead a quick kiss.
Alex grabbed her backpack and followed the line of what was left of the Gladers.
Six! Six Gladers (and Aris) out of 60. could anyone think that's ok? Killing kids...59 kids, and that was only after I showed up. What about all the kids before me? All those kids in the graveyard in the Deadheads..or the kids from every other maze.
She felt burning anger in her chest. She could feel her body temperature rising with her rage. Her fists and jaw clenched.
Sick twisted slint heads. All of them.
Minho had slowed down and slipped his hand into hers. She momentarily forgot her anger and glanced at him. His eyes were glassy. His face was emotionless, his jaw set, shoulders tense. He didn't look at her, but she could feel his desperate need for support. She didn't say anything, but squeezed his hand, a silent "I love you, and I'm here." He squeezed back. And a single tear slid down his face.
They had walked for a few minutes when they heard a bang ring out. It echoed around them. Mocking them. Letting them know they couldn't do anything. They had lost another Glader. A friend. A brother. WICKED took another one from Alex.
She winced, and sunk to her knees. Everyone stopped in their tracks for a minute. A silent moment for a fallen brother.
They walked on. Up hills and down hills, taking a few breaks to sip some water. It was quiet. No one knew what to say.
Freedom at what cost? Adam. Alby. Zart. Matt. Pedro. Jeff. Bark. Gally. Chuck. A.J. Clint. Leo. Winston. And so many more.
She repeated their names. Over and over. Like a chant. Determined not to forget them.
The sun had hit its peak. Noon. No more food. A few more sips of water. Alex's mouth and throat were dry, her head was pounding. And she felt sick. She only had a few sips of water in the last few days. She had used the majority of her ration on Winston's wounds. But she didn't complain. She wouldn't complain.
When Minho called them to continue on, Alex stood up, black spots flashed in her eyes. She groaned and had to sit down again, her head dizzy. Minho turned and saw her stagger and sit.
"Hey! Whoa whoa. I got ya." He crouched beside her, holding her shoulders. Alex's eyes were unfocused when she smiled.
"I'm fine."
"Ya, I know, you're a shuckin smoke show, remember? But, you're not fine. How much water have you had?"
Alex shrugged.
"NEWT!" Minho yelled, Alex flinched from the loud noise, her head was pounding. Newt crouched beside them, his face scrunched in concern.
"She needs more water. Got any left?"
"What did you do with yours, Alex?" Newt scolded.
"Tried to save Winston's shucking life, slint head. That's what!" she snapped.
He sighed. "Ya, I have some. Here." He pulled his out and gave it to Alex, who tried to push it away.
"No. I'm fine." Her movements were sluggish and she totally missed the bottle and swatted thin air.
"Ya, clearly. You look drunk Sunshine. Drink the shuck water. Or I'll make you."
"Promise?" She smirked.
Newt groaned and left, Minho just chuckled and helped lift the water bottle.
"Maybe one day."
Once she was up, Minho wouldn't leave her side. Probably a good thing, she was still very unsteady on her feet. He helped her up yet another sand hill. They all stood on the top for a moment.
They were on the last sand hill, after this it was flat. The ground was burnt and cracked. Nothing to shade them from the scorching sun and heat. But in the distance they could see the very distinct formations of mountains.
"It's like they're getting further away." Alex muttered.
"We just gotta keep moving." Thomas said, in a very fake enthusiastic voice. His eyes didn't match his smile. "We can make it."
They made it to the bottom and decided to camp under a boat that was half buried in sand.
This must have been a lake or some kind of body of water...not exactly the ocean experience I wanted...
The sun sunk in the sky and the heat followed. Alex shivered, pulling her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees. Aris got a fire going with whatever they could scrounge, everyone sat around it, eyes glazed, staring into the flames.
"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho finally broke the silence. He was spinning his knife in his fingers.
"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa said. She hadn't said much at all today.
"If Winston can get infected...we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt suggested. A few heads nodded.
"Why would they put immunes and none immunes together?" Thomas asked.
"Tommy. It's a science experiment- you have the test group and the control group. Those sick shanks mixed us so they could see what's different about immunes. Come on shank, use that shuck brain!" Alex rolled her eyes.
Minho snorted in derision. "True."
It was quiet again.
"I never thought I'd say it...I miss the Glade." Frypan said quietly. His body was slumped.
"Alex...will you sing?" He asked sadly.
Eyes flicked to her. She didn't move. She pulled out the little statue Chuck gave her. She sighed. Wishing she could laugh with Chuck, seeing his brown curls bouncing. And Matt. His mischievous impish face, always looking like he was up to no good when he smiled. Her little trouble making trio; the two youngest Gladers. Last time she sang this song she had both boys crying into her chest. And now...she was singing it now, but her heart was broken and there was no way to fix it. She took a very shaky breath.
"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you...please don't take my Sunshine away."
Her voice wobbled, the unshead tears slipped over her eyelashes. She took a shuddering breath, her lip trembling.
"The other night dear, while I lay sleeping I dreamt I held you in my arms...when I awoke dear, I was mistaken. So I held my head and I cried-"
Her voice broke. She couldn't.
I can't do this!
She stood up abruptly, not finishing the song and walked away from the glow of the fire. She sat down in the dark. Pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She sat like that for a while, her chin on her knees, tears sliding down her cheeks. She heard a crunch of feet. Newt's uneven ones. He sat down beside her. Didn't say anything, but pumped her shoulder. They were quiet for a bit. Alex rubbed her tired sore and stinging eyes.
"You haven't slept a wink since we left the Glade, ya?" He asked.
She shook her head. "Do you count recovering from brain surgery as sleep?"
He shook his head.
"Then no."
She paused to think. "A few cat naps, a few hours in the bunks, but no."
He just hummed.
"Newt...I couldn't save them. Any of them. And we left so many kids back in that facility. I caused so much trouble for everyone here...and now we're stuck in the Scorch, lost..." she trailed off, looking away.
"No. You share the blame with Tommy and Minho." He chuckled. She snorted.
"No seriously, Alex. You and Tommy and Minho are the reason we are free. Sure some have their doubts...mostly me. BUT! Everyone would follow you anywhere. I would follow you anywhere. Even though you're my little sister you're a leader."
"They would follow you too. You're an OG. You were a leader in the Glade. You're an Original!" She protested.
"Nah. It's different with me, you know it is. You and Tommy lead the group now. You and Tommy knew something was wrong and warned us. Tommy and Minho got us out, you saved us back in the building. You guys lead the group now."
"Newt, I don't even know where we're going! We're lost in a shuck bloody desert!" Alex said, throwing her hands out. He just shrugged.
"We've been lost before."
Alex wiped her check, frustrated with the tears that kept falling, "No. Not like this!"
He was quiet for a moment. Thinking. He looked up into the night sky, looking at all the bright stars.
"I know there is a place out there for us. I know there is. I don't know where it is...but it's out there. And I know a lot of our friends have died to get us this far. So we can't give up. Tommy can't give up . YOU can't give up, Alex. I won't let you. We need to keep going and live for them! Someone told me once, after I told 'em about what I did, she told me I had a second chance at life. And I need to live for those who can't."
Alex snorted. "She sounds kinda cheesey, but she sounds pretty smart."
"She is. And she's brave and strong and loyal and determined to be the death of me."
He reached over and pulled her into a side hug. Alex laid her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head.
"Newt, you really are our glue. Thank you."
He hummed. He held her close for a few minutes. He straightened up and patted her knee, "You need to get some sleep, love." He stood up and walked back to the fire.
Alex sat for a few more minutes, rubbing her thumb over Chuck's statue. She smiled, and looked up into the sky.
"Chuck, Buddy. My baby shank." She chuckled sadly, hearing his voice in her head, "hey! I'm no baby!" With his chubby fists on his hips.
She wiped a tear as she chuckled sadly.
"Will you and Matty Pie take care of Bark until I get there."
She could see Matt roll his eyes and throw his hands into the air, 'still the worst nickname ever, Shanket!" Alex sobbed and laughed at the same time. She wiped more tears, looking back up at the twinkling stars.
"And guys, don't annoy Alby. Too much! He was always a grouchy pants." Alex chuckled again. She smiled to herself.
"Remember that time we put itching powder in Alby's pants?"
She giggled, remembering how Chuck, Matt and her got into so much klunk. They couldn't keep straight faces during the disciplinary gathering. Alby couldn't sit still, and kept getting up..he had to call the meeting early. The afternoon in the Slammer was absolutely worth it.
"I miss you Chuckles. I miss you too Matty Pie. I'll see ya little shanks somewhere over the rainbow." She whispered.
She stood up and slowly walked back to the dying fire. The Gladers were asleep. She lay down beside Minho, she thought he was asleep but his arm wrapped around her and pulled her close, so her back was right against his chest.
"You okay?" He asked quietly into her hair.
"Ya. Newt had to glue some of my broken heart back together. And I finally said goodbye to Chuck and Matt."
Minho hummed and squeezed her tighter. "I bet they loved it." He whispered again. She turned over to face him.
"I love you Alex." He whispered gently.
"I love you too, Minho."
He pulled her even closer, so their chests were touching and kiss her chapped sun burnt lips.
She might have actually had a half decent sleep on the hard dry ground.
The next day was much the same.
Walk some more.
Keep walking.
Everyone ran out of water. Minho tried to get the last little bit out, but threw it away in frustration. Their feet dragged, their shoulders slumped further down with each passing hour in the hot sun. Alex's dehydration got worse, Minho was practically carrying her now.
Slowly, painfully slow, the sun began to sink. They needed to reach the mountains tomorrow. They had no food or water. And they needed shelter, but right now they just dropped to the hard cracked ground. It was cold now. The sun was gone, meaning the heat was gone. And no shelter from the wind, with no way of building a fire, everyone huddled close together. Alex was so tired she flopped down and was asleep in minutes.
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