"Hah! Bring it on, squirt! Face the might of the right hand of the Angel of Ice!"
The Drifter readied himself. Raising his blade to his face, he prepared for the Frost Hero to make the first move. The Hero scoffed before quickly moving in.
The bystanders flinched as two swords, gleaming blue in the light, clashed against each other with terrifying ferocity. The Hero leaned far downward against Ronin Alpha, pressing against him with the might worthy of being called an Angel.
Escaping the duel, the Drifter slid backward as the Hero began to approach him. He quickly raised his katana and spun it by the hilt. Suddenly, four, faceless, dummy-like creatures fell out of the sky, encircling Ronin Alpha. The Hero stopped for a moment, confused.
Pointing his katana at the Hero, all of the Drifter's minions suddenly rushed at the warrior. The Hero shook off the feeling and stood his ground as the dummies pounced on him. The Hero was extremely strong, but somehow so were the dummies. All four grabbed hold of different pieces of his armour as he tried to shake them off.
The Drifter moved in alongside his minions, keeping pressure on the Hero as he threw a dummy off of his back. Raising his hand toward the wounded dummy, a blast of ice and frost emerged from his palm and pummeled the small frame until it was frozen solid.
Taking full advantage of the distraction, two of the surviving dummies managed to tear a chunk of the Hero's armour from his body.
One of the dummies lost its grip, and was sent tumbling down onto the ground. The Hero grabbed it by the neck as it punched feebly at his gauntlets, trying its best to escape his grasp. Taking note of the dummies still on his back, the Hero strengthened his armour, covering it in a thick sheet of ice to protect himself temporarily. Focusing back on the dummy, a rage burned in his eyes. Nobody crosses the Frost Hero and gets away with it.
Tightening his grip, the other dummies as well as the Drifter attempted to quickly try to get through his armour to free their trapped teammate, but to no avail. The dummy's struggles began to fade as the crack of bone suddenly sounded through the area. Throwing the defeated dummy to the side, its body quickly evaporated into some sort of pink energy. Turning around, he forcefully shattered the ice sheet on top of his armour, sending the last two remaining dummies flying. One unluckily landed close to the Hero, its futile attempt to get up interrupted by the Hero's sword, as its head was easily separated from its body. It quickly dissipated into the same pink energy. The last dummy being completely gone from the battleground due to the ice shattering and it being sent flying, the Hero turned his attention back toward Ronin Alpha, rage burning in his icy eyes.
The bystanders looked on in.. fear? They could not remember the last time someone managed to invoke such anger into one of their leaders.
"COME NOW, FACE ME LIKE A MAN! NO MORE HIDING BEHIND YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS!" The Hero roared in anger. The Drifter began dashing toward the Hero as the warrior raised his greatsword, ready to come down on the Drifter.
The Drifter, unflinchingly, grabbed ahold of one of the hilts on the Hero's gauntlets. Pulling himself completely around his opponent's body, he quickly jammed his katana into a gap in the Hero's armour.
Pulling outwards, one of the plates on his armour came free. The Hero hissed in anger, quickly throwing the Drifter off of his back. In his fury, he swung his sword with extreme strength toward the small frame of the Drifter. Silently, he raised his blade and prepared himself for the incoming strike.
With strength beyond that of mortal man, the Hero's sword came crashing down on Ronin Alpha. The bystanders looked on, some in terror, as they imagined a grisly scene as the Hero's sword cleaved through the unknown wanderer with almost butter-like ease.
Expectations are not reality.
The opponents' blades met with a terrifying crash, with small clouds of dust and frost being kicked up from the ground as a result of both of the combatants' force.
As the mess settled, the spectators saw through the chaos, both the Drifter and Hero still standing. The Drifter had barely moved an inch, with his stance not even being pushed back by the otherworldly might of the Hero. Even with all his force, the Hero could not make him budge. Sparks grated from both of the blades, as the Hero's greatsword was slowly pushed further down by his own force. His sword suddenly slammed into the ground, burying itself in the soil.
The Drifter jumped upward as the Hero attempted to tear his sword from the ground. Swinging himself around to the Hero's back using one of his enemy's pauldrons, he grabbed hold of a spike on his armor, tore open a larger hole in the Hero's armour using his blade, and sunk his katana deep into his adversary's back.
The Hero screeched in pain, attempting to keep himself balanced using his sword. The Drifter stabbed again, and again. The Hero fell to the ground, breathing heavily. His grip on his sword loosened before giving way. The bystanders stood back as he came crashing down onto the cold, hard ground.
The Drifter, against all odds, had emerged victorious.
The other members of the encampment backed away, not wanting to be the next to face the Drifter's blade, which was now in it of itself covered in a blue-tinged shade of blood. Hopping off the Hero's back and cleaning his katana, Ronin Alpha watched as the Necromancer instantly rushed to their fallen ally's side as the Hero raised his head and sat up, his eyes still aflame with anger.
"So. Not even gonna-"
The Hero was interrupted by a bout of coughs.
"-not even gonna kill me, squirt?" The Hero asked, seemingly displeased.
The Drifter walked toward him and raised his head using the blunter end of his katana.
"You kill for sport. For fun. You kill based on petty grudges. You cause suffering to innocents and those who do not deserve it. I do not. I will not kill you, because I am better than you." The Drifter responded.
"Although, I'm not letting you forget this." He added coldly. Taking the Hero's head in his hand, he raised his katana to his adversary's face and produced a large gash underneath his fallen opponent's eye. The Hero barely even flinched. The same blue-tinged blood began flowing out of the cut as Ronin Alpha sheathed his blade and began to walk away.
"You have made me a disgrace to myself and my ancestors. I will find you eventually and pay back this dishonour." The Hero hissed, animosity burning in his eyes. The Drifter didn't flinch as he walked back into the forest, continuing his search for his elusive purpose.
/god bro this fight is so much better than the one i made in sidechapter 3/
/word count: 1200/
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