Chapter 14
I keep watching, even though I have the information I need. I guess part of me hopes that something goes wrong, the engines explode-anything that will prevent departure. But no. Shortly, Kira announces, "Buckle up-the ship's going to drop off Marix soon."
Simon expertly straps himself in tightly, while the guard fumbles with the buckles. Simon watches dispassionately until he says, "Top buckles go in, then side."
"Like a baby car seat," Kira suggests. The two Azerans stare at her as she rolls her eyes, gets up, and stumbles into a seat next to Simon. She straps herself in, then slips her hand into Simon's.
I open my eyes slowly, because I'm afraid to watch any more. Half of a month to save the world. Even the human Superman couldn't do it, so how could I, a fifteen year old girl with no superpowers, no help, and very little training, succeed, by myself?
I need to stop overthinking. I need to stop sitting by passively when there's a war over me going on. I need to make up my mind. I need to act.
I need to confide in the ETL, whether or not I like it.
Almost unconsciously, I get up and meander downstairs to the phone. My fingers are shaking as I punch in the number Dr. Casey gave me. "Please state your name and reason for calling," a rough male voice says.
"Calypso Everett," I say quickly and shakily. "I'd like to make an appointment."
"Calypso..." the man clucks his tongue. "I understand that two of our people just came to talk to you?"
"I didn't tell them everything," I admit. "They left, and I regret it."
"Well, I can ask Dr. Casey or Dr. Wilson to make a U-turn, or I can send out a new team to pick you up tomorrow."
"Can my family drive me? Is that an option?"
"Due to security reasons, we'd rather pick you up. But since your foster family's small, I suppose we could arrange to pick them all up."
"You know my foster family?"
"Miss, your case is familiar to everyone. Is this arrangement alright with you?"
"Yes-yes sir."
"Okay. What time would work for you?"
"We can do that. We'll a driver to your house at that time. Have a good day, Callie."
He hangs up before I can ponder on the fact he knows my name. Probably everyone at ETL does. That disturbs me.
I go to Emily's room and knock on the door. Open it before she can answer. "We're going to the ETL tomorrow at 10:30," I say.
"What?" my foster mother was lying down, but now she shoots up. "What do mean, we're going to the ETL tomorrow?"
"I just made an appointment. I made a promise to them, and I plan on keeping it."
"You should've consulted me first, Callie," Emily says sternly. Which, I suppose, is true. I did just go behind my foster family's back and made plans to meet with an alien lab not one hour after hiding the truth from them.
"I'm sorry. They'll be picking us up."
Emily sighs deeply and lies back on the bed. "Callie..."
"Sorry," I say again before darting out of the room and up the stairs.
I had no idea about the ETL until the next morning. I wake up at nine to the shower running, drag myself out of bed, and go downstairs to find Mom and Dad discussing something in undertones. I catch my name and ask, "What's goin' on?"
"Would you be alright staying home alone today?" Dad asks.
"What's going on?"
"Stuff with your foster sister. Don't worry yourself," Mom says.
"ETL?" I guess, going off my gut feeling.
Mom bites her lip. "Yeahhhh. Mark, your father and I agree, you've been too involved in this."
"She's my foster sister! She told me stuff before either of you!"
Dad looks at Mom. "What did she tell him?"
"She says she doesn't trust you." Mom's lips barely move. "She found out you went through her notebook."
Dad's steaming now. "Emily, I have tolerated all of this. I have tolerated the ETL, I have tolerated your decisions and everything with this matter. Do I have no say any more? Does anyone care what I have to say?"
"Leo, I have listened to you-"
"Barely! I didn't want this stupid company involved. I didn't want to endanger Callie. Believe it or not, I care a shit ton about her."
"Dad, what she told me was pretty dangerous stuff," I say quietly.
"Then why tell it?"
"I don't know!" I explode. "Ask her, not me!"
"Don't talk to your father like that," Mom scolds. "Go up to your room. Your father and I will talk to you later."
"But-" I know I shouldn't talk back to my parents, but I feel like I should be involved in this. I have a feeling in my gut that I have to come. For Callie.
"No buts. Go up," Dad says.
"Fine," I say dourly, nearly spitting out the word.
"Thank you," Mom says, if a bit coldly.
When I get into my room, I immediately begin throwing on clothes, as if I'll go with them. I run a comb through my curls and run into Callie on the way to the restroom. "You're coming too?" she asks incredulously.
"I'll try," I answer, brushing past her into the small bathroom.
She grabs my arm. "I'll convince them," she reassures me. "I know that they won't let you. But I want you to. This is about me, right? What I want affects what they want."
I give her a small smile. "Thanks, Cal."
She returns the smile and hugs me briefly. "I'm scared, Mark," she admits. "But this is important."
"Yeah. You sure you wanna go through? You've been saying that, and then you go back on that decision and refuse to talk to them."
She licks her bottom lip, bites it. Then she nods. "Yeah. This time, I am sure."
I give my foster sister another hug. "It'll be okay. I promise."
"Is that what your gut says?" she asks.
I nod. "Uh-huh. Yep," I lie.
A/N: Guys, I'm incredibly sorry for the long, boring update. I had no access to Internet whatsoever all of last week-my whole area was shut down because of snow, including the school and the library-and I had the mother of all writer's blocks.
I knew what point I had to get to, but I didn't know how. I won't lie, I'm not happy with this book so far. Personally, I think it's been extremely boring for the past fourteen chapters. But I know how to pick it up now. And hopefully this stupid winter ends soon so I can go to places with Internet more.
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