Chapter 47: Love
**Spicy Kissy scene**
She hung up her towel from her shower, grabbed her brush from the dresser and started to untangle the mess. She turned to stare out the little window as she brushed her hair. She heard the door open and then bang shut. She sighed heavily.
What's his problem? Not like I was flirting with some other dude.
She turned around, ready to argue. But she froze. Minho was standing in front of the door, damp hair from a quick shower, shirtless, with a towel in his hand. He looked her up and down, tossed the towel to the side and stormed up to her. She couldn't detect the dark emotion in his eyes, but it definitely wasn't anger. He came right up to her, so she had to tilt her head up to look up at him. Without a word he lightly pushed her up against the wall, making her drop her brush. And then slammed his hands into the wall either side of her head. She raised an eyebrow at him. Her heart rate had picked up a pace of two.
He bent his arms, making them flex, leaning into her, and kissed her roughly. Her knees went weak, her breathing stopped and her stomach somersaulted. He had Alex's back pushed up against the wall. She brought her hands up to his bare chest. She could feel her heart speeding up, she could feel his beating faster. He pulled away breathing heavily.
"You're hot when you're angry and jealous." He whispered in her ear, his voice dropping and getting husky.
"I don't like being jealous." She whispered. "Don't do it on purpose!" She said louder, angry with him, giving his chest a shove.
She was frustrated that she felt self conscious about herself. And frustrated with him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. Honestly. Alex, you're the shuckin hottest thing in the Glade!" his voice took on that huskiness that made Alex's knees feel like jello.
He stepped back to her, his one hand supporting himself on the wall, the other on her collarbone, pushing her up against the wall. With his eyes dark, he kissed her roughly again, making her moan involuntarily. He moved his slightly chapped, but soft lips to her jaw and then to her neck. Alex tilted her head a little, giving him more access.
"You're such a badass!"
He came back to kiss her lips.
"And you're sassy," he kissed her again.
"And you're the bravest shucken' person I've ever met!"
He kissed down her jaw line.
"You're kind and care about everyone around you."
He kissed her lips harder, "and you're mine. And I'm not a shuckin idiot to ever let you go! Or to make you jealous!"
He leaned in and whispered, his mouth right by her ear. His voice was so deep and husky, and she could feel him panting, "I love you Alex. I love you so much!"
He pulled away to look her in the eyes and with all the sincerity in his dark brown eyes, "Alex, I love you. And only you! I'm sorry I made you feel that way."
Alex bit her lip and sighed, she looked down for a second, twisting the hem of her shirt. "I'm sorry. I just..I don't know. Sonya said I-"
"You talked to your sister again?" Minho interrupted.
Alex looked up and nodded her head, "Ya, when I was in the shower. She said I was probably jealous, but I guess it's more..." Alex looked away, down at the floor again and muttered, "I'm self conscious, I guess. I'm the exact opposite of her. She's so dainty and pretty and perfect and-"
Minho cut her off with a scoff.
"You think that chick is perfect? Ya, sure, maybe for Thomas...."
He placed his hand over her heart, feeling it beating wildly and then gently caressed her chest and up her neck, slowly forcing her head up, to look at him.
"You are perfect for me. Every scare and scrap-"
"Hey Minho?" Alex breathed, interrupting him.
"hmm?" He raised an eyebrow. "Shut up and kiss me!" Alex commanded.
"You got it Sunshine."
He did. His hand under her chin slid into her hair, at the nap of her neck, tilting her head back. She ran her hands from his bare chest and around to his back, running her hands up and down his muscular back, there was no shirt to grab onto, so she slowly but gently racked her fingernails down his back, he shuddered. Alex smirked.
"You think that's funny?" he whispered on her lips, his dark eyes boring into hers.
Alex only managed a soft humm. Minho pulled his hand out of her hair and slid it down the side of her neck, so his hand was resting on her collarbone again, holding her against the wall. Her eyes fluttered shut with a small moan. He moved his kisses right under her ear. He stayed there kissing the tender skin. Alex tilted her head back against the wall, letting out a small "mmm".
Alex slid her hands back to his chest and down his abs, to his belt line. She felt his sharp intake of breath when her warm fingers brushed the skin by his belt line again. She smirked, and slid just her finger tips into the front of his jeans, hooking him and pulling him closer.
"Shuck Alex." He moaned into her neck.
Now he was leaning right up against her, pinned up against the wall, his body was flush against hers. Once his body was pressed against hers, she ran her hands up his back and into his hair.
Minho brought his lips back up to hers, kissing her roughly again, biting her bottom lip gently. Alex raked her finger nails down his scalp, and he let out a soft moan, which gave her the opportunity to slip her tongue into his mouth. Minho's one hand was now holding her hip pushing harder into the wall and his other hand tangled into her hair, holding onto the back of her head, they tried to close any space between them. Their lips moved in sync with each other. Alex's heart was racing, she was having trouble breathing. Everything was hot and tingling. She wanted more. She lifted a leg and wrapped it around him. He let go of her hip and slipped his hand up her bare leg, holding it in place. Minho couldn't get any closer, he was pushed up against her. He wanted more. He tried to pick her up but-
"Having fun kids?" Said a giggling voice from the door, accompanied with a snigger and a scoff.
Minho grunted in frustration, breaking their kiss and lent his forehead against the wall. Letting go of her leg, he banged his fit against the wall. "Every shuckin time." He whined frustrated. Alex smiled at his frustration.
She whispered back. "Sonya told me to kiss that boy of mine and remind him what he's got! Did you remember?"
"Oh shuck ya, I did. I don't think I'll ever forget!" He panted quietly in her ear.
"Good. But it's probably best..."
He sighed, "Ya, you're right...and I gotta take a cold shower. Shuck Princess..." His voice was raspy, and his bare slightly sweaty chest heaving slightly.
Alex went pink. But grinned teasingly at him.
"Ops. My bad." She whispered.
He snorted. With a grunt he straightened up to look at the door. Standing in the door was Teresa, holding some bedding, Thomas, Newt and Bark. Teresa had a small smirk.
Thomas was snickering, "Nicely done Man! Ya got some good form."
Newt was pretending to throw up.
"Can we help you shanks?" Alex asked flustered.
Newt cleared his throat, "Ya, since the builders still haven't done anything about your sleeping arrangements, I figured Teresa can sleep here with you and Minho would just continue to share my room."
Alex smiled, "I would love to! We were just uhh, saying good night.."
"Clearly." Thomas said, still laughing at them.
Alex looked back to Minho and she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, "Night babe. Sweet dreams."
"Always sweet with you around." He smirked.
Alex snorted, "Cheesie Minho...Cheesie."
"Hmmm. Not if I told you what kind of sweet dreams I have..." He whispered seductively in her ear, making her breath hitch again and her face heat up.
"Night Sunshine" He said quietly, smirking at her reaction. He turned and grabbed his towel off the bed and left, pushing through the guys who followed immediately. The girls could hear Thomas teasing him and Newt scolding him all the way down the hall.
Teresa took a hesitant step inside, a shy smile on her face. Alex felt quite flustered, she pushed off the wall, racked a hand through her hair, trying to brush the tangles from Minho's hands.
"Come on in, I have some clothes you can change into for the night." Alex said quickly, trying to change the subject.
Alex went to the dresser and tossed her some leggings and a t- shirt. Thankfully she could turn her back and get herself back in control, before sitting down on the bed. Teresa closed the door and sat down too, holding the clothes in her lap.
"Thanks for everything. Today has been very...overwhelming. How did you do this on your own for so long?"
Alex shrugged, "I had no other option. I figured out pretty fast who I could trust more than others, but after a while they all became my brothers."
"Except Minho..I don't think Newt says good night quite like that!" Teresa teased.
"TES!" Alex shrieked, shoving her shoulder, causing her to flop backwards on the bed, giggling. "You're as bad as Thomas, Fry and Chuck and Matt!" Alex laughed, turning a deep red.
"...the way he had you pinned..." Tes teased, poking Alex in the ribs, "I thought Newt was going to faint! His face was priceless!"
Alex laughed harder, "that poor clueless brother of mine has a bad habit of walking in on us..."
The girls giggled for a moment. Alex flopped back, beside Teresa.
"But no.. you're right." Alex said, growing serious, "He's definitely not a brother..." Her face went red, and her stomach wouldn't stop back flipping. She had a small grin on her face that wouldn't leave.
" must have been hard. You're so tough," Teresa said quietly. She sat up and looked away for a moment, tears forming in her bright blue eyes, and she whispered, "I wish I could be more like you."
It took Alex a moment to understand what she said, Alex sat up too. "And here I was wishing to be more like you!"
Teresa looked up, "Really? Why?"
"Are you shuckin kidding, Tes? Look at you! A killer body, you're so sweet and gentle, your hair is beautiful and no scrapes and scars..."
Teresa smiled. "Well I've heard about your skill with a bow, and you're so brave! I think you have a...what did you say? 'A Killer body?" Teresa gave her a sly smile, "Also, pretty sure Minho likes what he sees!"
"TES!" Alex shreaked again.
Both girls flopped back giggling. Bark woofed happily and jumped up onto the bed on top of the girls.
"You too girl, you've got a killer body too!" Alex giggled, scratching her dog's ears, while Bark tried to kick their faces, sending the girls into hysterics.
After the giggles settled, Alex sat up and pulled Teresa up off the bed.
"Come on, we got an early morning. Time for bed."
Alex had pulled off her shirt to change into Minho's hoodie, when Teresa let out a small gasp, "Oh my goodness, Alex!"
Alex spun around looking for trouble, "What? What's wrong?" asked worried.
Teresa was looking up and down Alex's chest and torso with wide eyes and her hand covering her mouth, "What...what happened? Those scars!"
Alex looked down at herself. She sat down and looked at Teresa who came to sit beside her.
"Oh umm well, like I said earlier..I had to toughen up.. fast..after Chris... I had to.." Alex looked away, talking about it was still hard. She sat back down on the bed. Teresa came and sat beside her, grabbed Alex's hand and held it tight.
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay, but I'm here if you want to." She gave Alex a small smile.
Alex hesitated, closed her eyes, and told Teresa what happened. "I was physically attacked and sexually assaulted." Alex pointed to her bite mark scars, and her claw mark scars. "He ripped my shirt open, touched me, cut me with a knife, bit me, clawed at me like an animal, he beat me... "
Alex took a shaky breath. Teresa gave her hand a gentle squeeze, tears in her bright blue eyes.
"He would have done a lot worse and then killed me if Minho hadn't found me. I have never been so scared or so helpless. But after that, I vowed to never be helpless again. Alby taught me the basics of shooting. Minho taught me to fight- Gally was supposed to teach me -but you know, our uh relationship isn't exactly on the greatest of terms. So during running training Minho taught me that too. Being the only girl in the middle of 60 boys...I had to learn fast. The guys started to treat me as an equal and then they started listening to my opinions. They put me on the council and then voted me second after Alby was..hurt."
"Wow. You had to go through so much. You're so brave Alex! I wish I could be as brave as you. I'm absolutely terrified. This place is so scary and..and I don't know anything. And..."
The tears that had pooled, slipped over her lashes and trailed down her fair cheeks. Alex pulled her into a hug. The girls clung to each other for a moment.
"It's okay Tes. I'm here. We have each other."
Teresa was jerked awake in the middle of a strange dream involving water and a woman telling her WICKED is good. There was a strange tickle in her mind, and a feeling of forbidding she couldn't place. She tried to roll over to go back to sleep when she heard a small whimper. She sat up and looked at the floor, where Alex had insisted on sleeping. There was another whimper. Alex was curled into a ball, her head wrapped in her arms. She let out a small "no!", and started to move restlessly. Bark got up from the bed beside Teresa and went to lay right up beside Alex. She let out a small scream and a sob.
"Alex?" Teresa said hesitantly, getting out of bed. She crouched beside Alex, gently shaking her shoulder
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Wake up Alex, it's okay, it's just a-"
Teresa was cut off by Alex screaming, she sat bolt up and flailing her arms. She swatted at Teresa.
"Alex. It's okay, it was just a dream! It's okay."
Alex sobbed and scrambled backwards, yelling, "NO! NO! GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME! NO! STOP!"
Bark got up and left the room.
"Thanks a lot!" Teresa called after the dog.
Alex's screams and cries were getting louder and more frantic. Teresa was panicking now. She didn't know what to do to help her friend. She either wouldn't wake up from her nightmare or something else was going on. Alex lashed out when she tried to touch her and ended up getting hit in the face. Alex scrambled back into the corner of the room. Her eyes wild and arms still trying to hit Teresa everytime she tried to touch her.
"No! Don't! Don't touch me! Please! No! Get off! No! No! Stop! Someone help!" Alex screamed, thrashing her arms and legs, trying to fight something invisible. Teresa tried to help, but she had no idea what to do, and she was scared of getting his again.
The door burst open, Minho and Newt came running in followed by Bark. Minho looked around the room. When he saw Alex trying to fight Teresa, he pushed Teresa out of the way and squatted in front of Alex. Teresa scooted back and watched horrified as Alex lashed out again.
This time she lunged at Minho screaming and snarling. Teresa was frozen watching how Minho didn't panic, but let her tackle him and held onto her as he rolled on the floor with her. He rolled them both over until he ended up on top of her. Teresa was terrified, she scrambled back, Newt caught her and pulled her up and close into a hug as she shook with fear, watching her friend snarl and scream trying to fight her boyfriend.
"It's okay, it's okay. She'll be fine. This isn't the first time..our guess is it's trauma from...she only sees the guy who attacked her.."
"Chris.." Teresa whispered, her eyes wide, as she looked up at Newt.
Newt nodded. Teresa hugged Newt back, watching with huge eyes. Minho had pined Alex's arms to her chest so she couldn't last out at him. He firmly but gently grabbed her hip and flipped her. Alex continued to fight and scream, and wiggle, trying to escape. When Minho had flipped her he managed to get behind her. He was stronger than her, so he forced her wriggling fighting body in between his legs. He then wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms back to her chest. She tried fighting, but her arms and legs were now pinned.
She flung her head back into Minho's chest a few times. He let go with one arm and managed to catch her head, and press it gently into his chest, so she wouldn't hurt herself by slamming her head. She couldn't move now. Minho just held her, whispering softly in her ear, rocking her gently. Bark came over and laid in Alex's lap. She was still sobbing, but her screaming had stopped and she wasn't fighting as hard.
Alby and Thomas knocked on the door quietly. Making Teresa jump in Newt's arms. Her heart rate had accelerated watching Alex have a night terror. Her nerves were extremely jumpy.
"Everything okay?" Alby asked.
When they saw the scene on the floor Alby nodded in understanding. Thomas, never having seen this before, panicked a little "You guys okay? Do you need Clint or Jeff?"
Newt smiled sadly at him.
"No, she's okay. Minho has it covered, a few scratches, Teresa, are you okay? She didn't hit you too hard?"
She just shook her head, not taking her eyes off the couple on the floor. Alby nodded and left back to bed. Teresa pulled away from the hug, and looked at Newt, and said quietly, "He really loves her, doesn't he."
Newt looked at his sister, who had curled up into Minho's chest crying like a small scared child. He was rubbing her back, humming quietly, rocking her. Newt smiled, and then looked at Teresa.
"Yes. Yes he does."
"Are you okay Tes?" Thomas asked, his forehead creased in concern.
She gave him a small smile, "Yes, I'm okay now. A little shaken, but I'm okay. Thank you Tom." She squeezed Thomas's arm gently in thanks.
"Newt, Tom...would you... umm like to join the sleepover too? I'm sure Alex will want Minho to stay, and might as well have everyone she loves and trusts."
Thomas headed back down the hall to grab blankets for everyone.
Next morning Alex woke up surrounded by people. Minho had curled up around her, holding her tight into his chest. Her arm was stretched out holding Newt's hand. Bark was snuggled up beside Teresa on the bed. Thomas was propped up, leaning on the bed, his mouth open slightly.
When she tried to move, she felt Minho stir.
"Mornin' sunshine." he said groggily, his eyes still closed.
Uh, I won't ever get over that morning voice!
She let go of Newt's hand and twisted in Minho's arms to face him.
"I'm sorry Minho about last night."
Minho opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Never be sorry."
He kissed her forehead. She snuggled closer and hugged him.
"Did I hurt you? Or anyone?" She whispered into his chest.
"Nah. Tes was smart enough to keep her distance once you started to flail. And it's gonna take more than a few smacks and head buts to hurt me, princess."
She sighed and he gave her a squeeze.
"What would I do without you?" She asked, her face pressed into his chest.
"Probably murder everyone in their sleep during one of your murderous rampages!"
She gasped and pushed on his chest, "MINHO! You shuck face!"
He rolled onto his back laughing, which woke the rest up. They all got up moaning and grumbling.
"Meet you down at Fry's. I'll save ya a seat." Minho called as he closed the door so the girls could get ready.
"Hey uh. Tes..?" Alex called shyly.
Teresa turned "Ya?"
"I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Teresa came over and gave her a hug, "It's ok, you didn't. Promise. I'm just glad Minho came when he did, because I had no idea what to do! He really loves you."
She pulled away and tucked a stray piece of Alex's hair behind her ear.
"Now, seeing as you're going into the maze today, let's get you ready. Do you mind if I braid your hair? I have this weird tingling in my head, and I want to see if I'm right! Lets make you look like the badass you are!"
A few minutes later Alex had her hair pulled back into an elaborate braid, she had pulled her khaki pants on, her favorite olive green tank, and her hip holster with the metal cylinder still inside, and she grabbed her shoulder holder with her many knives. She let Teresa borrow some clothes suitable for working in the gardens and the girls headed down for breakfast.
The boys and the rest of the keepers were just sitting down when the girls arrived. All heads swiveled in their direction, and jaws dropped. Walking into their midst was a real life Viking warrior.
"Babe you're a shuckin smoke show! Like holly shuck!" Minho yelled across the dining area, smirking and winking at her.
Teresa leaned in giggling and whispered "Told ya!"
Alex tried hard to suppress a smile, she felt a little self conscious with Teresa's elaborate braid, but she did feel like a total badass. The girls carried their food over and sat down.
"All right Shanks, eyes off, and back to your food! She's taken! And The Raven Haired Beauty is also spoken for...right Tommy Boy?" Minho yelled down the table, and winked at Thomas. He went beat red and became extremely interested in his food.
Teresa choked on her coffee, blushing a deep red.
"WE KNOW! Jeff yelled back, rolling his eyes.
" do you know that, Jeff?" Minho pointed a fork at him, with such a shocked face it was almost believable.
Jeff rolled his eyes "Cuz you won't keep your shucking hands off her!"
"Jeff, you should have seen what Newt, Tes and I walked in on yesterday!" Thomas yelled from the end of the table. He exaggerated a shudder.
It was Alex's turn to look down at her food, going beat red. Her stomach back flipped and she got all hot and tingling when she thought about it before they were interrupted.
"Gasp! If you, Jeffery, had a girlfriend this shuckin hot," She felt a hand rest on her thigh and squeeze gently. She glanced beside her, Minho gave her a little smirk. "You would have the same problem, ya shank." He made a big show of wrapping his arm around Alex's shoulders.
"Well, you're not so bad yourself babe," Alex said, raising an eyebrow as she took a sip of coffee.
He smirked at her, and then gave her a quick kiss on the temple. "I know," he said.
The rest of breakfast was just Minho arguing with Jeff. Until he looked down at his watch, "Okay, Tommy Boy? Babe? You guys ready for an adventure?"
They nodded and got up, and headed to the doors.
"Please be careful, sis. And come back!" Newt said, pulling her into a comfortable safe hug.
"I also do Newtie! Take care of Tes." She crouched down in front of Bark, "Bark. Stay with Newt and Tes! Got it? Stay with Tes." Her dog gave a happy woof and licked Alex's face.
Teresa scratched Bark's ears, "who's a good girl?" She cooed.
"She's safe with me in the gardens." Newt said.
Alex laughed, "Ya, she's gonna be your hoe for the day?" Teresa's face went beat red, making Minho and Alex laugh even harder.
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