Chapter 42: Dramatic much?
"Shuck sakes, I really am a Glade mother" Newt muttered to himself as he knocked on the doors down the hall, calling Alex, Minho and Thomas for supper. All three of them had slept the day away.
There was no answer on Alex's door and Minho wasn't in their shared room. He rolled his eyes and knocked harder on Alex's door, waiting for a response. He heard nothing so he opened the door, praying he wouldn't walk in on something like this morning. He shuddered when the mental image of his baby sister and his best friend in such a precarious position.
He peeked an eye open. He saw the two curled into each other, sleeping. He muttered and grumbled to himself about being a mother and taking care of slint head shank glade children. He went to shake them away, but he heard a quiet giggle. He looked down at their faces, and that's when he realized they were messing with him. He chucked a pillow at them, threw his hands in the air and stormed out of the room, but not before he heard them burst into laughter.
Minho came bursting into the picnic area with Alex on his back.
"My Fair Lady'' He yelled so loud that all the Gladers in the area turned to see what was going on, "We have made it to the Feast of Fry!"
Alex held both her hands out, Fry handed her two plates.
"Thy lil Lady and her...noble steed?" Fry chuckled.
"Her Good Sir Knight, thank you!" Minho corrected.
"Noble steed, for sure!" Alex mouthed to Frypan, who chuckled again at them. It was nice to see the goofy Minho again.
She awkwardly carried them while Minho continued to piggyback her to the table. Frypan followed, with his plate- most of the Gladers were finished eating.
Minho and Alex were sitting hip to hip and thigh to thigh. They were so close they kept bumping elbows, and then giggling, while they had elbow wars. Newt looked at them with a sickened look on his face, Chuck and Matt were trying very hard to contain their laughter as they pointed out the disgusted faces of Thomas, Newt and Jeff.
"Will you always be like this? Uhg, It's so..bloody disgusting!" Newt whined.
Minho whipped his head around to look at the rest of the table, "Disgusting?" He gasped, clutching his chest, "You guys think we're...disgusting?" He looked back at Alex, "Babe! Did you hear that Babe?"
Alex knew Minho was going to start with his dramatic antics again. And decided to play along, trying to contain her giggles. She placed her fork down and looked at him, with a frown.
"Ya, babe, I did! Which, Babe, is odd, because apparently Babe...did you know this Babe? Get this ..there were beats going on about us, Babe."
She gave Frypan, Chuck and Matt a very disappointed look. She noticed Thomas look away, slightly guilty. Minho closed his eyes, slowly placed his hands flat onto the table and stood up. Everyone looked slightly leery, they never really knew what Minho was going to do. His eyes flew open, as he turned to face the rest of the picnic area.
"HEY YOU UGLY SHANKS!" he bellowed at everyone, he had their attention. "How many of you shuck faced had bets going on Alex and me?"
Every Glader raised their hand. Minho smirked smugly at the reaction while Alex's jaw dropped. Minho continued with a loud voice, addressing everyone.
"Okay then, so if you were betting then there should be NO ISSUE with what we do, where we do it, or how we do it!"
"That's what she said!" Someone yelled.
"Keep it PG13 though, there are children present!" another Glader yelled from the back.
"Well I don't know, wouldn't mind watching 'em make out again!" Someone else yelled.
"Dude! Don't be a nasty shank!" Followed by a loud thump.
"Ouch! Man! I was joking! Sheesh!"
The entire picnic area was laughing. Alex stood up then and faced the boys.. if looks could kill, they would all be dead and buried 6 feet under.
"You shanks wanted this to happen so bad and, Fry, you're the captain of this...of this..." She trailed off, she turned to Minho, with a frown on her face.
"Minho. What exactly are we? Not JUST friends..."
He looked like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on him, he slapped his forehead, shook himself from his shock and jumped up onto the bench. He placed a foot on top of the table, and his fists on his hips, Captain Morgan Style. Minho paused for a dramatic moment, then looked down at Alex who was trying very hard not to laugh, she was doing a very poor job.
He is so shuckin dramatic. But he looks good doing it. Keeps life interesting.
"It is true, Thy Fair lady, I have been a slint head in the past." He waved an arm around.
"Understatement of the year...but go on." She said with an eye roll, waving a hand.
"But from now on... I make a vow! Newt! Take this down!" He jumped down off the table, and got down on one knee right in front of Alex, he grabbed her hand, holding hers in both of his. He cleared his throat, and continued loudly, for everyone to hear.
"Alex of the MedJacks, Farm Hand, Cooks, and Runners. My beautiful 2nd in Command. I vow to laugh with you- cuz we're shuckin hilarious. And comfort you during times of joy and times of sorrow- probably mostly sorrow in this shuck hell hole. I promise to always pursue you- cuz you're somehow shucken faster than me! You shank...Shanket, sorry. To fight for you- been there, done that, and I was awesome! I'll always have your back, babe. And I vow to love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my shanky shuck-faced life. She-Bean, Shanket, The Glade Ninja Warrior and My Sunshine ...Alex, you are my best friend. Sorry Newt, you have been replaced."
Newt sat there with his head in his hands shaking it. "Why? Why must you be like this?" He muttered to himself.
Minho paused and reached out his hand to the side and snapped his fingers, then held his hand flat, palm up like someone was supposed to hand him something. He waited for a second, snapping again. Nothing. He looked over,
"CHUCK! Flowers! Now! Come on ya little shank!" Chuck looked confused for a second, Matt leaned over, whispered something in Chuck's ear and gave him a shove. Chuck got up and ran off.
"Just a second folks, hold tight.." Minho yelled. It was an awkward 2 minutes. Chuck came back holding a handful of bright wildflowers that grew by the trees of the Deadheads forest.
Minho cleared his throat again, "Where was I?" he asked.
"I'm your best friend," Alex whispered.
"OH YA! She-Bean, Shanket, The Glade Ninja Warrior and My Sunshine...Alex, you are my best friend. Will you now do me the honor of being" he paused dramatically..
"my shucken badass girlfriend?"
He held up the bouquet of flowers. His beautiful rich warm coffee coloured eyes were so squinted due to his big cheese smile. His smile stretched from ear to ear, showing off his dimples. There was complete silence from around the tables, every eye watching the ridiculous spectacle.
She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up onto his feet and kissed him. Laughing into the kiss, "YES! Yes you over dramatic shuck face!"
"I'm now YOUR over dramatic shuck face!" He beamed down at her. The Gladers banged on the picnic tables, accompanied by applause, wolf whistles and cheering.
Newt still sat there with his head in his hands groaning and rolling his eyes, "That was so bloody embarrassing."
Thomas however, came up to Minho and slapped him on the back "Congrats Man!" And gave him a hug, "Knew you could do it!" Frypan, Matt and Chuck were smiling and pretending to wipe tears from their eyes, and hugging. Alex could hear Fry "I'm just so happy!"
This is all so shuckin' dramatic and ridiculous! What have I gotten myself into?!
Her smile was from ear to ear, making her cheeks hurt.
Chuck started to chant, quickly joined by Matt and it quickly caught on with the rest of the Gladers, and soon all the Gladers were not just chanting but screaming it, and thumping the tables "KISS HER! KISS HER!"
Alex crossed her arms and stuck a hip out, she looked at Minho expectantly, and his goofy grin turned into a sly sexy smirk, he slowly moved closer to her, toe to toe, nose to nose, he placed his hands on her hips and he lowered his head gently rubbing his nose on hers, "I shuckin love you" He whispered, his voice low and gravely, for only her to hear. Her knees went weak and he kissed her. Fireworks exploded inside.
"And I shucken love you too, shuck face." She tried to pull away, but Minho pulled her back, and dipped her low, kissing her roughly now, slipping his tongue in for good measure. The wolf whistling got louder, it was echoing off the walls now. Alex had her hands tangled in his hair. They had to break for air, and he brought her back up right.
With her face red, she turned to the Gladers, "Are you shuckin happy now you slint heads?"
There a very loud YES. Both Alex and Minho had stupid grins on their faces.
"David? You happy now? Got to see a make out?"
Alex rolled her eyes, as the rest of the Gladers howled with laughter.
"Good." She dropped her smile, into a scowl. "Now. Back to eating supper, and no more betting! You still owe me all your dessert for life, remember?" She ordered them.
The Gladers all grumbled, but turned back to their food.
"Well, that was a bit bloody dramatic, no?" Newt said with another eye roll, as Alex and Minho sat back down to finish supper.
"Nope" Minho said and popped the P, "just a typical day in the life of Minho." He said and took a bite of food.
Alex sighed, shaking her head with a smile. She started eating, but slowly placed her fork down. This was one of the first times she remembered having fun, and laughing with the guys. Sure they had a few chuckles and good times. But they didn't even get a real chance to be teenagers and have fun. Let loose, go to parties, go on dates. Life in the Glade was harsh, leaving little time for happiness. Alex wanted to fix that.
"What's up with you?" Newt asked Alex.
"Oh, I was just thinking, we never got a bonfire for the New Girl...Ya, she's not awake right now, but we still missed it. How about one tonight? Sorry Tommy, you gotta go to the slammer, but.." Newt was thoughtful for a moment.
"Look, Newt, we don't get a lot of things to celebrate or many chances to let loose and have fun...I have yet to have a good bonfire experience.. the last two were well..." she trailed off. Minho placed a hand on her back for reassurance.
"As 2nd in command I bring this motion forward." She looked up and down the table, the majority of the Keepers were sitting with them. They all thumped the table in approval.
"It's settled. Fire it is!" Newt said. He stood up and yelled to the Gladers "Bonfire tonight! Gally, get your drinks ready to go! Builders, there is wood already ready and waiting, ya? Fry! Fire up that grill! We never got to light the fire on Greenie Day. Let's go!" There was another loud cheer from the boys.
He turned to Tommy, who looked crestfallen, "Sorry Tommy. Rules are rules. Gotta go to the pit now, or Gally would have my head, come on. I'll see if Chuck and Matt can sneak you a drink and a snack." He led Thomas off to the slammer with an arm around his shoulder.
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