Chapter 3: Meet the Boys
She woke up for the third time that day, with her head pounding.
I can not make this a habit
She kept her eyes closed, they were too heavy to open right now anyways and she was content to stay that way. The loud jeering voices of the boys were gone, it was quiet and calm. She could hear them, but they were far away. She could hear yelling, and laughter and banging; like hammers on nails, maybe some wood being chopped. It sounded like hard physical work.
They must have moved me.
She could feel a pillow under her head.
I must be in that wood thing they call a building.
Her heavy eyelids slowly opened, and took a look around.
Yep, definitely the wood structure.
The room she was in wasn't large, it had two beds with the headboards pushed against one wall, with a small side table in between them. On the far side of the room there was a cabinet and shelves, full of what looked like medical supplies and bottles, white cloth, a few pillows, some bathroom supplies like toothbrushes and shampoo. Everything was mixed and haphazardly heaped together. On the other wall was the door. It looked a bit lopsided, but it was still workable. Directly opposite the door, above her head was a lopsided window, the curtain pulled aside, letting in the low afternoon sun. In the middle of the room was a big wooden table piled high with garbage, first aid supplies, clean and dirty bandages, some cups, and bowls.
Do these boys know how to clean? This can't be sanitary?!
She slowly sat up, hearing feet approaching the door. She turned her sore head to the door. The feet stopped and she could hear the voices now. She could hear Newt's distinctive British accent. She could hear the boy named Alby, he sounded annoyed. And there were two, maybe three new voices. She scooted as far back in the bed as she could, her back hitting the wall.
"What do you mean a Shanket? Newt you said a She-Bean? a girl? The creators sent up an actual shuck girl?" This voice sounded sassy, like it would be accompanied by a smirk, like he thought the others were joking.
Was this guy not around when I showed up? It was quite the major event apparently...where did he spend the day?
"Yes Minho, the creators in their infinite wisdom decided to send us a girl. How long into this shuck prison sentence...everything was the same, the routines... nothin' is ever changed and now this." Alby said, sounding so annoyed.
"No bloody idea why. Nothin' else has changed, onl' other difference was her and a small crate with a label for the female." Added Newt.
A different voice; quiet, calm and steady, "Whatever the reason, she's here now. What do we do with her? She came outta the box worse than any of the other shanks so far. Whatever those creators do to us beforehand, whatever the drug, it seemed to have more of an effect on her. Or maybe they gave her too much. Also she had a Panic or anxiety attack. That's what ultimately made her pass out. She had a nasty gash on her head that Clint and I had to stitch it up."
She lifted a hand and gingerly touched her forehead, she winced as a sharp stinging pain shot across it. She let out a loud gasp. The voices stopped. They must have heard her. The door banged open to relieve five boys all crowded in the doorway. Her eyes widened, darting around to the boys. She saw Alby, an annoyed look on his face, he stood with his arms crossed. Newt gave her a small reassuring smile, his hands in his pockets. There were two boys who were a little cleaner than the others. One was short with light brown hair, and a smile that made his blue eyes twinkle. Another boy who looked like he had a dark tan, his dark hair was shaved short.
The last boy was standing in front of the others. He was very tall, his dark olive skin was very tanned. His arms crossed across his chest which were full of muscles, bulging out of a tight blue button up shirt. His spiky black hair was swept up in the front. His dark squinty coffee brown coloured eyes were full of a twinkling mischief. He had sharp cheekbones and jawline. He was quite good looking! With his broad shoulders and toned chest...
Not that I'm looking! Pull it together! But shuck me, he's gorgeous! No! Focus girl!
She shook her sore head, trying to concentrate on the situation and not his cocky smirk and muscular arms. The second his eyes landed on the girl sitting in the corner, his arms dropped to his sides, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open.
"Holly shuck. It is a girl! An actual real She-Bean!"
"Close your mouth Minho, before you catch a Beetle blade" Newt said, pushing his chin closed as he came into the room, towards the bed. He looked at her with concern etched in every feature on his face, "How are you feeling?"
"Umm" she stammered quietly.
The shorter boy with the kind smile walked over to the bed and took a seat at the end of it, giving her space. "You wacked your head pretty hard in The Box. Jeff and I had to clean and stitch it. You also passed out...a panic or anxiety attack, based on your symptoms. You weren't the first to do that." He said quietly, then mumbled as he turned his head away, "and probably won't be the last..."
"Oh. Okay. I think I had one in the box after I first woke up. I passed out then too. How long was I out, this time?" she said quietly, she looked down at her lap.
"3 hours roughly. Enough time to carry you here, clean up that cut and let you sleep a bit" the boy named Jeff said from the doorway.
"Wait, you had more than one? Did you have them before? Do you remember having them before the box? Do you remember something? Anything?" demanded Alby, stopping forward into the small room.
"No.. I don't remember anything!" She stammered
These boys didn't seem like they wanted to hurt her, they helped her, stitched her up, she decided to tell them what happened.
"I woke up in the box, soaking wet, freezing cold, in absolute darkness, feeling like I was drowning. I threw up a few times, had the first panic attack then, I did this" - pointing to her forehead -"trying to stand up in that awful metal cage. I did this" - showing them her now bruised and scraped up forearm and elbow - "while trying to open one of those wood crates in the cage trying to find something helpful to get out. Or a weapon, or something but - what did you guys call it, The Box?- The Box started moving. I waited for it to stop or for something to happen...then you guys opened the top, and you know the rest."
She thought about telling the blond boy he may have felt familiar, but that was kind of weird to say to someone she just met. She also decided to keep the voice of a boy in her head to herself. She didn't know anything, but hearing voices that weren't your own wasn't normal.
"Whoa, whoa...hold up." the handsome Asian boy named Minho said, holding his hands up in a stop motion, "the box wasn't already movin' when you woke up? That's different. We all woke up while it was already shuckin' moving.." he paused and chuckled, "instead of crying like a shuck baby in the corner, like the rest of us- except me of course- you tried to find a weapon?! What were you gonna do, Shanket, stab all of us?"
"Umm. Yes? Maybe? I don't know...I was scared and alone!" the girl snapped, looking at the stunned boys around her. She clenched her jaw, narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
"I had no idea where I was, where I was going, who I was, or what was happening! Also I'm the only shucken bloody girl here! Look what the guys did to me when they were in arms reach! Pretty sure a knife or something would've come in handy!" She said in self defense, her voice getting louder with each sentence.
The very attractive boy with perfect hair let out a low whistle, he put his hands on his hips, a smirk slid back onto his face.
"I like this one." he winked, and she had an urge to smack the smirk right off his perfectly chiseled face, but his compliment and wink made her blush a little.
"Shanket is feisty. I wouldn't mess with She-Bean!" he warned, his eyes danced with amusement. He winked at her again, spun around on his heel, "Imma take a shower, see ya slint heads later!" he called as he let the door bang closed.
She could feel the pink blush rising up higher on her face, no one seemed to notice. Alby rolled his eyes, Newt chuckled to himself and the other two boys, Clint and Jeff just shook their heads.
The tanned boy sighed and looked at the girl again "My name is Jeff," -he pointed at the shorter boy sitting on the bed "This here is Clint. Are ya feeling alright now? Ya got a bit more colour in your face, not so pale. I can get you something for that headache. Hold on..." he walked over to the unorganized shelf. "Drink lots of water, get some food from Frypan, and stay away from Gally's concoction for this evening. You don't remember anything? Your name?" Jeff was talking over his shoulder as he tried to locate the bottle of pain meds.
"No. Nothing!" she answered. The panic started to bubble up again with all these weird words and terms and everyone asking if she remembered.
"Why can't I remember anything? Where are we? Why are we here? Why am I here? I'm the only girl? What did I do? I'm not a bad person, I this a prison?" She blurted.
Newt chuckled a little, as he opened his mouth to answer Alby cut in, and he didn't sound happy.
"It's a long story, Shanket!" He sighed as he rubbed his bald head, "Piece by piece, you'll learn- I'll be taking you on the tour tomorrow. Till then...don't...don't break nothin'. And no more questions! Oh, my name is Alby. This here is Newt, he's in charge when I'm not around" He clapped the British blond on the shoulder.
"Then it's a good thing you're always around then, hey Alby?" Newt replied with a smile.
Alby rolled his eyes and continued, "These guys" pointing at the other two boys "They are the Glade Med Jacks. ...they uh, take care of the sick and injured" he added seeing the look of confusion on the girls face.
"Oh you mean like a doctor or nurse." she replied.
"Uh, ya sure. Whatever. Listen, I got some stuff to take care of before the bonfire tonight, so I gotta go. Don't touch nothin' , don't leave the Glade. This is the glade, where we are right now" gesturing around, "this building, and everything inside the walls is called the Glade." he added again as her face twisted in confusion. She had so many questions, nothing made sense.
"Alby," Newt said, standing up and resting a hand on his shoulder, "Go. I'll take her around, get her some food. You're hurtin' more than helpin'."
Alby signed, rubbing his head again, nodded and walked out of the room without another word. Clint got up and started cleaning up the table beside the bed. Jeff finally located the medicine bottle and filled a cup of water from the small sink. Newt waited until she finished the cup of water, and slowly pushed herself to the edge of the bed. She leaned over to put her boots back on, her long hair fell into her face, this was the first time she even noticed her hair. It was long and red. She didn't even know what she looked like.
She stood up and followed Newt out the door and down the creaking hallway. The floorboards were very uneven, if you didn't watch where you're going you would face planted. There were doors on both sides of the hall, all shut, except one right at the end by the rickety stairs. It was open and her curiosity got the better of her. She peeked inside. Inside was an unmade double bed, the blankets thrown in a heap in the middle.
Of course, messy boys..
The bed was pushed against the wall in the far corner. The window above the bed had the curtain open; the view wasn't much, part of the forest and the walls. The big black openings in the walls, leading who knows where. It reminded her of a huge hungry angry monster with its mouth wide open, waiting to swallow you. She shuddered at the thought and looked away. There was a small night stand beside the bed, with a lamp, a notebook and pencil and a water bottle. A wooden dresser stood against the other wall. Hanging on a few hooks by the door was a backpack, a belt with a few knives in the loops, and a white towel. Running shoes sat beside the bed.
"Hey uh..Newt?" She asked, turning.
"Ya She-Bean, what's up?" He was leaning against the door frame, watching her with amusement.
"What is this place? Like this building? Is this a bedroom....well, obviously it's a bedroom...but you guys have beds and rooms? I figured you guys all...I don't know, roughed it more and slept outside or something...All of those boys couldn't fit in this building, it would fall over!"
Newt chuckled again, his thumb rubbing his lower lip as he thought for a minute before answering.
"This here is called The Homestead. Keepers- the Leaders, -sleep here. Only them, I guess a few others, Runners, have to be up early, like the keepers. The rest of the shanks sleep outside in hammocks or in sleeping bags on the ground. Down the hall at the end, where we came from is the Med Jacks room, a few bedrooms are up here. Downstairs has a few more bedrooms, and the smaller Gathering room. Outside the Homestead is Fry's kitchen and picnic area. Which we'll be heading to now, if you're done starin' into Minho's room."
She opened and closed her mouth a few times, feeling her face heat up again.
"Oh, uh ya, ya kitchen sounds good." Her tummy gave a loud grumble. They both smiled a little.
"Follow me Shanket. Watch your step, the stairs aren't the most even."
She was too busy trying to see everything, she didn't pay attention to what Newt said. Her foot caught on a loose floorboard and was about to hit the ground when two strong arms wrapped around her waist and gently placed her back on her feet. Looking up, she saw it was Minho who saved her from an epic face plant. She was still holding onto his biceps. His dark eyes squinted into half moons, dimples showed in his cheeks and a lopsided sly smirk was plastered on his face. His hair was damp, but still sticking up in a perfect swoop, he had a towel around his neck.
"Careful there She-Bean. You're falling for me already, are ya?" He sassed, his voice sounded husky, sending shivers down her spine.
She opened her mouth again to say something, but nothing came out. He winked and sauntered away, up the stairs she just fell down. Newt stood beside the front door laughing at the look on her face. It was even more red than before.
"That shank's got a sassy streak to him, don't take anything he says seriously. Come on, we're almost at Fry's Kitchen" his long legs carrying him out the door.
"Who or what is Fry?" She called loudly, hurrying after the blond British boy.
We finally meet Minho, and boy is he smooth as shuck!
**If you want Minho's POV when he meets her and when she falls down the stairs... go read Indulgence chapter called: A New feeling.
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