Chapter 26: Dramatic Antics
Alex sat at the table with her favorite people, laughing and talking about nothing and everything, like how regular kids were supposed to be.
"So Thomas, how is being a Track Hoe?" She asked him
He shrugged his shoulders. "The company is good, the work kinda sucks- no offense Zart."
"Whatever man. As long as you get your work done, you can talk to Newt all ya want." He answered lazily.
Chuck piped up "Hey Thomas you only have a few more days and you're not the Greenie anymore! How does that feel?"
"Great, you guys can stop calling me Greenie, it's... shucking annoying."
Minho snorted into his cup, Alex whacked him on the back. "Was that your first time using glader slang? Sounds so weird when you use it, ya Shank! Keep practicing. Alex gets it better than you! She came out of the Box using it!"
"Minho you shuck face, be nice! The poor shank's trying! Remember he's still a Green Bean!" She teased,
Thomas just groaned, "Come on guys, It's like 2 more days!" Everyone else at the table laughed at him.
While everyone was busy laughing and talking, Alex kept glancing at Minho. She couldn't help it, his face was a magnet for her eyes. He caught her more than once. He would smirk at her, and she would quickly look back down at her food with a pink blush across her cheeks. The last time he caught her looking, he leaned over and whispered in her ear. It sent a warm tingle all over her body. His voice had dropped an octave and took on a huskiness she never heard.
SHUCK ME! That voice!
"Take a picture, Sunshine, it'll last longer!"
She choked on her food. Newt had to whack her back this time. He gave her a quizzical look, and glanced between her and Minho who had thrown his head back laughing at her now burning red face. Newt's eyes brightened and a small knowing smile played on his lips. The group finished eating.
"Alright Alex, I think tomorrow you're good to come into the maze with me and Ben. Jeff, do you need her tomorrow? Fry?" Minho announced as he set his fork down.
Jeff thought for a second, "Nah, Clint and I should be good." He pointed a finger at Minho "You better keep her safe, she is the best MedJack out of the three of us, we can't afford to lose her!"
Frypan nodded as well, "I should be good." He also pointed a finger at Minho. "I agree with Jeff, one scratch on her pretty little head and I'm going to whack you with every kitchen utensil I own!"
Newt piped up, also pointing an accusing finger at him, "You hear that Minho? My sister is a valued member of this bloody community. She comes back with anything but a skinned knee and you can say goodbye to your hair gel!"
"SHEESH! Come on, you guys! It's like you think I'm going to throw her into the path of a griever and leave her behind!" He yelled exasperated, throwing a hand in the air, "Also, how come you never care that much about me? Man you guys are a bunch of slint heads!" He crossed his arms and pouted.
Alex patted his shoulder sympathetically, "It's Ok Minho... I'm faster than you, so it'll be you as griever bait!"
Minho gasped and everyone howled with laughter.
As the laughter died down, Thomas asked "How do you become a runner? Alex said you need to be chosen. How does that work? She was like what, a week here and you thought she was good enough? Do I gotta get snuggly with The Keeper too?"
With that last part he looked at Alex with a smug smile, making Alex's face heat up again. Alby gave him a questioning look, Newt rolled his eyes- he had been asked this many many times already. The keeper of the runners placed his hands on the table, slowly standing up, his face changed into stone, he didn't blink as he stared Thomas down. Thomas visibly gulped, he didn't mean anything, he didn't mean to cross any lines. He tried to stutter an apology.
"Hey Matt?! Get your Shuck butt over here! Now!" Minho screamed, not breaking eye contact with Thomas, who had visibly shrunk in his seat.
Matt came jogging over with Chuck at his side. "What's up guys? Ya hollered?"
"Matt, can you show this ugly shank your scar?" Minho said as he pointed at Thomas.
Thomas was visibly confused with what a guy's scare had to do with anything. Everyone at the table looked amused. Alby was trying hard not to smile. Matt grinned at Minho, and gladly lifted his shirt. Running diagonally from his right rib all the way down to his left hip was a thin white pukered scar. Thomas's eyes went wide.
"That shank is why she was chosen!" Minho hissed, pointing at Matt. Matt looked at Minho with a cocked eyebrow and an amused smile, Minho nodded. Alex patted the bench beside her, where Minho had left. Matt and Chuck plunked down beside Alex.
"She literally saved his shuck life!"
He launched into a dramatic retailing of the event. He made Gally and Alby, Newt and even Matt role play the whole situation. He made Matt lay down on the ground pretending to almost die. Matt took it seriously and Shakespeare would have been proud. Minho, apparently, was playing the part of Alex. She sat at the table laughing so hard tears fell down her face, and her stomach hurt. Thomas's face was slowly turning a deeper shade of red every minute. When the dramatic retelling was over Chuck and Alex and the rest of the Glad stood up clapping, and whistling. Minho and the "cast" took bows.
"Thank you. Thank you. We'll be here all week!" Everyone sat back down, Minho turned to Thomas, seriously again.
"That's why Shank. She saved a Gladers life. She threw herself into a situation, took control and saved his life. She has the brains, will power, determination, she can hold her own in the Sand Pit against this big lug!" He pointed at Gally. "She's a fast learner. She has dealt with more klunk in her 3 months here than most of these Shanks!"
"Awww! Jeepers Minny! I didn't know you thought so much of me!" Alex teased, giving his shoulder a playful push.
"Ya Min! If I didn't know any better, I'd think you liked her. That was some speech!" Fry said with a satisfied smile. Newt, Matt and Chuck were snickering behind their hands, giving her a knowing look.
Minho's face and ears went pink. He stood back up, a sly cheeky smirk snacked its way onto his face, he crossed his arms. He looked at the Gladers who were at the tale and cocked an eyebrow.
"What's not to like?" He winked at Alex, turned on his heel and left the dining area. Alex wanted to disappear into the floor.
She was freaking out like a fan girl inside.
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