Chapter 20: Consequences
Alex sat in the center of the half circle of Keepers. The rest of the Gladers crowded into the hall behind their Keepers. Some boys were standing on tip toes or on chairs to get a look of their only Shanket. Alex shifted nervoualy.
Alby stood up, cleared his throat and spoke in a loud voice. "Alright! This gathering has started. You will speak when spoken to, and wait your shucking turn. And at the end we will vote." He turned to Alex, and spoke less harshly, for Alby, it was gentle, "You need to tell us what happened. I'm sorry, but we need to know."
Alex was shaking, she didn't want to relive last night. Newt stood up and took a few long strides to her side, placing his hand on her shoulder, for comfort and reassurance. He stood behind her, his hand never leaving. She searched each face around her. All of the boys had grave expressions. Minho gave her a nod, Fry gave her small smile. Chuck and Matt gave her a thumbs up. She grabbed a piece of her hair and twisted it between her fingers nervously. She closed her eyes, collecting her thoughts. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and lifted her head. She couldn't meet anyone's eyes, she was too scared, she looked back down. Newt gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. She was still quite.
"Alex?" Minho asked quietly.
She lifted her head, blinking tears away. His eyes never left hers.
"Ignore them other shanks, tell me what happened." He said gently.
She told him exactly what happened...she relieved last night, only because Newt was beside her and Minho's unwavering stillness kept her grounded. He listened to all the details of her attack. The whole of Glade was silent, listening. Newt's hand had slowly gotten tighter. When she slowly stood up, his hand dropped.
"You can see my face, but.." she slowly and carefully lifted her shirt slightly, just enough to reveal some of the bruised ribs, claw scratches, what his knife did and the stitches all over her stomach. Minho winced. The Gladers all gasped.
"It's all up my torso and chest." She told him, dropping her shirt and gingerly sat down. Minho looked murderous. But softened when he met her gaze again. Her throat was on fire, and tears slipped down her face. She broke her gaze with Minho and searched the other Keepers' faces for the first time and the boys behind them. They had anger in their eyes. A few mouths open in shock.
Alby nodded and turned to Minho. "You were there first, I want your story." Minho stood up and explained what happened; Alex heard his version this morning. He sat down, and crossed his arms across his chest, jaw clenched. Alby stood back up, and addressed the Gladers.
"We now heard what happened from Alex, saw the evidence of what he did, from Minho who was the first on the scene. Gally told me Minho went after the screaming. I grabbed the bow and followed. I saw the 2 wrestling, one trying to defend and protect one of our own. The other a shuck animal trying to...cause more damage. We can see the damage one of us has inflicted onto another Glader. Rule 3, never harm another Glader. He has caused harm! Physically and emotionally.."
He paused, his hands in fists, his chest rising.
"He also sexually assaulted Alex! It's one thing to throw a fist between guys, but an entirely different thing to do what he did to Alex. Stung or not...IT IS NEVER OKAY TO DO THIS!" Alby yelled. He paused and looked back at Alex. Then back at the Gladers.
"He somehow is still alive, even after taking an arrow to the head. He was warned, he didn't listen, he threw another punch at Minho, trying to get to a barely conscious Alex. We take a vote. What do we do with him? Keepers, I want your opinions, starting with Minho. Newt, take notes."
Minho stood up so fast his chair fell over, "Banish him."
Alby nodded, pointed to Gally, "For once, I agree with Minho. Banishment. Everyone knows I don't trust her...but what he did to her is not something I will ever condone. He's a sick twisted jacked shuck. Banishment."
Fry stood up "Alby, just vote, I'm pretty dang sure everyone is in agreement. And if they ain't, ta shuck with 'em! This shuck gathering is a waste of time!"
"I agree, Fry, but we gotta follow our own shuck rules. He's gotta have a fair trial." he was cut off by Minho's scoff.
"Really? You want fair after what he did to her?!"
"Yes, Minho. That way no one can say otherwise. However to speed this waste of time up.." he crossed his arms and looked around at the crowd, "does anyone have anything other than banishment?" There was silence.
"Good. Banishment it is."
He turned to the door and raised his voice "Bring him in!"
Alex stood up so quickly, her chair toppling over. She took a step back and bumped into Newt. Her hands went numb, clenching into fists, she felt hot, and cold at the same time. Her eyes were wide. Two Baggers dragged in Chris, but it looked more like a wild animal. His eyes were deranged, he had a big bloody bandage wrapped around head, his clothes were ripped and hanging off him. He was staring at the ground, and he was panting, with his tongue hanging out.
Inside Alex was terrified. She was shaking and wanted to cry. She could feel the heat of shame, anger and bitterness rising up inside her. On the outside she clenched her jaw, she hid her emotions behind a face of stone, inside she was sobbing and screaming. Her jaw clamped shut, eyes narrowed and every muscle was tense. All the keepers stood up, Newt placed a protective arm around her. Alby, Fry, Jeff, Minho and to her surprise Gally, took protective steps towards her. Even from the crowd a few Gladers packed in around her, including Clint, Matt, Pedro and Chuck. Her boys. Her boys had her back.
Alby, as the leader, gave the judgment the Gladers decided. "Chris of the Bricknics, your trial was held, and a unanimous decision was made. You will be banished at sundown. Baggers, take him back to the Slammer."
Chris didn't seem to hear a word of what Alby said, but the moment he was turned around to be taken outside he found Alex in the crowd of boys, he turned into a wild animal once more. He started screaming, and clawing at the boys holding him, trying to bite.
"I want revenge! You told me no, I don't like no! It's your fault and I want you! It's all your fault"
Alby yelled above the animal screams "Get him outta here! Now!"
But Chris wasn't going without a fight. He broke away from one Bagger, only to have Minho step forward and punch him, in his already bloody face. Chris went limp, out cold. The baggers dragged him away.
"At sundown, we meet at the West wall for Banishment. Gathering dismissed."
Everyone filed out. Alex was still standing rooted to the spot, lost in thought.
What exactly is a banishment? If the creators caused this, why are we doing this to ourselves, to each other? Is this what they want, to have us all turn on each other? But...we had a trial, Alby made it a fair trial. Even grouchy Gally was on my side. Sexual assault is never okay, even jacked in the head...Would the grief Serum work in him, they said he was stung..?
Someone waved a hand in front of her face, "what's up Buttercup?"
Alex snorted, "Sunshine, Buttercup? What's with the nicknames? Don't say 'em too loud or that right hook earlier won't look as cool."
"I looked cool? Nice. Didn't know you were watching so closely." He flexed his muscles and winked.
"Imma use my upper cut and beat that smirk right off your face!" Alex snapped back.
"Ouch!" He held a hand to his chest, "you're a feisty one!"
Alex sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry Minho. Today has been one bloody shucked up one. I'm sorry for snapping."
"No need for the sorry! I got thick skin, good looking skin...but thick. Your sassy snaps don't affect me." His voice softened from his playfulness, "I get it...well no, I don't really, but ya, it's a pretty shucked up day. Also, Alex...I uh ...wanted to apologize for how I uhh.. treated you the last few weeks. I was a shuckin idiot."
Alex snorted "Understatement of the year."
He looked at her with an amused smile. "True." His smile slipped into a frown. "I got some things to work through, I'm not one for feelings and klunk. Obviously. I don't like other people knowing how I feel...but I shouldn't have treated you like that. I'm sorry Alex."
She was silent, waiting for him to continue, when he didn't she cleared her throat and crossed her arms. He smiled sheepishly, and went a little pink. "Also. I'm sorry for what I said about what didn't happen the other night. I know I shucked up. I was...umm maybe jealous and klunk. And I dunno...something came over me and I shucked up. I really do care about you. I'm sorry. I'll set it straight at supper. Again...I'm sorry Alex."
He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. It wasn't the long heartfelt apology down on his knee, begging forgiveness like she was hoping, but this is Minho, and that was as sentimental as it'll get; that was an emotional apology for him. And she would accept, she could see he was genuine. She smiled at him. "Yes Minny, I accept. Are we friends again? You're going to talk to me now?"
"Shuck ya, Sunshine!"
She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his neck, and buried her face in his shoulder, feeling okay again. He wrapped his strong arms around her tiny waist and gingerly held her tight. She was glad to have him back. She missed this shuck face so much. She held onto her anchor. He held onto his sunshine.
"You still need to make up with my brother though, not sure if he's ready to let it all go." She mumbled into his shoulder.
"Ya...maybe I'll bring chocolate and a chick flick to our next sleepover, and he'll forgive me." He chuckled into her hair. She giggled. She pulled away a little, having to grab the side of her head again.
"How's your head?" He gently tapped her temple.
She winced. "Still tender. A constant pounding and a constant feeling of wanting to throw up, breathing kind of hurts. Moving is shucken awful. Thanx to the ribs and constant panic attacks. Also, I shucken hate stitches. They are propably the worst! Don't hug too tight." Minho just nodded sadly, feeling his heart squeeze.
As the sun was going down, the Gladers all gathered around the door. The keepers stood in front, forming a half circle. Alex was standing at the back with Chuck, Matt and Thomas, the greenie. Alby nodded at Newt who walked to the shed and took out a bunch of metal poles and a wood one that had some kind of leather and metal attached to it.
Thomas leaned over "You guys know what's going on? I mean other than a kid being sent out there?"
Alex shook her head, not taking her eyes off Newt. Chuck shrugged his shoulders.
"Just what other Grladers have said. I haven't been here too long." Matt whispered, his eyes just as wide and frightened as Chuck's.
"They are sent into the maze right when the doors close. No one survives a night, Grievers will get him. He won't come back." Chuck added quietly. His bottom lip trembled slightly. With a shudder he turned and walked away. He was too young to watch this. He was too young, too innocent to be here. Then again, so were the rest of them, and it made Alex angry.
"Bring 'im out!" Yelled Alby. The same Bagger boys were dragging Chris, they dropped him at Alby's feet. He just stayed on his knees, as if he had given up.
"Chris of the Bricknics, you broke rule 3. For physical, and sexual assalt of Alex of the MedJacks, more than once. And for attacking Minho, Keeper of the Runners. Your fate has been decided: Banishment. Keepers have spoken and their decision ain't changing. You won't be coming back. Ever." He looked up from the boy on the ground, his face stone cold. His eyes not meeting anyone's as they drifted over the tops of the gladers heads.
"Newt." he held out his hand, Newt gave him the wood part with leather, as Alby bent down and put it around his neck, Alex realized it was a collar. Stomach bile rose in her throat. While Alby fit the collar, Newt attached all the metal poles together, and then the wood and metal attached.
"Keepers. Poles." Alby shouted.
The Keepers stepped forward and took their places. Alex reached out and grabbed onto the first thing she could, she was feeling dizzy. Thomas felt her hand on his arm, he looked down and saw the girl going white. He slowly and gently placed his arm around her back, giving her some support, "you okay? I think you should lay down."
"No. He did this to me. I'll watch." Her face was ghostly white, and she felt like passing out. He didn't question it, but kept his arm around her just in case she dropped. The ground started shaking, and she could hear the stone on stone grinding and rusty gears.
"Keepers! Now!"
All the boys started to push Chris at the end of the long pole, outside the safety of the walls. It was only then, when Chris was halfway did he start to fight, he managed to twist around to face the Gladers. With spit flying from his mouth he was screaming and pleading; stating he was better, that he was fine, he didn't mean to. None of the keepers said anything, just kept pushing. When he was outside the walls, in the corridor of the maze, the doors almost shut, Alby detached the wood part, and with one last scream, Chris's eyes locked on Alex, the Wall Doors slammed shut.
Alex would have nightmares for the rest of her life.
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