Chapter 19: Aftermath
Alex stirred. She lay still for a minute, eyes still closed, her heart pounding, her fight or flight was still in high drive. Her chest rising and falling way too fast for someone who was just asleep. She tried to open her heavy sore eyelids. Only one opened, the other was swollen shut. She used her good eye to figure out where she was. There were wood planks above her, it was bright, the sun was shining from the window above her. It smelt sterile, she must be in the Med Room. She slowly turned her pounding head. She saw two boys beside her bed, both slumped in sleep in wood chairs.
The blonde had his chin on his chest, leaning against the wall, his hands loosely holding his machete in his lap. The other boy was sleeping with his upper half draped on her bed, his head resting on his bent arm. There was a fresh bruise on his cheek. His other hand was a few inches from hers. As if he was holding it before he fell asleep. There were fresh cuts and bruises on his knuckles. Alex gingerly moved her hand, slowly and gently rubbed the fresh scabs with her thumb. Was it him who had tackled the monster off her last night? She looked back at his face. She had missed his face. He looked peaceful and younger when he slept. She studied his face. Her tummy was doing backflips, and she wasn't sure if it was from her concussion or because of him. She gazed at the bruise on his cheek, then searched the rest of his face. He had a small split on his bottom lip. Her eyes traveled up and saw his eyes flutter open. His sleepy coffee brown eyes meet her hazel ones, well one hazel eye. He quickly sat up, his face full of worry.
"Oh Sunshine" he whispered, his morning voice still rough, "I'm so sorry."
Her eyes filled with tears, she had no idea the extent of the damage done to her. But based on the look on Minho's face, and how she felt, it was not good. She tried to talk, but it hurt so much, and the only sound was a raspy cough.
"No. Don't. Jeff said not to talk, your throat is swollen, and really bruised. Wait until the swelling is gone and then whisper."
She was scared to know, but she raised a shaky hand and pointed to her face, then her neck, and motioned to the rest of herself. Minho looked away.
"I'm sorry! I blame myself for what happened, I should have been there sooner. It shouldn't have happened at all. I should have been there to stop it before it happened. Sunshine, I'm sorry!" His voice cracked, and he sniffed. He looked back and his eyes flicked over her injuries. He cleared his throat.
"Well.. according to Jeff, you have a pretty good black eye. There is a gash and a large lump on the back of your head they had to stitch up. The cut down your neck was long, but not deep, thankfully. Goes from under your chin down your neck and across to your shoulder. You have a shuckin bite mark on your neck and arm. He shuckin bit you like an animal!"
Tears gathered in her eyes, they leaked out and ran down her face into her hair. Minho looked down at his hands and continued quietly, "your chest and torso are covered in scratches from his nails and knife when he ripped your shirt and...and.. and went nuts. Bruised ribs, nothing is broken...You also have a concussion."
Alex felt so violated. She felt so scared and unclean. So lost, alone and vulnerable. She closed her eyes. She silently let the warm tears fall down into her hair. She felt so broken.
Newt twitched and jerked awake, looking for danger. When he realized it was safe, he relaxed. He looked down at his sister. He sighed sadly. Stretching, he looked at Minho, who nodded stiffly.
"Alex? It's okay Love, It's okay, you're safe now... I'll go get Jeff, he wanted to know when you woke up."
Newt got up, kissed her forehead and left the room. Alex turned her face towards the wall, shame crashing over her in waves. Minho sat beside her awkwardly. Alex could hear him nervously fidgeting. He ran a hand through his hair. When he cleared his throat and stood up Alex looked at him in panic. She didn't want to be alone. She was still angry and hurt with how he treated her and what he said. But still she was terrified to be alone. He was her friend, her best friend at one point, she did trust him deep down. She needed someone she trusted. She let out a small whimper. Minho quickly sat down on the side of her bed and grabbed her small hand.
"I'm here Sunshine, I'm here." She relaxed a little. She tried to sit up, she groaned and winced.
"Hey, careful, careful! Let me help you, Sunshine." Minho slipped a hand under her back and slowly helped her sit while she held the side of her head. He helped her scoot back and lean against the wall. She only now realized she wasn't wearing a shirt, but she was wrapped with so many bandages around her chest and waist. She could see blue and purple peeking under the bottom of the white bandages. Minho winced when he caught sight of the long angry red cuts and the black stitches mixed with black and blue bruising. He sensed her unease and pulled the sheet up for her, covering her chest. Her eyes found his.
She managed a quiet "sunshine?"
Minho chuckled softly, his cheeks turning pink, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uhh, ya. From your song last night.... Thought it suited you better than She-Bean." He smirked at her. A ghost of a smile played on her lips. She liked it. It made her tummy feel like there were little butterflies trying to get out. "Glad you like it."
"Didn't know you listened." She whispered, her throat felt like it was on fire.
There was a knock on the door, Jeff, Clint and Newt walked in.
"Good, you're awake. I need to check that concussion. Then you need some more sleep. After that you can go get some food."
Jeff crossed to the shelf and grabbed a bottle of pills.
"Imma be sick!" Alex rasped, she could feel her stomach twisting and the bile at the back of her throat. Clint quickly tossed Minho a bowl, holding it for her. She leaned over and threw up. Minho pulled her hair back, and rubbed her back gently, scared to hurt her any if bruised ribs.. She wiped her mouth and sat up wincing and moaning.
"Here, these will help that concussion." Jeff handed her 2 white pills and a cup of water. She could instantly feel the sleep taking over. Minho helped her lay back down and closed her eyes. Her hand never let go of Minho's.
She slowly woke again. It was deja vu, both boys beside her, sleeping in almost the same position. Her head was still sore, but not pounding, and her stomach was settled a bit. She very slowly and carefully sat up, trying not to wake the boys. She let out a few small gasps of pain, she held her side as she leaned back against the wall.
She quietly watched the boys sleep for a minute. She was still mad at Minho for being a slint head, and was waiting for an apology, however she was thankful for him. He saved her from a monster. And maybe Fry was right...she got a happy giddy feeling, when she thought of him. She felt safe and comfortable around him. When something happened during her day he was always the first person she wanted to tell, even during those weeks he had ignored her. Maybe Chuck was also right, maybe she did find happiness in the dark twisted place. When he was around, she felt happier, safer. Alex absent mindedly ran her fingers gently over the bruise on Minho's cheek. His eyes fluttered open. She snatched her hand back, embarrassed she was caught. A pink tinge crossed her cheeks and across her nose; combined with the blue and purple on her face.
"Hey Sunshine! Like what ya see?" His voice was raspy and groggy.
Uh shuck me, that morning voice!
The pink turned red. Her throat still burnt, but she tried.
"What happened?"
She stretched her hand out again, running her fingers over his bruised cheek and then reached for his hand, rubbed her thumb over his knuckles.
He smirked as he sat up, "you think this is bad, you should see the other guy!"
Shame washed over her again and she snatched her hand back, wrapping her arms around her sore body. She looked away, tears threatened to fall again.
"Ah Shuck Sunshine! I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. Shuck... I'm no good with words. I didn't mean to make light of what happened...Shuck." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. He was quiet for a second.
"It was awful. Shucking awful. I was climbing down from the tree fort, and I heard screaming. I knew it was you. I had an awful gut feeling. I grabbed Gally- he was the first guy I saw an' I told him to get Alby, I followed the screaming. I saw you laying there. I thought you were dead! That.. that...-"
Alex helped him out, "monster" she whispered.
"Yeah! That shuckin monster was on-top of you! Looked like he was trying to eat you after he finished...finished.." He stopped, and took a deep breath, his arms had tensed up.
"He was screaming in your face. He had ripped your shirt an' everything right open, your pants were undone...and I just snapped. I would have beat him to death, but Alby showed up. He's gone now. Alby shot him with his bow... Gally also grabbed Jeff and Newt. We brought you here. Jeff and Clint cleaned you up while we had an emergency Gathering." Minho had gotten louder as he spoke, anger in his voice.
As an afterthought he added, "Oh also, everyone knows your Newt's sister now." He gestured to Newt who had woken up.
"It won't ever happen again." Newt added, grabbing her hand.
Alex was looking at Minho, an idea forming. She sat as straight as her sore head and ribs would allow. "You're right. It wont. I want to train." Her voice was quiet and raspy, it didn't have the effect she wanted, but her determination was still the same.
The boys could hardly hear her. "What?"
She coughed, her throat sore and dry, She tried reaching for the cup of water beside her but winced. Newt handed it to her. After a few sips she tried again. "I want to train. You're right. It won't happen again. I can't...I won't rely on anyone else anymore. Minho, train me to fight."
He raised an eyebrow, and crossed his arms, amusement in his eyes. "hmmm, I don't know Sunshine." he said with amusement.
At least he didn't outright reject it.
"Minho's right. Nothing like that will ever happen again, your safe now." Newt added, looking worried, "I'm your brother. Nothin' is gonna bloody happen, I'll keep you safe"
Alex's eyes narrowed, she lifted her chin. "Newt. I wasn't asking." She growled. She looked back at Minho "Train me to fight." She looked back at Newt, "Newt, this shouldn't have happened in the first place. Look what happened to me." Newt had looked away, shame and embarrassment and sadness written on his face.
"Look at me!" Her voice was barely a whisper, was so hoarse and raspy but it was demanding. Both boys slowly meet her eyes.
"Where were you when I was dragged off into the Deadheads by a monster? Huh? Where were you Minho? I needed you. I was told we were a family, and everyone had my back." her voice broke. "I needed both of you. But I was alone. I was vulnerable. You're right, it won't happen again." She added softer, "I can't always rely on you, someday you won't be there, as much as you want to be. Please. You want to keep me safe? Train me."
Both boys lowered their heads and looked away.
But Minho's smirk came back, "Okay. As soon as Jeff clears that concussion, and you can move without wincing. We'll add it to your runner training. Deal?"
"I don't bloody think so!" Newt sprung from his seat, "She's not going out there! No way!"
Minho stood up too, eye to eye with his best friend. "I still believe she would be one of the best runners. I was a shuck faced idiot for a while, ya, but I still believe she can do it. I think she's gonna be the best runner we have! Look at what she just shuckin went through. And she's asking to learn to fight! She's a fighter. Her and I have some things to talk about...The only person she will be alone with in that maze is me." He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow "Do you trust me?"
Newt's jaw was clenched. He wanted to keep Alex in his sights at all times. He glanced at her, still sitting on the bed. Her face purple and blue, claw marks down her check and a red angry cut down her neck. Black stitches all over her body. Blood still matted her hair, tear marks left on her checks. But her eyes were narrowed, jaw set, determination and the fire behind her broken eyes. He saw a rebellious streak, a fighter, like Minho said. She would do things anyways, even if she was told no. That's probably why Minho and her got along so well. Both stubborn. Both determined, both did what they knew to be right, both going to get the job done no matter the cost. He sighed and ran a hand through his shaggy hair.
"You're going to do it whether I bloody agree or not, ya?"
Both Minho and Alex nodded. He threw his hands in the air in defeat.
"Whatever. But if something happens to her, I blame you, and I'll kick your shuckin arse! And the feed you to a bloody greiver!" Newt warned, poking Minho in the chest. Alex smiled, she got slowly and gingerly out of bed a little shaky and hugged her brother. He hugged her back gently.
"Don't worry Mama Newt, I'm in safe hands."
"It's my bloody job to worry! As your leader and you're my baby sister, Alex. I can't lose you. Not again."
Alex just hugged tighter, and kissed his check. "I know. And I love you."She pulled away, "I need a shower and food."
"I love you too." He looked her up and down, "Ya okay. You shower and I'll get Fry to make you some soup." Newt placed a hand on her cheek, then gently kissed her forehead and muttered, "You're bloody stubborn, ya know that?" Alex smiled at him. He shook his head and left for Fry's.
Minho held out an arm, and bowed. "Ma Lady, your shower awaits, and as always I will guard your door from peasants."
Alex smiled, but it faltered. "Minho...what happened to Bark? Last night, he said something about hurting her, she never came when I called!" She asked weakly.
He slapped his forehead, "Shuck I forgot! She's fine. Winston is looking after her. The slint head had trapped her in the barn. She was limping when Winston found her .. looked like he may have kicked her. But she'll make a full recovery! A.J, one of the Slicers is a pretty good Animal MedJack, says she'll be good in a day or two!"
Alex sighed in relief. She smiled up at Minho, the playfulness back in her beat up face. "Good Sir Knight, lead the way to thine shower!" She took a step forward but her head started spinning and she had to stop, grabbing her head. Minho turned and swooped her up, bridal style. She let out a little gasp, but the sharp pain subsided quickly.
"Sorry, sudden movemnt..." He winced when she gasped. "won't happen again. Never fear, My Lady!" He finished softly. He gently carried her down the stairs and to the showers. He kicked open the door, set her down, right inside of the shower stall. His eyebrows knite together, his mouth pressed into a tight line.
"You're ok now? I uhhh.." he looked at his shoes, rubbing the back of his neck, ears pink. He cleared his throat.
"I uhh don't know, if you need help...just umm call I guess? I don't want you falling and hitting your head or passing out or something" He paused, but then his face lit up, "Oh wait! Wait here, I'll go get Newt. Or Jeff or Clint if I can't find Newt! They're MedJacks, and won't be too weird with it. But ya, ya Newt can help!"
He dashed off. Alex was left alone and lost for words. She smiled to herself.
He's a shuck-face, but he's a cute and caring shuck-face, and needs to sort out what he wants.
She stepped inside and turned on the warm water, she peeled off her disgusting clothes, and unwound the badages. She stood in the warm water, letting it run over her. Soothing her sore head and body. She could feel the pain of every scratch and bruise, she closed her eyes and leaned her forehead on the wall.
She saw black crazy inhuman eyes, a slobbering mouth, black twisting veins. She shrieked When it screamed at her, lunging for her. She scrambled away, slamming into a wall, she slid down the wall in the corner.
Newt came crashing through the door. He saw her cowering in the corner. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, not caring that he was getting wet or that his sister was in the shower. He just held her.
"What happened?"
"I can see his eyes. He was a monster! He sounded like a monster! I close my eyes and I see his face! And...and he said some things. He said he remembered me...and...and that it was my fault."
"Don't believe a bloody word he said. He was stung Alex, somehow he was stung and he was jacked in the head."
Alex wasn't sure, it was eerily similar to her memories. She shook her sore head, she was so tired and sore. With the towel wrapped around her, Newt stayed and helped wash the blood and dirt out of her hair and helped her stand up.
"All right, I'm going to be right outside the door. You get dressed, take your time. Sit if you need to." He handed her some clothes, "Sorry, all we could find, not sure where you put your clothes..."
She dropped the soaking wet towel and dried off slowly with a dry one. She finally saw the extent of her injuries. The left side of her ribs looked awful, dark blue black right in the center, it spread out across her stomach, and back, down the full length of her rib cage, slowly fading from blue to purple. She looked like she was attacked by a wild cat, many of the cuts were held together with stitches. She took a shaky breath in. Her neck and face probably looked the same. She rewrapped herself back up, and then she slowly pulled on a pair of leggings, one of Minho's old t-shirts. She combed her hair with her fingers. She slowly opened the door and stepped out .
Minho, Newt and what looked like half the Glade were waiting for her. All of them with grim faces, and concern in their eyes. There was a collective gasp and then they were quiet. Everyone was taking in the injuries inflicted by Chris. Now that the mud and blood was washed away the red raw scratches, black stitches and bruising stood out against her sun kissed skin. She felt self conscious, but held her head up. She was sick of being the weak meek girl.
"Glad you're okay She-Bean."
"Sorry he did that!"
"Shuckin slint head."
"Dude, that's sick! What is WRONG with him?"
Matt stepped forward, "If Alby hadn't shot 'im, I woulda' shucken killed him! I'm sorry I didn't save you like you saved me. Your my guardian angel, and I could do nothin' for you. I'm so sorry Alex!" His quiet voice broke, to hid his tears he gently pulled her into a hug but she winced. He let go quickly.
"I'm sorry Alex...And I was the last to see you last night, I think. I'm sorry!" Ben appolagised to his feet, ashamed to look at her.
"Ben, it's not your fault. It was no one but his. Don't blame yourself." Alex gave him a small smile of encouragement.
"Don't worry Shanket, we got your back!" Someone from the crowd yelled.
"Ya! He's a creep! We aint like that! Promis Shanket!"
That's when she realized these guys actually did have her back. They had accepted her as one of their own. Chris was a creep, yes. He was one guy, and he didn't represent the majority of the Gladers here. There was no excuse for his predatory behavior, would he have attacked her if he wasn't stung? Maybe. He didn't understand the word no, maybe not like a wild animal...that was thanks to the creators. The Creators and their messed up experiments and poisons! Minho said Chris had been stung, injected with some kind of poison. It turned him into a monster! She was horrified with what the creators did to him, and in turn what he did to her. The boys in Glade were just as horrified with what had happened, they cared for her, they were on her side.
Alby stepped forward, "Ok She-Bean, you need to eat, but you also need to tell me exactly what happened." He was quite gentle in how he addressed her. All the Gladers behind him murmured, they wanted to know too. Alby turned around at the crowd.
"GO BACK TO WORK!" He yelled. "There will be a mandatory gathering before supper!"
Alex sat at a table, with Alby Newt and Minho, and Jeff. Fry brought her some soup, his face was red and he was muttering to himself, "bloody slinthead! What I would do to him...."
Alex looked at her kind gentle friend, placing a gentle hand on his, "what would you do Fry? Whisk him to death?" She cracked a small smile, she was touched by his care and concern.
"No Alex. I have kitchen knives. I do know how to use 'em!"
She shook her head. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanx for the food Fry."
He smiled sadly at her. "You're a good kid Alex." He leaned down and gently kissed the top of her head. She had just finished eating when Chuck came huffing and puffing into the picnic area.
"Alby! Alby!" He put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.
"What?" Demanded Alby. Chuck held up a finger, indicating he needed a minute. Alby impatiently drummed his fingers on the table. Once Chuck had his breath back he continued.
"Alby! He's alive, he's still alive! The baggers went to collect him! And he was still shuckin breathing! He's in the pit right now, Clint is patching him up "
Fear and anxiety filled her, her attacker was still breathing.
Alby shot up and ran for the pit, Newt and Jeff right behind him. Alex sat there eyes wide, her chest was feeling heavy, it was hard to breathe. She felt the bubble of panic rising. Her hearing stopped working. All she could focus on was Chuck's words 'he's still alive'. Her heartbeat was accelerating, she felt her body temperature rise. It was so hard to breathe.
"Hey, Alex? Sunshine?" Minho had placed a hand on her good shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm right here, he won't hurt you. Alby won't let that happen. Newt won't let that happen. I won't let that happen."
But Alex's fear of Chris was all she could focus on. Her chest hurt, breathing wasn't happening. Minho slid on the bench, closer to her, Alex was whipping her head around, looking for an escape, her eyes wide, pupils dilated. Her hyperventilating was making everything worse. She couldn't breathe. Her body was betraying her. Pain and fear kept crashing into her, tears slid down her face. She felt like she was going to die, again.
Minho grabbed her hand and placed it on his own chest. "Alex. Feel my heart, feel the rhythm, focus on that."
He only let go of her hand when he knew she would keep it there, her desperate eyes still wild and searching for something, anything. Minho grabbed her face in his hands and gently turned it so she had to look at him, he placed his forehead on hers. He let go of her face with one hand and placed it back over her hand, which had grabbed a handful of his t-shirt in her fist, he gently unclenched her fist so it was flat again over his heart. And he sat there holding her while her body and mind panicked. He over exaggerated his slow breathing. That gave her something to focus on. Her wild eyes found his steady ones. She felt his heartbeat, it was slow. It was steady. It was strong. It was her anchor. It slowly brought her back. She could feel his chest rising and lowering in long slow breaths. Hers slowly slowed down, and became regular, matching his rhythm. Her wild heartbeat slowed. She came back. She closed her eyes, slumping into his strong chest and let the exhausted tears fall.
"I'm here. I got you Sunshine. I can't say it will be okay, I don't know that. But I'm right shucken here, beside you. Cross my heart." She smiled through her tears.
"I know." she whispered, straightening up. He sat up, concerned, still on his face. He wiped a stray tear from her bruised check.
"He'll be banished. I can guarantee that. Let's go to the Bloodhouse and see Bark. I bet she misses you. " Alex appreciated what he was trying to do. He got up and helped her up. "Need a lift again?" Minho asked, holding his arms open.
"No. I'm not helpless, I can walk. Just slowly. Head is still spinning a bit. And everything hurts."
Minho pouted a little, "Man you're stubborn!" But he shrugged his shoulders, held out his arm for her to take. Alex looped her arm through his.
"I'm assuming you're here for the dog and not for me?" Winston greeted them with a small smile, when they walked in.
He winced when he saw Alex's beat up face up close. He led them over to a corner where her dog was curled up sleeping in some hay. Alex sat down and scratched her head. She refused to move for the rest of the afternoon, she had a nap in the barn, with Bark's head in her lap, Minho sat beside her the whole afternoon. It was only when Alby stormed over informing them, they needed to be at the gathering. She was part of the council now, and it involved her.
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