Chapter 12: Emergency
A wall had fallen and collapsed onto a boy, he was screaming in pain and the other boys were standing around yelling and pointing fingers. No one knew what to do.
Alex's brain shut off and her legs carried her forwards. She pushed a few boys out of the way, and got right down into the mud and tried to see the boy. His screaming had gotten quieter- not a good sign. She could see blood from his head, but he was covered by too much wood and there was not enough light.
She spun around, still on her knees, she pointed at three boys, "You three!" She yelled, "come here and get this bloody wall up! Now!"
She turned to another boy who was staring wide eyed at the scene.
"Hey! You! Look at me! I need you to go and get Clint and Jeff tell them to bring the first aid box. Do you understand?" The boy stood for a moment looking at her with huge eyes. She snapped her fingers in his face.
"Hey! Did you hear what I said?" She yelled, the boy blinked and looked at her. He nodded slowly.
"Do you understand what I asked you to do?" He nodded again and took off.
She turned to one last boy, "I need you to go find Alby and Gally. Now. Go!"
The 3 boys she told to get the wall up were struggling to lift it. Alex turned to a few more boys who were just standing staring, mouth open, not sure what to do and Newt who had made it to the front of the scene.
"You guys! Newt!! Help lift the wall, get those long pieces of wood and use it as a leverage to help lift the wall. We only need it lifted high enough so I can get under and long enough so I can pull him out!"
They did as Alex commanded, without hesitation.
"Okay! On THREE. ONE...TWO.. THREE!" She shouted. Everyone grunted and lifted. She threw herself onto her stomach and squirmed in mud under the wall. The boy's breathing was shallow, his eyes closed.
"Hey, I got you! I'm going to get you out of here. I won't leave you. I'm sorry bud...pulling you out is gonna shuckn' hurt. On three, ok?"
The boy was barely conscious. But Alex kept talking, "I'm going to get my hands under your shoulders and I'm going to pull. Okay? One, two, three"
She pulled, he let out a scream. She froze for a moment.
"Lift it more!" She yelled at the boys.
"We're trying!" Someone grunted.
"Hurry Alex! It's slipping!" Newt yelled.
"I'm not leaving him! You better not drop the shucken wall on me! Get more guys to help!" She yelled back.
She turned her attention back to the half dead boy, she spoke calmly to him, "Okay, come on, one more tug and we're out. Okay? One two three!"
She pulled him again. She was out from under the wall, and as soon as the boy's shoulders were visible, Gally reached down to help pull his crew man out.
"Gally! STOP!" She screamed. He flinched, "Don't move him more than he needs to be! Hold his shucken head! Keep it still! Don't move his neck! There could be spine damage." Gally was looking at her weirdly. But Alex didn't wait for his response, just continued, "Hold him like this!"
She showed Gally how to keep the boy's head stable. As soon as Gally had his head, she continued, talking to both boys now, explaining what was going to happen.
"Gally hold his head, keep it straight, I'll pull his shoulders. One three once more. As soon as his feet are free, guys, drop the wall. ONE TWO THREE!"
The wall dropped inches from them. Alex immediately checked where the boy was bleeding the most. He had a nasty gash on his head, a slash in his stomach and what looked like a possible broken ankle. She didn't have anything to stop the bleeding.
Where the shuck are Clint and Jeff?
She turned to Gally.
"We can't move him, he might have spine or neck damage. Hold him still! Don't let go! ALBY! I need you to get a flat plank of wood we can use to transport him. Bring some guys for help."
Without hesitation Alby hurried off with a few of the boys. She ripped the boy's shirt open, so she could see the wound properly. She had nothing to stop the bleeding, without thinking she stripped off her own t-shirt, leaving her in a sports bra, and ripped it in half. It was muddy, but there was nothing else, she used her own shirt to stop the bleeding.
She looked up. "NEWT! Come here. Hold this and put pressure on it, like lots of pressure. This needs to stop bleeding so much, so I can clean and stitch it!"
Newt did as he was told. She looked at the boy's head wound, it also looked pretty bad, again using the other strip of her shirt to stop the steady flow of blood. The boy's breathing was shallow, his eyes were rolling.
"Hey, hey, look at me! Don't fall asleep! Come on, eyes open! What's your name?" She was tapping his cheek, trying to keep him awake.
The boy's eyes fluttered open.
"Matt." He whispered, it was the kid from the other day. Her stomach clenched.
"I don't want to die! Alex...don't let me die!" His bottom lip was quivering, and he was looking at Alex, with terror in his cloudy eyes. Alex clenched her teeth. She wasn't even a Med Jack! She was hardly a real glader! But no way was she going to lose this boy! She would do whatever it took. She was still holding the shirt to his head and continued to calmly speak to him.
"Matt, I won't let that happen! Now stay with me. Jeff and Clint are here now. I'm going to patch you up and you're going to join us at the next bonfire, good that?"
Matt's ghost of a smile was seen, before his eyes rolled back and he closed his eyes.
"MATT!! NO!" Alex was shouting and slapping his face now.
"I feel cold." He breathed, and he closed his eyes and won't open them again
"NO Matt! SHUCK IT! Clint I need those stitches and bandages now! He's bleeding out!" She glanced over her shoulder, Alby was on his way back, "Alby!" She called, "Lay that board down here, beside him, we need to transfer him on!"
She took a breath.
"Boys, 3 on each side. Gally! Don't move from his head or neck!"
Newt, Gally Alby and 2 other boys and Jeff all got into place around Matt. Alex, still in command, explained quickly what was going to happen.
"Spread out evenly around him, slid your hands under and on my count we slid him, all together. Don't jostle him or move him more than he needs to. Gally, don't let go of his head. Jeff, hold his neck still. On 3. One, two, three". They all slid him into the board. Clint handed her the needle and thread, all ready to go.
"Newt when I say remove the shirt. We gotta quickly clean it and I gotta stitch the muscles together before the skin. Clint, these are the dissolving stitches, ya?"
Clint nodded, handing something to Jeff.
"Jeff, that head wound is bleeding a lot, but I dont think it's too deep. Stitches and a possible concussion, maybe neck or spinal damage, can't be sure until we stop him from bleeding out. Don't move him anymore. Gally, Alby-you need to keep him stable."
Alex took a breath, she was shaking and felt numb. However that deep male voice inside her head told her she needed to trust herself, she knew what to do, just do it.
"Okay, now Newt."
Newt removed the bloodv soaked shirt and Alex got to work. Thankfully it was a clean cut, and there was nothing to complicate things, no organ was punctured. As she cleaned and steralized it, Matt winced a few times, came to and passed out again with a scream. It took Alex 150 stitches to completely sew him back together. Alex wrapped him up with the help of the MedJacks, Jeff had finished with his head a while ago. Alex went to his ankle next, not broken like she thought, that's good. She can deal with that back in the Hut. Matt opened his eyes for a moment. He let out a weak cough and then that was it, she didn't see his chest rising anymore.
"Matt? Hey, MATT!! I said stay with me!?" She shreaked.
She placed an ear to his mouth looking at his chest, trying to see if she was right and he had stopped breathing. She concentrated, trying to see his chest rising or feel his breath on her ear and cheek. She felt nothing. She saw nothing. She yelled at the boys around her to pick up the plank and get back to the med hut. They did as they were told. She stayed on the board with Matt. She climbed on-top of him, straddling him on her knees, careful of the wound she just stitched up. She placed her mouth over his and breathed all the air she had in her lungs into his mouth. Keeping his nose pinched closed. She did it again and then started pushing down on his chest with the palm of her hands, keeping elbows locked. She used all her body weight, counting to 10. Then leaned over and did it again, breathing for Matt. She wasn't sure what it was called, but she knew this is what you did in this situation. After a few times of breathing for him, and pumping his heart, she listened again. There was a small thump of his heart and a light tickle of air on her check.
Alex didn't realize they had got to the Med Jack hut, she was too focused on trying to keep Matt alive. All who were left in the room were the two true Med Jacks and Alex, still kneeling over Matt checking his breathing and pulse. He seemed stable now. She climbed off Matt and off the table. Clint and Jeff were staring at her in stunned awe and wonder.
She ran her shaking bloody hand through her hair. Her hair was everywhere, falling out during the emergency situation. She just smeared blood on her forehead and into her hair. She was hit by a wall of numb exhaustion, she needed a quiet place. She didn't want to stay and answer questions about what she did, or how she knew what to do. She had no idea herself. She left Jeff and Clint with some simple care instructions for Matt. She knew Jeff was the keeper, but she didn't care at the moment, she trusted the information she was giving the boys.
"It's best to clean the wounds again in a bit, then re-wrap them, keep him hydrated as best as we can. Someone should monitor him until he can stay awake himself. Put me in the rotation for the night, I want to see how he's doing. If he stops breathing again, come get me ASAP."
Then she left the MedJack room, still covered in mud and Matt's blood. Her brain wasn't working anymore, it had shut off, she left a numb cold tingling in her limbs, her chest felt heavy and tight, and her hands were shaking really bad.
She blinked a few times, she realized she was in Minho's room, sitting in the corner. Bark had tried crawling into her lap whining a little. Alex just stared at nothing, her chest rising rapidly, still feeling nothing, shaking all over. She wasn't sure if it was shock, a mental breakdown or if she was going crazy. Bark tried getting her attention again. Alex didn't respond. The dog got up and left the room. Alex pulled her knees up to her chest, and put her forehead on her knees, she gripped the sides of her muddy blood soaked hair with her bloody hands and let the tears come. At first it was a few that trickled quietly down her cheeks. It turned into sobbing and screaming. And she didn't stop. She couldn't stop.
She heard footsteps running up the stairs. The door banged open and footsteps crossed the room.
"Oh Alex" a voice said.
It was husky but oddly gentle. She knew his voice, it was a relief to hear it. Maybe Minho could pull her back from this wild tempest inside her and anchor her to reality. He got down on the ground and put his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, holding her. Another set of footsteps, uneven ones, Newt. He sat down beside them, maybe he could help put her back together, she definitely fell apart. She heard Bark whining.
Bark had sensed that Alex had mentally checked out and ran to get help. The dog had found Newt by the Wall Doors, talking to Minho.
Minho had just got back from his run, Newt had said there was an accident, and the Glader was clinging to life.
"Who?" Ben asked
"Matt." Newt answered.
Minho immidiatly glanced at Ben. He had gone pale and took off towards the Homestead, yelling he would map his section in a minute.
Newt quickly filling him in on what had happened. How Alex had taken charge of the emergency situation, telling everyone what to do and how to do it.
"Even Gally listened to her without question, Alby too! She bloody saved the kids life! Breathing for him somehow, and got his shuckin' heart going again! She was so calm and collected! It was crazy to watch!" The second in command was very impressed with the girl and how she handled the situation.
Minho was smirking "Thata' girl!"
He felt this bubble of pride in his chest, but also selfishly jealous, he didn't get to witness her in action. Sometimes being in the Maze all day had its downfalls...and not being with Alex all day everyday was an absolute downfall.
Bark ran up to the boys, barking and whining and tugging on their pants. She would run a little away from them and then come back.
"What's with the dog?" Newt asked, confused. Glancing at Minho, seeing if he had any clue.
Minho shrugged and looked around. Bark was never this agitated, he felt something weird in his chest, something was off, and it made him nervous, "Hey, Newt, where is she? I see Clint. She in the Med Hut?"
Newt shrugged.
"Hey Clint!" Minho called, jogging over to Clint, who turned aroundat the call of his name. Newt followed.
"Where's Alex?" Minho was getting worried, no sign of her and her dog being weird, that nervous feeling was getting worse.
"Uhh, not sure. Did you hear what Alex did? It was shucken crazy man! She told us what to do with Matt after she saved his freaken life and just left. Jeff is with him now. I was just on my way back from washing up and to trade shifts with him. Alex was after Jeff-she needed a break, looked a little pale after everything."
Newt was thinking with his thumb running over his bottom lip. Minho looked back at the dog again, watching what she was doing. She was pulling on his pant leg, running a little ways away, barking at him. It clicked.
"Alex!" His concern for her heightened to an alarming rate.
"Show me Bark. Where's Alex? Show me!" He called to the dog. Bark woofed and took off towards the homestead. Minho took off running after the dog.
Newt followed, confused, "Don't you need to map your route"
"After. I need to find Alex! Something's wrong!"
Minho stormed up the steps of Homestead, his heart was thumping wildly, and his lungs felt like they were squeezed. He heard heart breaking screaming and sobbing and threw the door open.
The stone wall around his heart shook, maybe even cracked. She was still covered in blood and mud. She was sobbing and screaming, shaking uncontrollably. Minho got down on the ground in front of her. He gently pulled her into his lap. He didn't care about the blood or mud. His care for her wellbeing and safety was his top priority. She turned into his chest and sobbed. He felt her fists grab his shirt, and clung on like she was drowning.
That's what showers are for. Man, her first week here was shucking awful.
Minho was grateful when Newt grabbed her a blanket and he left to grab her some water. He was grateful for his best friend, he was glad that Alex had at least a few guys who actually cared for her, but he was selfishly thankful he left. He wanted to comfort Alex himself. Alone.
Newt made it to the room and watched his best friend be uncharacteristically gentle with something other than his hair, for the first time in his life- well for as long as Newt could remember. He watched as Minho rubbed her bare back, whispering quietly in her ear as she sobbed into his chest. He felt like a third wheel. But he was also equally as worried about her, those weird instincts, that gut feeling of protecting ragged inside of him. He squated down beside them, a hand on her shoulder. He glanced at Minho for a moment.
"I'll get her some water and food. Stay here with her." Knowing full well Minho wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon.
Minho nodded, acknowledging that he heard. Newt pulled the blanket off the bed and placed it around her. Minho tucked it around her tightly. He nodded at Newt again. Bark had laid down beside Alex and Minho.
"You did an amazing job, Newt told me what you did!" Minho said quietly. She felt his hand on her cheek, maing her look at him, he was looking at her with a gentle smile. He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his rough thumb.
"I'm proud of you. We all are. Every single Glader is! What you did, without thinking of your own helped him. Saved his shuckin' life Alex! The shank wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you!"
Alex looked into Minho's eyes desperately for reassurance.
"My mind knows that. My brain seems to know what to do all the time...but I don't know HOW it knows. Or why I only know pieces. What would have happened if I couldn't remember? He would have died. I would have watched a kid die, Minho! I would have added another body to the Deadheads! And another name crossed off the wall, and it would be all my fault!" Her voice cracked at the end.
"Why? Why do they do this to us? This whole place is shucked! And I hate it!" She whispered, in-between hiccups. A few more big tears leaked out and slid down her cheeks, her bottom lip trembling.
"I know." He signed sadly. "I've been here two years. Too long. I've seen death. Too much death. The creators do nothing but watch it happen. This is a sick shucked place, but despite all the shucked klunk and death...somehow YOU REMEMBERED. You remembered some kind of training in a medical emergency. Just like you remembered how to fight. And that is shucking awesome! You saved a life, while the creators did nothing. You gave Matt a chance at life, while this place tries to take life! You're a shucken hero Alex."
Alex continued to search his dark eyes, when she looked into his eyes, she felt her thumping wild heart settle a little. They were unwavering, they were sure of everything he said, they never left her face. Then another thought struck her.
"Min, what...what if I can't remember what to do next time? What if this is just luck? A weird accident?" Her chest felt tight again and her breathing came is shallow gasps.
"Slow down there, princess. Who says it's all on your shoulders? You're not even chosen for MedJack yet! It's a shucken obvious choice after today. And you would have Jeff and Clint, you're a team. They have your back. Always. Just like I do. Remember? Your a glader now, and that means we all have your back. Deal?"
She slowly nodded. She took a shaky breath, and lent her head against his strong chest again. He placed his chin on-top of her head. His warm hand rubbed her back absentmindly. It was very soothing. Her muscles started to slowly relax and her breathing became normal. Her tears stopped. She wanted to stay like this forever, wrapped in Minho's strong arms, listening to his heartbeat and breathing in his smell.
A white hot pain shot through her head again. That was a mix of musky spicy deodorant, sunshine and little sweat. It was so familiar, she knew that smell. She remembered it from before! She remembered Minho's smell.
Why would I remember his smell?!
Before she could say anything Newt knocked on the door, holding a glass of water and a bowl of soup and a few cookies.
"Ya need to eat Alex. That was some bloody crazy work. Eat. You'll feel better. Fry also gave up some of his precious cookies." Newt said, setting the food on the bedside table.
"Lucky Shanket. Only special Gladers, on rare occasions, will Fry give out cookies!" Minho smiled down at Alex.
Alex looked up at Newt, a small smile playing on her lips said cheekily, "Yes Mama Newt. I'll eat my whole supper. And then I get my cookies?"
Minho let out a big loud belly laugh. "Mama Newt!"
Newt frowned and rolled his eyes, he put his head in his hands. "Thanx Alex, now Minho is going to be calling me that. Just come eat some food, then go have a shower. You're still covered in blood, and now Minho is too."
"Sorry Minho." Alex smiled sadly.
"All good She-Bean, just means we get to shower together." His cocky sassy smirk was back.
She snorted, "Keep dreaming."
He chuckled. Alex rubbed her sore puffy red eyes. She begrudgingly untangled herself from Minho's lap and stood up. As she did so the blanket dropped, only now did she realize she was only in a sports bra.
Where'd my shirt go?
She could feel her face heating up with embarrassment. She crossed her arms over her chest, and looked at the floor. She reached for the blanket, but Minho stood up faster and pulled the blanket over her shoulders. He smiled at her, looking in her eyes and only her eyes.
"You're okay. You're safe with the two of us. You're okay." He reassured her.
Newt nodded, he patted the bed beside him. She smiled at the 2 boys and went to sit down, pulling the warm blanket tighter around her. Bark had come over and placed her head in Alex's lap.
"I guess I have you three to thank for helping me through my first breakdown."
"Don't worry about it. We've all been there. We get it. They'd be lyin' if anyone said they never had one. And to be perfectly bloody honest, you lasted longer than any shank so far. And that was after some major trauma." Newt reassured her, his arm around her shoulders, giving her a sideways hug. She lay her head on his shoulder, scratching Bark's ears. She looked at Minho, who nodded in agreement.
We get a few different POV! What do you think?
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