Chapter 51
We took the equipment to the end of the yard to set up our tent, and I saw Juana, standing near the pool, looking at us. She might have been jealous of us for doing such cool stuff. She never did fun things with her friends. Instead of inviting them over, she preferred to go to their houses. Juana didn't like to stay at home much. Honestly, no one liked being at home for long in this huge, lonely house. No one bothered to talk to anyone. Papa (Gerardo) talked with Juana, but he was always busy. I had Papa (Manuel), so that was the only good thing about this place. I didn't go to Pedro's house anymore since we weren't cool with each other. And I had never set foot in Louis's house.
"I'm already tired," Noah said after hauling the stuff to the end of the yard, and we all laughed.
"Yo, it was your idea," I replied.
"I know, I know. I feel like I'm regretting it," he said.
"You can't regret it now," I said, pushing him playfully.
Noah pushed me back, and we started to wrestle on the grass while Elijah and Diego began to set up the tent.
"Get off me, you leech," I said to Noah, who was holding me tight.
"Let's see who will win," he said. I knew I was going to win this. I practiced MMA with Papa or the guards, and occasionally with Louis. With all of them, I was the worst, but against Noah, I felt confident.
After struggling for a few more minutes, Noah said, "Aw, aw... okay, okay... You win. Let me go, you rude ass," and we laughed. His face was red from the fight.
"Who the hell taught you all that?" Noah asked, rubbing his arms as he got up.
"Hey, now it's your turn to help make the tent," Diego said to me and Noah.
"While they make the tent, we can wrestle and see who wins, Diego," Elijah challenged.
"Oh yeah? Let's do this then," Diego replied, and they both started wrestling while we finished setting up the tent.
"Hey, bro, I stole some of the camp food from that box," Noah whispered to me.
"Did you bring it here?" I asked, whispering back.
"It's in that bag," he said, nodding toward a bag we had brought.
"Keep it there until we go into the tent. You know they are watching," I said.
"Are they?" Noah asked, looking confused.
"They might be," I replied.
"And I brought something else too," Noah said, a grin spreading across his face.
"No way," I said, realizing I was smiling back.
"Yep," he confirmed.
"Just don't let Papa... my guard see it," I warned. Noah nodded in agreement.
Finally, we set up the tent and hid the camp food and what Noah had brought inside so Papa wouldn't find them.
"What if he sneaks in and checks our stuff?" Diego asked.
"No, he won't. Just act normal," I assured him.
It was dinner time. Since we weren't allowed to eat camp food, we all sat around the table to eat with Juana. Papa didn't come to the dinner table, so I guessed either he wasn't home or he didn't want to eat with us. However, it was obvious that Juana didn't want to be there either. I didn't understand why she didn't just ask her servant to bring her food to her room if she didn't want to eat with us.
"Why are you guys making a tent in the yard?" Juana asked.
"Why do you care?" I replied.
"I don't care. I'm just curious," she said.
"Don't you have anything better to do than put your nose in other people's stuff?" I retorted.
"You're the one who puts your nose in other people's business," she shot back.
"What's going on?" It was Pedro's voice, and we turned to look at him. What the hell was he doing here?
"Are you going to take dinner from here today?" Juana asked.
"Yeah," he said, sitting down on a chair.
"Did you come to spy on us?" I asked, knowing he had come to check if I was eating dinner at home. I know him better now. He was getting so annoying, and he called that caring.
"Why would I spy on you?" he said, though he didn't bother to eat anything. "I just came to see Papa," he added.
"I think he's not home," I said.
"He's at home," Pedro insisted, staring at us while we ate. Then he got up and walked to Papa's office.
"Wow, your brother is a total smoke-show," Elijah said.
"Really?" I asked, glancing back at Papa's door. But Pedro was already gone.
"If he looks like that at home, imagine how he looks when he's all dressed up," Elijah continued.
"He looks the same. Nothing different for me," I said. I didn't understand what they saw that was so special about him. Well, he was a good-looking guy; women still looked at him more than once.
We finally finished dinner. It was okay, as usual. My friends were excited about the meal and ate a lot, but Juana's face looked like the food was terrible. However, her expression was probably just because she didn't like eating with us. When we got up, Papa and Pedro came out of Papa's office.
"Is that your other brother?" Noah asked, looking at me in surprise.
"Yo, that's his Papa," Diego said, chuckling.
"How the hell old is he?" Elijah asked, glancing between me and Papa.
"I don't know. Old enough to have four kids, I guess," I replied.
"He looks exactly like you," Noah commented, and I didn't like it when others said I resembled Papa because I didn't like him.
"Look at those eyes," Elijah whispered, and the three of them chuckled silently.
"What's wrong with the eyes?" I asked.
"The deadly-looking eyes, just like yours," Noah said, and no one had ever said anything like that to me before.
"What the hell," I said, smirking. I knew Papa had that kind of gaze, but there was no way I had it too.
"Hola, boys!" Papa approached us with a fake friendly smile to chat with my friends. I knew how good he was at this kind of acting. He was a pro at it. Just look at how charming his smile was. My poor friends fell for it and talked with him excitedly.
"Yo, your Papa is so nice. Can't believe he..." Diego didn't finish his sentence and looked at me in confusion.
Yep, it's hard to believe he's a monster when he gives you that fake charming smile and talks like that. I didn't say anything to Diego, even though he seemed to want to hear more.
A few minutes after dinner, we ran to our camp. When we got there, Papa was already waiting for us and had brought some wood to make a campfire.
"Let's make a fire," Noah shouted, jumping in excitement.
We watched a tutorial on how to build a campfire, then we started to make one while Papa stared at us.
"Don't forget to put out the fire before going to sleep," Papa reminded us.
"Okay," we replied, waiting until he left.
"Okay, now it's time to dance around the fire and sing a song," Noah said, starting to dance around the fire like a monkey while singing. His antics made us burst into non-stop laughter.
"Come on, Elijah!" he called, and Elijah joined him. Diego and I followed suit, but we weren't as good at monkey dancing as they were.
I was lying in my bed peacefully, reading a love story that one of my friends had recommended to me. I was in the middle of an emotional part, on the verge of tears, when I heard a noise in the distance—some kind of weird animal screaming. The sound shattered my romantic mood, so I slowly got up from the bed and climbed down the stairs to see what the hell it was.
As I approached the glass door facing the yard, I realized it was Enzo and his stupid friends. Oh God, they were in the corner of the yard. How the hell could they scream so loudly? When I turned back, annoyed, I noticed Papa also staring at them from the other corner of the glass door. I hadn't seen him because the lights were off and there were shadows everywhere.
"Papa, you can't sleep because they're screaming?" I asked.
"Yeah," he replied, smoking his cigar.
"Are you going to do something about that?" I pressed.
"Nope," he said. I waited until Papa went inside his room, then opened the glass door and rushed into the yard.
"Hey, you monkeys, stop screaming! We're trying to sleep!" I yelled at them, and they all halted their singing and dancing to look at me.
"What the hell? Go away, bitch," Enzo shot back. I felt a surge of anger at his words. Sure, he called me a bitch often, and I called him a dog, but to do it in front of his friends?
"You're the bitch, Enzo," I retorted angrily.
"Bitches don't have balls," he replied, and the other three giggled.
"Are you all drunk?" I asked, noticing that Enzo's eyes looked heavy.
"No, no. We're not!" they all yelled in unison.
"Oh, okay," I said, smirking. Bingo.
"Okay, okay. We'll stop singing," they finally begged.
"Good. You know what will happen if you scream again and wake me up," I said, strutting back to the house with my chin lifted like a queen. Victory.
"Do you think she'll betray us?" Diego asked.
"Let's not make any noise," I replied.
"Hey, let's make these ramen and eat," Elijah suggested.
"How do we make them?" I asked, as I had no idea how to cook anything at all.
"I know how to make these," Elijah said, starting to prepare the ramen. It actually looked good, and I couldn't wait to taste it.
While he cooked, we began to eat s'mores.
"Yo, these are so good!" I exclaimed, stuffing a large bite into my mouth. I wasn't sure if they heard me clearly. I had no idea why I wasn't allowed to eat this stuff. I couldn't wait to get my own credit card so I could buy everything I liked.
"Let's try these too," Noah said, showing us a packet of trail mix.
"They're just nuts. I don't like them much," I said.
"I like them," Elijah replied, eating everything left in the package.
"Hey, what the hell? You ate them all?" Noah exclaimed angrily.
"Sorry," Elijah said, his mouth full of trail mix.
"Oh, the noodles are ready!" Elijah announced, and we all grabbed forks and began to eat the noodles straight from the pot. The smell was really good, but we all burned our mouths.
"Oh God, we better let it cool down a bit," Diego said, tears in his eyes.
After letting it cool for a moment, we started eating again. At first, it was peaceful, but it quickly turned into a food war as the noodles were just too good.
"It is good!" I said.
"Yeah, do we have more packs?" Diego asked.
"Nope," Noah replied.
"Aren't we going to brush our teeth?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable since I had never slept without brushing my teeth.
"You guys brush your teeth before bed?" Noah replied, surprised.
"Ew, dude. You don't?" I shot back.
"Yo, that's disgusting."
"Why don't we go back, brush our teeth, and then come back?" I suggested. I couldn't live like this anymore.
"No, that's cheating. Here's some mouthwash. Rinse your golden mouth and sleep like a good boy," Noah said.
Well, after they all fell asleep, I planned to sneak back to the house, brush my teeth, and then return. That was my plan.
The tent wasn't that big; it only fit exactly four people. Elijah lay in the left corner, and Diego took the right. I wanted a corner too, but they were faster than me. Now I had to sleep in the middle next to Noah. Oh God, on my right side was Diego. This was going to be a long night.
I settled into my spot, and Noah kept bumping against me.
"Can you move away?" I asked, but he only moved closer. I pushed him away.
Everyone started watching their phones silently.
"Hey, we're at camp. We're not supposed to use any modern technology," Noah protested, but we pretended not to hear him. Then he pulled out his phone too.
I sent a bunch of messages to Mia and Papa, who was just a few feet away from me.
"Papa, this is horrible," I sent him, and he replied with emojis: 😂 😂
"How is camping, baby?" Mia messaged.
"It's great, baby," I lied. If I told her the truth, she might think I'm weak.
"What if someone really needs to poop?" Elijah suddenly asked.
"Then you have to go to the woods, dig a hole, poop in there, and cover it up," Noah said.
"Ew, Noah!" I exclaimed, disgusted. I didn't know how that kind of thought popped into his head so quickly.
"Shut up, dude," Diego chimed in.
"There are toilets inside the house," I pointed out.
"But this is camp," Noah explained.
"No, no, no one is doing that in the woods," I insisted.
"That's cheating then," Noah said.
"Shut up," I shot back.
"I think I want to fart," Noah suddenly declared.
"What the hell, dude?"
"Put him out!" we shouted.
We dragged Noah outside and zipped the entrance so he couldn't come back in.
"Guys, didn't we put out the fire?" we heard Noah call, and we all got anxious and quickly rushed outside. Thank God we had put Noah out.
We quickly poured some water and doused the fire.
"I want to pee," Diego said and went behind the tent, disappearing into the shadows.
"Me too."
"Me too." All three of them went, and I secretly ran to Papa's room since it was closer than the house. Yep, I cheated.
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