Ignore mistakes, please
Third person P.O.V
The loud horn caused him to whip his head towards the window to see Jin's car waiting for him at his gate. He sighed looking at his reflection for the last time in the mirror, and a humorless chuckle left his lips.
He looked- soulless.
Shaking his head to clear his mind for a while, he grabbed his phone & wallet and walked out of his room to the main door. Locking the empty house that was once home, he silently entered the car.
Jin gave him a smile but of course, Jungkook didn't even look over his face. Feeling defeated, older just started the car and drove to the destination.
"Welcome, Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon." A very warm greeting from Jackson Wang was the first thing they received when they entered the VIP section of the luxury hotel.
Jin greeted back with the same warmth and smile while Jungkook simply greeted back without any expression. Jackson lead them to the cabin and introduced his small family which was comprised of his mother and sister.
"Welcome, dear son." Mrs. Wang said warmly when she saw Jungkook coming to the table.
"Thanks, mam," Jungkook replied nonchalantly and took a seat beside Jin.
"Meet her, She is my mother and there," He pointed towards his sister, a blonde-haired girl with a pretty face and a sweet smile. "She is my sister, Melia." He introduced her with a smile and Jungkook said a low 'Hi to her.
They talked about some business deals and Jungkook paid enough attention to that, lucky for Jin.
Dinner was served after a while and Jin continued talking with Mrs. Wang and Jackson while Jungkook busied himself with the food.. or he tried to do so.
Jackson looked up at his sister who was just staring at Jungkook with hearty eyes. He slightly nudged her arm to get her attention, once she glanced over at him, he mouthed 'talk to him'.
She cleared her throat before looking back at Jungkook who was just looking at the plate.
"Um, Jungkook shi, are you feeling bored?" She asked politely and Jin internally prayed for the other's response because if it gets the opposite, it would be so awkward.
He was about to shake Jungkook but fortunately, the other looked up at the girl and slightly shook his head in a no.
Melia smiled at him and nodded her head in understanding.
"Ok. Well, what are your hobbies? I am quite eager to know how the famous Jeon Jungkook spends his free time." She chuckled to make the environment lighter and Jin joined her.
"That person here is quite boring, Melia," Jin huffed with an eye roll but Jungkook just stayed silent. She felt it a bit odd as the other was just devoid of any expressions.
"It doesn't look like that. He looks quite of vision." She stated, eyes amused when Jungkook's eyes met her for a second before he averted back to his plate.
"I don't have many hobbies." Except for missing him.
He thought but kept it inside his heart, feeling a bitter taste behind.
"But I heard you are quite artistic but unfortunately none of us ever benefited from that art of yours." She said with a pout that Jin found cute but Jungkook definitely ignored that.
"I don't do it anymore." The raven-haired simply replied and grabbed the napkin, wiping his mouth a bit with that, he got up from the chair.
"Excuse me, I need fresh air for a bit." He announced and left the cabin when Jackson muttered 'why not'.
He walked to the balcony of the first floor of the restaurant as they were on the first floor. Looking up at the sky, he inhaled deeply while shutting his eyes slowly.
"Nothing smells like you." He mumbled with a sad smile. He was leaning over the grill of the balcony, hands clutching over the railings tightly as he suddenly heard Taehyung's giggles when he used to tickle him. He could see the brunet running inside his home while trying his best to save himself from the tickling monster.
His smile widened at that, keeping on seeing his lost love with closed eyes.
"You like night views." A voice interrupted his thoughts and he opened his eyes to see Melia standing near him just like his position.
He sighed and turned his head to look back at the sky.
"Nights are lonely but they did remind me of someone special." He breathed out with the same smile. Melia gave him a look, she was left confused a bit by the response.
"Someone special?" She repeated the words, now standing straight, looking at Jungkook who nodded.
"Yes. Someone very, very special." He mumbled and Melia felt her heart crack on that. She blinked her eyes and inhaled sharply before smiling a bit, ignoring the pain.
"I see. So, who is that lucky one?" She beamed, pushing aside her hurt feelings.
Jungkook looked down at his wrist and smiled.
"Lucky? Well, the one who stole my heart so unexpectedly. The one who showed me my hidden feelings. The one who healed me but- also the one who hurt me." His lip wobbled slightly on that, and she definitely noticed it.
"You.. you love that person way too much. How can a person hurt you?" She felt angry but turned confused when Jungkook turned to her and chuckled.
"He hurt me because he sacrificed." Jungkook softly said, directly looking into her eyes. He stepped forward a bit and now was standing very close to her while the girl was digesting the word he.
"Love demands sacrifice Ms. Wang, and he was so pure with his love that he wasted no time in sacrificing himself for me... for our love." The words weigh so much that she could feel the heaviness of each one.
"W- where is he?" She asked in a low voice. Her own feelings for Jungkook were long forgotten but the pain of the other was more noticeable now.
Jungkook hung his head low and shook his head.
"That's what I'm trying to know." Jungkook had to gulp before he sighed and looked back at her.
"I know the reason for this dinner, Ms. Wang. But I want to tell you one thing... clearly." Taking a sharp inhale, he gazed at her, his voice a bit stern.
"I love him.. and will keep loving him. Till my death." He said with so much confidence and Melia was stunned. Of course, he wasn't dumb to understand the reason behind a family dinner when they were just business related.
"And, I can't love anyone else besides him. If.. if you've any feelings towards me, please... please don't go any further. I can't return your feelings." His eyes glistened a bit when he saw Melia already crying silently, feeling so bad for breaking her heart this way. But he was helpless in this matter.
"I am sorry Ms. Wang but it's better to get over your feelings now when this isn't much late because even if we get bound in some relationship, there won't be love between us." He compiled and gave his handkerchief to the girl.
"I am sorry again. But I really wish the best for you. Please forgive me." He apologized again, fisting his hands in distress but when received no answer, he turned on his heels to walk back only to halt when felt a tug on his coat sleeve.
He turned his head to see her smiling at him, showing his handkerchief and placing that in her bag with a smile.
"I wish you the best of luck and hope that one day you'll get your love back. But promise me, Mr. Jeon, once you find him.. do invite me to see him. I want to see him." She said with a cocked brow and let go of the sleeve and then extended her hand in front of Jungkook.
"I don't demand anything else, but can I be your friend at least? Honestly, no hard feelings.. just friends?" She asked with hopeful eyes, a sweet smile that made her look more beautiful.
Jungkook glanced over the hand and then back at her face. She wiggled her brows with an amused smile and Jungkook finally shake her hand, the distress evaporating with her beaming smile.
"Friends." He said with a small smile.
Jackson gave her a questioning look when both were seated in the cabin as Jungkook and Jin were already gone.
"So???" She dragged the word with crossed arms over her chest, acting clueless.
"What he said? Is he ready?" Mrs. Wang asked this time.
Melia smiled and shook her head to which both wangs scowled.
"But I am still happy to have him as a friend. I really need to learn more about love." She mumbled with the same smile, quite satisfied with her mature decision back then.
Jin kept quiet and dropped the younger at his house. He was well aware of what he did earlier but he decided to discuss that later in the office as both were in need of some rest.
"Goodnight." He said to his young brother and Jungkook said the same before leaving the car.
Walking to the door and opening it with the key, he just entered the house when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Feeling a bit irritated by the tone, he quickly grabbed the phone and accepted the call from an unknown number.
"Hello? Mr. Jeon speaking?"
"Yes? Who is there?" He asked the female on another side.
"Um- actually..."
She told him the whole thing and he felt like everything turned upside down.
"I- I'm on my way. Please wait a bit. I- it will take some hours but please wait ok." He muttered in haste, already running towards his room to grab his car keys. As he ended the call, he rushed to his car and started the engine hastily.
He drove at the high speed that night, taking the shortcuts that he was aware of but still it took many hours to reach the destination.
"W- where is he?" He was panting hard when he reached the counter of the hotel, his sweaty forehead was glistening in the elegant lights of the place. The kind lady was surprised to see him in that condition but nevertheless lead him to a room to the back of the counter... maybe for the staff.
"Our guard found him near the hotel. His features were kind of familiar with the picture you gave to us but he seems quite different too. It was too difficult to drag him there but suddenly he collapsed." She informed him while walking to the door. She opened it and entered the room first, Jungkook trailed behind.
"We called the doctor and the person said some unrealistic things about this boy." She scoffed and Jungkook was roaming his eyes in the spacious room to locate specific someone.
"But good thing, he is fine for now." She muttered with a sigh but stopped saying anything further when her gaze fell on Jungkook who was frozen on his spot.. eyes shedding free tears... a smile on his lips while his hands trembled badly.
Because in front of his eyes.. on a small couch laid a blue-haired boy..... his boy... his love...
His Taehyung.
Assalam o alaikum 😁😂. Ok ok.. i know most of you were already aware that i won't go for sad ending but still.. i got many of you😎. Btw, i divided Epilogue in 2 parts coz it was getting quite long as I've to write what actually happened with Taehyung after the curse was shifted to him, so yeah.. soon i will update 2nd part as well. Take care lovelies💜
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