11: New friend
Ignore mistakes please
Third person P.O.V
The Tail, a blue tail was shining with its full bloom, the scales reflect the light a bit.
"What is this? A- a- a tail?" Jimin was stuttering in the background but Jungkook was quite shocked to even notice that.
He saw Taehyung laying in the bathtub, his head resting over the side of the tub, limply resting there, his eyes were still closed while his tail was also in water, slightly moving with water.
Jungkook moved forward in a daze and in the next minute he was standing right in front of Taehyung. The blue-haired felt his presence and his eyes fluttered a bit before he slowly opened his orbs again.
He still looked tired, too tired to notice what actually happened.
When his eyes focused on Jungkook, he slightly smiled and tried to move his hand toward his human. But when he saw Jungkook's eyes staring at a specific side, he also moved his gaze to see.
Just when he saw his tail in the water.... his heart started beating extremely loudly, and he exchanged his gaze in between his tail and Jungkook in panic.
Jimin also tried to move forward causing his steps to get noticed by Taehyung, who practically gasped loudly and quickly squirmed in the water, producing splashes due to the sudden movements of his large tail.
He tried to jump back to hide himself and his tail especially, too shocked at the two pairs of witnessing eyes.
When he opened his eyes in the morning, he felt his body drained of energy and was screaming for water. He didn't realize it as his body dragged itself toward the bathtub. He was wearing his clothes but his sweatpants tore off of his body as his tail emerged.. replacing his legs.
He didn't even realize when Jimin entered the room and saw him like that. Because his mind wasn't working properly to keep himself safe from the eyes of humans.
In great haste, he jumped on the back side of the tub to hide his body, and his tail got stuck on the end of the tub as he was panicking to remove it from the water. Jimin was covering his mouth in shock while Jungkook was now fearing that the other might hurt himself like that.
So, the raven-haired hurried to the side, and with his shaky hands, he removed the obstacle, causing the tail to flip out of the water, slightly brushing over his hands, giving him an odd feeling at the small, very small caress.
Just when the tail moved out of the water completely, both humans heard some cracking sounds as Taehyung was still hiding behind the tub.
Both friends sneaked slightly behind the tub and found Taehyung letting out some voiceless screams, his tail was now gone and his slim legs were laying limp on the floor.
When Taehyung saw both humans looking at him with wide eyes, he scooted farther from the two, trying to hide his legs now. His blue hair and blue eyes were replaced again, leaving him with brown hair and those mesmerizing eyes.
Jimin slightly fanned his face to keep himself conscious. While Jungkook, the boy was looking into those beautiful eyes which were looking back at him and especially at Jimin with fear.
Taehyung was indeed feared by two humans for now.. because his identity was exposed in front of them. He was always taught that all humans are very cruel to creatures like him, definitely, he was feeling that fear now, afraid of his fate after being exposed.
He again tried to hide his legs under the hoodie he was still wearing but now his lower half was totally exposed and the sight was quite alluring for both humans.
Jimin slowly removed his hand from his mouth and licked his suddenly dry lips. He felt oddly attracted to the petite boy on the floor while Jungkook was not even blinking once.
"Jun-" Taehyung's voice came out very hoarse and shaky and it was enough to pull Jungkook back to his senses.
The raven-haired frowned before jerking his head to clear his clouded head and marched forward to which Taehyung crawled back again.
"Tae.. i- it's ok. I am not going to hurt you." Jungkook softly tried and showed his hands, proving his point of being harmless.
"Let me get you to the bed.. hm?" He asked from the now brunet who glanced over at Jimin... that boy was giving him a very fierce look.
Taehyung tried to breathe normally but the way Jimin was looking at him was making him panic.
Jungkook when noticed that too, cast a glare at Jimin.
"Jim.. go out of the room." He ordered the small boy who kept glaring at the brunet on the floor.
"NO... I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE." Jimin lashed on Jungkook and Taehyung flinched at that.
Jungkook sighed and took big steps and picked up the boy. Taehyung felt a relief washed over him as his body came in contact with Jungkook's scent. He quickly hid his face in Jungkook's neck as the raven-haired lead him to the room, placed him on the bed, and quickly covered his lower half with a blanket... so that Jimin won't see his body.
Jimin was standing near the bed and again staring at the boy who slumped under the covers.. feeling tired again.
"Who are you? No.. actually.. WHAT ARE YOU?" Jimin snapped over Taehyung as he came back to his senses just after the brunet was fully covered.
"Damn. You were seducing me. What was that? I- I felt like I lost my mind for the whole time." Jimin blabbered looking back at Jungkook with wide eyes.
"Jimin.. leave the room please."
"No way. I want an answer. No, I need answers. What is he? What kind of creature he is? His scales... that t- tail." Jungkook sighed as his mind was solving the puzzles together, why he found the boy near the beach.. and he was naked... why he was unknown of everything on the land.
"He is a merman." Jungkook blurted out as his eyes were focused on nothing specific.
Taehyung's eyes were looking only at Jungkook, panic, fear, and disappointment was clear in his eyes. Jungkook walked over to him and raised his hand a little to which the brunet flinched.
"Don't be afraid, Tae." Jungkook softly said and Taehyung blinked his eyes and licked his dry lips.
"Y-you.. mad?" He asked in his hoarse and little voice and for some reason, Jungkook felt a pang in his heart. He quickly sat beside the boy and gently grabbed his both hands.
"No. Why would I be mad at you?" Taehyung sighed and tried to smile.
"Don't forget to give us the details of yesterday's behavior." Jimin butted in a bit harshly and Jungkook glared at him.
"Can't remember." Taehyung mumbled with disappointment. He truly can't remember anything from yesterday night except that he felt someone extremely close to his human.
Jungkook closed his eyes for a brief moment and settled himself properly on the bed and ran his thumb over Taehyung's hands softly.
"You are a merman.. right?" Taehyung hesitantly nodded and his eyes traveled to look at Jimin, who was biting his lips but when he saw Taehyung's eyes fixed on him, he quickly scowled.
Jungkook felt the tension in Taehyung's body.
"Don't worry, he won't tell anyone. Right, Jimin?"
"I am not a villain who would tell everyone.. HEY! SEE WE HAVE A MERMAN IN THIS HOUSE." Jungkook gave him a look that made him shut up quickly.
"Ok ok. I promise. I won't tell anyone. Definitely, I don't want to irritate Kook with all scientists and reporters bugging him all time." Taehyung pouted unconsciously at that and Jimin snickered.
"God! Look at him. Behaving all innocent and cute while he was about to kill me yesterday night."
"Jim.. please."
Taehyung bit his lips again and tried to recall that all he remembered was that Jimin was with Jungkook. Did he actually do that?
"I-- sorry. Please.. forgive me." He panicked as some horrible scenarios hit his innocent mind. Recalling what he did, his body trembled under Jungkook's hands and the raven-haired also panicked about that.
Jimin also felt bad when he saw Taehyung all fragile and vulnerable... looking so innocent to even hurt a fly. He muttered a few profanities under his breath when Jungkook was again glaring at him.
Walking forward towards the merman and taking a seat on the floor.. he slowly started.
"Don't worry. It's ok. I will forgive you but on one condition." Jungkook frowned at that while Taehyung nodded his head furiously, making Jimin coo at him.
"You have to tell me about you... in detail." Jungkook glanced between the two boys and questioned Jimin with his eyes when Taehyung fell silent while playing with Jungkook's finger.
"Storm... caused it." He started slowly and both males felt their ears perk up on that.
Jungkook's mind clicked and he ah-ed in acknowledgment.
"Yeah. There was a storm that evening and I found you around nightfall." Jungkook agreed and Taehyung again licked his dry lips. There was dry skin and that's why his lips were looking all pale. Jimin also noticed that and quickly rushed to the kitchen only to come back with a water bottle and gave it to Taehyung.
"Here.. drink it first." Taehyung smiled lightly and drank the whole bottle in one go.
"Th-- thank you." The way he thanked, Jimin again wanted to coo at him but shook his head.
"You lived- I mean.. your home is that sea?" Jungkook asked a bit curious and Taehyung again nodded his head.
"You could've gone back to your home.. why you didn't?" Jungkook asked with a frown and Taehyung smiled lightly again.
"I- bound to you." He replied shyly and both humans exchanged a look.
"Um.. what kind of bound?" Jimin asked.
"We are always protected-- from-- humans. Their touch- bound us." Taehyung tried to explain and Jungkook frowned again.
"But that man also touched you." He wasn't getting that how could he be bounded with him only?
Taehyung's heartbeat quickened at the thought and he blinked many times before answering.
"F- first human.. was you.."
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" Jimin slapped Jungkook's back and the raven-haired hissed in response causing the possessive mode of Taehyung to turn on.
"NO!." He half yelled at Jimin who grabbed his own hair, feeling all over-stressed.
"Ha! What's with him? One time all innocent and soft and in next all wild." Jungkook sighed but suddenly Jimin's mind lightened up like a blub.
"Oh my! Now I get it." Both boys waited for him to continue.
"He was angry with me because he found me near you, yesterday night same happened, and even now," Jimin explained with a wide smile, doing a loud clap of victory like he got the best answer, and Jungkook thought for a minute and nodded his head.
"You are possessive about me?" He asked Taehyung who tilted his head to the side, never heard of the word before.
"Um.. I mean. You don't like when I am with someone else." Jungkook used more easy words and Taehyung innocently nodded his head in agreement.
"See.. see. I am good with assumptions." Jimin said jumping in joy and Taehyung slightly smiled on that. While Jungkook was again in deep thoughts.
"But he was normal with Jin hyung." Jungkook actually said to Jimin who stopped immediately and looked back at Taehyung.
"You like Jin hyung.. but you hate me? What i did wrong, you blueberry boy?" Jimin looked offended.
"Brother." A single word and both humans caught it. Jungkook almost burst into laughter as Jimin rolled his eyes.
"I am his friend.. nothing else."
"Like.. crabbie and dolphi." Taehyung beamed and his eyes sparkled with joy that didn't go unnoticed by the two humans. The sweet scent hit Jungkook's brain at the speed of 450km per second and it was a lot.
While Jimin also felt a giddy feeling in his stomach. Indeed, the creature was so innocent.
"Forgive me?" Taehyung asked with his puppy eyes after a minute and Jimin offered his hand to which Taehyung stared.
"Friends?" Jimin asked and Taehyung nodded with a smile and did what he used to do with his friends..... the cutest thing Jimin and Jungkook ever saw.
He bumped his head onto Jimin's hand softly and caressed his nose over Jimin's palm.
Jimin felt his hand itching to touch Taehyung's skin more but he kept it cool and let the merman do whatever he wanted... enjoying the view with a pure smile. Never thought to feel so calm with a creature so unusual and unique.
One thing he didn't see the hawk and jealous eyes of Jungkook, who slightly tightened his grip over Taehyung's hands.
Assalam o alaikum.. How are you all? I know it's rushy but it would be a short story as compared to my other stories.
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