10: Shock
Ignore mistakes, please
Third person P.O.V
"T- Taehyung?"
Taehyung with now blue hairs didn't respond in turn and kept glaring at Jimin, his gaze just filled with rage, nothing like what it was a few moments ago.
Jungkook stepped forward more and tried to touch Taehyung but Jimin again shrieked loudly.
"JUNGKOOK! Don't do anything. He is dangerous. Stay away." The blond said as he tried to scoot away from the fuming blue-haired.
"MY HUMAN!" Taehyung again growled in a sort of inhuman voice and Jungkook first time flinched at the tone. It wasn't like Taehyung, the innocent boy who casually stumbled over words before speaking. He seems like a new person...
And Jungkook's breathing stopped for a second when he saw Taehyung's eyes, the beautiful ocean blue mixed with green was long gone and bright blue was glowing in those almond-shaped orbs.
He couldn't comprehend the situation.. he just couldn't until Jimin again yelled at him while standing on his legs but found that his elbow was hurt due to hard impact.
Taehyung gave a throaty growl at the words and was about to launch on the blond and that's when Jungkook came back to his senses, stepping in between the two males. One cowers behind Jungkook while the other seethes with anger.
"T- tae-" He breathed out hastily to stop the other and Taehyung's frown slowly disappeared as he slowly, very slowly moved his bright blue eyeballs to focus on the voice of the male.
Jungkook's heart was thumping very loudly when those eyes settled on his face and Taehyung tilted his head slightly.. giving a glimpse of a normal, innocent bean.
"H-hey! It's me... Jungkook." Jungkook said gently once he found that the other was calmed by his voice a bit. His eyes fell on those scales-like things on Taehyung's neck and he gulped when those slightly shone under the lights of the lamp.
Taehyung kept staring at Jungkook and Jimin slightly nudged raventte's back, a kind of gesture to run away from the spot but the other remained rooted.
"J- Ju-" Taehyung's voice was back to normal, he slowly blinked his eyes and Jungkook's eyes widened in horror just as Taehyung's eyes color changed right in front of his eyes... those scales started to disappear as the blue hair started to turn back into brown locks.
Jimin yelped in surprise at the scene as well and unconsciously Jungkook stepped back a little, taken aback by the very unusual sight.
Taehyung again blinked and tried to see his surroundings but his vision was clouded. He could feel Jungkook's presence but his mind was not working properly as he felt his body extremely tired... like the time when he used his powers in the ocean. In the end, he slowly closed his eyes, giving in the exhaustion.
Jungkook was still staring at him, eyes filled with little fear, seeing Taehyung standing in front of him, making no movements, confused and exhausted look.
A loud thud echoed in the room as Taehyung's body fell on the floor, surprising both males.
"Oh God! Let's run Kook.. he is.. what he is?" Jimin screeched slowly and tried to drag Jungkook away from the unconscious brunet on the floor.
But Jungkook yanked his hand away coming back to his senses. He was Taehyung, the innocent boy who knows nothing about this world. How he could be this much cruel to him?
Jimin frowned and again tried to grab Jungkook's shirt but the latter dodged it.
"Jungkook. What the hell are you doing? You know he is a monster. Stay away from him." Jimin warned in low voice, careful enough not to wake up the boy.
Jungkook sighed and crouched down and sneaked his arms under the unconscious boy and picked him up in his arms.
Jimin's eyes became like saucers when he whisper-yelled on Jungkook again.
"Leave him, Kook. We need to call the police. For sake! stay away from him."
"Shut it Jimin. He is not a threat.. at least not to me." Jungkook said calmly and walked to Taehyung's room. Jimin hesitantly followed him with the same expressions, still very much bewildered.
Jungkook laid the boy on the bed gently and covered him with the blanket. He observed his body and it looked slightly paler than before, with no sign of scales or any blue strand over his head.
"Listen Jimin, I know... I know it's not normal whatever happened a moment ago. But I am sure, he is not dangerous...he is not. He never tried to hurt me.. he is- he is very innocent." Jungkook was kind of desperate and Jimin rubbed his temples hearing that.
"Then? If he didn't hurt you before it doesn't mean that he won't hurt you again. Why you couldn't see the threat in his eyes? He turned into a.. a kind of those supernatural sea creatures. All blue..." Jimin blabbered, his eyes moving here and there, a clear sign of his distress from the previous event.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed at the words and he looked back at the unconscious boy. Taehyung was whimpering in his sleep.
Jungkook's eyes squinted as he noticed something and leaned down to see clearly, the other was crying in his sleep.. his tears slipped from the corner of his eyes and landed over the pillow but instead of being absorbed by the fabric, the tear remained like a drop over the pillow and slowly started to change its color.
"J- Jimin!" The said male quickly followed Jungkook's gaze and also leaned a bit to see clearly.
"His tear?" Jungkook nodded, eyes still watching the tear morphing into something else.
"WHAT THE!" Jimin yelled and jumped back as the tear morphed into a solid pearl, a beautiful pinkish pearl.
Jungkook gulped before grabbing the small pearl in between his forefinger and thumb. More tears fell on the pillow at that moment and went through the same process.
He moved his eyes between the pearl and the unconscious boy.
"Who are you Taehyung?"
Jimin was trying to scoot more closer to Jungkook but the other pushed him away with his leg.
"Maintain a distance, Jim." Jungkook growled and the male whined in response, scooting more closer to which Jungkook hissed.
"Jimin." He said in a threatening way.
"WHAT? I AM TRAUMATIZED. I am afraid. A freaking monster is in the next room and you are saying me to act normally." Jungkook's eyes softened the way other was slightly shaking under the blanket.
He sat up straight and grabbed Jimin's both hands as the latter was trying to soothe the pain in his arm with an ice pack.
"Look Jimin. I don't know what happened before but I am sure, there is some reason. He seems so out of himself. He wasn't like the one I know." Jungkook exclaimed with a very soft voice, his mind wandering around the scene when Taehyung's eyes changed.
Jimin bit his lip also admitting the thing, Taehyung was looking so changed, not physically but his aura was also changed.
"Please, talk to him once he wakes up," Jimin suggested and gently patted Jungkook's hand, giving him an assuring smile.
"Thanks, Jim." Jungkook genuinely smiled and covered his best friend with the blanket. He took the ice pack from the other and placed it on the side table in a tray.
"Now have a good sleep." He said and the blond finally fell asleep after a few minutes. Jungkook smiled the way his best friend was muttering incoherent words in sleep.
Jimin was the boy who was clinging to him for years and never left him alone. Like that, he was staying over to make the other feel safe, that's how deep their relationship was.
He turned back to see the few pearls shining on the side table which he picked up from Taehyung's room before. He got up from the bed and continued watching the pearls closely.
"They look so unique.. just like you." He mumbled, caressing the smooth surface of the precious small balls but the words of Jimin echoed in his ears.
"Supernatural sea creature."
The raven-haired sighed and unconsciously started walking toward Taehyung's room. The brunet was still out but not crying anymore but he still looked so exhausted, like he was drained out of energy.
Jungkook walked closer to the bed and his hand made its way to the soft skin of the sleeping male. He gently caressed the cheekbone and sighed in contentment as the softness was spreading under his digits.
Taehyung's eyes fluttered a bit in his sleep but he didn't open them. Jungkook felt his heart wrenched when he realized the little collection of pearls on another side of the pillow, some rolled down on the mattress as well.
He couldn't wait to know more about the boy. He should feel dejected that other was definitely hiding something from him, but he didn't feel anything like that. Instead, he felt oddly concerned about the boy.
"Wake up soon please." He mumbled softly and retreated his hand.
In the morning, his eyes were bloodshot red with visible bags under them. He ruffled his already messy hair and walked back to his room only to find Jimin already changed in his clothes.
"Where were you? Wait- did you even get some sleep? You look like a zombie." Jimin frowned when he saw Jungkook's condition.
"I couldn't sleep last night. How about you?" He asked walking to his golden closet to take out the outfit for the office.
Jimin slightly peeked his head out of the room and Jungkook rolled his eyes at that.
"He isn't a monster Jim. By the way, he is still sleeping." Jungkook huffed and Jimin scrunched his nose before walking out of the room to the kitchen to serve himself with healthy breakfast.
"I don't want to go to the office," Jungkook muttered once trudging out of the bathroom combing his hair, he heard a loud scream from the outside. He quickly threw the comb to the side and rushed to Taehyung's room.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Jungkook asked, totally freaked out.
Jimin pointed towards the bathroom where the door was opened and Jungkook's eyes widened when he realized that Taehyung wasn't on the bed anymore.
With his shaky legs, he walked towards the bathroom and his eyes almost bulged out of the sockets.
There was the again blue haired boy with his blue eyes but the thing that was surprising him most... was the
Blue shiny tail of other...
Assalam o alaikum. It's been more than a month. I apologise my lovely readers. ☹. KookiesQueen0 specially on your request hun💜
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