Theresa's Pov
"So, tell me why you couldn't trust me with this?" Ijeoma folded her arms and glared at me.
"I'm sorry Ijeoma. You're my friend, a very close friend. I thought you would react like......."
"Those nurses?"
Exactly I thought.
"Well, sorry to disappoint but I'm not like them"
"I know that now and I'm sorry for misjudging you"
It seemed like she was battling with something but after a while she nodded.
"Well, you know I don't hold grudges for long. So apology accepted"
She smiled and this also brought a smile on my face.
Ever since I met Ijeoma, I never regretted ever being friends with her.
Our friendship dated back to the first time I started working in the hospital.
She was the first that ever befriended me. She was really cheerful and crazy to boot.
"So how are you feeling with all these divorce thing?" She asked with a concerned look.
"To be honest, I'm really getting used to it. I don't know how I was able to pull off hiding my marital status for so long."
Ijeoma chuckled. "You shouldn't have hid it. You're no longer with your husband,and so what? It's not the end of the world abeg (please). After all you're not the only one that has ever divorced. Go to the US and you'll be surprised to see a lot of single mothers out there, still rocking it,with a smile on their faces. "
" This is Africa, Ijeoma"
"Yes, I agree with you. We always like to put a label on a lot of things. This is the 21st century but we're still bounded by our culture. Would you prefer staying in a marriage where you're always abused? Just because you're afraid of the stigma?"
"My dear" She continued "Gone are those days when a woman is expected to receive the full brunt of her husband's abuse and still remain in the marriage. Even if the woman dies, it's not a crime. The man will just quickly marry another woman and life goes on"
She was right, I sighed deeply and said "I feel liberated you know. Like a weight is finally off my shoulders"
"You should feel that way. How are your kids? How are they dealing with this?"
"They're already getting used to it. John is calm, shockingly"
"Weird" Ijeoma's brow furrowed "He doesn't ask about his dad?"
"He doesn't. He seems okay with it. I feel his perception of him changed after that fateful night"
I paused there. Didn't want to go any further. I still have nightmares about that night. If I had the money, I would've gone for a therapy.
"You still don't want to tell me what happened that night?"
I felt tears trickling down my cheeks. If I had the power to erase memories, this will be the first to go.
"Hey" Ijeoma walked towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder, consoling me. "If you don't want to talk about it, then don't. The wounds are still fresh, I know. Thank God, you've gotten rid of that beast. Who knows what his current wife is passing through with him"
"That's why....." I said in between sobs. "I don't want Eliza to go near him. He's definitely a beast"
"Eliza needs to know who he really is, Theresa. You can't continue to shield her forever."
And she was right. Eliza needed to see for herself who her father really is.
* * * * * * *
Eliza wasn't surprised when she walked into the library and Chioma was nowhere to be found. It has always been like this since they started their group study. Eliza knew what she went through to secure the library so it will always be opened after school.
She had to go an extra mile to put her signature in a paper, holding her accountable if something goes missing in the library and she was entrusted the key.
She's taking a risk here but Chioma is not taking this seriously.
Eliza shook her head vehemently as she dropped her school bag and sat on one of the chairs, tapping her right foot while waiting for Chioma. She brought out her phone and decided to spend some time with it.
As she went straight to her Instagram page, curiosity drove her to search Chika's name. As she did, she wasn't surprised at what she saw.
Chika packed huge followers. She really had a solid fan base.
Mmm, for you to be a social media influencer, you need to be popular, it's part of the job. Plus, she's a rich kid, that's an added bonus. Eliza thought.
She cringed as she scrolled through her pictures. The way she exposed her bare back in short skimpy dresses.
Eliza never failed to notice a picture of her wearing only her panties and bra.
Mmm, she should go nude so we'll know that she's really dedicated to her job. She thought.
Eliza's real reason of entering Chika's page was to see if she made some sort of apology whatsoever to her but she didn't. Eliza knew that Chika would never try such a thing.
She was too haughty and pompous to do such.
Eliza hid her phone as she heard footsteps in form of heels coming towards the library. She thought it was a teacher who might've stayed behind for one thing or the other but luckily it was Chioma. Eliza forgot that Chioma was the only student who had a school shoe with heels. Weird right? But this is Chioma, always ready to make a statement.
When Chioma entered, she had a grin on her face, like she was laughing.
Eliza became confused but it quickly dissipated when Isaac appeared behind her. They were both laughing at something.
Eliza wasn't surprised now because they were already an item. The school already tagged them the 'hottest couple in school'. They were always together now.
Yes, everyone believed that they were a couple but Eliza couldn't really believe it, she didn't want to. It hurt to see them together everyday in school and it's heartbreaking but Eliza wanted to see an evidence that they were really a couple.
But this is the proof right in front of her!! What more proof does she want?!
"Hey,sorry for making you wait" Chioma said as she dropped her school bag on the table with a loud thump. "We were having rehearsals for the school play"
Isaac went straight to the bookshelves, busily browsing through books.
What! A school play?!!
"You're in a school play?" Eliza asked her.
"Yes, of course. If I don't take part in it, who will?" Chioma beamed as she sat down facing her.
"But what about our lesson?"Eliza asked her.
Eliza should've been informed first about this but no, Chioma went ahead to get involved in some stupid school play!!when she knew that it will rob them of their study time!!
"Because as far as I know" Eliza continued. "You've been slacking! making me wait for you to arrive when it should be the other way around!!"
Eliza realized she'd been fuming all this while.
Chioma was taken aback at Eliza's sudden outburst.
"Look" Eliza continued "If you don't want to do this anymore, just say the word because I have important things to do as well!"
If she could say that Chioma's tardiness was the only thing she was furious about, then she was lying. It was more than that.
As Chioma opened her mouth to speak, Amaka appeared in the doorway suddenly.
Great, this one is still in school. Why haven't they all gone home? Eliza thought as she resumed tapping her right foot, furiously this time.
"Hi" Amaka waved "sorry for the disturbance but Chioma, Mrs Ogechi wants to see you"
The teacher is still in school. I think this group study thingy is not gonna work out. She thought.
Amaka's smile slowly appeared. "Guess who's the lead role in the play?"
"Oh my God" Chioma rose up quickly "Are you serious?!"
Amaka nodded.
Chioma turned to Eliza. "Eliza, I'll be right back. Don't move a muscle"
And she dashed out with Amaka.
Eliza tightened her jaw and clenched her fist as she decided right there and then that she was done tutoring Chioma.
As she rose up, packing her books, someone snapped her out of her thought.
"Just give her a break, alright?"
Eliza whirled around and spotted Isaac who was still in that same spot, holding a book. Eliza almost forgot that Isaac was there.
"Give her a break?" Eliza scoffed and folded her arms, striking a defensive pose. "Why should I give her a break when she was the one that requested this. I'm not being strict with her!"
"You've always been like this, haven't you? So stiff"
"I'm not stiff!" Eliza retorted.
"Stuck up?" Isaac smirked.
Eliza walked towards him with her right hand on her hip. "I'm not stuck up"
"How about 'too serious'?" Isaac took a step towards her. "Just like the principal, I think you guys are kindred spirits"
"I'm not too serious either"
They stopped in front of each other and Eliza had to look up to meet his gaze.
"I can be fun" Eliza said.
Isaac scoffed. "Really, fun?"
"Yes" Eliza affirmed.
"Mmm," Isaac touched his jaw. "You know, I remember the first time I met you, you were gearing up to pounce on someone"
Eliza lowered her gaze, ashamed of how Isaac viewed her. "I'm not always like that"
"But you know I'm saying the truth, right?"
Eliza looked up and met his gaze.
"Is Chioma fun?"
Where did that come from?
Eliza bit her lip as she chided herself for her outburst.
When did you start becoming jealous?
"We are not talking about Chioma here"
Exactly, don't mind me.
"Right, so......"
"So?" He repeated.
Okay, here it goes.
Eliza breathed in deeply and continued. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."
Isaac's brow furrowed. "Snapping? When did you do that?"
"In front of the bathroom stall?"
"Relax, it's all in the past. You're forgiven"
"Yeah" He smiled and Eliza smiled in return, a blush appearing on her face.
"So about you being allergic to fun....."
"I'm not allergic to fun!"
He chuckled. "Okay, if you say so."
"Okay, I'm going to prove to you that I'm actually a fun person."
His eyebrows puckered up with interest.
"Oh, what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to participate in one of the school performances"
He had this devilish glint in his eyes. "I dare you"
"Oh, you're daring me now"
"Okay, I'll prove you wrong"
"Prove who wrong?"
Eliza whirled around and saw Chioma who appeared behind her.
She had this scowl on her face. Her eyes darting from her face to his,waiting for a response.
"I'll see you around, Eliza" He smiled and walked out.
"What's going on?"
Chioma asked, suspicion written all over her face. "Prove who wrong?"
"Nothing. We were just talking"
Eliza smiled inwardly and returned back to her seat. She remembered her initial plan to quit tutoring her,but it wouldn't be fair to Chioma, so she decided to continue because she had a conscience.
Chioma nodded but still had a neutral expression.
"I'm ready, let's start"
Eliza couldn't help but ask what has been bothering her. She decided to voice it out. "Is the rumor true? Are you and Isaac in a relationship?"
"Since the rumor says it's true, then it's true right?" She beamed as she clasped her hands together. "Aren't we perfect for each other?"
Eliza only nodded and focused on what was in front of them.
Yeah, right. She thought.
Jealousy is really a bad thing.
Is Eliza jealous? Like, is she really jealous?
Are Chioma and Isaac in a real relationship?
Drop your comments in the box below and vote, vote and vote.
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