I've come to except that I am replaceable
I've come to expect that people will get bored of me
I've come to expect that no matter what, people will just leave me in the end
Though I wish it wasn't this way
There is only so much I can do
I am replaceable
I am something people throw away
I am
I guess you can say I'm used to it
I guess you could say I should have seen it coming
I guess you could say I'm hopeless when it comes to loving others
I wish I wasn't
I wish I wouldn't
But with being replaceable
You can only hope someone finds value in your presence
You can only hope someone values your thoughts
You can only hope someone wants you
I am tired of being replaceable
I've looked for ways to keep people around
I am not an attention whore
I am not clingy
Nor do I invade their personal bubble
So what is wrong with me
Why have I become so replaceable
Why do I not have value
People say they value me
People say they care
People say they will stay
But they never do
Maybe I'm a monster
Maybe I'm a useless person
Maybe I just hold no human value
But I would rather you tell me to my face that I hold no value
I would rather you tell me I am no longer needed in your life
I would rather you tell me you hate me
Than continue to play these games
Don't tell me I'm important if it takes you 3-5 BUSINESS days to reply to me
Don't tell me I'm important if you change your name and not even tell me but tell everyone else
Don't tell me I'm important if you just stop talking to me with no explanation and try to talk to me again as if nothing happened
I know that I'm replaceable
I fucking know okay
It shows in everyone's actions
I am forgettable
I am replaceable
I am
I just want someone to value me
I just want someone to see me as important for once
I wish I wasn't replaceable
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