No matter what
I will always be here
I will always be beside you
To guide you
To love you
To support you
But that was a lie
A lie that came spitting out your Mouth
when you decided I wasn't good enough
I was just needed for your entertainment
Your pleasure
So you could use me
Break me
Make others see me different
Even hate me
But I tell you it's okay
That I forgive you
And all your mistakes
Because my heart is too soft
To forgiving
To accepting
For the people around me
So I tell you no matter what
I'll always be where you need me
Because you weren't for me
And my heart doesn't like fighting
Fire with Fire
Or hurt with hate
So I will fight you with kindness
Shower you with love
Buy you gifts
Invite you to my parties
To my house
Let you break my things
And say it's an accident
So then you will
See different
And accept
That you are also broken
And we can be broken together
And understand
That pain
Shapes you
Changes you
And makes you not want people anymore
But I choose to show you colors
So that the darkness doesn't make you afraid
So you can live again
And help someone else when I am gone
Because I disappear when you don't need me
Because I am to guide you
To help you see colors
And yes I do apologize for the inconvenience
And the hurt after
But people will call me an imaginary friend
But no
I was your guardian angel
Who broke laws to help you
Because I couldn't bare see you like this
Having your world colorless
So with my love
From my soul
You are at peace
And you can be someone else's colors
To give them so much love it hurts
So they can see colors too
And know what love is
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